
When running COPY FROM queries, you should have the option to include the endpoint URL. This feature is especially useful for scenarios where you need to provide credentials and specific endpoints.


The syntax is as follows:

COPY table_name FROM 'file_path' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'aws_region', AWS_KEY_ID "
      "'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 'endpoint_url'));
Replace AWS_CRED with AZURE_CRED or GCS_CRED when copying from the Azure Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage.

Here’s the breakdown of syntax parameters:

  • Shared parameters:

    • table_name: table that will receive data from the file
    • file_path: link to the file location accessible from the server
  • Parameters in AWS_CRED:

    • aws_region: AWS region associated with the storage service (e.g. ‘region1’)
    • key_id: key identifier for authentication
    • access_key: access key for authentication
    • endpoint_url: URL endpoint for the storage service
  • Parameters in GCS_CRED:

    • <path_to_credentials>: path to JSON credentials file
  • Parameters in AZURE_CRED:

    • tenant_id: tenant identifier representing your organization’s identity in Azure
    • client_id: client identifier used for authentication
    • client_secret: secret identifier acting as a password for authentication.


COPY FROM with AWS S3 Bucket

In this example, we are using the COPY FROM statement to import data from a file named students_file and the endpoint is s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com.

COPY students FROM 'students_file' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'region1', AWS_KEY_ID "
      "'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 's3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com'));

Expected Output: Data from students_file is copied into the students table

COPY FROM with Google Cloud Storage

This example shows how to use the COPY FROM statement to import data, but this time, the data is stored on Google Cloud Storage;

COPY project FROM 'gs://your-bucket/project_file' (GCS_CRED('/path/to/credentials.json'));

You can also copy the data using the AWS_CRED like below, with the following endpoint https://storage.googleapis.com.

COPY project FROM 'project_file' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'region1', AWS_KEY_ID "
      "'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 'https://storage.googleapis.com'));

Expected Output: Data from project_file is copied into the project table.

For Google Cloud Storage, it’s recommended to use HMAC keys for authentication. You can find more details about that on the HMAC keys - Cloud Storage page.

COPY FROM with Azure BlobStorage

It’s a similar story for getting the data from Azure Blob Storage.

COPY taxi_data FROM 'wasbs://container-name/your_blob' (AZURE_CRED(TENANT_ID 'your_tenant_id' CLIENT_ID 'your_client_id', CLIENT_SECRET 'your_client_secret'));

Expected Output: Data from the your_blob is copied into the taxi_data.