# Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/access-control/overview ## Access Control in Oxla Oxla supports basic RBAC features (role-based access control) like roles, privileges or ownership. The way they work is similar to those currently available on the market, in popular database solutions. ## Enabling Access Control Access Control is enabled by default on new Oxla installations but might be disabled in config on demand. For information on how to set desired access control level please check our [Oxla Configuration File](/resources/oxla-configuration-file) doc. To preserve backward compatibility on old Oxla versions with non-empty Oxla Home instances, one must explicitly set access control flag to `ON`, otherwise it will be disabled ## Default Superuser Currently, we only support a single superuser, which is also a default user pre-created in Oxla. Username and password credentials for that user are both set to `oxla`. On Oxla's first start, non-default password for default superuser can be provided in the config via `access_control.initial_password` parameter. Once set, parameter can be deleted from the config. We highly recommend changing the password for security purposes! ## System Catalogs Visibility Rows in system catalog tables are visible to a given user only if they pertain to objects or are located in schemas the user has access to. Considering the `information_schema.tables` table, a user will see all tables to which they have any grants and all tables located in schemas to which they have the `USAGE` grant. ## Important Notes & Limitations * There's **only one superuser** (their default password can be changed by themselves) * Only superuser has `SELECT` privilege on internal system tables * Privileges to internal system tables cannot be granted or revoked * Only superuser and database owners can create new schemas * Only superuser can create new roles * Every role is granted `CONNECT` privilege to a default database at the moment of creation (can be revoked) * Concept known as role membership isn't available in Oxla, thus there's **no privilege inheritance** Once access control is enabled and Oxla Home isn't empty, it cannot be disabled. Running Oxla with access control flag in `OXLA_HOME` set to `OFF`, where it was previously enabled, will result in Oxla entering a **degraded state** # Ownership Source: https://docs.oxla.com/access-control/ownership ## Overview In Oxla, ownership refers to the relationship where objects such as database, tables, types and schemas are owned by a specific role. Here are a few principles to keep in mind when thinking about ownership in Oxla: * Index doesn't have an explicit owner as the table owner is also the index owner * Ownership is required to `DROP` an object * For the purpose of grants validation, owner has all privileges available for a given resource: * For table: `SELECT`, `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE` * For schema: `USAGE`, `CREATE` In the following sections, you'll learn how to check and change ownership but also find out more about what are the differences between ownership and role privileges. ## Checking Ownership To check ownerships in Oxla, a superuser can execute the following query: ```SQL SELECT * FROM oxla_internal.oxla_object_owner; ``` ```SQL id | database | schema | object_name | object_type ----+----------+--------+-----------------+------------- 5 | oxla | public | data_types_demo | TABLE ``` Here's the breakdown of the above output: * `id`: role id * `database`: database name * `schema`: schema name (empty if `object_type` is DATABASE) * `object_name`: object name (empty if `object_type` is SCHEMA or DATABASE) * `object_type`: type of the object ## Changing Ownership To change ownership, one needs to run the code below: ```SQL ALTER [ TABLE | TYPE | SCHEMA | DATABASE ] OBJECT_NAME OWNER TO ROLE_NAME; ``` where: * `OBJECT_NAME`: name of the object, whose ownership they want to change * `ROLE_NAME`: name of the role that will become the new owner of the specified object ## Ownership vs Role Privileges In Oxla, unlike PostgreSQL, object ownership and grants are independent entities. As mentioned above, for the purpose of grants validation, owner has all privileges available for a given resource. These privileges however, are not visible in `oxla_internal.oxla_role_ns_grants` / `oxla_internal.oxla_role_table_grants` and cannot be revoked. `GRANT` / `REVOKE` operations can still be performed on object owner - they will result in creating / removing entries in `oxla_internal.oxla_role_..._grants` tables, which are independent of data stored in `oxla_internal.oxla_object_owner`. These grants do not matter anything as long as the user is the owner of a given resource, but they will take effect when the owner is changed. ### Examples Here are a few examples that demonstrate the behaviours described above, assuming there is a `table1` and `user1` role with `USAGE` grant in public schema: * After the following operations `user1` will no longer be the owner of `table1`, but will have `SELECT` grant on that table. ``` ALTER TABLE table1 OWNER TO user1; GRANT SELECT ON table1 TO user1; ALTER TABLE table1 OWNER TO oxla; ``` * After the following operations `user1` will still be able to `SELECT` from `table1` because of ownership, however `REVOKE` does not change anything. ``` ALTER TABLE table1 OWNER TO user1; REVOKE SELECT ON table1 FROM user1; ``` * After the following operations `user1` will not have access to `table1`, however the owner has been changed and grant has been revoked. ``` ALTER TABLE table1 OWNER TO user1; GRANT SELECT ON table1 TO user1; REVOKE SELECT ON table1 FROM user1; ALTER TABLE table1 OWNER TO oxla; ``` # Privileges Source: https://docs.oxla.com/access-control/privileges ## Overview Oxla supports `GRANT` and `REVOKE` to manage privileges on database objects. Privileges can be assigned to a role for tables, schemas and database. They cannot be granted to or revoked from a superuser. Performing `GRANT` or `REVOKE` on the superuser does not change anything ## Available Privileges In the table below, you can read about all available privileges: | **Privilege** | **Description** | **Database Objects** | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | | **SELECT** | Allows `SELECT` on a given table | table | | **INSERT** | Allows `INSERT` to a given table | table | | **UPDATE** | Allows `UPDATE` on a given table | table | | **DELETE** | Allows `DELETE` and `TRUNCATE` from a given table | table | | **CONNECT** | Allows role to connect to the database | database | | **CREATE** | Allows to `CREATE` tables and types in a given schema. `CREATE INDEX` requires ownership of the table and both `CREATE` and `USAGE` privilege on the schema | schema | | **USAGE** | Allows to access objects within the schema, provided the objects' own privilege requirements are also satisfied | schema | **USAGE Privilege Essentials** `USAGE` privilege is required to see what objects (tables / types / indices) exist inside the schema. Unless the user has such a privilege, they will get `does not exist` error on accessing any objects in the schema, even if the object exists. It is also required to look up tables using `search_path`. In case of objects listed by tables in `information_schema.tables` and `pg_catalog.pg_class` schemas but also other metatables user can see these objects when they either have `USAGE` on schema or any grant on the object itself. The only exception to this rule is `information_schema.role_table_grants` table - if a user has any grant on a table, but does not have `USAGE` grant to this table, on parent schema, this grant will still be visible in the `information_schema.role_table_grants` table. There is an `ALL PRIVILEGES` alias, which stands for all available privileges for a given database object. By default, every new role has `CONNECT` privilege to a database and `USAGE` privilege to `public` schema. For more details on that, please refer to the [Default Privileges](#default-privileges) section **Schemas and Tables** * Only superuser can read `pg_authid` and `pg_shadow` tables from `pg_catalog`and can access resources in `oxla_internal` * Anyone can read other resources in: `pg_catalog`, `information_schema`, `system` * Nobody can modify: `pg_catalog`, `information_schema`, `system`, `oxla_internal` Only the superuser is permitted to create a new schema ## Checking Privileges To check privileges on tables, database or schemas, a superuser needs to execute the following commands: * **Table** ```SQL SELECT * FROM oxla_internal.oxla_role_table_grants; ``` ```SQL id | database | schema | table | privilege ----+----------+---------+-----------------+----------- 1 | oxla | public | data_types_demo | INSERT 1 | oxla | public | data_types_demo | DELETE ``` * **Database** ```SQL SELECT * FROM oxla_internal.oxla_role_db_grants; ``` ```SQL id | database | privilege ----+----------+----------- 1 | oxla | CONNECT ``` * **Schema** ```SQL SELECT * FROM oxla_internal.oxla_role_ns_grants; ``` ```SQL id | database | schema | privilege ----+----------+--------+----------- 1 | oxla | public | USAGE ``` Here's the breakdown of the above outputs: * `id`: role id * `database`: database name * `schema`: schema name * `table`: table name * `privilege`: privilege for a given object ## Granting Privilege In order to grant a privilege, one needs to execute the following command: ```SQL GRANT privilege [,privilege] ON [ TABLE | SCHEMA | DATABASE ] object_name TO role_name; ``` where: * `privilege`: one or more privileges from the list of available privileges * `object_name`: name of the object on which the privileges are being granted * `role_name`: name of the role to which the privileges are being granted When the query is missing `TABLE`, `SCHEMA` or `DATABASE` keyword, `TABLE` keyword is being assumed ## Revoking Privilege Here's the code that needs to be run, in order to revoke a privilege: ```SQL REVOKE privilege [,privilege] ON [ TABLE | SCHEMA | DATABASE ] object_name FROM role_name; ``` where: * `privilege`: one or more privileges from the list of available privileges * `object_name`: name of the object on which the privileges are being revoked * `role_name`: name of the role from which the privileges are being revoked When the query is missing `TABLE`, `SCHEMA` or `DATABASE` keyword, `TABLE` keyword is assumed ## Default Privileges By default, every created role has the following privileges: * `CONNECT`: privilege to a default database * `USAGE`: privilege to a `public` schema Default privileges can be revoked at any time with the following query: ```SQL REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE oxla FROM role_name; REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA public FROM role_name; ``` * User with revoked `CONNECT` privilege won't be able to connect to the database * User with revoked `USAGE` privilege won't be able to access the `public` schema # Roles Source: https://docs.oxla.com/access-control/roles ## Overview Roles in Oxla can be used to manage access to the following objects: * Cluster * Database * Table * Schema In the following sections, you'll learn how to create, delete (drop), list and change role's password. In Oxla, `role` and `user` terms are used interchangeably and refer to the same concept. The syntax for both terms is supported throughout the system ## Creating Roles The syntax for role creation is as follows: ```SQL CREATE ROLE joe [ WITH ] PASSWORD 'joe_password'; ``` Alternatively, one can also execute the following command (*PostgreSQL compatibility*): ```SQL CREATE ROLE joe [ WITH ] PASSWORD 'joe_password' LOGIN; ``` Here's the breakdown of the above code: * `joe`: name of the role you want to create * `joe_password`: password for that role * `LOGIN`: implicit and supported on syntax level for compatibility sake. Every role in Oxla can login. * `WITH`: optional clause Oxla also supports the `CREATE USER` syntax for PostgreSQL compatiblity sake: ```SQL CREATE USER joe [ WITH ] PASSWORD 'joe_password'; CREATE USER joe [ WITH ] PASSWORD 'joe_password' LOGIN; ``` ## Deleting Roles Since roles can own database objects and possess privileges to access other objects, deleting a role requires all objects owned by the role to be either deleted or reassigned to new owners. Additionally, revocation of privileges granted to that role is required (default privileges don't need to be revoked). Only the superuser is permitted to delete a role and current user cannot be deleted Role can be deleted (dropped) using the following syntax: ```SQL DROP ROLE joe; ``` Alternatively, one can also execute the following command (PostgreSQL compatibility): ```SQL DROP USER joe; ``` In the code above: * `joe`: name of the role you want to drop ## Listing Roles To list roles in Oxla, cluster's superuser shall execute the following code: ```SQL SELECT id,name FROM oxla_internal.oxla_role; ``` Roles' IDs and their names will be returned in the following format: ```sql id | name ----+------ 1 | joe 2 | andrew ``` ## Password Change Role's password can be changed either by a superuser or a role itself by executing the code below: ```SQL ALTER ROLE joe [ WITH ] PASSWORD 'new_password'; ``` Here's the breakdown of the above syntax: * `joe`: name of the role for which you want to change the password * `new_password`: new password for that role * `WITH`: optional clause # Multi-Node Deployment Source: https://docs.oxla.com/getting-started/multi-node-deployment In this document, we'll show you how to set up Oxla multi-node deployment. ## Prerequisites * Single node per machine * Docker [installed](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) * x86 64bit CPU (Intel or AMD) * PostgresSQL client [installed](https://www.postgresql.org/download/) * N machines with ssh access to them (N: number of nodes that you want to deploy) * Networking configured so that all nodes can connect to each other (by default OXLA requires 5769 and 5770 ports for inter node communication and exposes sql interface on 5432 port) ## Installation on Each Node Firstly, open your terminal command and execute this command to check if you have installed Docker properly: ```dockerfile docker ps ``` Then, execute the following command to create a file that contains docker compose file: ```dockerfile vim multi_node.yml ``` After that, input the following code into the docker compose file for **each node** and replace placeholder values with appropriate ones: * `NETWORK__HOST_NAME`: Oxla node hostname (must be unique for every node) * `LEADER_ELECTION__LEADER_NAME`: hostname of the node that will be the leader of the cluster * `OXLA_NODES`: `;` separated list of the addresses of all the nodes in the cluster * `OXLA_HOME`: path to S3 bucket that will be used as storage * `AWS\_DEFAULT\_REGION`, `AWS\_ACCESS\_KEY\_ID`, `AWS\_SECRET\_ACCESS\_KEY`: S3 bucket credentials ```dockerfile version: '3.5' volumes: oxla_data: services: oxla_node: image: public.ecr.aws/oxla/release:latest security_opt: - seccomp:unconfined ulimits: nofile: soft: 40000 hard: 40000 ports: - 5432:5432 environment: - NETWORK__HOST_NAME=oxla_node_1 - LEADER_ELECTION__LEADER_NAME=oxla_node_1 - OXLA_NODES=;; - OXLA_HOME=s3://yourdirectoryname - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ``` Eventually, execute the following command to create and start the docker container: ```dockerfile docker compose -f multi_node.yml up ``` Please ensure that you repeat all of the steps above on all of the nodes ## Connecting to Oxla You can now connect to the cluster using the following command: ```dockerfile psql -h IP_ADDRESS ``` ## Important Notes * Ensure that all the machines that you are using to deploy Oxla are connected in the same network * Depending on your computer's RAM capacity, you may need to adjust the `OXLA_MAX_NON_QUERY_MEM` environment variable value to optimize performance. For example `OXLA_MAX_NON_QUERY_MEM=4194304` * Replace `IP_ADDRESS` with one of the IP addresses that you set up in your YAML file. # Run Multi-node oxla cluster with host mounted network storage Source: https://docs.oxla.com/getting-started/multi-node-deployment-with-host-mounted-network-storage Over the following documentation article, we’ll set you up with an Oxla cluster that has network mounted. This setup might be useful in case of network storage already existing in your environment. To maximize performance, we highly encourage you to setup Oxla with dedicated blob storage, either cloud provided or self-hosted e.g. [MinIO](https://min.io/) or [ceph](https://ceph.com/en/). ## Prerequisites * Single node per machine * Docker [installed](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) * x86 64bit CPU (Intel or AMD) * PostgresSQL client [installed](https://www.postgresql.org/download/) * N machines with ssh access to them (N: number of nodes that you want to deploy) * Networking configured so that all nodes can connect to each other (by default OXLA requires 5769 and 5770 ports for inter node communication and exposes sql interface on 5432 port) * Network storage mounted and available on all machines that will be hosting Oxla ## Installation on Each Node Firstly create `multi_node.yml` file on **each node** and replace placeholder values with appropriate ones: * `/path/to/network/storage/mount`: path to the directory that shall be used for Oxla home on network storage mounted in host os * `NETWORK__HOST_NAME`: Oxla node hostname (must be unique for every node) * `LEADER_ELECTION__LEADER_NAME`: hostname of the node that will be the leader of the cluster * `OXLA_NODES`: `;` separated list of the addresses of of all the nodes in the cluster ```yaml version: '3.5' volumes: oxla_data: services: oxla_node: image: public.ecr.aws/oxla/release:latest security_opt: - seccomp:unconfined ulimits: nofile: soft: 40000 hard: 40000 ports: - 5432:5432 volumes: - /path/to/network/storage/mount:/oxla/data environment: - NETWORK__HOST_NAME=oxla_node_1 - LEADER_ELECTION__LEADER_NAME=oxla_node_1 - OXLA_NODES=;; ``` Now you can execute the following command to create and start the docker container: ```dockerfile docker compose -f multi_node.yml up ``` ## Connecting to Oxla You can now connect to the cluster using the following command: ```dockerfile psql -h IP_ADDRESS oxla oxla ``` ## Important Notes * Ensure that all the machines you are using to deploy Oxla on, are connected in the same network * Replace `IP_ADDRESS` with one of the IP addresses that you set up in your YAML file * Ensure that you repeat all of the steps above on all of the nodes # Run Oxla in 2 minutes Source: https://docs.oxla.com/getting-started/run-oxla-in-2-minutes ## Prerequisites * x86 64bit CPU (Intel or AMD) * Linux OS * Docker * PostgreSQL Client ## Installation In order run Oxla in no time, you need to have Docker and PostgreSQL client installed on your local machine. To do that, you need to follow their installation guides, that you can find below: * [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) * [PostgreSQL Client](https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/) ## Docker Setup Once you're done with installation part, you can open your terminal and execute following command to check if you have installed your Docker instance properly: ```dockerfile docker ps ``` If it returns “Bad response from Docker Engine”, it means there is an issue with your Docker instance and you need to try re-installing it. Then you need to start Oxla Docker instance and expose PostgreSQL port: ```dockerfile docker run --rm -it -p 5432:5432 public.ecr.aws/oxla/release:latest ``` In case of getting an error message about port 5432 being occupied, you need to adjust the above command to utilise a different port (6000 can be used here) ## Connecting to Oxla Once that is done, you can now effectively connect to Oxla by executing one of the following commands, depending on the port you used before: ```dockerfile psql -h localhost -U oxla oxla ``` ```dockerfile psql -h localhost -p 6000 -U oxla oxla ``` If you encounter “bash: psql: command not found“ error response, this means that you have not installed PostgreSQL client properly on your machine and you need to try reinstalling it # Run Oxla on Azure Blob Storage Source: https://docs.oxla.com/getting-started/run-oxla-on-azure-blob-storage Over the following steps, we’ll set you up with an Oxla server using the Azure Blob Storage. ## Prerequisites * Install Docker. Please refer to [this page](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) for further details * We recommend you use a Linux OS computer to deploy an Oxla server * Install PostgresSQL-client-14 for psql connection. Please refer to [this page](https://www.postgresql.org/download/) ## Installation Steps 1. Open your terminal and execute this command to check if you have installed your docker properly: ```typescript docker ps ``` If it returns “Bad response from Docker engine”, this means there is an issue with your docker engine. Try re-install your docker. 2. Execute the following command to create a file that contains docker compose file: ```typescript vim one_node.yml ``` 3. Input the following code into the docker compose file: ```typescript version: '3.5' volumes: oxla_data: services: oxla_node: image: public.ecr.aws/oxla/release:latest security_opt: - seccomp:unconfined ulimits: nofile: soft: 40000 hard: 40000 volumes: - oxla_data:/data ports: - 5432:5432 environment: - AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME=${AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME?err} - AZURE_TENANT_ID=${AZURE_TENANT_ID?err} - AZURE_CLIENT_ID=${AZURE_CLIENT_ID?err} - AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET?err} ``` 4. Execute the following command to create and start the docker container: ```typescript docker compose -f one_node.yml up ``` 5. Execute the following command to run Oxla: ```typescript psql -h localhost ``` If you encounter an error response “bash: psql: command not found“, this means that you have not installed PostgreSQL. 6. When you get the following result, you are now in the Oxla server✅ ```typescript psql (14.4, server Oxla 1.0) HP=> ``` Encountered an error? We got you! Head over [here](/resources/error-handling) to see your troubleshooting resolutions! # Run Oxla on Google Cloud Storage Source: https://docs.oxla.com/getting-started/run-oxla-on-google-cloud-storage Over the following steps, we’ll set you up with an Oxla server using the Google Cloud Storage. ## Prerequisites * Install Docker. Please refer to [this page](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) for further details * We recommend you use a Linux OS computer to deploy an Oxla server * Install PostgresSQL client for psql connection. Please refer to [this page](https://www.postgresql.org/download/) ## Installation Steps 1. Open your terminal and execute this command to check if you have installed your docker properly: ```typescript docker ps ``` If it returns “Bad response from Docker engine”, this means there is an issue with your docker engine. Try re-install your docker. 2. Execute the following command to create a file that contains docker compose file: ```typescript vim one_node.yml ``` 3. Input the following code into the docker compose file: ```typescript version: '3.5' volumes: oxla_data: services: oxla_node: image: public.ecr.aws/oxla/release:latest security_opt: - seccomp:unconfined ulimits: nofile: soft: 40000 hard: 40000 volumes: - oxla_data:/data ports: - 5432:5432 environment: - GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS?err} ``` 4. Execute the following command to create and start the docker container: ```typescript docker compose -f one_node.yml up ``` 5. Execute the following command to run Oxla: ```typescript psql -h localhost ``` If you encounter an error response “bash: psql: command not found“, this means that you have not installed PostgreSQL. 6. When you get the following result, you are now in the Oxla server✅ ```typescript psql (14.4, server Oxla 1.0) HP=> ``` Encountered an error? We got you! Head over [here](/resources/error-handling) to see your troubleshooting resolutions! # Run Oxla on S3 Source: https://docs.oxla.com/getting-started/run-oxla-on-s3 ## Prerequisites * Docker * Linux OS * PostgreSQL Client ## Installation To run Oxla on S3, you need to have Docker and the PostgreSQL client installed on your local machine. * [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) * [PostgreSQL Client](https://www.postgresql.org/download/) ## Docker Setup Once you’re done with installation, you can open your terminal and execute following command to check if you have installed your Docker instance properly: ```typescript docker ps ``` If it returns “Bad response from Docker Engine”, it means there is an issue with your Docker instance and you need to re-install it. Refer to our [troubleshooting guide](/resources/error-handling) to learn more about common errors and how to resolve them. ## Docker Compose File Execute the command below to create a `docker compose` file: ```typescript vim one_node.yml ``` Then, update the file with the following code: ```typescript version: '3.5' volumes: oxla_data: services: oxla_node: image: public.ecr.aws/oxla/release:latest security_opt: - seccomp:unconfined ulimits: nofile: soft: 40000 hard: 40000 volumes: - oxla_data:/data ports: - 5432:5432 environment: - OXLA_HOME=s3://yourdirectoryname - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ``` Don't forget to replace environment variable placeholder values with the ones from your AWS instance. ## Docker Container Once you successfully followed the steps described above, you can execute the following command to create and start the docker container: ```typescript docker compose -f one_node.yml up ``` Now you are able to run Oxla server by executing the code below: ```typescript psql -h localhost ``` If you encounter an error such as: “bash: psql: command not found“, it means that the PostgreSQL client is not installed correctly and you need to re-install it. Refer to our [troubleshooting guide](/resources/error-handling) to learn more about common errors and how to resolve them. By now you should have successfully run the Oxla server: ```typescript psql (14.4, server Oxla 1.0) HP=> ``` # Run Oxla via AWS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/getting-started/run-oxla-via-aws Over the following steps, we’ll guide you on how to deploy and configure Oxla on AWS. ## Prerequisite ⚠️ You need to have an active AWS account.  ⚠️ Ensure that your billing details are up-to-date. AWS Marketplace charges will appear on your AWS bill. ⚠️ Your IAM user account should have permissions to subscribe to and manage software in the AWS Marketplace. ⚠️  Ensure the product is available in the AWS region where you intend to deploy it ## Steps ### Step 1: Subscribe to Oxla 1. Go to the [AWS Marketplace](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace) and type **Oxla** in the search field. 2. Select **Oxla** from the search results. 3. Click on the **Subscribe** button. ### Step 2: Manage Subscriptions After subscribing, you will find Oxla in the Manage Subscriptions page. ### Step 3: Launch Oxla Cluster 1. From the Manage Subscriptions page, click on **Launch CloudFormation stack** to configure Oxla. 2. You will go to the “Configure this software” prompt, where you need to configure the following: * Under the fulfillment option, select **Oxla Cluster Stack**. * Select the latest software version. * Choose a region where you want to deploy Oxla. 3. Click **Continue to Launch**. 4. You will go to the “Launch this software” page. Select **Launch CloudFormation**. 5. Click **Launch** to proceed. ### Step 4: Specify Stack Details 1. On the “CloudFormation template” page, you don’t need to change anything, so click **Next**. 2. Fill in the Stack details: | Fields | Details | | -------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Stack name | The stack name. | | AvailabilityZone | Availability zone of your choice. This field is mandatory. | | ExistingS3BucketName | The S3 bucket name. You can also leave this field empty to allow AWS to create a new S3 bucket. | | InstanceType | The instance type. Available options are c5a.2xlarge, c5a.4xlarge, c5a.8xlarge. | | IsPubliclyAccessible | Set to true or false, depending on whether you want the cluster to be publicly accessible. | | NodeNumber | The node number. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 16. | | OxlaVersion | The default oxla version. | | OxlaWhitelistedCidr | The CIDR range. Only specified CIDR will have access to the Oxla cluster. | 3. Click **Next** to continue by adjusting the configuration to your personal needs. ### Step 5: Accessing Oxla 1. Once the stack is successfully deployed, go to **CloudFormation** → **Stacks** →select your stack. 2. Find the **OxlaEndpoint** in the **Outputs** section. 3. Connect to your Oxla cluster using PSQL, for example: ```psql psql -h [OxlaEndpoint] -p 5432 ``` # Key Concepts & Architecture Source: https://docs.oxla.com/introduction/key-concepts-and-architecture Oxla enables data processing, analytics, and storage solutions that are easily scalable, highly reliable, cheaper, easier to use, and faster than the other OLAP solutions. We are an advanced distributed analytical database with robust analytical processing. We store data using several file systems, such as AWS S3, Ceph, and GCS. Hero Light Hero Dark Oxla is designed to support analytical query workloads, also known as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). These workloads are complex queries that analyze a stored dataset, such as joins between numerous extensive databases or aggregations across large tables. The current build of the Oxla database allows users to import data using .csv and run SQL queries using CLI with various supported clauses, data types, and functions. # Oxla Architecture Oxla has a uniform architecture that contains the node leader that can distribute workloads equally among replicas and partitions. Data can be processed directly from data warehouses into the OLAP database management system without going through the terminal messaging cluster. Our cutting-edge technology allows users to process data faster with less infrastructure. Users will be able to request data using queries and receive data in real time. Oxla’s unique architecture uses the Dynamic Oxla cluster in the query processing layer. This cluster can expand and shrink dynamically depending on the analytical demand for data processing. Within the cluster, a node leader coordinates activities across Oxla. It performs key activities such as authentication, query parsing, optimization, etc. Our architecture consists of two layers, **query processing**, and a **database storage layer**. We separate the computing layer, *a.k.a* query processing layer, with the database storage layer to provide our customers greater flexibility and cost savings for big data and advanced analytics. ![Architecture](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/key-concept-architecture-01.png) ## Example Use Cases Benefits: Let’s say a large corporation wants to improve the customer journey by driving insights and running more queries/analyses from their existing customer’s data, such as purchase transactions, social data, etc. They need to process and transform a large amount of data in real-time resulting in the need to improve the computing power and not the storage. In this use case, our decoupled storage and compute design will benefit the corporation since they only need to upgrade the query processing and not include the database storage. ### 🔑 Our Key Benefits: 1. No need for external metastore. 2. No need for a queue for batching insertions. 3. Simpler deployment and maintenance. 4. Fewer people are needed to manage and maintain the database, which results in cheaper labor costs. ## Oxla Cluster Our Dynamic Oxla cluster technology allows you to store and run SQL queries faster with less cost. There are two main components in our cluster: * **Node leader:** the component that distributes the workload to run the SQL queries to all the worker nodes and appoints any node to store the data. * **Worker node:** the component that executes the SQL queries and stores the data. There shall be always a single node per machine. ![cluster](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/key-concept-architecture-02.png) ## Our Main Differentiator ### ⚡️ High Availability (No Single Point of Failure) If the node leader fails, the cluster can appoint one of the worker leaders to be the new node leader. It allows you to run SQL queries with high availability and redundancy. ### 💨 Fast Query Processing Oxla performs query execution using our query engine. Our database technology was specifically designed for big data analytics. Four critical aspects within our architecture allow us to run the queries faster than other solutions, they are: **Self-contained architecture** Our architecture only needs distributed storage as the external component. It does not require other additional components such as distributed message queue, external metastore, etc. Oxla processes the queries using the worker nodes that the node leader leads. When a client app wants to initiate a query request, it connects to any node within our cluster. Once connected, it will send an SQL query request containing a string with SQL query. The node leader will parse the string and create an execution plan. This execution plan will then get distributed to all the worker nodes to execute the query. Each worker node is an independent compute node that does not share compute resources with other worker nodes. It allows each worker node to efficiently execute the query without impacting others. It provides high availability and redundancy with no single point of failure. ![self contained architecture](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/key-concept-architecture-03.png) **The radically vectorized query engine** Big Data usually contains very complex and high volumes of data. It usually has workloads with queries that touch across a subset of columns but a large number of rows for those columns. Our vectorized query engine can perform complex computations faster than the traditional database. **"JOIN" and "GROUP BY" improved algorithms** Oxla is designed explicitly with improved “JOIN“ and “GROUP BY“ algorithms using custom data structures optimized for highly optimized lookups. Our hashmap implementation has better performance in typical SQL query operations. It reduces the lookup time and allows a faster response. **All-level code optimizations** We have designed our technology from scratch to provide the best solutions for big data analytics. We performed a holistic improvement and approach to design and develop the entire technology resulting in fast query processing time and fewer data storage for big data analytics. ### 🔋 Efficient Data Storage Our Oxla cluster technology automatically selects and detects which worker node should be responsible for handling data insertion. Combining it with our unique data insertion algorithm, our users will be able to: * Handle large amounts of data insert operations; * Store large amounts of data efficiently, which results in lesser data storage and cheaper cost; * Provide data resiliency if any node fails. Oxla stores data in optimized columnar format whenever the users load data into Oxla. The typical data warehouse solutions require users to insert data in large batches. Our technology enables users to insert large amounts of data even with single rows. We handle all key aspects of data storage, including file organization, compression, structure, and database metastore. ### 💸 Cheaper Cost The typical OLAP solutions require terminal messaging clusters such as Kafka to distribute workloads. Each cluster usually comprises more than one Broker to maintain load balance. Maintaining the cluster state requires additional ZooKeeper, another infrastructure to maintain. Our Oxla cluster and data insertion technologies already provide efficient distribution workload technology to distribute workloads among the worker nodes. It eliminates the need for both Kafka clusters and ZooKeeper. Ultimately, you will save the cost of purchasing these infrastructures and reduce the man-hour cost of maintaining them by using our solution. ![database structure comparison](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/key-concept-architecture-04.png) ### 👩🏻‍💻 Improved Scalability Our Oxla cluster is also dynamic, allowing you to scale quickly without having the hassle of upgrading the data warehouse whenever you want to store more data or run more queries for your business. Our cluster will automatically expand or shrink depending on the number of queries or data you store. **For example,** from 9 AM to 5 PM, when your data analyst runs a lot of queries, our cluster will expand to cover the needs of more analytical power. After 5 PM, when there are not that many queries to do, our cluster will shrink back to adjust. This flexibility will save you time and cost in managing the database infrastructure # **Did You Know…?** Oxla was designed and written from scratch, we explored and analyzed why organized data is important to accelerate business outcomes with rapid comprehension and reach the maximum edge of your potential in data and analytics. At Oxla, we use big data analytics and approach the speed of commercial database management systems while scaling to the size of your business. > ***Fast, Trustworthy, Cost-Effective… That’s Us!*** 🙋🏻‍♂️ Data has never been more important. Get in touch with [us](https://www.oxla.com/contact) # OLTP vs OLAP Source: https://docs.oxla.com/introduction/oltp-vs-olap This article explains the differences between OLTP and OLAP technology. It helps you to further understand the use cases of our technology and why we chose OLAP for data analysis. ## What is OLTP? ### Definition Online Transaction Processing, shortly known as OLTP, supports transaction-oriented applications under a 3-tier architecture (could be a [3NF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_normal_form) approach). OLTP usually administers day-to-day transactions through a relational database. The main purpose is data processing and not data analysis. ### Usage Examples OLTP usage can be found in every consumer-market approach. Some of the daily use cases for transactional processing are as follows: * **Payment:** using a debit or credit card, online or offline payment. * **Online Transaction**: any reservation, ticketing, and booking system which requires the OLTP methods. * **ATM and Online Banking**: cash withdrawals or online banking operations represent simple day-to-day transactions. * **Record Entry**: store data like a student’s score record, products in the warehouse, or customer service ticketing systems requiring fast-paced management. * and many more…💨 ## What is OLAP? ### Definition OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing and provides data analysis for business decisions. With OLAP, users can get information on multiple databases and data types with the ability to analyze them at the same time, even with complex queries. The main objective is data analysis and not data processing. ### Usage Examples OLAP method can be found in every part of business, especially in data analytics. Some of the usage examples are: * **Niche:** it can be seen on a personalized homepage, on the e-commerce page, movie streaming app, and on any other platform that fits users' unique needs or preferences. * **Sales Analytic:** usually used to compare sales in a different period which is stored in separate databases. * **Customer Behavior:** helps in determining customer behavior in some industries. * **Trend Analysis:** provide statistical analysis across several sectors to assist in decision-making. * and many more…💨 **Did you know?🧐**
The Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SQL Server's Analysis Services are also using OLAP features!
## OLTP & OLAP Comparison The table below outlines the main differences between OLTP & OLAP: | **Parameters** | **OLTP** | **OLAP** | | -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **Stands for** | Online Transactional Processing | Online Analytical Processing | | **Process** | A transactional mechanism for controlling database modifications. | Online analysis and data retrieving process. | | **Characteristic** | Large numbers of online transactions characterize it. | A large volume of data characterizes it. | | **Method** | Traditional DBMS. | Data warehouse. | | **Database normalization** | Normalized | Unnormalized or denormalized | | **Operation** | `INSERT`, `DELETE` and `UPDATE` commands. | Mostly `SELECT` operations. | | **Response Time** | Milliseconds | Seconds to minutes (It depends on the data amount that has to be processed) | | **Storage size** | Small database | Large database | | **Response** | It offers quick results for frequently utilized data. | It offers a consistently faster response to requests. | | **Audience** | Market-oriented information. | Customer-oriented information. | ### 🆚 OLAP vs. OLTP: Key Differences * OLAP analyzes data stored in a database, while OLTP supports transaction-oriented operations. * OLAP handles all business and data analysis, while OLTP is usually used to administer daily transactions. * OLAP can integrate different data sources, while OLTP uses traditional DBMS. ## Conclusion The OLTP and OLAP, both, deal with information in their discipline. While OLTP is useful for business operations, OLAP is advantageous for analyzing data and providing important information for a business’ growth. We certainly want significant business growth, and OLAP is a system you should consider. One of the finest recommended database management systems which can help is Oxla. Oxla will help you achieve your goal with a fast-distributed analytical database and robust analytical processing! 🚀 # Oxla vs. Other OLAP Solutions Source: https://docs.oxla.com/introduction/oxla-vs-other-olap-solutions There are several different types of distributed database management systems (DBMS). But there isn't a database system that works for everyone. Each makes different compromises to suit particular situations. In this section, we attempt to explain how Oxla differs from other OLAP-using systems. ## The Comparison The comparison tests were performed on a single node; using more nodes will significantly improve the results. Below are the detailed prototype test results on AWS between Oxla and selected alternatives *(ClickHouse, Presto, Parquet)*: ### a) Performance | **Oxla** | **ClickHouse** | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Supports a lot of Clauses, Data Types, and Functions. Such as `GROUP BY`, `JOIN` (`INNER JOIN`, `LEFT JOIN`, `RIGHT JOIN`, `OUTER JOIN`). We also support uncorrelated subqueries e.g. `SELECT num, COUNT(*) as num FROM user GROUP BY age`. | Non-standard SQL-like query language with several limitations. | | Oxla has homogeneous architecture: there are no workers, data, or master nodes. One of the nodes is dynamically selected as the leader with no single point of failure. | On-premise with dedicated clusters, no elasticity. We need to migrate into bigger/smaller clusters. | ### b) Cost | **Oxla** | **ClickHouse** | | -------------------- | ------------------- | | \$0.023 per GB/month | \$0.24 per GB/month | ## Conclusion Our tests show that Oxla's performance surpasses all other distributed database management systems with the following results: * Oxla processes a large number of data at an extremely high data processing speed. * Oxla can reduce 80% of data infrastructure costs compared to the others. * Oxla will not be affected by the massive data you have. The storage (RAM) needed will stay low with a small cost you pay. ![comparison](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/oxla-vs-other-olap-solution-comparison.png) ## Now What? Understanding Oxla and then comparing it with other solutions made us realize that there are a lot of choices in today’s database market - but in the end, there will be only one . We suggest you take a step back and evaluate your products, team talents, market, and needs before deciding what to use for your business. Choosing the right technology today can make a huge difference now and in the future. Choose an architecture that will grow with you rather than one that makes you start over. We, at Oxla, will be super pleased to support you in achieving your goal with our dazzling distributed DBMS ✨ **Are you curious about Oxla? Contact [us](https://www.oxla.com/contact)** # C# Dapper - Npgsql Source: https://docs.oxla.com/language-clients/dotnet-dapper ## Overview [Dapper](https://dappertutorial.net/) is a simple object-relational mapper (ORM) for .NET. It provides an easy and efficient way to query databases with minimal setup and overhead, leveraging SQL directly while mapping results to C# objects. This page describes how to use Dapper with [Npgsql](https://www.npgsql.org/) (a PostgreSQL data provider for .NET) to connect to Oxla. ## Establishing connection There are two ways that can be utilised in order to establish a connection through [Npgsql](https://www.npgsql.org/): * **Npgsql's DataSource Class** ```C# var connectionString = "Server=;Username=user;Password=password;Database=db;"; var dataSource = NpgsqlDataSource.Create(connectionString); var connection = dataSource.OpenConnection(); ``` * **Creating Connection Directly** ```C# var connectionString = "Server=;Username=user;Password=password;Database=db;"; var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString); connection.Open(); ``` For more details on connection string options, including SSL configuration, please refer to [Npgsql docs](https://www.npgsql.org/doc/connection-string-parameters.html). ## Example Usage This example shows basic query execution for the following C# class, once the connection has been established: ```C# public class Customer { public int ClientId { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } } ``` ```C# connection.Execute("CREATE TABLE Customer (ClientId INTEGER, Height DOUBLE, FirstName TEXT)"); var customer = new Customer{ClientId = 1, Height = 3.14, FirstName = "John"}; connection.Execute("INSERT INTO Customer VALUES (@ClientId, @Height, @FirstName)", customer); var customers = connection.Query("SELECT * FROM Customer"); foreach(var c in customers) { Console.WriteLine($"Customer #{c.ClientId}: {c.FirstName} is {c.Height} tall."); } ``` `INSERT INTO Customer VALUES (@ClientId, @Height, @FirstName)` syntax uses prepared statements under the hood, which are not supported by Oxla. We translate incoming binary input back into string, thus no benefits of such statements apply (no security or performance improvements) ## Unsupported Functions & Structures Here you can find a list of functions and potentially related structures, that we either do not support at all or they work incorrectly when combining Oxla and Dapper-Npgsql: * `connection.Execute` - returns improper number of rows for `DELETE`, `UPDATE`, `INSERT INTO ... (SELECT)` and `COPY` statements * `connection.BeginTransaction` - [Transactions](https://www.npgsql.org/doc/basic-usage.html#transactions) * `CommandType.StoredProcedure` - [Stored Procedures](https://www.npgsql.org/doc/basic-usage.html#stored-functions-and-procedures) * [Function in/out parameters](https://www.npgsql.org/doc/basic-usage.html#function-inout-parameters) # Java JDBC Source: https://docs.oxla.com/language-clients/java-jdbc ## Overview [Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/) is an application programming interface (API) for the Java programming language which defines how a client may access a database. It is a Java-based data access technology used for Java database connectivity, which supports PostgreSQL protocol implemented in Oxla and provides consistent interface for accessing databases in Java or Kotlin. This page and its sections describe how to use Kotlin JDBC with Oxla and also lists unsupported functions and structures. ## Establishing connection ```Kotlin /** * @brief Establishes connection to a database at a given address and port. * @param address Address at which database is located (Can be in URL, IPv4 or IPv6 format). * @param port Port at which database is located (in [0, 65535] range). * @param databaseName Name of the database to connect to. * @param user (optional) Name of a user to connect as. * @param password (optional) Password of the given user. * @return Result containing a Connection object if connection was established successfully, otherwise Result(Failure) with an error message. */ fun connect( address: String, port: Int, databaseName: String, user: String? = null, password: String? = null ): Result { if (port !in 0..65535) { return Result.failure(IllegalArgumentException("Port must be in 0 - 65535 range.")) } try { return Result.success(DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://$address:$port/$databaseName", user, password)) } catch (e: SQLException) { return Result.failure(SQLException("Failed to establish connection to a database, because: $e")) } catch (_: SQLTimeoutException) { return Result.failure(SQLTimeoutException("Failed to establish connection to a database. Request timed out.")) } } ``` Support for SSL/TLS is not mandated in the JDBC specification. So you cannot expect it in every driver. ## Example usage This example shows basic query execution, once the connection has been established: ``` val statement: Statement = connection.createStatement() statement.queryTimeout = QUERY_TIMEOUT val query: String = "SELECT $columnName FROM $table" try { // Execute the query and... val result: ResultSet = statement.executeQuery(query). also { // ... print the results. while (it.next()) { println(it.getString(1)) } } } catch (e: SQLException) { System.err.println("Failed to execute the following query: $query, error: $e") } ``` ## Unsupported Functions & Structures Here you can find a list of functions and potentially related structures, that we currently do not support when working with Oxla and Kotlin JDBC: * `JDBC.Connection`, [createArrayOf](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#createArrayOf-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object:A-) * `JDBC.Connection`, [getTransactionIsolation](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#getTransactionIsolation--) * `JDBC.Connection`, [prepareStatement with intArray (JDBC does not support)](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#prepareStatement-java.lang.String-int:A-) * `JDBC.Connection`, [setSavepoint](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setSavepoint--) * `JDBC.Connection`, [setTransactionIsolation](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#setTransactionIsolation-int-) * `JDBC.ResultSet`, [deleteRow](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#deleteRow--) * `JDBC.ResultSet`, [insertRow](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#insertRow--) * `JDBC.ResultSet`, [refreshRow](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#refreshRow--) * `JDBC.ResultSet`, [updateRow](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#updateRow--) * `JDBC.ResultSet`, [moveToCurrentRow](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#moveToCurrentRow--) * `JDBC.ResultSet`, [moveToInsertRow](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#moveToInsertRow--) * `JDBC.Statement`, [RETURN\_GENERATED\_KEYS](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS) * `JDBC.Statement`, [invalid autoGeneratedKeys (JDBC does not throw)](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#executeUpdate-java.lang.String-int-) * `JDBC.Statement`, [execute witch intArray (JDBC does not support)](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#execute-java.lang.String-int:A-) * `JDBC.Statement`, [cancel (issues after cancel)](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html#cancel--) * `JDBC.PreparedStatement`, [setDate](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html#setDate-int-java.sql.Date-) * `JDBC.PreparedStatement`, [setObject](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html#setObject-int-java.lang.Object-) * `JDBC.PreparedStatement`, [setString(1, PGInterval("1 day").toString())](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html#setString-int-java.lang.String-) # PHP PDO Source: https://docs.oxla.com/language-clients/php-pdo ## Overview [The PHP Data Objects (PDO)](https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php) is an extension, which supports PostgreSQL protocol implemented in Oxla and provides consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP. This page and its sections describe how to use PHP PDO with Oxla and also lists unsupported functions and structures. ## Establishing connection ```PHP conn = new PDO( "pgsql:host={oxla_host};port={oxla_port};dbname=oxla", {oxla_user}, {oxla_password}, [ PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true, ]); ``` Note that the `PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES` attribute is set to `true`, which is required in Oxla to ensure stability of query execution. Without this attribute setup, you may encounter `prepared statement` errors during queries execution: ``` ERROR: prepared statement [...] ``` If you are running Oxla Cloud, you can append `sslmode=verify-full;sslrootcert=\{path to ssl cert from SaaS\}` to the first parameter of PDO to ensure full SSL endpoint verification and encryption. ## Example usage This example shows basic query execution, once the connection has been established: ``` $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT :number as num;", [PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY]); $stmt->execute(['number' => 1234]); $res = $stmt->fetchAll(); print_r($res) ``` ## Unsupported Functions & Structures Here you can find a list of functions and potentially related structures, that we currently do not support when working with Oxla and PHP PDO: * `PDO::pgsqlLOBCreate`, `pgsqlLOBOpen` - [Large Objects](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/largeobjects.html) * `PDO::pgsqlGetPid` - [returning processes ID](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.pg-get-pid.php) * `PDO::pgsqlCopytFromFile`, `PDO::pgsqlCopytFromArray` - [copy from STDIN](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-copy.html) * `PDO::pgsqlCopytToFile` - [copy to STDIN](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-copy.html) * `PDO::pgsqlCopytToArray` - [copy to STDOUT](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-copy.html) * `PDO::pgsqlGetNotify` - [`LISTEN`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-listen.html) and [`NOTIFY`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-notify.html) channel commands * `PDO::lastInsertId` - [SEQUENCES](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createsequence.html) * `PDO::beginTransaction`, `PDO::inTransaction`, `PDO::commit`, `PDO::rollBack` - [Transactions](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/tutorial-transactions.html) * `PDOStatement::rowCount` - returns improper number of rows for `DELETE`, `UPDATE`, `INSERT INTO ... (SELECT)` and `COPY` statements # Database Files Virtual Table Source: https://docs.oxla.com/resources/database_files_virtual_table ## Overview The `oxla_home_files` virtual table lists all files associated with a specific table in the oxla home directory. This approach offers a more reliable way to retrieve data than simply scanning files directly. ## Fields | Field | Content | Type | | -------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | `path` | Absolute path from the oxla working directory | TEXT | | `byte_size` | Size of the file in bytes | BIGINT | | `start_index` | First index in the file, if applicable | NULLABLE TEXT | | `end_index` | Last index in the file, if applicable | NULLABLE TEXT | | `row_count` | Number of rows in the file | BIGINT | | `batch_count` | Number of batches the file is divided into | BIGINT | | `table_id` | ID of the related table | BIGINT | | `namespace_id` | ID of the related namespace | BIGINT | | `database_id` | ID of the related database | BIGINT | ## Example Query This example shows how to query the `oxla_home_files` table in an Oxla instance. ### Scenario 1: Empty Result 1. Run the `oxla_home_files` query below. ```sql SELECT * FROM oxla_internal.oxla_home_files; ``` 2. When the `oxla_home_files` table is empty, the query returns an empty result set. ```sql path | byte_size | start_index | end_index | row_count | batch_count | table_id | namespace_id | database_id ------+-----------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------------+------------- (0 rows) ``` ### Scenario 2: After Data Insertion 1. Create and insert data to the table. ```sql CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id INT, order_date DATE, total_amount INT, shipping_address TEXT, status TEXT ); INSERT INTO orders (order_id, order_date, total_amount, shipping_address, status) VALUES (1001, '2024-07-13', 150.75, '123 Main St, Anytown, USA', 'Shipped'), (1002, '2024-07-12', 200.50, '456 Elm St, Othertown, USA', 'Delivered'), (1003, '2024-07-12', 350.25, '789 Oak St, Anotherplace, USA', 'Processing'), (1001, '2024-07-11', 100.00, '321 Pine St, Somewhere, USA', 'Cancelled'), (1004, '2024-07-10', 500.00, '555 Maple St, Nowhere, USA', 'Pending'); ``` 2. Run the `oxla_home_files` query below. ```sql SELECT * FROM oxla_internal.oxla_home_files; ``` 3. After inserting data into the table, the query lists the file metadata stored in Oxla. ```sql path | byte_size | start_index | end_index | row_count | batch_count | table_id | namespace_id | database_id ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------------+------------- s3://regional-providers-eu-central-1-dp/production/2jyd1o7D6CBCKyU2gWafDfEawmP/oxla_data/hack_on_oxla_non_empty_storage/0/0/16385/buffers/cluster-2jyd1jzvhgequov20igkxe4peyl-oxla-0/0 | 978 | | | 5 | 1 | 16385 | 0 | 0 (1 row) ``` # Differences Between Oxla vs. PostgreSQL Source: https://docs.oxla.com/resources/differences-between-oxla-vs-postgresql ## **1. Functions** ### a) Mathematical A mathematical function operates on input values provided as arguments and returns a numeric value as the operation's output. | **Mathematical** | **Description** | **Example** | **Available in Oxla** | | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | | ABS | Returns the absolute value of a number. | `SELECT ABS(-11);` | Available | | CEIL | Returns the value after rounding up any positive or negative value to the nearest largest integer. | `SELECT CEIL(53.7);` | Available | | FLOOR | Returns the value after rounding up any positive or negative decimal value as smaller than the argument. | `SELECT FLOOR(53.6);` | Available | | LN | Returns the natural logarithm of a given number. | `SELECT LN(3);` | Available | | RANDOM | Returns the random value between 0 and 1. | `SELECT RANDOM();` | Available | | SQRT | Returns the square root of a given positive number. | `SELECT SQRT(225);` | Available | ### b) Trigonometric | **Trigonometric** | **Description** | **Example** | **Available in Oxla** | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------ | --------------------- | | SIN | Returns the sine of the specified radian. | `SELECT sin(0.2);` | Available | ## **2. Operators** ### a) Mathematical Operators Below is a list of mathematical operators available in PostgreSQL: | **Operators** | **Description** | **Example** | **Result** | **Available in Oxla** | | ------------- | --------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | --------------------- | | `+` | Addition | `SELECT 5 + 8;` | `13` | Available | | `-` | Subtraction | `SELECT 2 - 3;` | `\-1` | Available | | `-` | Negation | `SELECT -4;` | `\-4` | Available | | | | `SELECT -(-4);` | `4` | Available | | | | `SELECT 5+(-2);` | `3` | Available | | | | `SELECT 5-(-2);` | `7` | Available | | `*` | Multiplication | `SELECT 3 * 3;` | `9` | Available | | `/` | Division | `SELECT 10 / 2;` | `5` | Available | | `%` | Modulo | `SELECT 20 % 3;` | `2` | Available | | `&` | Bitwise AND | `SELECT 91 & 15;` | `11` | Available | | `#` | Bitwise XOR | `SELECT 17 # 5;` | `20` | Available | ### b) JSON Operators Oxla supports operators for handling JSON data. One such operator is: #### Equal Operator (`=`) This operator checks if two JSON values are identical. In Oxla, this operator is order-sensitive which means that for two JSON objects to be considered equal, their key-value pairs must appear in the exact same order. ```sql SELECT '{"a":1, "b":"c"}'::json = '{"b":"c", "a":1}'::json; ``` **Result**: ```sql ?column? ---------- f (1 row) ``` In PostgreSQL, this operator is not order-sensitive, so the order of key-value pairs does not affect the comparison result. ## **3. Behaviors Difference** ### a) Output Header Missing function name in output header, PostgreSQL shows the function name, like in this example: ```sql SELECT COS(0),LN(1); ``` ```sql cos | ln -----+----- 1 | 0 ``` Oxla does not show the function name, like in this example: ```sql SELECT COS(0),LN(1); ``` ```sql f | f_1 ---+----- 1 | 0 ``` ### b) ABS Output Differences are also found in the ABS function, where there are differences in decimal results. ***For example:*** The example below will return the absolute value of -1.0 ```sql SELECT ABS(-1.0); ``` It returns 1 in Oxla, while in PostgreSQL, it produces 1.0 ## **4. Errors Difference** | **Functions** | **Input** | **Output - Oxla** | **Output - PostgreSQL** | | ------------- | ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | | LN | `LN(0)` | *Infinity* | *ERROR: cannot take the logarithm of zero* | | | `LN(0.0)` | *Infinity* | *ERROR: cannot take the logarithm of zero* | | SQRT | `SQRT(-1)` | *NaN* | *ERROR: cannot take the square root of a negative number* | | RANDOM | `SELECT floor(random()*(10-1+1))+1;` | *ERROR: syntax error, unexpected INTVAL* | working as expected | | SIN | `SELECT sin(pi()/2);` | *unknown function pi* | working as expected | | / | `1/0` | *error division(s) by zero* | *error division(s) by zero* | | | `1/0.0` | *Infinity* | *error division(s) by zero* | | | `0/0.0` | *NaN* | *error division(s) by zero* | # Error Handling Source: https://docs.oxla.com/resources/error-handling Learn more about the common errors and how to resolve them. Below is the list of the common errors and its resolutions you might encounter while connecting or running the Oxla server. ### Undefined volume and invalid compose project 🚧 If you encounter an error like this: ` service "oxla_node" refers to undefined volume local_csvs: invalid compose project` ✅ Follow these steps: 1. Change the directory where you store the docker-compose configuration file by executing this command: ```typescript cd your_folder_name ``` 2. Open the docker-compose configuration file by executing this command: ```typescript vim your_file_name.yml ``` 3. Remove `local_csvs:/local_csvs`in your docker compose file. ### Too many open files 🚧 If you encounter an error as follows when deploying Oxla servers ```typescript Jan 24 13:58:26 server[XXXXXX]: 2023-01-24 13:58:26.301 ERROR [229223] [network::StateHandlerManager>::start@241] could not accept incoming connection because: Jan 24 13:58:26 server[XXXXXX]: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan 24 13:58:26 server[XXXXXX]: Too many open files ``` ✅ Follow these steps: 1. Change the directory where you store the docker compose configuration file by executing this command: ```typescript cd your_folder_name ``` 2. Open the docker compose configuration file by executing this command: ```typescript vim your_file_name.yml ``` 3. Ensure that your docker compose file has the correct limit as follows: ```typescript ulimits: nofile: soft: 40000 hard: 40000 ``` ### Command not recognized - psql 🚧 If you encounter an error like this: `'psql' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file` ✅ Follow these steps: **For windows**: 1. Open the **PostgreSQL** folder > \*\*scripts \*\*folder and open the command prompt on your computer: ![open command prompt](https://archbee-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/S_lGBDD7H53z1OcF8Kc79/80jZhU63tk1pglP_V-Oti_ezcom-maker-26.gif) ```typescript (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\scripts> ``` 2. Run the following command: cd "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin"\`\` ```typescript (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\scripts> cd "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin" ``` 3. Last but not least, execute the following command to run the Oxla server: psql -h\`\` ```typescript (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\scripts> cd "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin" C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin> psql.exe -h ``` ### Encoding is not supported 🚧 If you encounter an error like this: `Psql: error: connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: FATAL: WIN1252 encoding is not supported` ✅ Follow these steps: 1. Run the following command: ```typescript SET PGCLIENTENCODING=UTF8 ``` 2. Then, activate the code page with the command below: ```typescript chcp 65001Command ``` You will get the following output: ```typescript Active code page: 65001 ``` 3. Execute the following command to run the Oxla server: psql -h\`\` ```typescript C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin>SET PGCLIENTENCODING=UTF8 C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin>chcp 65001 Active code page: 65001 C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin>psql.exe -h ``` ### Missing argument 🚧 If you encounter an error like this: `Psql: warning: extra command-line argument "" ignored` ✅ Re-check the command. Keep an eye on each component, even the symbols and uppercase/lowercase words. ### Command not found - psql 🚧 If you encounter an error like this: `Psql.exe: command not found` ✅ Download and install PostgreSQL on your computer: * **For windows,** download PostgreSQL from [here](https://www.postgresql.org/download/). * **For linux**, install PostgreSQL by following the steps [here](https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/). * **For mac**, install PostgreSQL using the brew in terminal: `mac$ brew install postgresql`. ![Installing PostgreSQL](https://archbee-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/S_lGBDD7H53z1OcF8Kc79/l5eN2BdKhfjiciegK3d1P_imageedit24068984245.png) # Handling Oxla Degraded State Source: https://docs.oxla.com/resources/handling-oxla-degraded-state ## Overview Node degradation refers to the condition in which a node cannot perform most queries. If Oxla is misconfigured or faces a startup issue, it will enter a degraded state, return an error and reject all requests. This state can be temporary or permanent, affecting a single node or the entire cluster. This guide explains when degradation occurs and its impact on the node or cluster. ## Cluster State In Oxla, most errors that would crash a server should instead put it into a degraded state. Below are the key terms related to the node / cluster state: * **Liveness**: node serves incoming client connections, e.g. via psql. It does not have to allow the user to connect to the database - returning an error on connection attempt still meets liveness condition. * **Readiness**: cluster can execute queries. It requires leader node to be in a proper state. If the leader node is degraded, the cluster is not ready to execute queries. **Exception**
Invalid `postgresql_port` is an exception to the degraded state. Without it being properly set, even liveness condidtion is not met.
