Over the following steps, we’ll guide you on how to deploy and configure Oxla on AWS.


⚠️ You need to have an active AWS account. 

⚠️ Ensure that your billing details are up-to-date. AWS Marketplace charges will appear on your AWS bill.

⚠️ Your IAM user account should have permissions to subscribe to and manage software in the AWS Marketplace.

⚠️  Ensure the product is available in the AWS region where you intend to deploy it


Step 1: Subscribe to Oxla

  1. Go to the AWS Marketplace and type Oxla in the search field.
  2. Select Oxla from the search results.
  1. Click on the Subscribe button.

Step 2: Manage Subscriptions

After subscribing, you will find Oxla in the Manage Subscriptions page.

Step 3: Launch Oxla Cluster

  1. From the Manage Subscriptions page, click on Launch CloudFormation stack to configure Oxla.
  2. You will go to the “Configure this software” prompt, where you need to configure the following:
    • Under the fulfillment option, select Oxla Cluster Stack.
    • Select the latest software version.
    • Choose a region where you want to deploy Oxla.
  3. Click Continue to Launch.
  4. You will go to the “Launch this software” page. Select Launch CloudFormation.
  5. Click Launch to proceed.

Step 4: Specify Stack Details

  1. On the “CloudFormation template” page, you don’t need to change anything, so click Next.
  2. Fill in the Stack details:
Stack nameThe stack name.
AvailabilityZoneAvailability zone of your choice. This field is mandatory.
ExistingS3BucketNameThe S3 bucket name. You can also leave this field empty to allow AWS to create a new S3 bucket.
InstanceTypeThe instance type. Available options are c5a.2xlarge, c5a.4xlarge, c5a.8xlarge.
IsPubliclyAccessibleSet to true or false, depending on whether you want the cluster to be publicly accessible.
NodeNumberThe node number. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 16.
OxlaVersionThe default oxla version.
OxlaWhitelistedCidrThe CIDR range. Only specified CIDR will have access to the Oxla cluster.
  1. Click Next to continue by adjusting the configuration to your personal needs.

Step 5: Accessing Oxla

  1. Once the stack is successfully deployed, go to CloudFormationStacks →select your stack.
  2. Find the OxlaEndpoint in the Outputs section.
  3. Connect to your Oxla cluster using PSQL, for example:
psql -h [OxlaEndpoint] -p 5432