These trigonometric functions in Oxla take arguments and return values of type double precision and real.

acosIt calculates the inverse cosine of a given argument, where the output is expressed in radians.acos(argument)select acos(1); It will return: 0
acosdIt calculates the inverse cosine of a given argument, where the output is expressed in degrees.acosd(argument)select acosd(0.5); It will return: 60
asinIt calculates the inverse sine of a given argument, where the output is expressed in radians.asin(argument)select asin(1); It will return: 1.5707963267948966
asindIt calculates the inverse sine of a given argument, where the output is expressed in degrees.asind(argument)select asind(0.5); It will return: 30
atanIt calculates the inverse tangent of a given argument, where the output is expressed in radians.atan(argument)select atan(1); It will return: 0.7853965
atandIt calculates the inverse tangent of a given argument, where the output is expressed in degrees.atand(argument)select atand(1); It will return: 44.99990469434657
atan2It calculates the inverse tangent of y/x, where the output is expressed in radians.atan2(y_value, x_value)``y_value & x_value are in double precision atan2(1, 0); It will return: 1.5707963267948966
atan2dIt calculates the inverse tangent of y/x, where the output is expressed in degrees.atan2d(y_value, x_value)``y_value & x_value are in double precision atan2d(1, 0); It will return: 90
cosIt calculates the cosine of a given argument, where the argument is in radians.cos(argument)select cos(0); It will return: 1
cosdIt calculates the cosine of a given argument, where the argument is in degrees.cosd(argument)select cosd(60); It will return: 0.5000000000000001
cotIt calculates the cotangent of a given argument, where the argument is in radians.cot(argument)select cot(0.5); It will return: 1.8304877
cotdIt calculates the cotangent of a given argument, where the argument is in degrees.cotd(argument)select cotd(45); It will return: 1.0000000000000002
sinIt calculates the sine of a given argument, where the argument is in radians.sin(argument)select sin(1); It will return: 0.8414709848078965
sindIt calculates the sine of a given argument, where the argument is in degrees.sind(argument)select sind(30); It will return: 0.49999999999999994
tanIt calculates the tangent of a given argument, where the argument is in radians.tan(argument)select tan(1); It will return: 1.5574077246549023
tandIt calculates the tangent of a given argument, where the argument is in degrees.tand(argument)select tand(45); It will return: 0.9999999999999999