## Degradation State Period The degradation state of a node can be either **permanent** or **temporary**. ### Permanent Degradation Permanent degradation occurs when a node encounters an error from which it cannot recover. The server logs the reason for this error and each query returns the error reason. As a result, the node goes into a degraded state. In order to resolve the issue, the node requires a reboot. Here are a few error examples that can put an Oxla node in a permanently degraded state: * Invalid configuration file * Invalid `OXLA_HOME` layout or version * An error occurred while reading the database state on the leader node ### Temporary Degradation Temporary degradation occurs when a node cannot perform queries because it waits for specific conditions. Below you can find errors that are related to a temporary degraded state: * Unelected Leader (default starting state of each node) * The node is the Leader, but it has not been initialized yet ## Effects of Degraded State | Effects | Details | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Database connection | If the Leader is degraded, user cannot connect to the database and all connection attempts will return degradation error. | | Query Handling | - When a degraded node receives a query, it responds with a degradation error and cannot process it. - If the Leader is degraded, the whole cluster is considered degraded and most queries are not processed. | | Degradation Types | - **Permanent Degradation**: Nodes permanently degraded are excluded from query planning.
- **Temporary Degradation**: Nodes temporarily degraded are assumed to recover and are not considered in query planning. | | Query Execution | The `SHOW NODES` query requires the cluster to be ready and the scheduling node to not be degraded. It allows you to check the degradation status of each node in the cluster. A non-degraded leader collects data on every connected node, including degraded ones. | # Oxla Configuration File Source: https://docs.oxla.com/resources/oxla-configuration-file ## Overview Oxla configuration is managed through a configuration file, which defines various aspects of Oxla's usage and is helpful for both development and deployment. When Oxla is being run as a docker container, the config file is generated automatically inside a container in `/oxla/startup_config`, based on environment variables and default values. ## Mounting Config Directory The `/oxla/startup_config` config directory can be mounted using `-v /path/to/mount:/oxla/startup_config` command to access the config file directly: ```shell docker run --rm -it -p 5432:5432 -v /path/to/mount:/oxla/startup_config public.ecr.aws/oxla/release:latest ``` ## Configuring File Handling If no configuration is found in the specified directory, Oxla generates one using default values (the default name would be `config.yml`). During generation, Oxla takes into account environment variables. When the environment variable is passed, this value is written to the generated config instead of the default one. To modify the default config path inside Oxla's docker container, you need to pass the `OXLA_CONFIG_FILE=path/to/config.yml` environment variable to the `docker run` command. Passing an empty path would result in using the default values. When creating a custom configuration file, it is not required to pass all the possible variables. If a variable is not passed, it assumes the default value. An empty configuration file can be used, however Oxla will use defaults for everything. The best way to regenerate the config file is to remove or rename the existing config file, so there's no `/oxla/startup_config/config.yml`. Oxla will then automatically generate a new configuration file based on the default values. ## Variables Configuration The YAML file below is the default configuration file in Oxla: ```yaml network: port: 5769 slots_port: 5770 postgresql_port: 5432 prometheus_port: 8080 nodes: - "localhost" cluster_name: "cluster_1" host_name: "oxla_node_1" leader_election: leader_name: "oxla_node_1" metrics: no_prometheus_exposer: false insertion: buffer_size_limit: 42M buffer_timeout: 100 ms logging: level: "INFO" storage: oxla_home: "/oxla/data" s3: enable_discovery: true use_dual_stack: true endpoint: "" access_control: mode: DEFAULT ssl: mode: off ``` Below is a list of key configuration variables: | **Variable** | **Description** | **Values / Units** | | ------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `network.port` | Port on which Oxla listens for connections from nodes in the cluster | - | | `network.postgresql_port` | Port on which the node listens for TCP connections to the PostgreSQL client | - | | `network.prometheus_port` | Port on which the process listens for HTTP connections for Prometheus metrics | - | | `network.nodes` | List of IP addresses or DNS addresses to which Oxla connects | - | | `network.cluster_name` | Common cluster name used for node connection validation | - | | `network.host_name` | Unique name of a single node in the cluster | - | | `metrics.no_prometheus_exposer` | Option for disabling the Prometheus exposer | - | | `insertion.buffer_size_limit` | Threshold for data or time before dumping data from memory to the filesystem | `G`, `M`, `K` | | `insertion.buffer_timeout` | Timeout for dumping data from memory to the filesystem | `h`, `min`, `s`, `ms` | | `logging.info` | Logging level | `VERBOSE`, `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, `FATAL`, `NONE` | | `storage.oxla_home` | Directory for data (either on local disk, path inside the container or on S3) | - | | `storage.s3.enable_discovery` | By default, regional or overridden endpoints are used. To enable endpoint discovery, set the variable to `true` | `false`, `true` | | `storage.s3.use_dual_stack` | Enable or disable dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 endpoints (not all AWS services support IPv6 in all Regions) | - | | `storage.s3.endpoint` | Endpoint for the S3 protocol. If not provided, the default AWS endpoint is used | - | | `access_control.mode` | [Access control](/access-control/overview) mode that Oxla sticks to during connection and execution of queries by connected users | `DEFAULT`: keeps the default behavior of Oxla
`OFF`: turns off the access control. Everyone can login and execute any query
`ON`: turns on the access control and all the validations are executed | | `ssl.mode` | SSL connection mode for securing database communication | `Optional`: SSL is used if available, otherwise a non-SSL connection is attempted
`Require`: SSL must be used, non-SSL connections are rejected
`Off`: No SSL is used, all connections are unencrypted | ## Environment Variables Values in the configuration file take precedence over environment variables and default values. Naming conventions for environment variables are derived from the configuration variable names, with `__` (double underscore) replacing YAML hierarchy levels. For example: ```yaml network: port: 5769 ``` The port is expressed as the `NETWORK__PORT` environment variable Environment variables can be passed using the `-e` parameter in the `docker run` command, as presented below: ```shell docker run --rm -it -p 5432:5432 -e INSERTION__BUFFER_TIMEOUT=1ms public.ecr.aws/oxla/release:latest ``` # Public Metrics Source: https://docs.oxla.com/resources/public-metrics ## Overview Metrics play a crucial role in monitoring and analyzing the performance of Oxla, enabling users to gain valuable insights into their data processing and analytics workflows. The metrics are specific to a single node. This documentation will guide you on how to access and leverage the metrics. All metrics exposed by Oxla have a `label_node_id` with a node ID set. This is the same `node_id` that can be found in logs and on data storage. ## Accessing Metrics Once you have successfully deployed Oxla, you can access the comprehensive metrics that provide valuable insights into the performance and health of your database. To access the metrics, follow the steps below: 1. Open your preferred web browser and enter the following URL: ```typescript :8080/metrics ``` 2. Replace `` with the actual IP address of your Oxla deployment. For example, if your Oxla instance is hosted on IP address, the URL would be: ```typescript ``` 3. If you are running Oxla locally on your machine, you can use localhost as the IP address. In that case, the URL would be: ```typescript localhost:8080/metrics ``` 4. Upon accessing the URL, you will be presented with various metrics as shown below: ```typescript # HELP exposer_transferred_bytes_total Transferred bytes to metrics services # TYPE exposer_transferred_bytes_total counter exposer_transferred_bytes_total 0 # HELP exposer_scrapes_total Number of times metrics were scraped # TYPE exposer_scrapes_total counter exposer_scrapes_total 0 # HELP exposer_request_latencies Latencies of serving scrape requests, in microseconds # TYPE exposer_request_latencies summary exposer_request_latencies_count 0 exposer_request_latencies_sum 0 exposer_request_latencies{quantile="0.5"} Nan exposer_request_latencies{quantile="0.9"} Nan exposer_request_latencies{quantile="0.99"} Nan # HELP oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_count Number of queries received from clients # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_count counter oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="SELECT"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="COPY"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="INSERT"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_successful_count Number of successful queries received from clients # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_successful_count counter oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_successful_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="SELECT"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_successful_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="COPY"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_successful_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="INSERT"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_successful_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_failed_count Number of failed queries received from clients # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_failed_count counter oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_failed_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",error_type="OTHER"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_failed_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",error_type="CANCELED"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_failed_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",error_type="EXECUTION ERROR"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_client_queries_failed_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_command_count Number of queries received from clients # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_command_count counter oxla_net_postgres_command_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="TERMINATE"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_command_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="EXECUTE"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_command_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="DESCRIBE"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_command_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="BIND"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_command_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="SYNC"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_command_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="PARSE"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_command_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1",query_type="QUERY"} 0 oxla_net_postgres_command_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_nonlocalhost_connections_count Total number of non localhost cennections # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_nonlocalhost_connections_count counter oxla_net_postgres_nonlocalhost_connections_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP receipts_received_total Number of data task receipts received being executed on the node # TYPE receipts_received_total counter receipts_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",receipts_status="rejected",scheduler_role="leader"} 0 receipts_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",receipts_status="accepted",scheduler_role="leader"} 0 receipts_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",receipts_status="rejected",scheduler_role="inserter"} 0 receipts_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",receipts_status="accepted",scheduler_role="inserter"} 0 # HELP file_flushed_total Number of files flushed when inserting rows # TYPE file_flushed_total counter file_flushed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP tasks_executed_total Number of tasks executed on a node # TYPE tasks_executed_total counter tasks_executed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="leader",task_status="failed"} 0 tasks_executed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="leader",task_status="succeeded"} 0 tasks_executed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="inserter",task_status="succeeded"} 0 tasks_executed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="inserter",task_status="succeeded"} 0 tasks_executed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="leader",task_status="succeeded"} 0 tasks_executed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="leader",task_status="failed"} 0 tasks_executed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="inserter",task_status="failed"} 0 tasks_executed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="inserter",task_status="failed"} 0 # HELP tasks_result_received_total Number of tasks results received on a node # TYPE tasks_result_received_total counter tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",receiver_role="leader",task_status="canceled"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",receiver_role="leader",task_status="canceled"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",receiver_role="leader",task_status="succeeded"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",receiver_role="leader",task_status="failed"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",receiver_role="leader",task_status="failed"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",receiver_role="inserter",task_status="succeeded"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",receiver_role="inserter",task_status="failed"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",receiver_role="inserter",task_status="canceled"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",receiver_role="leader",task_status="succeeded"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",receiver_role="inserter",task_status="canceled"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",receiver_role="inserter",task_status="succeeded"} 0 tasks_result_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",receiver_role="inserter",task_status="failed"} 0 # HELP tasks_received_total Number of task a node has received to be executed # TYPE tasks_received_total counter tasks_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="leader",was_accepted="rejected"} 0 tasks_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="leader",was_accepted="rejected"} 0 tasks_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="leader",was_accepted="accepted"} 0 tasks_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="inserter",was_accepted="rejected"} 0 tasks_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="leader",was_accepted="accepted"} 0 tasks_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="inserter",was_accepted="rejected"} 0 tasks_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="inserter",was_accepted="accepted"} 0 tasks_received_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="inserter",was_accepted="accepted"} 0 # HELP tasks_scheduled_total Number of task the leader has send to nodes and are being executed # TYPE tasks_scheduled_total counter tasks_scheduled_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact"} 0 tasks_scheduled_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge"} 0 # HELP thread_pool_tasks_finished_total Number of tasks finished by the thread pool # TYPE thread_pool_tasks_finished_total counter thread_pool_tasks_finished_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP thread_pool_tasks_started_total Number of tasks started by the thread pool # TYPE thread_pool_tasks_started_total counter thread_pool_tasks_started_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 33 # HELP readers_closed_total Total number of readers closed since Oxla process creation # TYPE readers_closed_total counter readers_closed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP readers_opened_total Total number of readers opened since Oxla process creation # TYPE readers_opened_total counter readers_opened_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP writers_closed_total Total number of writers closed since Oxla process creation # TYPE writers_closed_total counter writers_closed_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 4 # HELP writers_opened_total Total number of writers opened since Oxla process creation # TYPE writers_opened_total counter writers_opened_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 4 # HELP aws_requests Type and state of requests sent to the aws s3 # TYPE aws_requests counter aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="succeeded",type="LIST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="retry",type="POST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="failed",type="POST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="started",type="POST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="started",type="GET"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="finished",type="GET"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="started",type="LIST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="failed",type="DELETE"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="succeeded",type="POST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="retry",type="PUT"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="failed",type="LIST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="retry",type="HEAD"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="succeeded",type="PUT"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="finished",type="DELETE"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="started",type="PUT"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="finished",type="HEAD"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="retry",type="LIST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="finished",type="LIST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="succeeded",type="GET"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="failed",type="PUT"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="failed",type="GET"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="succeeded",type="HEAD"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="retry",type="GET"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="started",type="DELETE"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="finished",type="PUT"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="retry",type="DELETE"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="finished",type="POST"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="failed",type="HEAD"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="succeeded",type="DELETE"} 0 aws_requests{_node_id="oxla_node_1",state="started",type="HEAD"} 0 # HELP s3_connections_finished_total Number of s3 connections finished # TYPE s3_connections_finished_total counter s3_connections_finished_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP s3_connections_started_total Number of s3 connections started # TYPE s3_connections_started_total counter s3_connections_started_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP file_cache_use_total Number of hits and misses on our file cache # TYPE file_cache_use_total counter file_cache_use_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",use_type="cant_get_descriptor"} 0 file_cache_use_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",use_type="miss"} 4 file_cache_use_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",use_type="hit_on_retry"} 0 file_cache_use_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",use_type="hit"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_connections Number of clients connected using the postgres protocol # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_connections gauge oxla_net_postgres_connections{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_last_nonlocalhost_connection Last non local host connection # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_last_nonlocalhost_connection gauge oxla_net_postgres_last_nonlocalhost_connection{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_last_nonlocalhost_disconnection Last non local host disconnection # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_last_nonlocalhost_disconnection gauge oxla_net_postgres_last_nonlocalhost_disconnection{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_last_query_finished Last query finished # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_last_query_finished gauge oxla_net_postgres_last_query_finished{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_last_query_started Last query started # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_last_query_started gauge oxla_net_postgres_last_query_started{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_net_postgres_queries_ongoing Number of currently running queries # TYPE oxla_net_postgres_queries_ongoing gauge oxla_net_postgres_queries_ongoing{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP cluster_has_leader_bool Is true iff cluster has a leader. # TYPE cluster_has_leader_bool gauge cluster_has_leader_bool{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 1 # HELP current_max_capacity Current max capacity per node # TYPE current_max_capacity gauge current_max_capacity{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 32 # HELP num_nodes_connected Number of nodes connected # TYPE num_nodes_connected gauge num_nodes_connected{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 1 # HELP node_is_degraded_bool Is true if node is degraded # TYPE node_is_degraded_bool gauge node_is_degraded_bool{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP node_is_leader_bool Is true iff node is a leader. # TYPE node_is_leader_bool gauge node_is_leader_bool{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 1 # HELP num_open_connections Number of open connections (StateHandler instances) # TYPE num_open_connections gauge num_open_connections{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 2 # HELP tasks_ongoing_total Number of task currently being executed on the node # TYPE tasks_ongoing_total gauge tasks_ongoing_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="leader"} 0 tasks_ongoing_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="leader"} 0 tasks_ongoing_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="merge",scheduler_role="inserter"} 0 tasks_ongoing_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1",file_task_type="compact",scheduler_role="inserter"} 0 # HELP thread_pool_size_total Number of threads used by the thread pool # TYPE thread_pool_size_total gauge thread_pool_size_total{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 33 # HELP file_flush_duration_ms how long does it take to flush a file # TYPE file_flush_duration_ms histogram file_flush_duration_ms_count{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_sum{_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="10"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="20"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="30"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="40"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="50"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="60"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="70"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="80"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="90"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="100"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="110"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="125"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="150"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="200"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="250"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="300"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="400"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="500"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="600"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="700"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="750"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="800"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="900"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="1000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="1500"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="2000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="2500"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="3000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="3500"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="4000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="5000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="6000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="7000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="8000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="9000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="10000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="15000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="20000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="30000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="40000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="50000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="60000"} 0 file_flush_duration_ms_bucket{_node_id="oxla_node_1",le="+Inf"} 0 # HELP oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats Information about jemalloc internal statistics via mallctl* # TYPE oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats gauge oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.allocated",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 10005776 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.active",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 11104256 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.metadata",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 12341008 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.metadata_thp",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.resident",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 23797760 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.mapped",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 77090816 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.retained",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 58699776 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.small.allocated",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 5045520 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.small.nmalloc",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 54779 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.small.ndalloc",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 7901 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.large.allocated",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 4960256 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.large.nmalloc",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 76 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.large.ndalloc",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 27 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.dead.small.allocated",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.dead.small.nmalloc",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.dead.small.ndalloc",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.dead.large.allocated",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.dead.large.nmalloc",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_jemalloc_mallctl_stats{elem="stats.arenas.all.dead.large.ndalloc",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 # HELP oxla_memory_usage_bytes Memory used by Oxla # TYPE oxla_memory_usage_bytes gauge oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="memory_consumption_total",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 33554432 oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="orphaned_memory_consumption_total",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="cache_memory_consumption_total",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 33554432 oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="cache_memory_total_evictions",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="query_memory_consumption_total",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="privileged_query_memory_consumption_total",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="privileged_tag",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 65535 oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="tags_in_use",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 0 oxla_memory_usage_bytes{value="memory_limit_total",_node_id="oxla_node_1"} 60381200384 ``` The following is a list of parameters available in the Public Metrics: | **Parameters** | **Description** | | --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `exposer_prefix` | The component responsible for exposing metrics. | | `exposer_transferred_bytes_total` | Total size of bytes transferred out by the endpoint. | | `exposer_scrapes_total` | Number of times metrics were scraped. | | `exposer_request_latencies` | Latencies of serving scrape requests, in microseconds. | | `exposer_request_latencies_count` | Count of latencies. | | `exposer_request_latencies_sum` | Sum of latencies. | | `client_sql_successful_queries_total` | Number of successful queries received from clients. | | | The available queries are: | | | - `label="COPY"`, successful COPY queries. | | | - `label="SELECT"`, successful SELECT queries. | | | - `label="INSERT"`, successful INSERT queries. | | | The available label is `query_type`. | | `client_sql_queries_total` | Number of queries received from clients. | | | The available queries are: | | | - `label="COPY"`, total COPY queries. | | | - `label="SELECT"`, total SELECT queries. | | | - `label="INSERT"`, total INSERT queries. | | | The available label is `query_type`. | | `file_flushed_total` | Number of files flushed when inserting rows. | | `tasks_executed_total` | Number of tasks executed on the cluster. | | `tasks_received_total` | Number of tasks a node has received to be executed. | | | The available task types are: | | | - `file_task_type="compact"`, total compact tasks received. | | | - `file_task_type="merge"`, total merge tasks received. | | `tasks_scheduled_total` | Number of tasks the leader has sent to nodes and are being executed. | | | The available task types are: | | | - `file_task_type="compact"`, total compact tasks scheduled. | | | - `file_task_type="merge"`, total merge tasks scheduled. | | `thread_pool_tasks_finished_total` | Number of tasks finished by the thread pool. | | `thread_pool_tasks_started_total` | Number of tasks started by the thread pool. | | `readers_closed_total` | Total number of readers closed since Oxla process creation. | | `readers_opened_total` | Total number of readers opened since Oxla process creation. | | `writers_closed_total` | Total number of writers closed since Oxla process creation. | | `writers_opened_total` | Total number of writers opened since Oxla process creation. | | `cluster_has_leader_bool` | Indicates if the cluster has a leader or not. | | `num_nodes_connected` | Number of nodes connected. | | `node_is_leader_bool` | Indicates if the node is a leader. | | `num_open_connections` | Number of open connections. | | `postgres_connections_total` | Number of clients connected using the Postgres protocol. | | `tasks_capacity_total` | Number of task capacity on the cluster. | | `tasks_ongoing_total` | Number of tasks currently being executed on the node. | | | The available task types are: | | | - `file_task_type="compact"`, total ongoing compact tasks. | | | - `file_task_type="merge"`, total ongoing merge tasks. | | `thread_pool_size_total` | Number of threads used by the thread pool. | | `oxla_memory_usage_bytes` | Memory used by Oxla. | | | The available values are: | | | - `value="system_memory_consumption_total"`, total system memory consumption. | | | - `value="cache_memory_consumption_total"`, total cache memory consumption. | | | - `value="query_memory_consumption_total"`, total query memory consumption. | | `oxla_mallinfo` | Information about glibc's malloc() internal state. | | `s3_connections_started` | Number of S3 connections started. | | `s3_connections_finished` | Number of S3 connections finished. | | `tasks_result_received` | Number of task results received. | | `oxla_net_postgres_connections_count` | Total number of network connections. | | `oxla_net_postgres_nonlocalhost_connections_count` | number of active non-localhost connections. | | `oxla_net_postgres_queries_ongoing` | Number of currently running client queries. | | `oxla_net_postgres_command_count` | Total number of commands. | | `oxla_net_postgres_last_nonlocalhost_connection` | Timestamp of last non-localhost connection event \[In seconds]. | | `oxla_net_postgres_last_nonlocalhost_disconnection` | Timestamp of last non-localhost disconnection event \[In seconds] | | `oxla_net_postgres_last_query_finished` | Timestamp of last client query finished event \[In seconds]. | | `oxla_net_postgres_last_query_started` | Timestamp of last client query started event \[In seconds]. | By regularly monitoring these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the efficiency of your database operations, identify potential bottlenecks, and make data-driven optimizations to enhance the overall performance and reliability of your analytical workflows. # SSL Configuration Source: https://docs.oxla.com/resources/ssl-support The Oxla database provides support for using SSL connections to encrypt client/server communications for increased security, that safeguards your data. The following documentation will guide you through the process of configuring SSL for your Oxla database. ## SSL Configuration Settings To enable SSL support, the following settings must be correctly configured: * **mode**: `require` or `optional` * **cert\_file**: path to the server's public certificate in PEM format * **key\_file**: path to the server's private key in PEM format Providing a `ca_crt_file`, which is used to verify whether the certificate was signed by the Certificate Authority (CA) is **optional**. The settings for `min_protocol_version` and `max_protocol_version` can be omitted, as they have default values. ## SSL Enabled Configuration (Mode: Optional) Clients are authorized to establish connections using both non-SSL and SSL protocols. Connections established with `sslmode=require` or `sslmode=disable` will be accepted. ```yaml ssl: mode: optional ca_crt_file: "path/to/ca.crt" cert_file: "path/to/ssl.crt" key_file: "path/to/ssl.key" min_protocol_version: 1.2 # Minimum supported SSL version, supported values: 1.2, 1.3 max_protocol_version: 1.3 # Maximum supported SSL version, supported values: 1.2, 1.3 ``` ## SSL Enabled Configuration (Mode: Require) Clients are permitted to connect only through SSL connections. Any attempts to establish a connection using tools that require SSL, such as `psql` with the `sslmode=disable` option, will be rejected. ```yaml ssl: mode: require ca_crt_file: "path/to/ca.crt" cert_file: "path/to/ssl.crt" key_file: "path/to/ssl.key" min_protocol_version: 1.2 # Minimum supported SSL version, supported values: 1.2, 1.3 max_protocol_version: 1.3 # Maximum supported SSL version, supported values: 1.2, 1.3 ``` ### SSL Disabled Configuration Clients are permitted to connect only through non-SSL connections. Any attempts to establish a connection using tools that require SSL, such as `psql` with the `sslmode=require` option, will be rejected. ```yaml ssl: mode: off ``` ## SSL Modes Description Table | SSL Mode | Eavesdropping Protection | Support | | :------: | :----------------------: | :-------------------------------------------- | | off | No | SSL connections not supported | | require | Yes | Only SSL connections are allowed | | optional | Yes | both SSL and no SSL connections are supported | ## Examples of SSL Configuration For a more detailed explanation of the configuration options, please refer to the Oxla Configuration File. # Understanding Transactions Source: https://docs.oxla.com/resources/understanding-transactions ## Overview The transactions are supported only on the syntax level to allow integration with tools that requires it. While the syntax is accepted, all the queries are executed immediately and with no transactional guarantees. ## Commands These commands are used to manage transactions: ### BEGIN Initiates a new transaction by calling one of the syntax below. ```sql BEGIN BEGIN; ``` ```sql BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRANSACTION; ``` ### COMMIT Saves the changes made in a transaction to the database. It simply ends the transaction.
