We allow aliases that can be used interchangeably with the primary data types. However, while these aliases can be used, they will be mapped to their corresponding primary data types during data processing.

Here, we’ll discuss the numeric data type aliases:


The INTEGER alias is an alternative name for the INT data type. For example, the following two queries are functionally the same:

CREATE TABLE ExampleTable (
    id INTEGER,

-- Functionally the same as the previous table
CREATE TABLE AnotherTable (
    id INT,
It’s important to note that even though INTEGER is used, the data is stored and treated as INT.

LONG Alias

The LONG alias is often used to represent larger integer values. For example:

CREATE TABLE LargeValues (
    value LONG,

-- Functionally the same as the previous table
CREATE TABLE LargeValuesEquivalent (
    value BIGINT,
Any usage of LONG is stored and treated as BIGINT.


The FLOAT alias corresponds to the REAL data type. For example:

CREATE TABLE FloatExample (
    price FLOAT,

-- Functionally the same as the previous table
CREATE TABLE FloatEquivalent (
    price REAL,
When you use FLOAT, it’s stored and treated as REAL.


The DOUBLE alias is used to define DOUBLE PRECISION floating-point numbers. For example:

CREATE TABLE DoubleExample (
    measurement DOUBLE,

-- Functionally the same as the previous table
CREATE TABLE DoubleEquivalent (
    measurement DOUBLE PRECISION,
When you use DOUBLE, it’s stored and treated as DOUBLE PRECISION.