
OXLA fully supports comments in your queries. Comments provide a way to add explanatory notes and improve the readability of queries, making it easier for developers and stakeholders to understand complex queries.

There are two types of comments in OXLA: single-line and multi-line (block).

Single Line Comments

A single-line comment in OXLA starts with two consecutive hyphens (—) and extends to the end of the line. These comments are used to annotate specific parts of a query, providing brief explanations or notes to assist in understanding the query.


-- This is an example single line comment

Multi-Line (Block) Comments

OXLA also supports multi-line comments, often referred to as block comments. These comments begin with /* and end with */, allowing for multi-line explanations or temporarily disabling sections of the query.


This is an example multi-line comment.
It can span multiple lines and is useful for providing detailed explanations.

Comment Placement

In OXLA, single-line comments should always be placed at the end of the line they refer to, whereas multi-line comments can be positioned anywhere within the query.

Example - Comment on Single Line:

SELECT column1, column2 -- This is an example single line comment
FROM table_name;

Example - Comment on Multiple Lines:

SELECT /* comment 1 */ column1, column2
FROM table_name /* comment 2 */
WHERE column3 = 42 /* comment 3 */ ;

Best Practices for Commenting

To maximize the benefits of comments in OXLA queries, follow these best practices:

Be Concise

Write clear and concise comments that provide meaningful insights into the specific parts of the query.

Update Comments During Code Changes

Whenever the query is modified, update the associated comments to reflect the changes accurately.

Avoid Over-Commenting

While comments are helpful, excessive commenting can clutter the code and reduce.