Call one of the syntax below. ```sql COMMIT COMMIT; ``` ```sql END TRANSACTION END TRANSACTION; ``` ### ROLLBACK In Oxla, when you issue a ROLLBACK command, it doesn't undo changes made in the current transaction. It simply finishes the transaction without any rollback action. ```sql ROLLBACK; ``` ## Example 1. Let's define a table named `products` with columns: `product_name`, `price`, and `stock_quantity`. ```sql CREATE TABLE productsnew( product_name TEXT, price INT, stock_quantity INT ); ``` Upon successful creation, you will get the output below. ```sql CREATE ``` 2. Next, we want to insert product data into the `products` table. \* Transactions can only contain either multiple `SELECT` statements or a single non-SELECT one
\* The `INSERT` statement is executed immediately without waiting for the transaction to finish or a `COMMIT` to be issued
```sql BEGIN; INSERT INTO productsnew(product_name, price, stock_quantity) VALUES ('Tab', 8000, 20); ``` By exectuing the code above, you will get the following output: ```sql BEGIN INSERT 0 1 ``` 3. View the changes by displaying the products table: ```sql SELECT * FROM productsnew; COMMIT; ``` The product data is now added to the table. ```sql product_name | price | stock_quantity --------------+-------+---------------- Harddisk | 12000 | 14 (1 row) COMMIT ``` # DELETE Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-mutations/delete ## **Overview** The `DELETE` mutation deletes one or more records from a table based on specified conditions. This support has limitations: * Only one data mutation (DELETE or UPDATE) at a given moment is possible, trying to run another one will fail. * Data mutations rewrite all files containing the data from the UPDATE/DELETE condition. Running `DELETE from the table` without any condition is possible, but it will be much slower than the `DROP TABLE table`. * The syntax is simplified in comparison to Postgres. For example, the `SET column=` operation doesn't support sub-SELECT as the value, and the `WHERE` clause cannot contain sub-SELECT. ## **Syntax** The syntax for `DELETE` mutation is as follows: ```sql DELETE FROM table WHERE conditions; ``` In this syntax: * `table`: The table name from which you want to delete records. * `WHERE` conditions (**Optional**): The conditions must be met for the deletion to execute. If no conditions are provided, all records from the table will be deleted. ## **Example** 1. Let's create a sample table named `orders` that track customer orders. ```sql CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id INT, customer_name TEXT, product_id INT, quantity INT, order_status TEXT ); INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, product_id, quantity, order_status) VALUES (101, 'Alice Johnson', 1, 3, 'shipped'), (102, 'Bob Smith', 2, 1, 'pending'), (103, 'Charlie Brown', 3, 2, 'completed'), (104, 'David White', 1, 1, 'pending'), (105, 'Eva Davis', 4, 4, 'shipped'); ``` 2. This creates a table named orders and inserts some sample data. ```sql SELECT * FROM orders; ``` 3. You'll get the following table: ```sql order_id | customer_name | product_id | quantity | order_status ----------+---------------+------------+----------+-------------- 101 | Alice Johnson | 1 | 3 | shipped 102 | Bob Smith | 2 | 1 | pending 103 | Charlie Brown | 3 | 2 | completed 104 | David White | 1 | 1 | pending 105 | Eva Davis | 4 | 4 | shipped ``` 4. Let's say we want to delete orders with a quantity less than or equal to 2. ```sql DELETE FROM orders WHERE quantity <= 2; ``` 5. The output shows that the order with `order_id`: `102`, `103`, and `104` are deleted because they have a quantity less than 2. ```sql order_id | customer_name | product_id | quantity | order_status ----------+---------------+------------+----------+-------------- 101 | Alice Johnson | 1 | 3 | shipped 105 | Eva Davis | 4 | 4 | shipped ``` # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-mutations/overview ## What are Mutations? 🤔 A mutation refers to a change made to data stored in a database. Several commands are provided for data manipulation, such as `INSERT` (adds new records), `UPDATE` (modifies existing records), and `DELETE` (deletes records). This support has limitations: * Only **one data mutation (DELETE or UPDATE)** at a given moment is possible. Trying to run another one will fail. * Data mutations rewrite all files containing the data from the UPDATE/DELETE condition. Running `DELETE from the table` without any condition is possible, but it will be much slower than the `DROP TABLE table`. * The syntax is simplified in comparison to Postgres. For example, the `SET column=` operation doesn't support sub-SELECT as the value, and the `WHERE` clause cannot contain sub-SELECT. *** Currently, Oxla supports the following SQL mutations: Learn more Learn more # UPDATE Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-mutations/update ## **Overview** The `UPDATE` mutation is used to modify the existing records in a table. This support has limitations: * Only **one data mutation (DELETE or UPDATE)** at given moment is possible, trying to run another one will result in failure. * Data mutations rewrite all files containing the data from the UPDATE/DELETE condition. Please note that running `DELETE from table` without any condition is possible, but it will be much slower than just `DROP TABLE table`. * The syntax is simplified in comparison to Postgres. For example, the `SET column=` operation doesn’t support sub-SELECT as the value, also the `WHERE` clause cannot contain sub-SELECT. **Feature Update: Initial Release**.
This marks the initial release of our new Mutation feature, providing you with the ability to update data. The Mutations involve rewriting entire files which take several minutes and could generate infrastructure costs. We are aiming to enhance and optimize this feature in future updates!
## **Syntax** The syntax for `UPDATE` mutation is as follows: ```sql UPDATE table SET column1 = expression1, column2 = expression2 ... WHERE conditions; ``` In this syntax: * `table`: The name of the table you want to update. * `column1, column2`: The columns that you wish to update. * `expression1, expression2`: The new values to assign to column1, column2, and so on. Each column is set to its corresponding expression. * `WHERE conditions` **(Optional)**: The conditions that must be met for the update to execute. If no conditions are provided, all table records will be updated. ## **Examples** Let's create a sample table called tasks: ```sql CREATE TABLE tasks ( task_id INT, task_name TEXT, status TEXT ); INSERT INTO tasks (task_id, task_name, status) VALUES (1001, 'Task A', 'pending'), (1002, 'Task B', 'in-progress'), (1003, 'Task C', 'pending'); ``` The tasks table will be created as shown below: ```sql task_id | task_name | status ---------+-----------+------------- 1001 | Task A | pending 1002 | Task B | in-progress 1003 | Task C | pending ``` Now, let's see the following cases for updating the table: ### Case #1: Update a Single Column 1. In this case, we want to update the `status` column to “completed” for the record where `task_id` is 1001. ```sql UPDATE tasks SET status = 'completed' WHERE task_id = 1001; ``` 2. The output below shows that the update was successful. ```sql UPDATE ``` 3. Check the updated table by running the `SELECT` query below: ```sql SELECT * FROM tasks; ``` 4. The `UPDATE` mutation updates the status to “completed” for the task with ID 1001. ```sql task_id | task_name | status ---------+-----------+------------- 1001 | Task A | completed 1002 | Task B | in-progress 1003 | Task C | pending ``` ### Case #2: Update Multiple Columns 1. Let’s assume we want to update the `task_name` and `status` columns for the record where `task_id` is 1002. ```sql UPDATE tasks SET task_name = 'Updated Task B', status = 'completed' WHERE task_id = 1002; ``` 2. The output below shows that the update was successful. ```sql UPDATE ``` 3. Check the updated table by running the `SELECT` query below: ```sql SELECT * FROM tasks; ``` 4. Here, the task name and status columns are updated for the task with ID 1002. ```sql task_id | task_name | status ---------+----------------+----------- 1001 | Task A | completed 1002 | Updated Task B | completed 1003 | Task C | pending ``` # Comment Support Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/comment-support ## Overview OXLA fully supports comments in your queries. Comments provide a way to add explanatory notes and improve the readability of queries, making it easier for developers and stakeholders to understand complex queries. There are two types of comments in OXLA: **single-line** and **multi-line (block)**. ## Single Line Comments A single-line comment in OXLA starts with two consecutive hyphens (--) and extends to the end of the line. These comments are used to annotate specific parts of a query, providing brief explanations or notes to assist in understanding the query. **Syntax:** ```sql -- This is an example single line comment ``` ## Multi-Line (Block) Comments OXLA also supports multi-line comments, often referred to as block comments. These comments begin with /\* and end with \*/, allowing for multi-line explanations or temporarily disabling sections of the query. **Syntax:** ```sql /* This is an example multi-line comment. It can span multiple lines and is useful for providing detailed explanations. */ ``` ## Comment Placement In OXLA, single-line comments should always be placed at the end of the line they refer to, whereas multi-line comments can be positioned anywhere within the query. **Example - Comment on Single Line:** ```sql SELECT column1, column2 -- This is an example single line comment FROM table_name; ``` **Example - Comment on Multiple Lines:** ```sql SELECT /* comment 1 */ column1, column2 FROM table_name /* comment 2 */ WHERE column3 = 42 /* comment 3 */ ; ``` ## Best Practices for Commenting To maximize the benefits of comments in OXLA queries, follow these best practices: Write clear and concise comments that provide meaningful insights into the specific parts of the query. Whenever the query is modified, update the associated comments to reflect the changes accurately. While comments are helpful, excessive commenting can clutter the code and reduce. # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/overview This section provides information about the syntax and semantics of SQL queries, clauses, data types, and functions that Oxla supports. The information in this section is divided into groups according to the kind of operation they perform as follows: } href="/sql-reference/sql-statements/overview" > Learn how to create a request for data or information from one or more database tables using our supported statements. } href="/sql-reference/sql-clauses/overview" > This sub-section show you how to write user-friendly queries and analyze data using different constraints and conditions. } href="/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview" > This sub-section will guide you through implementing our supported data types to run your operations, such as text, timestamp, numeric, and many more…💨 } href="/sql-reference/sql-functions/overview" > See how you can combine the statements, data types, and other references into specific functions for particular tasks. } href="/sql-reference/schema"> Learn about a logical container that holds database objects and relationships of data in a database. } href="/sql-reference/comment-support" > Adding comments in your queries for better documentation and collaboration. # Schema Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/schema # **What is Schema?** Have you ever wondered how to work with your fellows in one database without interfering with each other? Is it possible to organize the database objects into logical groups which do not collide with the other objects' names? We can do those things with **Schema**. A **schema** is a collection of tables. A schema also contains views, indexes, sequences, data types, operators, and functions. We support multiple schemas. For example, you can have a database named `oxla` and have multiple schemas based on your needs, like `auth`, `model`, `business`, etc. ![schema](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-schema.png) # **Default Schema in Oxla** By default, the `public` schema is used in Oxla. When unqualified `table_name` is used, that `table_name` is equivalent to `public.table_name`. It also applies to `CREATE`, `DROP`, and `SELECT TABLE` statements. Furthermore, you can create multiple schemas per your needs. # **Schema Usage Scenarios** ## **#1 - Create a Schema** The basic syntax of creating a schema is as follows: ```sql CREATE SCHEMA [IF NOT EXISTS] schema_name; ``` * `schema_name` is the schema name you are going to create. * `IF NOT EXISTS` is an optional parameter to avoid errors if the schema already exists. ## **#2 - Create a Table in Schema** The syntax to create a table in a specified schema is as follows: ```sql CREATE TABLE schema_name.table_name( ... ); ``` * `schema_name` is the schema that you have created. * `table_name` is the table name you are going to create. ## **#3 - Select a Table in Schema** After creating the table and inserting some data, display all rows with the syntax below: ```sql SELECT * FROM schema_name.table_name; ``` * `schema_name` is the name of the schema. * `table_name` is the name of the table you want to display. ## **#4 - Drop the Schema** **Option 1**: To drop an empty schema where no objects remain in it, use the command below: ```sql DROP SCHEMA [IF EXISTS] schema_name; ``` * `schema_name` is the schema name you are going to create. * `IF EXISTS` is an optional parameter to avoid errors if the schema does not exist. **Option 2**: Tables reside in a schema, so it is impossible to drop a schema without also dropping the tables. With the command below, you will also drop the schema with the tables. ```sql DROP SCHEMA schema_name CASCADE; ``` # Examples ## Example #1: Creating Schema 1. First, connect to Oxla and create a schema as shown below: ```sql CREATE SCHEMA oxlarefs; ``` 2. Next, create a table in the above schema with the following details: ```sql CREATE TABLE oxlarefs.functions( id int, function_name text, active bool ); INSERT INTO oxlarefs.functions(id, function_name, active) VALUES ('1111', 'Numeric', 'TRUE'), ('2222', 'Text', 'TRUE'), ('3333', 'Timestamp', 'TRUE'), ('4444', 'JSON', 'TRUE'), ('5555', 'Boolean', 'TRUE'); ``` 3. You can verify and show the table made with the command below: ```sql SELECT * FROM oxlarefs.functions; ``` 4. You will get the following result: ```sql +------+---------------+---------+ | id | function_name | active | +------+---------------+---------+ | 1111 | Numeric | t | | 2222 | Text | t | | 3333 | Timestamp | t | | 4444 | JSON | t | | 5555 | Boolean | t | +------+---------------+---------+ ``` ## Example #2: Creating Schema Using IF NOT EXISTS To avoid errors when the schema already exists, use the `IF NOT EXISTS` option. Here is how it works: ### Example without IF NOT EXISTS 1. First, create the schema without using the `IF NOT EXISTS` option. ```sql CREATE SCHEMA oxladb; ``` Output: ```sql CREATE SCHEMA ``` 2. If you attempt to create the schema again without using `IF NOT EXISTS`, it will result in an error. ```sql CREATE SCHEMA oxladb; ``` Output: ```sql ERROR: Schema: oxladb already exists ``` ### Example with IF NOT EXISTS Now, create the schema using the `IF NOT EXISTS` option to avoid the error. ```sql CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS oxladb; ``` Using `IF NOT EXISTS` allows the query to create a schema even if it already exists. ```sql CREATE ``` ## Example #3: Dropping Schema Use the command below to delete the schema and also the tables in it. ```sql DROP SCHEMA oxlarefs CASCADE; ``` Another case is if there is no table or object created inside the schema, you can use the following command to drop the schema. ```sql DROP SCHEMA oxlarefs; ``` ## Example #4: Dropping Schema using IF EXISTS ### Example without IF EXISTS 1. First, drop the schema without using the `IF EXISTS` option. ```sql DROP SCHEMA oxladb; ``` Output: ```sql DROP ``` 2. If you attempt to drop the schema again without using `IF EXISTS`, it will result in an error. ```sql DROP SCHEMA oxladb; ``` Output: ```sql ERROR: schema "oxladb" does not exist ``` ### Example with IF EXISTS Now, drop the schema using the `IF EXISTS` option. ```sql DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS oxladb; ``` Using `IF` EXISTS allows the query to succeed even if the schema does not exist. ```sql DROP ``` # FROM Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/from ## Overview The `FROM` clause is used to specify which table or joins are required for the query/statement (e.g., `SELECT `statement) to return or obtain data. ## Syntax There must be at least one table listed in the `FROM` clause. See the following syntax: ```sql query FROM table_name; ``` If two or more tables are listed in the `FROM` clause, these tables are joined using [JOIN](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/join), [RIGHT JOIN](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/right-join), [LEFT JOIN](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/left-join), or [OUTER JOIN](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/outer-join), depending on the operations to be queried as seen in the syntax below: ```sql FROM table1_name [ { JOIN | LEFT JOIN | RIGHT JOIN | OUTER JOIN } table2_name ON table1_name.column1 = table2_name.column1 ] ``` The examples below are executed in the `public` schema, the default schema in Oxla. You can also create, insert, and display a table from other schemas - click [here](/sql-reference/schema) for more info. ## Example We'll start by looking at how to use the `FROM` clause with only a single table. There is a **client** table, and we want to know the client’s name and the city where the company is based. ```sql CREATE TABLE client ( client_id int, client_name text, client_origin text ); INSERT INTO client (client_id, client_name, client_origin) VALUES (181891,'Oxla','Poland'), (181892,'Google','USA'), (181893,'Samsung','South Korea'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM client; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +------------+--------------+------------------+ | client_id | client_name | client_origin | +------------+--------------+------------------+ | 181891 | Oxla | Poland | | 181892 | Google | USA | | 181893 | Samsung | South Korea | +------------+--------------+------------------+ ``` 1. Run the following query: ```sql SELECT client_name, client_origin FROM client; ``` 2. You will get a list of the client’s data for a successful result: ```sql +--------------+------------------+ | client_name | client_origin | +--------------+------------------+ | Oxla | Poland | | Google | USA | | Samsung | South Korea | +--------------+------------------+ ``` If two or more tables are listed in the FROM clause, please refer to these sections for more examples related to this: [JOIN](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/join), [RIGHT JOIN](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/right-join), [LEFT JOIN](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/left-join), or [OUTER JOIN](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/outer-join). ## FROM - Sub Queries FROM clause is also used to specify a sub-query expression. The relation created from the sub-query is then used as a new relation on the other query. More than one table can be defined by separating it with a comma **(,)**. ### Syntax Here is an example of the sub-query syntax that uses a FROM clause: ```sql SELECT X.column1, X.column2, X.column3 FROM table_2 as X, table_1 as Y WHERE conditions (X.column, Y.column); ``` 1. The sub-query in the first `FROM` clause will select the columns from the specific table using a new temporary relation (`SELECT X.column1, X.column2, X.column3 FROM` ). 2. Set the tables into a new temporary relation (`table_2 as X, table_1 as Y`). 3. Next, the query is evaluated, selecting only those rows from the temporary relation that fulfill the conditions stated in the `WHERE` clause. ### Example We want to find a product whose price exceeds all categories' average budget.  **product table** ```sql CREATE TABLE product ( id int, product text, category text, price int ); INSERT INTO product (id, product, category, price) VALUES (445747,'Court vision women’s shoes nike','Shoes', 8000), (445641,'Disney kids h&m','Shirt', 6500), (477278,'Defacto adidas','Hat', 8500), (481427,'Sophie shopping bag','Bag', 6500), (411547,'Candy skirt zara','Skirt', 6500), (488198,'Slim cut skirt hush puppies','Skirt', 7600); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM product; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+ | id | product | category | price | +---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+ | 445747 | Court vision women’s shoes nike | Shoes | 8000 | | 445641 | Disney kids h&m | Shirt | 6500 | | 477278 | Defacto adidas | Hat | 8500 | | 481427 | Sophie shopping bag | Bag | 6500 | | 411547 | Candy skirt zara | Skirt | 6500 | | 488198 | Slim cut skirt hush puppies | Skirt | 7600 | +---------+----------------------------------+-----------+--------+ ``` **category table** ```sql CREATE TABLE category ( categoryName text, budget int ); INSERT INTO category (categoryName, budget) VALUES ('Shoes', 7000), ('Shirt', 9000), ('Bag', 8000), ('Skirt', 7500), ('Hat', 7000); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM category; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +---------------+----------+ | categoryName | budget | +---------------+----------+ | Shoes | 7000 | | Shirt | 9000 | | Bag | 8000 | | Skirt | 7500 | | Hat | 7000 | +---------------+----------+ ``` *** 1. Run the following query to know and ensure the average value of all category’s budgets: ```sql select avg(budget) as avgBudget from category; ``` 2. The average budget of all categories from the **category** table is 7700. ```sql +--------------------+ | avgbudget | +--------------------+ | 7700.000000000000 | +--------------------+ ``` 3. Now, run the following query: * We specify the **product** table as **P** and the budget's average value from the **category** table as C. * We will display the product's name, category, and price. * We set the conditions where the product's price exceeds the budget's average value. ```sql select P.product, P.category, P.price from (select avg(budget) as avgBudget from category) as C, product as P where P.price > C.avgBudget; ``` ➡️ The output will display “court vision women's shoes nike” and "Defacto adidas” as the products with a price of more than 7700. ```sql +------------------------------------+-----------+----------+ | product | category | price | +------------------------------------+-----------+----------+ | court vision women`s shoes nike | shoes | 8000 | | Defacto adidas | hat | 8500 | +------------------------------------+-----------+----------+ ``` # JOIN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/join ## Overview `JOIN` clause is used to create a new table by combining records and using common fields between two tables in a database. We support table aliasing used in the `JOIN` clause. ## Syntax ### a) Basic Syntax The following is the syntax of the `JOIN` clause: ```sql SELECT table_1.column_1, table_2.column_2... FROM table_1 JOIN table_2 ON table_1.common_filed = table_2.common_field ``` 1. `SELECT table_1.column_1, table_2.column_2...` will select the columns to be displayed from both tables. 2. `FROM table_1 JOIN table_2` represents the joined tables. 3. `ON table_1.common_filed = table_2.common_field` compares each row of table\_1 with each row of table\_2 to find all pairs of rows that meet the join-common field. 