Aggregate functions compute a single result from a set of input values. Oxla supports the following functions:

SUMCalculates and returns the sum of all values.
MINCalculates and returns the minimum value.
FOR_MINCalculates and returns a value corresponding to the minimal metric in the same row from a set of values.
MAXCalculates and returns the maximum value.
FOR_MAXCalculates and Returns a value corresponding to the maximum metric in the same row from a set of values.
AVGCalculates and returns the average value.
COUNTCounts the number of rows.
BOOL_ANDCalculates the boolean of all the boolean values in the aggregated group. FALSE if at least one of aggregated rows is FALSE
BOOL_ORCalculates the boolean of all the boolean values in the aggregated group. TRUE if at least one of aggregated rows is TRUE.
You can utilize the aggregate functions with the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses in the SELECT statement.