The Operator data type is any parsed expression that returns a value. An operator is used in the form of a special symbol or function.

The following table shows a list of logical operators that Oxla supports:

RelationalEqual to=This shows that the value of one item is equal to another item’s value.cust_name = 'Mike'
RelationalGreater than>This shows that the value of one item is greater than another item’s value.stock_value > 10
RelationalLess than<This shows that the value of one item is less than another item’s value.stock_value < 20
RelationalNot equal to<> or !=Indicates that the value of one item is not equal to the other item’s value.subj_score != 'FAILED'
RelationalGreater than or equal to>=Indicates that the value of one item is greater than or equal to the other item’s value.prod_price >= 3000
RelationalLess than or equal to<=Indicates that the value of one item is less than or equal to the other item’s value.prod_price <= 9000
LogicalNotNOTIt shows a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE.NOT true = false
LogicalIs nullIS NULLUsed to check for empty values (NULL values).WHERE empsalary IS NULL;