4. When the join-common field is met, column values for each matched pair of rows from table\_1 and table\_2 are combined into a result row. ### b) Syntax with an Alias You can use table aliasing to refer to the table’s name. An alias is a temporary name given to a table, column, or expression in a query. The results will stay the same, but it can help you to write the query easier. ```sql SELECT left.column_1, right.column_2... FROM table_1 as left JOIN table_2 as right ON left.common_filed = right.common_field ``` ## Examples Before we move on, let us assume two tables: **movies table** ```sql CREATE TABLE movies ( movie_id int, movie_name text, category_id int ); INSERT INTO movies (movie_id, movie_name, category_id) VALUES (201011, 'The Avengers', 181893), (200914, 'Avatar', 181894), (201029, 'Shutter Island', 181891), (201925, 'Tune in Your Love', 181892); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM movies; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +------------+-----------------------+--------------+ | movie_id | movie_name | category_id | +------------+-----------------------+--------------+ | 201011 | The Avengers | 181893 | | 200914 | Avatar | 181894 | | 201029 | Shutter Island | 181891 | | 201925 | Tune in Your Love | 181892 | +------------+-----------------------+--------------+ ``` **categories table** ```sql CREATE TABLE categories ( id int, category_name text ); INSERT INTO categories (id, category_name) VALUES (181891, 'Psychological Thriller'), (181892, 'Romance'), (181893, 'Fantasy'), (181894, 'Science Fiction'), (181895, 'Action'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM categories; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +--------------+-----------------------+ | id | category_name | +-----------+--------------------------+ | 181891 | Psychological Thriller | | 181892 | Romance | | 181893 | Fantasy | | 181894 | Science Fiction | | 181895 | Action | +-----------+--------------------------+ ``` *** 1. Based on the above tables, we can write a `JOIN` query as follows: ```sql SELECT a.movie_name, c.category_name FROM movies AS a JOIN categories AS c ON a.category_id = c.id; ``` 2. The above query will give the following result: ```sql +-----------------------+---------------------------+ | movie_name | category_name | +-----------------------+---------------------------+ | Shutter Island | Psychological Thriller | | Tune in Your Love | Romance | | The Avengers | Fantasy | | Avatar | Science Fiction | +-----------------------+---------------------------+ ``` The JOIN checks each row of the **category\_id** column in the first table (**movies**) with the value in the **id** column of each row in the second table (**categories**). If the values are equal, it will create a new row that contains columns from both tables (**category\_name)** and adds the new row **(movie\_name)** to the result set. Below is the Venn diagram based on the example: ![join](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-from-join.png) # LEFT JOIN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/left-join ## Overview The `LEFT JOIN`returns **all** matching records from the left table combined with the right table. Even if there are no matching records in the right table, the `LEFT JOIN` will still return a row in the result, but with NULL in each column from the right table. `LEFT JOIN` is also known as `LEFT OUTER JOIN`. ## Syntax We support table aliasing used in the `LEFT JOIN` clause. ### a) Basic Syntax ```sql SELECT column_1, column_2... FROM table_1 LEFT JOIN table_2 ON table_1.matching_field = table2.matching_field; ``` In the above syntax: 1. `SELECT column_1, column_2...` defines the **columns** from both tables where we want the data to be selected. 2. `FROM table_1` defines the **left table** as the main table in the FORM clause. 3. `RIGHT JOIN table_2` defines the **right table** as the table the main table joins. 4. `ON table_1.matching_field = table2.matching_field` sets the join condition after the **ON** keyword with the matching field between the two tables. ### b) Syntax with an Alias You can use an alias to refer to the table’s name. The results will stay the same. It only helps to write the query easier. ```sql SELECT A.column_1, B.column_2... FROM table_1 A //table_1 as A LEFT JOIN table_2 B //table_2 as B ON A.matching_field = B.matching_field; ``` ## Example **item table** ```sql CREATE TABLE item ( item_no int NOT NULL, item_name text ); INSERT INTO item (item_no,item_name) VALUES (111,'Butter'), (113,'Tea'), (116,'Bread'), (119,'Coffee'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM item; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +-----------+----------------+ | item_no | item_name | +-----------+----------------+ | 111 | Butter | | 113 | Tea | | 116 | Bread | | 119 | Coffee | +-----------+----------------+ ``` **invoice table** ```sql CREATE TABLE invoice ( inv_no int NOT NULL, item int, sold_qty int, sold_price int ); INSERT INTO invoice (inv_no, item, sold_qty, sold_price) VALUES (020219,111,3,9000), (020220,116,6,30000), (020221,116,2,10000), (020222,116,1,5000), (020223,119,5,20000), (020224,119,4,16000); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM invoice; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +----------+---------+-----------+-------------+ | inv_no | item | sold_qty | sold_price | +----------+---------+-----------+-------------+ | 20219 | 111 | 3 | 9000 | | 20220 | 116 | 6 | 30000 | | 20221 | 116 | 2 | 10000 | | 20222 | 116 | 1 | 5000 | | 20223 | 119 | 5 | 20000 | | 20224 | 119 | 4 | 16000 | +----------+---------+-----------+-------------+ ``` *** 1\) Based on the above tables, we can write a `LEFT JOIN` query as follows: ```sql SELECT item_no, item_name, sold_qty, sold_price FROM item LEFT JOIN invoice ON item.item_no = invoice.item; ``` * The **item** = left table, and the **invoice** = right table. * Then it combines the values from the **item** table using the **item\_no** and matches the records using the **item** column of each row from the **invoice** table. * If the records are equal, a new row will be created with `item_no`, **`item_name`**, and `sold_qty`, `sold_price` columns as defined in the `SELECT` clause. * **ELSE** it will create a new row with a `NULL` value from the right table **(invoice)**. 2\) The above query will give the following result: ```sql +-----------+-------------+------------+---------------+ | item_no | item_name | sold_qty | sold_price | +-----------+-------------+------------+---------------+ | 111 | Butter | 3 | 9000 | | 113 | Tea | null | null | | 116 | Bread | 6 | 30000 | | 116 | Bread | 2 | 10000 | | 116 | Bread | 1 | 5000 | | 119 | Coffee | 5 | 20000 | | 119 | Coffee | 4 | 16000 | +-----------+-------------+------------+---------------+ ``` Based on the data from the **item** and **invoice** tables: * The result matches the total item stored in the **item** table: **4 items.** * The result will display all the item's data from the **left table (item table)**, even if there is 1 item that hasn’t been sold. * The item id: `111` matches the item `butter` and has been sold for 3pcs/9000. * The item id: `113` matches the item `tea` but has never been sold. Thus the sold\_qty & sold\_price columns are filled with: null. * The item id: `116` matches the item `Bread` and has been sold three times, for 6pcs/3000, 2pcs/10000, and 1pc/5000. * The item id: `119` matches the item `Coffee` and has been sold two times, for 5pcs/20000 and 4pcs/16000. An **item** can have zero or many invoices. An **invoice** belongs to zero or one **item**. The following Venn diagram illustrates the `LEFT JOIN`: ![left join](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-from-left-join.png) # OUTER JOIN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/outer-join ## Overview The `OUTER JOIN` **or** `FULL OUTER JOIN` returns all the records from the selected fields between the two tables (left table & right table) whether the join condition is met or not. ### **Inner Join 🆚 Outer Join** The most significant difference between an `INNER JOIN` and an `OUTER JOIN` is that the `INNER JOIN` only returns the information from both tables which are common and related to each other. The OUTER JOIN will return all rows (matched/unmatched) from both tables. We support table aliasing used in the OUTER JOIN clause. ## Syntax ### a) Basic Syntax ```sql SELECT column_1, column_2... FROM table_1 FULL OUTER JOIN table_2 ON table_1.matching_field = table2.matching_field; ``` In the above syntax: 1. `SELECT column_1, column_2...` defines the **columns** from both tables where we want to display data. 2. `FROM table_1` represents the **left table** with table\_1 in the FROM clause. 3. `FULL OUTER JOIN table_2` represents the **right table** with table\_2 in the FULL OUTER JOIN condition. 4. `ON table_1.matching_field = table2.matching_field` sets the join condition after the **ON** keyword with the matching field between the two tables. ### b) Syntax with an Alias You can use an alias to refer to the table’s name. The results will stay the same. It only helps to write the query easier. ```sql SELECT A.column_1, B.column_2... FROM table_1 A //table_1 as A FULL OUTER JOIN table_2 B //table_2 as B ON A.matching_field = B.matching_field; ``` If there are no matched records from the joined tables, the `NULL` values will return in every column of the table that doesn’t have the matching record. ## Example **departments table** ```sql CREATE TABLE departments ( department_id int, department_name text ); INSERT INTO departments (department_id,department_name) VALUES (1001, 'Sales'), (1002, 'Marketing'), (1003, 'HR'), (1004, 'Project'), (1005, 'Product'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM departments; ``` It will create a **departments** table as shown below: ```sql +----------------+------------------+ | department_id | department_name | +----------------+------------------+ | 1001 | Sales | | 1002 | Marketing | | 1003 | HR | | 1004 | Project | | 1005 | Product | +----------------+------------------+ ``` **employee table** ```sql CREATE TABLE employee ( employee_id int, employee_name text, dept_id int ); INSERT INTO employee ( employee_id, employee_name, dept_id ) VALUES (2001,'Tony Stark', 1002), (2002,'Christian Bale', 1002), (2003,'Anne Hailey', 1003), (2004,'Wilson Cliff', 1004), (2005,'Susan Oh', 1001), (2006,'Julian Robert', 1001), (2007,'Gilbert Tom', null); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM employee; ``` It will create an **employee** table as shown below: ```sql +--------------+-------------------+------------+ | employee_id | employee_name | dept_id | +--------------+-------------------+------------+ | 2001 | Tony Stark | 1002 | | 2002 | Christian Bale | 1002 | | 2003 | Anne Hailey | 1003 | | 2004 | Wilson Cliff | 1004 | | 2005 | Susan Oh | 1001 | | 2006 | Julian Robert | 1001 | | 2007 | Gilbert Tom | null | +--------------+-------------------+------------+ ``` *** ### Case 1: FULL OUTER JOIN 1\) Based on the above tables, we can write an `OUTER JOIN` query as follows: ```sql SELECT employee_name, department_name FROM departments FULL OUTER JOIN employee ON departments.department_id = employee.dept_id; ``` 2\) The result will show every department with an employee and the employee who works under a specific department. 3\) It also includes every department that does not have any employees and the employees who do not belong to a specific department. ```sql +-------------------+-------------------+ | employee_name | department_name | +-------------------+-------------------+ | Julian Robert | Sales | | Susan Oh | Sales | | Christian Bale | Marketing | | Tony Stark | Marketing | | Anne Hailey | HR | | Wilson Cliff | Project | | Gilbert Tom | null | | null | Product | +-------------------+-------------------+ ``` The following Venn diagram illustrates the FULL OUTER JOIN: ![outer join](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-from-outer-join-01.png) *** ### Case 2: `FULL OUTER JOIN` with `WHERE` Clause **a) Employee** 1. We can look up the department that does not have any employees by adding a `WHERE` clause and `NULL` as the following query: ```sql SELECT employee_name, department_name FROM departments FULL OUTER JOIN employee ON departments.department_id = employee.dept_id WHERE employee_name IS NULL; ``` 2. The result will indicate that the **Product** department doesn’t have any employees 👨🏻‍💼 ```sql +------------------+--------------------+ | employee_name | department_name | +------------------+--------------------+ | null | Product | +------------------+--------------------+ ``` **b) Department** 1\) Let’s find out the employee who doesn’t belong to any department by adding a WHERE clause and NULL as the following query: ```sql SELECT employee_name, department_name FROM employee FULL OUTER JOIN departments ON employee.dept_id = departments.department_id WHERE department_name IS NULL; ``` 2\) The result will show that **Gilbert Tom** doesn’t belong to any department 👨🏻‍💼 ```sql +------------------+--------------------+ | employee_name | department_name | +------------------+--------------------+ | Gilbert Tom | null | +------------------+--------------------+ ``` The following Venn diagram illustrates how the FULL OUTER JOIN works for the department and employee with a null value: ![full outer join](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-from-outer-join-02.png) # RIGHT JOIN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/from/right-join ## Overview The `RIGHT JOIN` returns **all** matching records from the right table combined with the left table. Even if there are no match records in the left table, the `RIGHT JOIN` will still return a row in the result, but with `NULL` in each column from the left table. We support table aliasing used in the `RIGHT JOIN` clause. ## Syntax ### a) Basic Syntax ```sql SELECT column_1, column_2... FROM table_1 RIGHT JOIN table_2 ON table_1.matching_field = table2.matching_field; ``` In the above syntax: 1. `SELECT column_1, column_2...` defines the **columns** from both tables where we want to display data. 2. `FROM table_1`, defines the **left table** with table\_1 in the FORM clause. 3. `RIGHT JOIN table_2` defines the **right table** with table\_2 in the RIGHT JOIN condition. 4. `ON table_1.matching_field = table2.matching_field` sets the join condition after the **ON** keyword with the matching field between the two tables. ### b) Syntax with an Alias You can use an alias to refer to the table’s name. The results will stay the same. It only helps to write the query easier. ```sql SELECT A.column_1, B.column_2... FROM table_1 A //table_1 as A RIGHT JOIN table_2 B //table_2 as B ON A.matching_field = B.matching_field; ``` ## Example **customer table** ```sql CREATE TABLE customer ( id int NOT NULL, customer_name text ); INSERT INTO customer (id, customer_name) VALUES (201011,'James'), (200914,'Harry'), (201029,'Ellie'), (201925,'Mary'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM customer; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +-----------+----------------+ | id | customer_name | +-----------+----------------+ | 201011 | James | | 200914 | Harry | | 201029 | Ellie | | 201925 | Mary | +-----------+----------------+ ``` **orders table** ```sql CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id int NOT NULL, order_date date, order_amount int, customer_id int ); INSERT INTO orders (order_id, order_date, order_amount, customer_id) VALUES (181893,'2021-10-08',3000,201029), (181894,'2021-11-18',2000,201029), (181891,'2021-10-08',9000,201011), (181892,'2021-10-08',7000,201925), (181897,'2021-10-08',6000,null), (181899,'2021-10-08',4500,201011); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM orders; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +------------+------------------+---------------+-------------+ | order_id | order_date | order_amount | customer_id | +------------+------------------+---------------+-------------+ | 181893 | 2021-10-08 | 3000 | 201029 | | 181894 | 2021-11-18 | 2000 | 201029 | | 181891 | 2021-09-10 | 9000 | 201011 | | 181892 | 2021-10-10 | 7000 | 201925 | | 181897 | 2022-05-27 | 6700 | null | | 181899 | 2021-07-22 | 4500 | 201011 | +------------+------------------+---------------+-------------+ ``` *** 1. Based on the above tables, we can write a `RIGHT JOIN` query as follows: ```sql SELECT customer_name, order_date, order_amount FROM customer RIGHT JOIN orders ON customer.id = orders.customer_id; ``` * The **customer**= left table and the **orders** = right table. * Then it combines the values from the **orders** table using the **customer\_id** and matches the records using the **id** column from the \*\*customer \*\*table. * If the records are equal, a new row will be created with `customer_name` and `order_amount` columns as defined in the `SELECT` clause. * **ELSE** will still create a new row with a `NULL` value from the left table (**customer**). 2. The above query will give the following result: ```sql +------------------+----------------+-----------------+ | customer_name | order_date | order_amount | +------------------+----------------+-----------------+ | James | 2021-09-10 | 9000 | | James | 2021-07-22 | 4500 | | Ellie | 2021-10-08 | 3000 | | Ellie | 2021-11-18 | 2000 | | Mary | 2021-10-10 | 7000 | | null | 2022-05-27 | 6700 | +------------------+----------------+-----------------+ ``` Based on the data from the **customer** and **orders** tables: * The order id: `181893` matches the customer: `Ellie.` * The order id: `181894` matches the customer: `Ellie`. * The order id: `181891` matches the customer: `James`. * The order id: `181899` matches the customer: `James`. * The order id: `181892` matches the customer: `Mary`. * The order id: `181897` doesn’t match with any customer. Thus the customer\_name column is filled with: `null`. A **customer** can have zero or many **orders**. An item from **orders** belongs to zero or one **customer**. The following Venn diagram illustrates the `RIGHT JOIN`: ![right join](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-from-right-join.png) # GROUP BY Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/group-by ## Overview The `GROUP BY` clause returns a group of records from a table or multiple tables with the same values as the specified columns. The result of the `GROUP BY` clause returns a single row for each value of the column. You can use [aggregate functions](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/overview) such as `COUNT()`, `MAX()`, `MIN()`, `SUM()`, etc., to perform the operations on the grouped values in the `SELECT` statement. ## Syntax Ensure the column you are using to group is available in the column list. ### a) Basic syntax The basic syntax of the `GROUP BY` clause is as follows − ```sql SELECT column_1, column_2, aggregate_function(column_3) FROM table_name GROUP BY column_1, column_2,...; ``` Let’s explore the above syntax: * `SELECT column_1, column_2, aggregate_function(column_3)` defines the columns you want to group (`column_1, column_2`) and the column that you want to apply an aggregate function to (`column_3`). * `FROM table_name` defines the table where the data comes from. * `GROUP BY column_1, column_2,...;` lists the columns that you want to group in the `GROUP BY` clause. The column specified in the `SELECT` command must also appear in the `GROUP BY` clause. ### b) Syntax with `WHERE` clause Please take note that the `GROUP BY` clause must precisely appear after the `WHERE` clause, as shown below: ```sql SELECT column_1, column_2, aggregate_function(column_3) FROM table_name WHERE conditions GROUP BY column_1, column_2,...; ``` ## Examples Let’s assume that we have two tables here, the customer table and the orders table: **customer table** ```sql CREATE TABLE customer ( cust_id int, cust_name text ); INSERT INTO customer (cust_id, cust_name) VALUES (11001, 'Maya'), (11003, 'Ricky'), (11009, 'Sean'), (11008, 'Chris'), (11002, 'Emily'), (11005, 'Rue'), (11007, 'Tom'), (11006, 'Casey'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM customer; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +-----------+------------+ | cust_id | cust_name | +-----------+------------+ | 11001 | Maya | | 11003 | Ricky | | 11009 | Sean | | 11008 | Chris | | 11002 | Emily | | 11005 | Rue | | 11007 | Tom | | 11006 | Casey | +-----------+------------+ ``` | orders table | | ------------ | ```sql CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id int, order_date date, order_prod text, order_qty int, order_price int, cust_id int ); INSERT INTO orders (order_id, order_date, order_prod, order_qty, order_price, cust_id) VALUES (999191, '2021-01-08','Butter', 1, 4000, 11001), (999192, '2021-09-30','Sugar', 1, 10000, 11002), (999193, '2021-04-17','Sugar', 1, 10000, 11009), (999194, '2021-08-29','Flour', 4, 20000, 11006), (999195, '2021-05-04','Sugar', 2, 20000, 11008), (999196, '2021-07-27','Butter', 2, 8000, 11006), (999197, '2021-10-30','Flour', 2, 10000, 11001), (999198, '2021-12-18','Flour', 2, 10000, 11007); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM orders; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+---------------+-----------+ | order_id | order_date | order_prod | order_qty | order_price | cust_id | +------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+---------------+-----------+ | 999191 | 2021-01-08 | Butter | 1 | 4000 | 11001 | | 999192 | 2021-09-30 | Sugar | 1 | 10000 | 11002 | | 999193 | 2021-04-17 | Sugar | 1 | 10000 | 11009 | | 999194 | 2021-08-29 | Flour | 4 | 20000 | 11006 | | 999195 | 2021-05-04 | Sugar | 2 | 20000 | 11008 | | 999196 | 2021-07-27 | Butter | 2 | 8000 | 11006 | | 999197 | 2021-10-30 | Flour | 2 | 10000 | 11001 | | 999198 | 2021-12-18 | Flour | 2 | 10000 | 11007 | +------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+---------------+-----------+ ``` ### #Case 1: Basic `GROUP BY` Here we will get all product names by grouping them using the products ordered from the **orders** table: ```sql SELECT order_prod FROM orders GROUP BY order_prod; ``` The query above will return the output as below: ```sql +--------------+ | order_prod | +--------------+ | flour | | sugar | | butter | +--------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `GROUP BY` on Multiple Columns The following example uses multiple columns in the `GROUP BY` clause: ```sql SELECT order_id, order_prod FROM orders GROUP BY order_id, order_prod; ``` The above query will create the following result: ```sql +-----------+--------------+ | order_id | order_prod | +-----------+--------------+ | 999194 | flour | | 999191 | butter | | 999196 | flour | | 999192 | sugar | | 999195 | butter | | 999198 | sugar | | 999193 | flour | | 999197 | sugar | +-----------+--------------+ ``` ### #Case 3: `GROUP BY` with Aggregate Functions For this example, we will calculate the total amount each customer has paid for their orders. We will use one of the aggregate functions, i.e., the `SUM()` function. ```sql SELECT cust_id, SUM (order_price) FROM orders GROUP BY cust_id; ``` The query above will return the output as shown below: ```sql +-----------+----------+ | cust_id | sum | +-----------+----------+ | 11009 | 10000 | | 11007 | 10000 | | 11006 | 28000 | | 11002 | 10000 | | 11001 | 14000 | | 11008 | 20000 | +-----------+----------+ ``` ### #Case 4: `GROUP BY` with `JOIN` Condition Unlike the previous example, the following query joins the orders table with the customer table and groups customers by their names. Here we will use `COUNT()` as the aggregate function to count the number of products each customer has purchased. ```sql SELECT C.cust_name, COUNT (order_prod) FROM orders O JOIN customer C ON O.cust_id = C.cust_id GROUP BY C.cust_name; ``` The above command will create the following result: ```sql +------------+---------+ | cust_name | count | +------------+---------+ | Tom | 1 | | Chris | 1 | | Casey | 2 | | Maya | 2 | | Sean | 1 | | Emily | 1 | +------------+---------+ ``` ### #Case 5: `GROUP BY` with Date Data Type The `order_date` column uses a `DATE` data type. In this example, we will group the order’s quantity and total price by dates using the `DATE()` function. ```sql SELECT DATE(order_date), order_qty, SUM(order_price) FROM orders GROUP BY order_qty, DATE(order_date); ``` The above query will generate the following result: ```sql +---------------+------------+---------+ | date | order_qty | sum | +---------------+------------+---------+ | 2021-07-27 | 2 | 8000 | | 2021-08-29 | 4 | 20000 | | 2021-04-17 | 1 | 10000 | | 2021-09-30 | 1 | 10000 | | 2021-05-04 | 2 | 20000 | | 2021-01-08 | 1 | 4000 | | 2021-12-18 | 2 | 10000 | | 2021-10-30 | 2 | 10000 | +---------------+------------+---------+ ``` # HAVING Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/having ## Overview The `HAVING` clause specifies a search condition by using an [aggregate function](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/overview). It will filter out the records returned from a `GROUP BY` clause that do not fulfill a specified condition. ### Differences Between WHERE and HAVING Clause The following table will illustrate the differences between the `HAVING` and `WHERE` clause: | **WHERE** | **HAVING** | | --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | | The `GROUP BY` clause appears after the WHERE clause. | The `GROUP BY` clause appears before the HAVING clause. | | The `WHERE` clause can’t work with an aggregate function. | The `HAVING` clause can work with an aggregate function. | | The `WHERE` clause filters particular records. | The `HAVING` clause filters the group of records. | ## Syntax The basic syntax of the `GROUP BY` clause is as follows: ```sql SELECT column_1, column_2,... FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name(s) HAVING condition_aggregate_function ``` Let’s explore the above syntax: * `SELECT column_1, column_2,...