
The COPY TO now allows specifying an endpoint URL where credentials and specific endpoints need to be provided.


The syntax for using the enhanced COPY TO statement is as follows:

COPY table_name TO 'file_path' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'aws_region', AWS_KEY_ID 
      'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 'endpoint_url'));

Parameters in the syntax include:

  • table_name: The table containing the data to be exported.

  • file_path: The CSV file location accessible from the server.

  • aws_region: The AWS region associated with the storage service (e.g., ‘region1’).

  • key_id: The key identifier for authentication.

  • access_key: The access key for authentication.

  • endpoint_url: The URL endpoint for the storage service.


Case #1: COPY TO with AWS S3 Bucket

In this example, we use the COPY TO statement to export data from a students table to a CSV file named students_file.

COPY students TO 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/students_file' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'region1', AWS_KEY_ID 
      'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 's3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com'));

Expected Output: student table data is copied to the students_file on AWS S3.

Case #2: COPY TO with Google Cloud Storage

This example shows how to use the COPY TO statement to export data, but this time, the data is stored on Google Cloud Storage.

COPY project TO 'gs://your-bucket/project_file' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'region1', AWS_KEY_ID 
      'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 'https://storage.googleapis.com'));

Expected Output: Data from the project table is copied to the project_file on Google Cloud Storage.