
The SHOW NODES returns the current state of the cluster.

The SHOW NODES statement is not case-sensitive. So, show nodes, Show Nodes, and SHOW NODES all do the same thing.


To view the current cluster state, execute the following statement:


You’ll see a table with information about each node in the cluster like this:

     name      | election_state  | followers_count | connected_nodes_count | degradation_error 
 n_oxla_node_1 | LEADER_FOLLOWER |               0 |                     3 | 
 n_oxla_node_3 | LEADER          |               3 |                     3 | 
 n_oxla_node_2 | LEADER_FOLLOWER |               0 |                     3 | 
(3 rows)

Each row represents the state of an individual node within the cluster.

  • name: The name of the node.

  • election_state:  The current state of the node (e.g., LEADER). Leader node oversees whole cluster.

  • followers_count: Number of nodes following the leader which applies to the leader node.

  • connected_nodes_count: Total nodes connected, including itself.

  • degradation_error: Shows an error message if the node is not working correctly; otherwise, it shows NULL.