
The CONCAT() function is used to concatenate all inputs that consist of one or more values into one result.

The input and return types we support can be seen in the table below.

concat types

💡Special cases: Returns NULL if there are no input rows or NULL values.


Case 1: Basic CONCAT() function

The below example uses the CONCAT() function to concatenate three values = into a single result:

SELECT CONCAT ('Oxla', '.', 'com') AS "Website";

The final result will be as follows:

| Website    |
| Oxla.com   |

Case 2: CONCAT() function using column

We have an example of a payment table that stores customer payment data.

CREATE TABLE payment (
  paymentid int,
  custFirstName string,
  custLastName string,
  product string,
  ordertotal int
    (paymentid, custFirstName, custLastName, product, ordertotal)
SELECT * FROM payment;

The above query will display the following table:

| paymentid  | custFirstName  | custLastName   | product      | ordertotal    |
| 9557451    | Alex           | Drue           | Latte        | 2.10          |
| 9557421    | Lana           | Rey            | Latte        | 2.10          |
| 9557411    | Tom            | Hanks          | Americano    | 1.85          |
| 9557351    | Maya           | Taylor         | Cappuccino   | 2.45          |
| 9557321    | Smith          | Jay            | Cappuccino   | 2.45          |
| 9557311    | Will           | Ritchie        | Americano    | 1.85          |

The following query will concatenate values in the custFirstName and custLastName columns of the payment table:

SELECT CONCAT  (custFirstName, ' ', custLastName) AS "Customer Name"
FROM payment;

It will display an output where spaces separate the first and last names.

| Customer Name   |
| Tom Hanks       |
| Lana Rey        |
| Alex Drue       |
| Will Ritchie    |
| Smith Jay       |
| Maya Taylor     |

Case 3: CONCAT() function with NULL

We use the CONCAT() function in the following example to concatenate a string with a NULL value:

SELECT CONCAT('Talent Source ',NULL) AS "concat";

The result shows that the CONCAT function will skip the NULL value:

| concat           |
| Talent Source    |