` selects the columns you want to display. * `FROM table_name` selects the table where the data comes from. * `GROUP BY column_name(s) ` lists the columns you want to group in the GROUP BY clause. * `HAVING condition_aggregate_function` provides the condition for filtering rows, which the `GROUP BY` clause forms. The condition can use an aggregate function, such as `SUM()`, `COUNT()`, `MIN()`, and so on. ## Examples Let’s assume that we have two tables here, the student table and the score table: **student table** ```sql CREATE TABLE student ( stud_id int, stud_name text ); INSERT INTO student (stud_id, stud_name) VALUES (992831192, 'Mary'), (992811191, 'Bobby'), (992311195, 'Sean'), (998311193, 'Harry'), (998311194, 'William'), (928311197, 'Kate'), (928311190, 'Tom'), (928311199, 'Sully'), (998311196, 'Susan'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM student; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +------------+------------+ | stud_id | stud_name | +------------+------------+ | 992831192 | Mary | | 992811191 | Bobby | | 992311195 | Sean | | 998311193 | Harry | | 998311194 | William | | 928311197 | Kate | | 928311190 | Tom | | 928311199 | Sully | | 998311196 | Susan | +------------+------------+ ``` **score table** ```sql CREATE TABLE score ( score_id int, subject text, score_val int, stud_id int, score_stat text ); INSERT INTO score (score_id, subject, score_val, stud_id, score_stat) VALUES (12221, 'Math', 90, 992811191, 'PASSED'), (12222, 'Biology', 90, 992811191, 'PASSED'), (12223, 'Art', 80, 992831192, 'PASSED'), (12224, 'History', 70, 928311197, 'FAILED'), (12225, 'Pyshics', 75, 928311190, 'FAILED'), (12226, 'Art', 85, 928311197, 'PASSED'), (12227, 'Biology', 90, 998311196, 'PASSED'), (12228, 'Biology', 70, 928311199, 'FAILED'), (12229, 'Pyshics', 80, 998311194, 'PASSED'), (12231, 'Math', 80, 998311193, 'PASSED'), (12232, 'History', 90, 992811191, 'PASSED'), (12233, 'Math', 70, 998311194, 'FAILED'), (12234, 'Math', 80, 928311190, 'PASSED'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM score; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +-----------+----------+------------+------------+-------------+ | score_id | subject | score_val | stud_id | score_stat | +-----------+----------+------------+------------+-------------+ | 12221 | Math | 90 | 992811191 | PASSED | | 12222 | Biology | 90 | 992811191 | PASSED | | 12223 | Art | 80 | 992831192 | PASSED | | 12224 | History | 70 | 928311197 | FAILED | | 12225 | Pyshics | 75 | 928311190 | FAILED | | 12226 | Art | 85 | 928311197 | PASSED | | 12227 | Biology | 90 | 998311196 | PASSED | | 12228 | Biology | 70 | 928311199 | FAILED | | 12229 | Pyshics | 80 | 998311194 | PASSED | | 12231 | Math | 80 | 998311193 | PASSED | | 12232 | History | 90 | 992811191 | PASSED | | 12233 | Math | 70 | 998311194 | FAILED | | 12234 | Math | 80 | 928311190 | PASSED | +-----------+----------+------------+------------+-------------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `HAVING` Clause with `AVG` Function The following example uses an `AVG` aggregate function to filter the student ID with the subject which has an average score of more than 80: ```sql SELECT subject FROM score GROUP BY subject HAVING AVG (score_val) > 80; ``` The above query will give the following result: ```sql +-----------+ | subject | +-----------+ | Art | | Biology | +-----------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `HAVING` Clause with `COUNT` Function The following query lists the number of score statuses that have more than 2 “**PASSED**” values: ```sql SELECT COUNT(score_id), subject FROM score GROUP BY subject HAVING COUNT(score_stat = 'PASSED') > 2; ``` The above query will show that **Math** and **Biology** have more than 2 “**PASSED**” values: ```sql +--------+--------------+ | count | subject | +--------+--------------+ | 4 | Math | | 3 | Biology | +--------+--------------+ ``` ### #Case 3: `HAVING` Clause with `MAX` Function Let’s assume that the minimum score criteria is **75**. Here we will find the maximum score of each subject with the condition that it should be more than **75**. ```sql SELECT subject, MAX(score_val) FROM score GROUP BY subject HAVING MAX(score_val)>75; ``` The returned result will have the maximum score of each subject, as shown below: ```sql +-----------+--------+ | subject | max | +-----------+--------+ | Math | 90 | | History | 90 | | Physics | 80 | | Art | 85 | | Biology | 90 | +-----------+--------+ ``` ### #Case 4: `HAVING` with `JOIN` Condition Assume that you want to know which students have failed in their subject. You can combine the **student** table with the **score** table using the `JOIN` clause and apply a condition on the `score_stat` column where the values should be equal to **FAILED**, as shown in the following query: ```sql SELECT stud_name, subject, score_val, score_stat FROM student A JOIN score C ON A.stud_id = C.stud_id GROUP BY stud_name, subject, score_val, score_stat HAVING score_stat = 'FAILED'; ``` * The `JOIN` clause will combine the two tables. * Then, the `GROUP BY` clause will filter all records from both tables based on the specified columns. * The `HAVING` clause, then, will filter the records returned from the `GROUP BY` clause according to the specified condition. It will deliver the successful result as shown below: ```sql +------------+------------+------------+--------------+ | stud_name | subject | score_val | score_stat | +------------+------------+------------+--------------+ | Kate | History | 70 | FAILED | | Sully | Biology | 70 | FAILED | | Tom | Physics | 75 | FAILED | | William | Math | 70 | FAILED | +------------+------------+------------+--------------+ ``` # LIMIT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/limit ## Overview `LIMIT` is an optional clause that can be combined with `SELECT` statements used for retrieving records from one or more tables. It basically specifies the number of records a query should return after filtering the data. ## Syntax There are two versions available for the `LIMIT` clause syntax: ```sql Version 1 SELECT column_list FROM table_name ORDER BY sort_expression LIMIT row_count ``` ```sql Version 2 SELECT column_list FROM table_name ORDER BY sort_expression FETCH NEXT row_count ROWS ONLY ``` The parameters and arguments for specific version of the syntax are described below: * `column_list`: The columns or calculations that you wish to retrieve. * `table_name`: The tables that you want to retrieve records from. It is possible to have more than one table in the `FROM` clause. * `ORDER BY`: It is an expression used to order the results as you wish to return. The expression could be ascending **(ASC)** or descending **(DESC)** * `LIMIT row_count`: It specifies a limited number of rows to be returned based on **row\_count**. ### 💡 Special Case 1. If the `row_count` value is **NULL,** the query will produce a similar outcome because it does not contain the `LIMIT` clause. 2. If `row_count` is **zero**, the statement will return an empty set. ## Examples Let’s take some examples of the `LIMIT` clause. Here we are creating one new table called **comporders** using the `CREATE TABLE` command and inserting some values into the table using the `INSERT` command: ```sql CREATE TABLE comporders ( order_id int, cust_name text, prod_name text, prod_price float, status text ); INSERT INTO comporders VALUES (1002, 'Mike', 'Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5', 600, 'PAID'), (1003, 'Sean', 'Acer Aspire 3', 450, 'PAID'), (1004, 'Victor', 'Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2', 500, 'PENDING'), (1005, 'Lewis', 'Lenovo Duet 5i', 700, 'PAID'), (1006, 'David', 'Acer Swift 3', 640, 'PAID'), (1007, 'Meghan', 'Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 Chromebook', 750, 'PAID'), (1008, 'Harry', 'Apple iPad Air', 449, 'PENDING'), (1009, 'Steve', 'Microsoft Surface Go 3', 680, 'PENDING'), (1010, 'Omar', 'HP Victus 16', 800,'PAID'); ``` To verify that the values have been inserted successfully, retrieve the result set using the command below: ```sql SELECT * FROM comporders; ``` ```sql +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | order_id | cust_name | prod_name | prod_price | status | +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | 1002 | Mike | Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 | 600 | PAID | | 1003 | Sean | Acer Aspire 3 | 450 | PAID | | 1004 | Victor | Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2 | 500 | PENDING | | 1005 | Lewis | Lenovo Duet 5i | 700 | PENDING | | 1006 | David | Acer Swift 3 | 640 | PAID | | 1007 | Meghan | Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 Chromebook | 750 | PAID | | 1008 | Harry | Apple iPad Air | 449 | PENDING | | 1009 | Steve | Microsoft Surface Go 3 | 680 | PENDING | | 1010 | Omar | HP Victus 16 | 800 | PAID | +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ ``` ### Case #1: Using `LIMIT` with the `ORDER BY` Expression This example uses the `LIMIT` clause to get the first four orders sorted by `order_id`: ```sql SELECT order_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM comporders ORDER BY order_id LIMIT 4; ``` The above query will give the following result: ```sql +-----------+-------------------------------+-------------+ | order_id | prod_name | prod_price | +-----------+-------------------------------+-------------+ | 1002 | Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 | 600 | | 1003 | Acer Aspire 3 | 450 | | 1004 | Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2 | 500 | | 1005 | Lenovo Duet 5i | 700 | +-----------+-------------------------------+-------------+ ``` ### Case #2: Using `LIMIT` with ASC/DESC You can use the `LIMIT` clause to select rows with the highest or lowest values from a table. 1. To get the top 5 most expensive orders, you sort orders by the product price in descending order **(DESC)** and use the `LIMIT` clause to get the first 5 orders. The following query depicts the idea: ```sql SELECT * FROM comporders ORDER BY prod_price DESC LIMIT 5; ``` The result of the query is as follows: ```sql +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | order_id | cust_name | prod_name | prod_price | status | +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | 1010 | Omar | HP Victus 16 | 800 | PAID | | 1007 | Meghan | Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 Chromebook | 750 | PAID | | 1005 | Lewis | Lenovo Duet 5i | 700 | PENDING | | 1009 | Steve | Microsoft Surface Go 3 | 680 | PENDING | | 1006 | David | Acer Swift 3 | 640 | PAID | +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ ``` 2. We will fetch the top 5 cheapest orders this time. You sort orders by the product price in ascending order **(ASC)** and use the `LIMIT` clause to get the first 5 orders. The following query depicts the idea: ```sql SELECT * FROM comporders ORDER BY prod_price ASC LIMIT 5; ``` We will get the below output: ```sql +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | order_id | cust_name | prod_name | prod_price | status | +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | 1008 | Harry | Apple iPad Air | 449 | PENDING | | 1003 | Sean | Acer Aspire 3 | 450 | PAID | | 1004 | Victor | Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2 | 500 | PENDING | | 1002 | Mike | Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 | 600 | PAID | | 1006 | David | Acer Swift 3 | 640 | PAID | +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ ``` ### #Case 3: Using `LIMIT` with `OFFSET` In this example, we will use `LIMIT` and `OFFSET` clauses to get 5 orders using the below query: ```sql SELECT * FROM comporders LIMIT 5 OFFSET 2; ``` After implementing the above command, we will get the below output: ```sql +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | order_id | cust_name | prod_name | prod_price | status | +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ | 1004 | Victor | Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2 | 500 | PENDING | | 1005 | Lewis | Lenovo Duet 5i | 700 | PENDING | | 1006 | David | Acer Swift 3 | 640 | PAID | | 1007 | Meghan | Lenovo IdeaPad Duet 5 Chromebook | 750 | PAID | | 1008 | Harry | Apple iPad Air | 449 | PENDING | +-----------+------------+----------------------------------+-------------+----------+ ``` The result above shows that: * The orders with `order_id`= **1002 & 1003** aren't displayed because we put the `OFFSET` value with 2. So the first 2 lines are ignored. * The orders with `order_id`= **1009 & 1010** aren't displayed because the `LIMIT` value is 5, which will display only 5 rows. # OFFSET Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/offset ## **Overview** The `OFFSET` is a clause that skips some records from the result set. ## **Syntax** The basic syntax of the `OFFSET` clause is shown below: ```sql SELECT columns FROM table_name OFFSET num; ``` The parameters and arguments from the syntax are: * `columns`: the columns to be fetched. * `table_name`: a table from which the records will be fetched. * `OFFSET`: a clause that will skip a subset of records. * `num`: the number of records to be skipped. ## **Example** **1.** Here, we are creating one new table called **oxlafunctions** using the `CREATE TABLE` command and inserting some values into the table using the `INSERT` command: ```sql CREATE TABLE oxlafunctions ( func_name text, func_sub text ); INSERT INTO oxlafunctions VALUES ('Numeric', 'ABS'), ('Numeric', 'CEIL'), ('Text', 'LENGTH'), ('Numeric', 'SQRT'), ('Boolean', 'IF'), ('Text', 'STRPOS'), ('Numeric', 'FLOOR'), ('Text', 'CONCAT'), ('Text', 'LOWER'); ``` **2.** To verify that the values have been inserted successfully, retrieve the result set using the command below: ```sql SELECT * FROM oxlafunctions; ``` ```sql +------------+------------+ | func_name | func_sub | +------------+------------+ | Numeric | ABS | | Numeric | CEIL | | Text | LENGTH | | Numeric | SQRT | | Boolean | IF | | Text | STRPOS | | Numeric | FLOOR | | Text | CONCAT | | Text | LOWER | +------------+------------+ ``` **3.** Use the **LIMIT** clause in conjunction with the **OFFSET** clause to skip a subset of records: ```sql SELECT * FROM oxlafunctions ORDER BY func_name LIMIT 5 OFFSET 2; ``` In the above query: * The **“LIMIT 5”** clause is used to fetch only five records. * The **“OFFSET 2”** clause is used to skip the first two records before retrieving the result set of the limit clause. **4.** You will get the following output: ```sql +------------+------------+ | func_name | func_sub | +------------+------------+ | Boolean | IF | | Numeric | SQRT | | Numeric | CEIL | | Numeric | ABS | | Numeric | FLOOR | +------------+------------+ ``` # ORDER BY Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/order-by ## Overview The `ORDER BY` clause is used to sort rows of the result received from a `SELECT` statement, which retrieves records from one or more tables. ## Syntax The following illustrates the syntax of the `ORDER BY` clause: ```sql SELECT columns FROM table_name ORDER BY sort_expression1 [ASC | DESC]; ``` ### Parameters * `columns`: columns that you wish to retrieve * `table_name`: table that you want to retrieve records from. * `ORDER BY`: expression used to order the results * `ASC` or `DESC`: optional parameter to specify the order in which the results should be returned, either ascending or descending. Default is set to `ASC` ## Examples We will use the table called **salaryemp** as an example. In order to create the table, please run the query below: ```sql CREATE TABLE salaryemp ( emp_id int, emp_name text, emp_div text, emp_sal int ); INSERT INTO salaryemp VALUES (1002, 'Mike', 'Marketing', 6000), (1003, 'Sean', 'Marketing', 6500), (1004, 'Victor', 'Finance', 7000), (1005, 'Lewis', 'Sales', 5500), (1006, 'David', 'Marketing', 8000), (1007, 'Omar', 'Finance', 8000), (1008, 'Meghan', 'Finance', 7500), (1009, 'Harry', 'Operations', 4500), (1010, 'Steve', 'Marketing', 6800), (1011, 'David', 'Sales', 8200); ``` To verify that the values have been inserted successfully, retrieve the results by executing the following code: ```sql SELECT * FROM salaryemp; ``` ```sql +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ | emp_id | emp_name | emp_div | emp_sal | +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ | 1002 | Mike | Marketing | 6000 | | 1003 | Sean | Marketing | 6500 | | 1004 | Victor | Finance | 7000 | | 1005 | Lewis | Sales | 5500 | | 1006 | David | Marketing | 8000 | | 1007 | Meghan | Finance | 7500 | | 1008 | Harry | Operations | 4500 | | 1009 | Steve | Marketing | 6800 | | 1010 | Omar | Finance | 8000 | | 1011 | David | Sales | 8200 | +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ ``` ### Using `ORDER BY` in ascending order This example uses the `ORDER BY` clause to sort employees by their division: ```sql SELECT emp_name, emp_div FROM salaryemp ORDER BY emp_div; ``` The above query will provide you with the following output: ```sql +------------+----------------+ | emp_name | emp_div | +------------+----------------+ | Victor | Finance | | Omar | Finance | | Meghan | Finance | | Mike | Marketing | | Sean | Marketing | | David | Marketing | | Steve | Marketing | | Harry | Operations | | Lewis | Sales | | David | Sales | +------------+----------------+ ``` ### Using `ORDER BY` in descending order The following statement selects the employee name and employee salary from the **salaryemp** table and sorts the records in the `emp_sal` column in descending order: ```sql SELECT * FROM salaryemp ORDER BY emp_sal DESC; ``` The result of the query is as follows: ```sql +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ | emp_id | emp_name | emp_div | emp_sal | +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ | 1011 | David | Sales | 8200 | | 1006 | David | Marketing | 8000 | | 1010 | Omar | Finance | 8000 | | 1007 | Meghan | Finance | 7500 | | 1004 | Victor | Finance | 7000 | | 1009 | Steve | Marketing | 6800 | | 1003 | Sean | Marketing | 6500 | | 1002 | Mike | Marketing | 6000 | | 1005 | Lewis | Sales | 5500 | | 1008 | Harry | Operations | 4500 | +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ ``` ### Using `ORDER BY` with both ASC & DESC parameters The following statement selects all records from the **salaryemp** table and sorts the rows by employee salary in ascending order and employee division in descending order: ```sql SELECT * FROM salaryemp ORDER BY emp_sal ASC, emp_div DESC; ``` After implementing the above command, we will get the following output: ```sql +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ | emp_id | emp_name | emp_div | emp_sal | +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ | 1009 | Harry | Operations | 4500 | | 1005 | Lewis | Sales | 5500 | | 1002 | Mike | Marketing | 6000 | | 1003 | Sean | Marketing | 6500 | | 1009 | Steve | Marketing | 6800 | | 1004 | Victor | Finance | 7000 | | 1007 | Meghan | Finance | 7500 | | 1006 | David | Marketing | 8000 | | 1010 | Omar | Finance | 8000 | | 1011 | David | Sales | 8200 | +-----------+------------+----------------+-------------+ ``` ### Using `ORDER BY` with `TEXT` data types In this example we are going to create to small tables with above mentioned data types: ```sql CREATE TABLE strings ( column1 text ); INSERT INTO strings VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('a'), ('b'); CREATE TABLE texts ( column1 TEXT ); INSERT INTO texts VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('a'), ('b'); ``` When using the `ORDER BY` clause with these types of data, records with uppercase letters will be sorted lexicographically first, followed by records with lowercase letters. ```sql SELECT * FROM strings ORDER BY column1; SELECT * FROM texts ORDER BY column1; ``` ```sql column1 --------- A B a b ``` ### Using `ORDER BY` with `INTERVAL` data type For this example, we'll create a new table called `interval_data`: ```sql CREATE TABLE interval_data ( duration INTERVAL ); INSERT INTO interval_data (duration) VALUES (INTERVAL '1 month 30 days 20 hours'), (INTERVAL '2 months 20 hours'), (INTERVAL '1 month 30 days 19 hours'), (INTERVAL '2 months 1 hours'); ``` `ORDER BY` on `INTERVAL` column will sort the values by their leading most significant time unit. In this case `months`. First are all `1 month` values, then all `2 months` values. ```sql SELECT * FROM interval_data ORDER BY duration; ``` ```sql duration ------------------------ 1 mon 30 days 19:00:00 1 mon 30 days 20:00:00 2 mons 01:00:00 2 mons 20:00:00 ``` It works the same for other time units, such as `hours` and `days`. ```sql INSERT INTO interval_data (duration) VALUES (INTERVAL '24 hours 5 minutes'), (INTERVAL '1 day 5 minutes'), (INTERVAL '1 day 2 minutes'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM interval_data ORDER BY duration; ``` ```sql duration ------------------------ 24:05:00 1 day 00:02:00 1 day 00:05:00 1 mon 30 days 19:00:00 1 mon 30 days 20:00:00 2 mons 01:00:00 2 mons 20:00:00 ``` # OVER / WINDOW Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/over-window ## Overview All window functions utilise a set of clauses specific for them, some of which are mandatory while others are optional. ## OVER Clause When it comes to required ones, there is the `OVER` clause, which defines a window or user-specified set of rows within a query result set. It is a mandatory element of window functions, defining the window specification and differentiating them from other SQL functions. ### Syntax The syntax for this clause looks as follows: ```sql OVER (PARTITION BY rows1 ORDER BY rows2) ``` where, the `PARTITION BY` clause is a list of `expressions` interpreted in much the same fashion as the elements of a `GROUP BY` clause, with major exception that they are always simple expressions and never the name or number of an output column. Another difference is that these expressions can contain aggregate function calls, which are not allowed in a regular `GROUP BY` clause (they are allowed here because windowing occurs after grouping and aggregation) `[ PARTITION BY expression [, ...] ]` (optional window partition) The `ORDER BY` clause used in the `OVER` clause above is a list of `expressions` interpreted in much the same fashion as the elements of a statement-level `ORDER BY` clause, except that the expressions are always taken as simple expressions and never the name or number of an output column. `[ ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC | USING operator ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ]` (optional window ordering) ## WINDOW Clause In terms of window functions' optional clauses, there is the `WINDOW` clause that defines one or more named window specification, as a `window_name` and `window_definition` pair. ### Syntax The syntax for this clause looks as follows: ```sql WINDOW window_name AS (window_definition) [, ...] ``` where `window_name` is a name that can be referenced from the `OVER` clauses or subsequent `window definition`. There are a few important things to keep in mind here: * The `window_definition` may use an `existing_window_name` to refer to a previous `window_definition` in the `WINDOW` clause, but the previous `window_definition` must not specify a `frame` clause * The `window_definition` copies the `PARTITION BY` clause and `ORDER BY` clause from previous `window_definition`, but it cannot specify its own `PARTION BY` clause, and can specify an `ORDER BY` clause if the previous `window_definition` does not have one. `[ existing_window_name ] [ PARTITION BY clause ] [ ORDER BY clause ] [ frame clause ]` (all arguments are optional) The `window_definition` without arguments defines a window with all rows without partition and ordering The `frame` clause referenced above defines the window frame for window functions that depend on the frame (not all do). The window frame is a set of related rows for each row of the query (called the current row). * `{ RANGE | ROWS | GROUPS } frame_start [ frame_exclusion ]` * `{ RANGE | ROWS | GROUPS } BETWEEN frame_start AND frame_end [ frame_exclusion ]` The `frame` clause of the window specification is limited to the `ROWS` clause without `frame exclusion` one There are a couple of things, to keep in mind here: * `frame_start` and `frame_end` can be one of: `UNBOUNDED PRECEDING`, `offset PRECEDING`, `CURRENT ROW`, `offset FOLLOWING`, `UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING`. * If `frame_end` is omitted it defaults to `CURRENT ROW`. Restrictions here are as follows: * `frame_start` cannot be `UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING` * `frame_end` cannot be `UNBOUNDED PRECEDING` * `frame_end` choice cannot appear earlier in the above list of `frame_start` and `frame_end` options than the `frame_start` choice does In `ROWS` mode, `CURRENT ROW` means that the frame starts or ends with the current row, the offset is an integer indicating that the frame starts or ends that many rows before or after the current row. Beware that the `ROWS` mode can produce unpredictable results if the `ORDER BY` ordering does not order the rows uniquely ## Examples For the needs of this section, we will create the `winsales` table that stores details about some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### OVER Clause in Window Functions with Window Definition, PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses In this example, we will focus on executing a window function with the `OVER` clause, window definition and `PARTITION BY` and `ORDER BY` clauses: ```sql SELECT * SUM(qty) OVER (PARTITION BY sellerid) AS seller_qty FROM winsales ORDER BY sellerid, salesid; ``` Here's the output for the above code: ```sql salesid | dateid | sellerid | buyerid | qty | qty_shipped | seller_qty ---------+------------+----------+---------+-----+-------------+------------ 10001 | 2003-12-24 | 1 | c | 10 | 10 | 50 10005 | 2003-12-24 | 1 | a | 30 | | 50 10006 | 2004-01-18 | 1 | c | 10 | | 50 20001 | 2004-02-12 | 2 | b | 20 | 20 | 40 20002 | 2004-02-16 | 2 | c | 20 | 20 | 40 30001 | 2003-08-02 | 3 | b | 10 | 10 | 75 30003 | 2004-04-18 | 3 | b | 15 | | 75 30004 | 2004-04-18 | 3 | b | 20 | | 75 30007 | 2004-09-07 | 3 | c | 30 | | 75 40001 | 2004-01-09 | 4 | a | 40 | | 50 40005 | 2004-02-12 | 4 | a | 10 | 10 | 50 (11 rows) ``` ### OVER Clause in Window Functions with Window Name, PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses In this example, we will focus on executing a window function with the `OVER` clause, window name and `PARITION BY` and `ORDER BY` clauses: ```sql SELECT * SUM(qty) OVER seller AS seller_qty FROM winsales WINDOW seller AS (PARTITION BY sellerid) ORDER BY sellerid, salesid; ``` When executing the code above, we will get the following output: ```sql salesid | dateid | sellerid | buyerid | qty | qty_shipped | seller_qty ---------+------------+----------+---------+-----+-------------+------------ 10001 | 2003-12-24 | 1 | c | 10 | 10 | 50 10005 | 2003-12-24 | 1 | a | 30 | | 50 10006 | 2004-01-18 | 1 | c | 10 | | 50 20001 | 2004-02-12 | 2 | b | 20 | 20 | 40 20002 | 2004-02-16 | 2 | c | 20 | 20 | 40 30001 | 2003-08-02 | 3 | b | 10 | 10 | 75 30003 | 2004-04-18 | 3 | b | 15 | | 75 30004 | 2004-04-18 | 3 | b | 20 | | 75 30007 | 2004-09-07 | 3 | c | 30 | | 75 40001 | 2004-01-09 | 4 | a | 40 | | 50 40005 | 2004-02-12 | 4 | a | 10 | 10 | 50 (11 rows) ``` # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/overview ## What are Clauses? 