COPY FROM is used to import data from a file into a table by reading from the file directly. When using the COPY FROM, each field in the file is inserted sequentially into the specified column.
The syntax for COPY FROM is as follows:
COPY table_name FROM 'file_path';
Two parameters need to be specified in the syntax:
: the table that will receive data from the file. -
: a link to the file location accessible from the server.
Step #1: Create a CSV File
First, you should create a CSV file and store it on your local computer. Here, we make a file called “feature2.csv” that stores features with its version.
create a table, 1.0 modify a table, 1.2 drop a table, 2.2 rename a table, 2.0
Step #2: Import FIle from Local to Server
You can use the syntax below for importing the file to the server:
aws s3 cp ~/[file location on your local computer] s3://[server location]/[file name]
Next, import the file to the server using the above syntax as shown below:
aws s3 cp ~/Documents/feature2.csv s3://oxla-testdata/cayo/feature2.csv
If it’s successfully imported, you will get the following result:
upload: Documents/feature2.csv to s3://oxla-testdata/cayo/feature2.csv
Step #3: Connect to Oxla Server
The file has been successfully uploaded to the server ✅. Now, connect to the Oxla server using the command below:
psql -h -p 6000
If you get the output below, you are currently in the Oxla environment.
psql (15.1 (Ubuntu 15.1-1.pgdg22.10+1), server Oxla 1.0)
WARNING: psql major version 15, server major version 0.0.
Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.
Step #4: Create a Table
Before creating a table, check for duplicate tables with the statement below:
In return, you will retrieve a list of existing tables in the Oxla.
| name |
| supplier_scale_1_no_index |
| features |
| orders |
| features2 |
| featurestable |
| featurestable1 |
| featurestable10 |
We need to create a table to retrieve the data from the CSV file. Here we will create a “featurelisttable” table. Using the same data type as described in the file is recommended.
CREATE TABLE featurelisttable (featurename string, version float);
Step #5: Copy the CSV File Into Table
Now, copy “feature2.csv” by executing the COPY FROM query below:
COPY featurelisttable FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/feature2.csv';
You will get the following successful result:
(0 rows)
Step #6: Retrieve the Table
To verify that the data was imported correctly from the server, retrieve all the data using the SELECT statement:
SELECT * FROM featurelisttable;
You will have the same data in the table as in the CSV file.
| featurename | version |
| create a table | 1 |
| modify a table | 1.2 |
| drop a table | 2.2 |
| rename a table | 2 |