To help you query JSON data, Oxla provides some functions that will be used to operate and manipulate the JSON data. The functions are as follows:

JSON_EXTRACT_PATH()It extracts JSON sub-object at the specified path.
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT()It returns text referenced by a series of path elements in a JSON string or JSON body.
JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH()It returns the number of elements in the outer array of a JSON string or JSON body.
JSON_ARRAY_EXTRACT()It returns the JSON array as a set of JSON values. 

Operators are used to specify conditions when using JSON functions. Oxla also supports JSON operators as listed below:

->It gets & returns the element of the JSON array.'[{"a":"cab"},{"b":"bac"},{"c":"abc"}]'::json -> 2
->It gets & returns the JSON object field.'{"a": {"b":"abc"}}'::json -> 'a'
->>It gets & returns the element of the JSON array as text.'[11,22,33]'::json ->> 2
->>It gets & returns the JSON object field as text.'{"a":13,"b":33}'::json ->> 'b'