🤔 A clause in SQL is part of a query that lets you: * Filter and analyze large amounts of data stored in the database with the customization query you prefer. * Retrieve a set of records from the table. * Specify a condition on a table’s columns or records. Currently, Oxla supports SQL queries with the following clauses: Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more # EXCEPT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/set-operations/except ## EXCEPT ### Overview The `EXCEPT` combines the result sets of two or more tables and retrieves rows specific to the first `SELECT` statement but not present in the subsequent ones. ### Syntax The syntax for the `EXCEPT` is as follows: ```sql SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM table1 EXCEPT SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM table2; ``` The parameters from the syntax are explained below: * `value1, value2, ... value_n`: The columns you want to retrieve. * `table1, table2`: The tables from which you wish to retrieve records. ### Example Let's assume you have two tables: `vehicles` and `vehicles1`. You want to find the vehicle which was present in 2021 but is not present in 2022: ```sql CREATE TABLE vehicles ( vhc_id INT, vhc_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE vehicles1 ( vhc_id INT, vhc_name TEXT ); INSERT INTO vehicles VALUES (1, 'Truck'), (2, 'Car'), (3, 'Motorcycle'); INSERT INTO vehicles1 VALUES (2, 'Car'), (3, 'Bus'), (4, 'Motorcycle'); ``` Display the tables with the query below: ```sql SELECT * FROM vehicles; SELECT * FROM vehicles1; ``` ```sql vhc_id | vhc_name --------+------------ 1 | Truck 2 | Car 3 | Motorcycle vhc_id | vhc_name --------+------------ 2 | Car 3 | Bus 4 | Motorcycle ``` Using the `EXCEPT` to find employees present in 2021 but not in 2022: ```sql SELECT vhc_name FROM vehicles EXCEPT SELECT vhc_name FROM vehicles1; ``` The result will include the names of employees who were present in 2021 but are not present in 2022: ```sql vhc_name ---------- Truck ``` From the diagram below, we learn that the result is a list of vehicle names present in the first table (`vehicles`) but not found in the second table (`vehicles1`). In this case, the result is the vehicle name "Truck." ![except](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-set-except-01.png) ## EXCEPT ALL ### Overview The `EXCEPT ALL` allows you to find rows specific to the first `SELECT` statement while preserving duplicate entries. ### Syntax The syntax for the `EXCEPT ALL` is similar to `EXCEPT`: ```sql SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM table1 EXCEPT ALL SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM table2; ``` The parameters from the syntax are explained below: * `value1, value2, ... value_n`: The columns you want to retrieve. * `table1, table2`: The tables from which you wish to retrieve records. The data types of corresponding columns in the `SELECT` queries must be compatible. ### Example #1 You aim to identify customers who have bought products from one marketplace but have not purchased from another. Start by creating the tables and populating them with relevant data. ```sql CREATE TABLE marketplace1_transactions ( customer_id INT, product_id INT, amount FLOAT ); CREATE TABLE marketplace2_transactions ( customer_id INT, product_id INT, amount FLOAT ); INSERT INTO marketplace1_transactions VALUES (101, 1, 100.00), (102, 2, 150.00), (103, 3, 200.00), (104, 1, 120.00); INSERT INTO marketplace2_transactions VALUES (102, 3, 180.00), (103, 2, 160.00), (105, 4, 90.00), (106, 1, 110.00); ``` Display the tables using the query below: ```sql SELECT * FROM marketplace1_transactions; SELECT * FROM marketplace2_transactions; ``` ```sql customer_id | product_id | amount -------------+------------+-------- 101 | 1 | 100 102 | 2 | 150 103 | 3 | 200 104 | 1 | 120 customer_id | product_id | amount -------------+------------+-------- 102 | 3 | 180 103 | 2 | 160 105 | 4 | 90 106 | 1 | 110 ``` Using the `EXCEPT ALL` to find customers who have purchased products from one marketplace but not from the other: ```sql SELECT customer_id FROM marketplace1_transactions EXCEPT ALL SELECT customer_id FROM marketplace2_transactions; ``` This result will show a `customer_id` who has only transacted in the first marketplace and has not engaged in any corresponding transactions in the second marketplace. ```sql customer_id ------------- 104 101 ``` The diagram below shows a list of customer-product pairs found in the first marketplace (`marketplace1_transactions`) but missing in the second marketplace (`marketplace2_transactions`). ![except result](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-set-except-02.png) ### Example #2 Let’s create two tables, `left_array_values` and `right_array_values`, to hold sets of values. ```sql CREATE TABLE left_array_values ( value INT ); CREATE TABLE right_array_values ( value INT ); INSERT INTO left_array_values VALUES (1), (1), (3); INSERT INTO right_array_values VALUES (1), (2); ``` View the contents of the two arrays before performing the comparison. ```sql SELECT * FROM left_array_values; SELECT * FROM right_array_values; ``` Upon execution, the tables will appear as follows: ```sql value ------- 1 1 3 value ------- 1 2 ``` We will now use the `EXCEPT ALL` operation to compare the values within the arrays, focusing on unique elements while retaining duplicate entries. ```sql SELECT value FROM left_array_values EXCEPT ALL SELECT value FROM right_array_values; ``` The `EXCEPT ALL` operation processes each element individually from both inputs at a time. The comparison occurs element-wise, leading to the inclusion of both 1 and 3 in the final result. ```sql value ------- 3 1 ``` # INTERSECT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/set-operations/intersect ## INTERSECT ### Overview The `INTERSECT` combines the result sets of two or more `SELECT` statements, retrieving only the common rows between them. Unlike `UNION`, which combines all rows and removes duplicates, `INTERSECT` focuses on returning rows that appear in all `SELECT` statements. ### Syntax The syntax for the `INTERSECT` is as follows: ```sql SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM table1 INTERSECT SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM table2; ``` The parameters from the syntax are explained below: * `value1, value2, ... value_n`: The columns you want to retrieve. You can also use `SELECT * FROM` to retrieve all columns. * `table1, table2`: The tables from which you wish to retrieve records. The data types of corresponding columns must be compatible. ### Example Suppose you have two tables: `customers_old` and `customers_new`, containing customer data for different periods. You want to find the customers who are present in both tables: ```sql CREATE TABLE customers_old ( customer_id INT, customer_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE customers_new ( customer_id INT, customer_name TEXT ); INSERT INTO customers_old VALUES (1, 'Alice'), (2, 'Bob'), (3, 'Charlie'); INSERT INTO customers_new VALUES (2, 'Bob'), (3, 'Charlie'), (4, 'David'); ``` Viewing the inserted values: ```sql SELECT * FROM customers_old; SELECT * FROM customers_new; ``` ```sql customer_id | customer_name -------------+--------------- 1 | Alice 2 | Bob 3 | Charlie customer_id | customer_name -------------+--------------- 2 | Bob 3 | Charlie 4 | David ``` Now, let’s combine common customers using the `INTERSECT`: ```sql SELECT customer_name FROM customers_old INTERSECT SELECT customer_name FROM customers_new; ``` The result will include only the names that appear in both tables: ```sql customer_name --------------- Bob Charlie ``` The picture displays a list of customer names that appear in both tables. Only "Bob" and "Charlie" are found in both tables and shown as INTERSECT's final result. ![intersect](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-set-intersect-01.png) sql-reference/sql-clauses/set-operations/intersect.mdx ## INTERSECT ALL ### Overview The `INTERSECT ALL` retrieves all common rows between two or more tables, including duplicates. This means that if a row appears multiple times in any of the `SELECT` statements, it will be included in the final result set multiple times. ### Syntax The syntax for `INTERSECT ALL` is similar to `INTERSECT`: ```sql SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM tables INTERSECT ALL SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM tables; ``` The parameters from the syntax are explained below: * `value1, value2, ... value_n`: The columns you wish to retrieve. You can also retrieve all the values using the `SELECT * FROM` query. * `table1, table2`: The tables from which you want to retrieve records. The data types of corresponding columns in the `SELECT` queries must be compatible. ### Example Let’s create three tables of products from different years. You want to find the common products among all three categories, including duplicates. ```sql CREATE TABLE products_electronics2021 ( product_id INT, product_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE products_electronics2022 ( product_id INT, product_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE products_electronics2023 ( product_id INT, product_name TEXT ); INSERT INTO products_electronics2021 VALUES (1, 'Laptop'), (2, 'Phone'), (3, 'Tablet'), (4, 'Headphones'); INSERT INTO products_electronics2022 VALUES (2, 'TV'), (3, 'Printer'), (4, 'Monitor'), (5, 'Phone'); INSERT INTO products_electronics2023 VALUES (3, 'Laptop'), (4, 'Phone'), (5, 'Oven'), (6, 'AC'); ``` Display the tables using the query below: ```sql SELECT * FROM products_electronics2021; SELECT * FROM products_electronics2022; SELECT * FROM products_electronics2023; ``` ```sql product_id | product_name ------------+-------------- 1 | Laptop 2 | Phone 3 | Tablet 4 | Headphones product_id | product_name ------------+-------------- 2 | TV 3 | Printer 4 | Monitor 5 | Phone product_id | product_name ------------+-------------- 3 | Laptop 4 | Phone 5 | Oven 6 | AC ``` Then, combine common products from all three categories using the `INTERSECT ALL`: ```sql SELECT product_name FROM products_electronics2021 INTERSECT ALL SELECT product_name FROM products_electronics2022 INTERSECT ALL SELECT product_name FROM products_electronics2023; ``` The result will include the products that are common among all three categories, including duplicates: ```sql product_name -------------- Phone ``` The illustration shows a list of product names common to all three years, including duplicates. In this case, the result is the product name "Phone," which appears across all three tables. ![intersect result](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-set-intersect-02.png) # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/set-operations/overview Set operations are operations used to manipulate and analyze sets. It includes the following operations: 1. [**Union**](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/set-operations/union): Combines two or more sets to create a new set containing all unique elements from the input sets. 2. [**Intersect**](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/set-operations/intersect): Yields a new set with elements common to all input sets. 3. [**Except**](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/set-operations/except): Generates a set containing elements from the first set that are not present in the second set. These operations allow for comparisons, combinations, and distinctions among sets in various contexts. # UNION Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/set-operations/union ## UNION ### Overview The `UNION` combines the result sets of 2 or more select statements, removing duplicate rows between the tables. ### Syntax Below is the syntax of the `UNION`: ```sql SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM table1 UNION SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM table2; ``` The parameters from the syntax are explained below: * `value1, value2, ... value_n`: The columns you wish to retrieve. You can also retrieve all the values using the `SELECT * FROM` query. * `table1, table2`: The tables that you wish to retrieve records from. **Things to consider:**
1. The data types of corresponding columns in the `SELECT` queries must be compatible.
2. The order of columns is flexible as long as the columns in consecutive places are pairwise compatible. For example, you can do `SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 UNION SELECT col2, col1 FROM table2`.
### Example Let's consider an example of the `UNION`. Assume we have a table called `employees` and another table called `contractors`. We want to retrieve a combined list of names from both tables, excluding duplicates: ```sql CREATE TABLE employees ( emp_id INT, emp_name TEXT ); CREATE TABLE contractors ( contractor_id INT, contractor_name TEXT ); INSERT INTO employees VALUES (1, 'John'), (2, 'Alice'), (3, 'Bob'); INSERT INTO contractors VALUES (101, 'Alice'), (102, 'Eve'), (103, 'Tom'); ``` Verifying inserted values by using the `SELECT` statement: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees; SELECT * FROM contractors; ``` ```sql emp_id | emp_name --------+---------- 1 | John 2 | Alice 3 | Bob contractor_id | contractor_name ---------------+----------------- 101 | Alice 102 | Eve 103 | Tom ``` Let’s combine the values from the tables: ```sql SELECT emp_name FROM employees UNION SELECT contractor_name FROM contractors; ``` You will get the values of both tables, and there won’t be any duplicate values. ```sql emp_name ---------- Alice Bob Eve John Tom ``` The diagram below shows that the duplicate name "Alice" is represented only once in the output, fulfilling the requirement to avoid duplicate entries. ![union](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-set-union-01.png) ## UNION ALL ### Overview The `UNION ALL` combines the result sets of 2 or more select statements, returning all rows from the query and not removing duplicate rows between the tables. ### Syntax Below is the syntax of the `UNION ALL`: ```sql SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM tables UNION ALL SELECT value1, value2, ... value_n FROM tables; ``` The parameters from the syntax are explained below: * `value1, value2, ... value_n`: The columns you wish to retrieve. You can also retrieve all the values using the `SELECT * FROM` query. * `table1, table2`: The tables that you wish to retrieve records from. **Things to consider:**
1. The data types of corresponding columns in the `SELECT` queries must be compatible.
2. The order of columns is flexible as long as the columns in consecutive places are pairwise compatible.
### Example Suppose you have two separate tables, `sales_2022` and `sales_2023`, containing sales data for different years. You want to combine the sales data from both tables to get a complete list of sales transactions without removing duplicates. ```sql CREATE TABLE sales_2022 ( transaction_id INT, product_name TEXT, sale_amount INT ); CREATE TABLE sales_2023 ( transaction_id INT, product_name TEXT, sale_amount INT ); INSERT INTO sales_2022 VALUES (1, 'Product A', 1000), (2, 'Product B', 500), (3, 'Product C', 750); INSERT INTO sales_2023 VALUES (4, 'Product A', 1200), (5, 'Product D', 800), (6, 'Product E', 950); ``` Verifying inserted values by using the `SELECT` statement: ```sql SELECT * FROM sales_2022; SELECT * FROM sales_2023; ``` ```sql transaction_id | product_name | sale_amount ----------------+--------------+------------- 1 | Product A | 1000 2 | Product B | 500 3 | Product C | 750 transaction_id | product_name | sale_amount ----------------+--------------+------------- 4 | Product A | 1200 5 | Product D | 800 6 | Product E | 950 ``` Let’s combine all values from the tables by using the `UNION ALL`: ```sql SELECT product_name, sale_amount FROM sales_2022 UNION ALL SELECT product_name, sale_amount FROM sales_2023; ``` In this case, it will display all the values of the first table followed by all the contents of the second table. ```sql product_name | sale_amount --------------+------------- Product A | 1000 Product B | 500 Product C | 750 Product A | 1200 Product D | 800 Product E | 950 ``` The diagram illustrates that with the `UNION ALL`, all values are displayed, including the duplicate ones. ![union all](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/oxla/assets/images/light/sql-clauses-set-union-02.png) # WHERE Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/where ## Overview The `WHERE` clause returns a specific value from a table or multiple tables based on specified conditions. It will filter out records you do not want to be included and only returns the exact result when the condition is fulfilled. ## Syntax The basic syntax of the WHERE clause is as follows − ```sql SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE [condition] ``` Let’s explore the above syntax: * `SELECT column1, column2, ...` defines the columns where the records will be displayed. * `FROM table_name` sets the table name where the records will be taken from. * `WHERE [condition]`specifies the search condition using comparison or logical operators (e.g., `>`, `=`, `LIKE`) It starts with the `FROM` clause **->** then it executes the `WHERE` condition **->** after that, it will `SELECT` the specified columns. ## Examples Let’s assume that we have a table salary with records as follows: ```sql CREATE TABLE salary ( empid int, empname text, empdept text, empaddress text, empsalary int ); INSERT INTO salary (empid, empname, empdept, empaddress, empsalary) VALUES (2001,'Paul','HR', 'California', null ), (2002,'Brandon','Product', 'Norway', 15000), (2003,'Bradley','Marketing', 'Texas', null), (2004,'Lisa','Marketing', 'Houston', 10000), (2005,'Emily','Marketing', 'Texas', 20000), (2006,'Bobby','Finance', 'Seattle', 20000), (2007,'Parker','Project', 'Texas', 45000); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM salary; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +--------+-----------+------------+-------------+------------+ | empid | empname | empdept | empaddress | empsalary | +--------+-----------+------------+-------------+------------+ | 2001 | Paul | HR | California | null | | 2002 | Brandon | Product | Norway | 15000 | | 2003 | Bradley | Marketing | Texas | null | | 2004 | Lisa | Marketing | Houston | 10000 | | 2005 | Emily | Marketing | Texas | 20000 | | 2006 | Bobby | Finance | Seattle | 20000 | | 2007 | Parker | Project | Texas | 45000 | +--------+-----------+------------+-------------+------------+ ``` ### #Case 1: WHERE clause with `=` Operator Here we will be using the “equal” operator to look up the employee who works in the Marketing department: ```sql SELECT empname, empdept FROM salary WHERE empdept = 'Marketing'; ``` The above command will create the following result: ```sql +------------+-------------+ | empname | empdept | +------------+-------------+ | Bradley | Marketing | | Emily | Marketing | | Lisa | Marketing | +------------+-------------+ ``` The value defined in the `WHERE` clause’s condition is **case-sensitive**, so ensure that you specify the correct and precise value. ### #Case 2: WHERE clause with `!=` Operator Here we will be using the “not equal” operator to look up the employee who doesn’t live in Texas: ```sql SELECT empname, empdept, empaddress FROM salary WHERE empaddress != 'Texas'; ``` We can use the `<>` operator for another “not equal” operator. The above query will give the following result: ```sql +------------+------------+--------------+ | empname | empdept | empaddress | +------------+------------+--------------+ | Paul | HR | California | | Brandon | Product | Norway | | Lisa | Marketing | Houston | | Bobby | Finance | Seattle | +------------+------------+--------------+ ``` The value defined in the `WHERE` clause's condition is **case-sensitive**. If you set `texas` it will return all records from the salary table. ### #Case 3: WHERE clause with `>` Operator Here we will be using the “greater than” operator to figure out who has a salary above 20000: ```sql SELECT empname, empdept, empsalary FROM salary WHERE empsalary > 20000; ``` We can use the `<` operator for a “less than” condition. The output will let us know that Parker has a salary greater than 20000: ```sql +------------+------------+-------------+ | empname | empdept | empsalary | +------------+------------+-------------+ | Parker | Project | 45000 | +------------+------------+-------------+ ``` ### #Case 4: WHERE clause with `<=` Operator Here we will be using the “less than or equal to” operator to see who has a salary less than or equal to 15000: ```sql SELECT empname, empdept, empsalary FROM salary WHERE empsalary <= '15000'; ``` We can use the `>=` operator for a “greater than or equal to” condition. The output will let us know that Brandon has a salary equal to 15000 and Lisa has a salary of less than 15000: ```sql +------------+------------+-------------+ | empname | empdept | empsalary | +------------+------------+-------------+ | Brandon | Product | 15000 | | Lisa | Marketing | 10000 | +------------+------------+-------------+ ``` ### #Case 5: WHERE clause with `LIKE` Operator Here we will use the “like” operator to retrieve the employee whose first name starts with **Br**. ```sql SELECT * FROM salary WHERE empname LIKE 'Br%'; ``` Do the reverse to get the result based on the last string, `%string`. We will get an output where the above query fetches **Br**andon & **Br**adley. ```sql +---------+------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+ | empid | empname | empdept | empaddress | empsalary | +---------+------------+-------------+--------------+------------+ | 2002 | Brandon | Product | Norway | null | | 2003 | Bradley | Marketing | Texas | 45000 | +---------+------------+-------------+--------------+------------+ ``` ### #Case 6: WHERE clause with `IS NULL` Operator Here we will use the “is null” operator to search for the employee who doesn’t have a salary value. It will return `true` and display the result set if a value is `NULL`; otherwise, it will return `false` with no result set. ```sql SELECT * FROM salary WHERE empsalary IS NULL; ``` The above command will create the following result: ```sql +---------+------------+-------------+--------------+------------+ | empid | empname | empdept | empaddress | empsalary | +---------+------------+-------------+--------------+------------+ | 2001 | Paul | HR | California | null | | 2003 | Brandon | Product | Norway | null | +---------+------------+-------------+--------------+------------+ ``` # WITH Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-clauses/with ## Overview The `WITH` clause provides a way to define auxiliary statements (referred by their alias names), that can be used within a more complex query sets. They are also known as Common Table Expressions (CTEs). ## Syntax The `WITH` clause precedes the primary statement it is attached to and contains a list of auxiliary statements with corresponding aliases. ```sql WITH [with_statement_alias AS (with_statement_body)]+ primary_statement; ``` * **`primary_statement`**: has to be one of the following: `SELECT`, `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE` * **`with_statement_body`**: has to be a `SELECT` statement (it can refer to aliases defined earlier in the query) ## Semantic Currently, Oxla only supports not materialised CTEs (e.g. each auxiliary query alias is replaced with its corresponding body at the early stages of the query processing). The following query: ```sql WITH a AS (SELECT 77), b AS (SELECT * FROM a) SELECT * FROM b ``` is effectively turned into: ```sql SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 77) AS a) AS b ``` Used auxiliary query gets the same alias (`AS b` part) as in the `WITH` clause. It can be changed by explicitly setting a new alias upon usage. ```sql WITH b AS (SELECT 1 AS c1) SELECT b.c1, b1.c1 FROM b CROSS JOIN b AS b1; ``` ## Usage Not materialised `WITH` clauses are useful when you want to refactor some complex query to make it more readable. You can extract subqueries or even reuse them in several places, having only one definition. Thanks to code insertion, each use of a query will be optimized separately, specifically for the usage of its results by the parent query. For example: ```sql WITH math_grades AS (SELECT g_date, semester_id, grade FROM grades WHERE subject="Math") SELECT * FROM (SELECT AVG(grade) FROM math_grades WHERE semester_id=2137) AS avg_semester_grades, (SELECT AVG(grade) FROM math_grades WHERE g_date >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL '1 y')) AS avg_year_grades ``` Both subqueries use the same auxiliary `math_grades` query, but each of them filters it using different keys. This way, both scans will only read a part of the table. If materialized CTE was used (which we don't support yet), the query engine would need to scan the whole table first and then filter the result twice, for each subquery. ## Alias Context You can't create more than one CTE with the same alias within a single `WITH` clause. However, if you create nested `SELECT` statements, each of them can have their own `WITH` clauses, creating their own contexts for defined aliases. The same alias can be defined in more than one context ```sql WITH a AS ( # <-- creates context 1 SELECT 1 ) SELECT * FROM ( WITH a AS (SELECT 2) # <-- creates context 2 SELECT * FROM a # <-- uses context 2 ) CROSS JOIN a; # <-- uses context 1 ``` By