Int Type

The INT data type is whole numbers, and they do not have decimal numbers. This is 32-bit signed and has a limit from -2147483648 to 2147483647.


column_name INT


The following is an example of how to create a column using an INT type:

    city_id INT,
    cityname TEXT,
    population INT
INSERT INTO cities (city_id, cityname, population)
(8557411, 'New York', 8419000),
(8557421, 'London', 8982000),
(8557451, 'Hongkong', 7482000),
(8557491, 'Seoul', 9776000);

Now, run the following query to display the cities table:

SELECT * FROM cities;

It will show the cities table as shown below:

| city_id  | cityname  | population |
| 8557411  | New York  | 8419000    |
| 8557421  | London    | 8982000    |
| 8557451  | Hongkong  | 7482000    |
| 8557491  | Seoul     | 9776000    |

Bigint Type

The BIGINT data type is similar to an Integer but is designed to store numbers exceeding the INT range limit. This is 64-bit signed and has a limit from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.


column_name BIGINT


The following is an example of how to create a column using the BIGINT type:

CREATE TABLE galaxies (
    galaxy_name TEXT,
    star BIGINT
INSERT INTO galaxies (galaxy_name, star)
('Milky Way', 100000000000),
('Cigar', 30000000000),
('Andromeda', 1000000000000),
('Cosmos', 2000000000000000000);

Now, run the following query to display the table:

SELECT * FROM galaxies;

You will get the galaxy names and their stars as the final output:

| galaxy_name   | star                |
| Milky Way     | 100000000000        |
| Cigar         | 30000000000         |
| Andromeda     | 1000000000000       |
| Cosmos        | 2000000000000000000 |

Real Type

The REAL data type is a 32-bit floating-point number.


column_name REAL


1. Create a Table

Here, we are creating a table named “numbers” with a REAL column type.

CREATE TABLE numbers (
    column_1 REAL

INSERT into numbers (column_1)
VALUES (1.234568);

Display the table with the following query:

SELECT * FROM numbers;

The following table shows that the column contains at least six decimal digits:

| column_1   |
| 1.234568   |

2. Rounding

Rounding might happen if the precision of an input number is too high.

CREATE TABLE numbers1 (
column_1 REAL

INSERT into numbers1 (column_1)
VALUES (1.2345689);

Display the table with the following query:

SELECT * FROM numbers1;

The following table shows that the column can contain at least six decimal digits; the rest is rounded off:

| column_1   |
| 1.234569   |

3. Create a Table With Numbers Exceeding the Range

The REAL type only stores 32-bit floating-point numbers. In this example, we input the numbers that exceed the range:

CREATE TABLE numbers2 (
    column_1 REAL

INSERT into numbers2 (column_1)
VALUES (1.2345682991822);

Display the table with the following query:

SELECT * FROM numbers2;

The final output will only return numbers that match the range.

| column_1   |
| 1.2345684  |

Double Precision Type

The DOUBLE PRECISION data type is a 64-bit floating-point number.




1. Create a Table

Here, we are creating a table named numbersdouble with a DOUBLE PRECISION type column.

CREATE TABLE numbersdouble (

INSERT into numbersdouble (column_1)
VALUES (1.234568817283122);

Display the table with the following query:

SELECT * FROM numbersdouble;

The following result shows that the column contains sixteen decimal digits, following the **at least **15 decimal digit rule:

| column_1           |
| 1.234568817283122  |

2. Rounding

Rounding might happen if the precision of an input number is too high.

CREATE TABLE numbersdouble1 (

INSERT into numbersdouble1 (column_1)
VALUES (1.234568817283122773);

Display the table with the following query:

SELECT * FROM numbersdouble1;

The following result shows that the column can contain at least fifteen decimal digits:

| column_1            |
| 1.2345688172831228  |