executing the query above, you will receive `2, 1` as an output. When referencing an alias we use the context, which was defined at the nested query level. If it does not define the referenced alias, we move up one level and repeat searching for an alias definition. ```pgsql WITH a AS ( SELECT 1 ) SELECT * FROM ( WITH b as (SELECT 2) SELECT * FROM b ) CROSS JOIN b; # <-- error ``` That query returns `ERROR: relation "b" does not exist`, as `b` is not defined in this context or any of the above. # Array Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/array ## Overview In Oxla, an array allows you to represent a collection of elements that have the same data type (any built-in data type can be used). Currently, the implementation is limited only to single-dimensional arrays ## Array Type Declaration An array type can be declared by appending square brackets to the data type of its elements: ```sql CREATE TABLE movie_night ( event_date DATE NOT NULL, movies_planned TEXT[5] NOT NULL ); ``` The syntax above allows you to specify the size of the array. However, it does not enforce any limits and the behavior will be the same for arrays of unspecified length. There is also another way to declare an array, by prepending the `ARRAY` keyword after the data type of the elements: ```sql CREATE TABLE movie_night ( event_date DATE NOT NULL, movies_planned TEXT ARRAY NOT NULL ); ``` ## Array Values You can create array literals by using the `ARRAY` keyword and combining it with the array's values enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas: ```sql ARRAY[ value1 , value2 , ... ] ``` Such a literal can be used with, e.g. `SELECT` or `INSERT INTO` statements: ```sql SELECT ARRAY['10:14:25'::time, '22:58:11'::time]; ?column? --------------------- {10:14:25,22:58:11} (1 row) INSERT INTO movie_night VALUES ('2024-12-01', ARRAY['Inception', 'Interstellar', 'The Prestige']); INSERT 0 1 SELECT * FROM movie_night; event_date | movies_planned ------------+----------------------------------------- 2024-12-01 | {Inception,Interstellar,"The Prestige"} (1 row) ``` You can also use a string representation of an array as another available option for array's values syntax. It requires the elements' values to be enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas: ```sql '{ value1 , value2 , ... }' ``` Such an array value representation can be used in e.g. `INSERT INTO` statements with the `VALUES` clause: ```sql INSERT INTO movie_night VALUES ('2024-12-15', '{The Matrix, John Wick}'); INSERT 0 1 SELECT * FROM movie_night; event_date | movies_planned ------------+----------------------------------------- 2024-12-01 | {Inception,Interstellar,"The Prestige"} 2024-12-15 | {"The Matrix","John Wick"} (2 rows) ``` Any element can be enclosed in double quotes and this is required, if the value contains commas or curly braces: ```sql SELECT '{"{\"key1\": 1, \"key2\": \"value\"}", NULL, true}'::json[]; ?column? ----------------------------------------------- {"{\"key1\":1,\"key2\":\"value\"}",NULL,true} (1 row) ``` In the example above, the double quotes which are a part of the JSON value are required to be escaped with a backslash, so that they are not mistaken with the double quote, which marks the end of the element ## Accessing Arrays You can retrieve a single element from an array using the array subscript operator. When it comes to array values indexing, the elements of an n-length array start at index `1` and end at index `n`: ```sql SELECT movies_planned, movies_planned[1] AS first_movie, movies_planned[3] AS third_movie FROM movie_night; movies_planned | first_movie | third_movie -----------------------------------------+-------------+-------------- {Inception,Interstellar,"The Prestige"} | Inception | The Prestige {"The Matrix","John Wick"} | The Matrix | (2 rows) ``` If the index exceeds the length of an array, the returned value will be `NULL` Arrays can also be accessed by using array slices. An array slice is denoted by writing `lower_bound:upper_bound`. The bounds can be omitted, in which case the slice is unbounded from a given side: ```sql SELECT movies_planned[:] as "unbounded slice", movies_planned[1:2] AS "[1:2] slice", movies_planned[2:] AS "[2:] slice" FROM movie_night; unbounded slice | [1:2] slice | [2:] slice -----------------------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------------- {Inception,Interstellar,"The Prestige"} | {Inception,Interstellar} | {Interstellar,"The Prestige"} {"The Matrix","John Wick"} | {"The Matrix","John Wick"} | {"John Wick"} (2 rows) ``` ## Limitations ### Field Size Limit In Oxla, the field size limit for variable-size types is 32MB and this limit applies to arrays as well. If a value exceeds the given limit, an error is returned: ```sql CREATE TABLE tb (array_column bigint[]); CREATE COPY tb FROM '/.oxla/long_array_value.csv'; ERROR: Error in row 1, column array_column value exceeds size of 33554432 ``` ### Unsupported SQL Clauses Array columns cannot be used as the key columns in `ORDER BY`, `GROUP BY` or `JOIN` operations. It is also impossible to use the array columns as a part of the index of a table. For all the operations mentioned above, an appropriate error message will be returned: ```sql SELECT * FROM movie_night ORDER BY movies_planned; ERROR: could not identify an ordering operator for type text[] ``` Arrays can still be used in `ORDER BY` or `JOIN` operations, if the array column is not the key: ```sql SELECT * FROM movie_night ORDER BY event_date ASC; event_date | movies_planned ------------+----------------------------------------- 2024-12-01 | {Inception,Interstellar,"The Prestige"} 2024-12-15 | {"The Matrix","John Wick"} (2 rows) ``` ### Unsupported SQL Statements Specific SQL statements currently do not support arrays. These include: * `INSERT INTO` with `SELECT`: Arrays cannot be directly imported using an `INSERT INTO` with a `SELECT` statement. Instead, we encourage you to either use the `COPY FROM CSV` command or the `INSERT INTO` statement with the `VALUES` keyword * `UPDATE` and `DELETE`: Updating or deleting records from a table, which contains array columns is not supported * `COPY TO`: Exporting data from array columns using the `COPY TO` command is not available * `CREATE INDEX`: Index on a table cannot be created on an array column. Any effort to use such operations with arrays will result in an error. For now, these limitations should be considered when designing tables that include array columns. # Bool Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/bool ## **Overview** A `BOOL` is a data type mainly used for expressions that will return only two possible values, `true` and `false`. Bool is stored as a bitmap in `u64` values. **BOOLEAN** is an alias for the **BOOL** data type. You can create a table using **BOOLEAN**. However, it will be stored and processed equivalently to **BOOL**. ## **Format** * `FALSE` * `TRUE` ## **Examples** Below are a few examples of using a bool data type: ### Case #1: Create a Table A librarian will create a **borrowBook** table that he will use to store book borrowing data. The table comprises the borrowed ID, the book name, the borrower, and the book's returned status, which uses the **bool** data type. ```sql CREATE TABLE borrowBook ( borrowID INT, bookName TEXT, borrower TEXT, returnedStat BOOL NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO borrowBook (borrowID,bookName, borrower, returnedStat) VALUES (101, 'The Silent Patient', 'Mike', TRUE), (201, 'Malibu Rising', 'Jean', TRUE), (301, 'The Guest List', 'Mark', FALSE), (401, 'The Four Winds', 'Cliff', TRUE), (501, 'The Vanishing Half: A Novel', 'Sarah', TRUE), (601, 'Red, White & Royal Blue', 'Anna', FALSE), (701, 'The Duke and I', 'Blake', FALSE), (801, 'The Lord of the Rings', 'Sandra', FALSE); ``` The **borrowBook** table has been successfully created after executing the above query: ```sql COMPLETE INSERT 0 8 ``` ### Case #2: Display the Table Run the `SELECT` statement to get all records from the **borrowBook** table: ```sql SELECT * FROM borrowBook; ``` It will return the result as displayed below: ```sql +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ | borrowid | bookname | borrower | returnedstat | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ | 101 | The Silent Patient | Mike | t | | 201 | Malibu Rising | Jean | t | | 301 | The Guest List | Mark | f | | 401 | The Four Winds | Cliff | t | | 501 | The Vanishing Half: A Novel | Sarah | t | | 601 | Red, White & Royal Blue | Anna | f | | 701 | The Duke and I | Blake | f | | 801 | The Lord of the Rings | Sandra | f | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ ``` ### Case #3: List of the Returned Books In the below example, the following statement is used to retrieve all the **books** that have already been returned: ```sql SELECT * FROM borrowbook WHERE returnedstat= 'true'; ``` We will get the following results: ```sql +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ | borrowid | bookname | borrower | returnedstat | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ | 101 | The Silent Patient | Mike | t | | 201 | Malibu Rising | Jean | t | | 401 | The Four Winds | Cliff | t | | 501 | The Vanishing Half: A Novel | Sarah | t | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ ``` ### Case #4: List of the Unreturned Books Now, we will acquire all of the book records that haven’t been returned yet by running the `SELECT` statement with a specified `WHERE` condition as `false`: ```sql SELECT * FROM borrowbook WHERE returnedstat= 'false'; ``` We will get the following results: ```sql +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ | borrowid | bookname | borrower | returnedstat | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ | 301 | The Guest List | Mark | f | | 601 | Red, White & Royal Blue | Anna | f | | 701 | The Duke and I | Blake | f | | 801 | The Lord of the Rings | Sandra | f | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ ``` ### Case #5: Check a Book’s Return Status In this example, we are going to figure out the returned status of the book **“The Lord of the Rings”** by executing the `SELECT` statement with a specified column in the `WHERE` clause: ```sql SELECT * FROM borrowbook WHERE bookname = 'The Lord of the Rings'; ``` The above query will filter all records based on the specified conditions, and we know that Sandra hasn’t returned the book yet: ```sql +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ | borrowid | bookname | borrower | returnedstat | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ | 801 | The Lord of the Rings | Sandra | f | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+---------------+ ``` # Data Type Operators Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/data-type-operators The Operator data type is any parsed expression that returns a value. An operator is used in the form of a special symbol or function. The following table shows a list of logical operators that Oxla supports: | **Type** | **Name** | **Operator** | **Description** | **Example** | | ---------- | ------------------------ | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | | Relational | Equal to | `=` | This shows that the value of one item is **equal** to another item’s value. | `cust_name = 'Mike'` | | Relational | Greater than | `>` | This shows that the value of one item is **greater** than another item’s value. | `stock_value > 10` | | Relational | Less than | `<` | This shows that the value of one item is **less** than another item’s value. | `stock_value < 20` | | Relational | Not equal to | `<>` or `!=` | Indicates that the value of one item is **not equal** to the other item’s value. | `subj_score != 'FAILED'` | | Relational | Greater than or equal to | `>=` | Indicates that the value of one item is **greater than or equal to** the other item’s value. | `prod_price >= 3000` | | Relational | Less than or equal to | `<=` | Indicates that the value of one item is **less than or equal to** the other item’s value. | `prod_price <= 9000` | | Logical | Not | `NOT` | It shows a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE. | `NOT true = false` | | Logical | Is null | `IS NULL` | Used to check for empty values (`NULL` values). | `WHERE empsalary IS NULL;` | # Date Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/date ## Overview The `DATE` data type is used to store and insert date values. The date value is stored without the time zone. ## Structure The date type contains three components: year, month, and day. It’s represented in a 32-bit integer. Here is the breakdown: * **Day component:** 5 bits store the number of days within a month. Its value is in the range `<1, 31>`. * **Month component**: 4 bits store the month of the year. Its value is in the range `<1, 12>`. * **Year component**: 23 bits store the number of years. Its value is from range `<0, 2^23 - 1>`. ## Format ```sql YYYY-MM-DD ``` * `YYYY` - Four-digit year * `MM` - One / two-digit month * `DD` - One / two-digit day ## Example In this example, we will create an **emp\_submission** table that consists of the candidate ID, candidate name, the submitted department, and a submission date with a `DATE` data type. ```sql CREATE TABLE emp_submission ( candidate_ID INT, candidate_Name TEXT, sub_dept TEXT, sub_date DATE ); INSERT INTO emp_submission (candidate_ID, candidate_Name, sub_dept, sub_date) VALUES (8557411, 'Kumar', 'HR', '2022-05-01'), (8557421, 'Ricky', 'HR', '2022-01-09'), (8557451, 'Alice', 'Finance', '2022-08-02'), (8557461, 'Angel', 'Product', '2012-04-16'), (8557431, 'Joan', 'Finance', '2022-02-02'), (8557471, 'Cody', 'Product', '2022-03-20'), (8557491, 'Liam', 'Product', '2022-06-15'); ``` Now that the data has been inserted, let's execute the `SELECT` statement below: ```sql SELECT * FROM emp_submission; ``` The following is the result of the `SELECT` statement where the values in the `sub_date` column have `DATE` data type: ```sql +---------------+------------------+------------+---------------+ | candidate_id | candidate_name | sub_dept | sub_date | +---------------+------------------+------------+---------------+ | 8557411 | Kumar | HR | 2022-05-01 | | 8557421 | Ricky | HR | 2022-01-09 | | 8557451 | Alice | Finance | 2022-08-02 | | 8557461 | Angel | Product | 2012-04-16 | | 8557431 | Joan | Finance | 2022-02-02 | | 8557471 | Cody | Product | 2022-03-20 | | 8557491 | Liam | Product | 2022-06-15 | +---------------+------------------+------------+---------------+ ``` # Interval Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/interval ## Overview The Interval data type represents periods between dates or times, which can be precisely calculated and expressed through various units. Those can be combined and include additional options for different interval calculations. In this doc, you'll find more about the **interval syntax**, learn what are **supported units and abbreviations**, browse through **examples** and finally find out how to **extract data from intervals**. ## Syntax The syntax for specifying an interval is as follows: ```sql SELECT INTERVAL 'quantity unit [quantity unit...] [direction]' [OPTION] ``` **Parameters Description** | **Parameter** | **Description** | | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `quantity` | The value representing the number of units | | `unit` | - Year, month, day, hour, minute, etc.
- Abbreviations, short forms and dash format is supported
- Plural forms are also acceptable (e.g. months, days, weeks) | | `direction` | An optional parameter: **ago** or **empty string** | | `OPTION` | Additional options when parsing interval | ## Supported Units and Abbreviations | **Unit** | **Abbreviations** | | ----------- | ------------------ | | Millennium | - | | Century | - | | Decade | - | | Year | `y`, `yr`, `yrs` | | Month | - | | Week | - | | Day | `d` | | Hour | `h`, `hr`, `hrs` | | Minute | `min`, `mins`, `m` | | Second | `s`, `sec`, `secs` | | Millisecond | `ms` | | Microsecond | - | ## Options for Interval Parsing * `YEAR`, `MONTH`, `DAY`, `HOUR`, `MINUTE`, `SECOND` * `YEAR TO MONTH`, `DAY TO HOUR`, `DAY TO MINUTE`, `DAY TO SECOND`, `HOUR TO MINUTE`, `HOUR TO SECOND`, `MINUTE TO SECOND` ## Examples #### Select Interval With Multiple Units In this example, we'll calculate the interval by combining multiple units of time. ```sql SELECT INTERVAL '5 years 4 months 2 weeks 3 days 5 hours 10 minutes 25 seconds' as "Interval"; ``` ```sql Interval --------------------------------- 5 years 4 mons 17 days 05:10:25 (1 row) ``` #### Using Abbreviations This example shows how to use abbreviated units for time intervals. ```sql SELECT INTERVAL '10 yr 8 months 2 weeks 6 days 5 hrs 10 min 20 s as "Interval"; ``` ```sql Interval ---------------------------------- 10 years 8 mons 20 days 05:10:20 (1 row) ``` #### Using Dash Format Here you'll find out how to use the dash format for specifying intervals. ```sql SELECT INTERVAL '1-2 3 DAYS 04:05:06.070809' as "Interval"; ``` ```sql Interval -------------------------------------- 1 year 2 mons 3 days 04:05:06.070809 (1 row) ``` #### Parsing Intervals Using Specific Units By running the code below, the output will show everything up to minutes and ignore seconds and miliseconds. ```sql SELECT INTERVAL '1-2 5 DAYS 07:08:06.040809' MINUTE as "Interval"; ``` ```sql Interval ------------------------------- 1 year 2 mons 5 days 07:08:00 (1 row) ``` #### Displaying Specific Range Only Executing the query below will result only years and months being displayed excluding days, hours, minutes, and seconds from the input. ```sql SELECT INTERVAL '2-4 5 DAYS 04:05:06.070809' YEAR TO MONTH as "Interval"; ``` ```sql Interval ---------------- 2 years 4 mons (1 row) ``` #### Extracting Data From Interval In order to extract the interval numbers from the timestamp, you can use the **EXTRACT()** function the following way: ```sql SELECT EXTRACT (field FROM interval) ``` * `field`: supports time units, such as `YEAR`, `MONTH`, `DAY`, `HOUR`, etc. * `interval`: specified timestamp. ```sql SELECT EXTRACT (MINUTE FROM INTERVAL '2 hours 30 minutes'); ``` As the output of the above query, only the minutes part will be returned. ```sql extract ------------ 30 (1 row) ``` If you query a field that is not specified in the timestamp, you will get `0` as an output. # JSON Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/json ## **Overview** JSON stands for **JavaScript Object Notation**. It is an open standard format with key-value pairs to transport data between a server and a web application. ## **Syntax** The JSON data type in Oxla has the following syntax: ```sql variable_name JSON ``` ## **Examples** ### 1. Create a Table First, create the **orders table** using the below command: ```sql CREATE TABLE orders ( orders_Detail JSON ); ``` This will create a table with the `orders_Detail`column to store key-value pairs of data. ### 2. Insert Data Next, insert data into the orders table as follows: ```sql INSERT INTO orders (orders_Detail) VALUES ('{ "customer": "Dean Smith", "items": {"product": "cup","qty": 2}}'), ('{ "customer": "Sissy Kate", "items": {"product": "knife","qty": 1}}'), ('{ "customer": "Emma Stone", "items": {"product": "spoon","qty": 4}}'), ('{ "customer": "Chris Bale", "items": {"product": "fork","qty": 5}}'), ('{ "customer": "Mike Stuart", "items": {"product": "spatula","qty": 2}}'); ``` This will insert data values where `orders_Detail`has the following keys: * `customer`: it will store a customer’s data who purchased the product. * `items`: it will store the order details, `product` & `qty`. ### 3. Retrieve Data Use the `SELECT` command to retrieve the orders table's data. ```sql SELECT * FROM orders; ``` You will get the following output: ```sql +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | orders_detail | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | {"customer":"Dean Smith","items":{"qty":2.000000,"product":"cup"}} | | {"customer":"Sissy Kate","items":{"product":"knife","qty":1.000000}} | | {"customer":"Emma Stone","items":{"qty":4.000000,"product":"spoon"}} | | {"customer":"Chris Bale","items":{"product":"fork","qty":5.000000}} | | {"customer":"Mike Stuart","items":{"qty":2.000000,"product":"spatula"}} | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ``` It is normal for the JSON type’s result to look disordered. # Numeric Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/numeric-type/numeric ## Int Type The `INT` data type represents whole numbers without decimal points. It is a 32-bit signed integer with a range from -2147483648 to 2147483647. ### Format ```sql column_name INT ``` ### Example The following is an example of how to create a column using an `INT` type. ```sql CREATE TABLE cities ( city_id INT, cityname TEXT, population INT ); INSERT INTO cities (city_id, cityname, population) VALUES (8557411, 'New York', 8419000), (8557421, 'London', 8982000), (8557451, 'Hongkong', 7482000), (8557491, 'Seoul', 9776000); ``` Now, run the following query to display the table. ```sql SELECT * FROM cities; ``` It will result in a table show below. ```sql city_id | cityname | population ---------+----------+------------ 8557411 | New York | 8419000 8557421 | London | 8982000 8557451 | Hongkong | 7482000 8557491 | Seoul | 9776000 (4 rows) ``` ## Bigint Type The `BIGINT` data type stores large whole numbers that exceed the `INT` range. It is a 64-bit signed integer with a range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. ### Format ```sql column_name BIGINT ``` ### Example The following is an example of how to create a column using the `BIGINT` type: ```sql CREATE TABLE galaxies ( galaxy_name TEXT, star BIGINT ); INSERT INTO galaxies (galaxy_name, star) VALUES ('Milky Way', 100000000000), ('Cigar', 30000000000), ('Andromeda', 1000000000000), ('Cosmos', 2000000000000000000); ``` Now, run the following query to display the table: ```sql SELECT * FROM galaxies; ``` You will get the following output: ```sql galaxy_name | star -------------+--------------------- Milky Way | 100000000000 Cigar | 30000000000 Andromeda | 1000000000000 Cosmos | 2000000000000000000 (4 rows) ``` ## Real Type The `REAL` data type is a 32-bit floating-point number compliant with the IEEE 754 binary32 format. ### Format ```sql column_name REAL ``` ### Example **1. Create a Table** Here, we are creating a table with a `REAL` column type. ```sql CREATE TABLE numbers ( column_1 REAL ); INSERT into numbers (column_1) VALUES (1.234568); ``` Display the table with the following query. ```sql SELECT * FROM numbers; ``` The stored value is shown below. ```sql column_1 ---------- 1.234568 (1 row) ``` **2. Rounding** Rounding might happen if the precision of an input number is too high. ```sql CREATE TABLE numbers1 ( column_1 REAL ); INSERT into numbers1 (column_1) VALUES (1.2345689); ``` Display the table with the following query. ```sql SELECT * FROM numbers1; ``` The table below shows the value after rounding. ```sql column_1 ---------- 1.234569 (1 row) ``` **3. Create a Table With Numbers Exceeding the Range** The `REAL` type only stores 32-bit floating-point numbers. In this example, we input the numbers that exceed the range. ```sql CREATE TABLE numbers2 ( column_1 REAL ); INSERT into numbers2 (column_1) VALUES (1.2345682991822); ``` Display the table with the following query. ```sql SELECT * FROM numbers2; ``` The final output will only return numbers that match the range. ```sql column_1 ----------- 1.2345684 (1 row) ``` ## Double Precision Type The `DOUBLE PRECISION` data type is a 64-bit floating-point number compliant with the IEEE 754 binary64 format. ### Format ```sql column_name DOUBLE PRECISION ``` ### Example **1. Create a Table** Here, we are creating a table with a `DOUBLE PRECISION` type column. ```sql CREATE TABLE numbersdouble ( column_1 DOUBLE PRECISION ); INSERT into numbersdouble (column_1) VALUES (1.234568817283122); ``` Display the table with the following query. ```sql SELECT * FROM numbersdouble; ``` The output is shown below. ```sql column_1 ------------------- 1.234568817283122 (1 row) ``` **2. Rounding** Rounding might happen if the precision of an input number is too high. ```sql CREATE TABLE numbersdouble1 ( column_1 DOUBLE PRECISION ); INSERT into numbersdouble1 (column_1) VALUES (1.234568817283122773); ``` Display the table with the following query. ```sql SELECT * FROM numbersdouble1; ``` The table below shows the value after rounding. ```sql column_1 -------------------- 1.2345688172831228 (1 row) ``` ## Scientific Notation Support Oxla now supports scientific notation for floating-point types. This feature allows you to use expressions like 1.1e+3, 1e-20, 1.1e02 and similar in your queries. **Example** ```sql SELECT 1.1e+3, 1e-20, 1.1e02; ``` ***Output*** ```sql ?column? | ?column? | ?column? ----------+----------+---------- 1100 | 1e-20 | 110 (1 row) ``` # Numeric Data Type - Aliases Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/numeric-type/numeric-data-type-aliases We allow aliases that can be used interchangeably with the primary data types. However, while these aliases can be used, they will be mapped to their corresponding primary data types during data processing. Here, we'll discuss the numeric data type aliases: ### **INTEGER Alias** The `INTEGER` alias is an alternative name for the `INT` data type. For example, the following two queries are functionally the same: ```sql CREATE TABLE ExampleTable ( id INTEGER, ); -- Functionally the same as the previous table CREATE TABLE AnotherTable ( id INT, ); ``` It's important to note that even though `INTEGER` is used, the data is stored and treated as `INT`. ### **LONG Alias** The `LONG` alias is often used to represent larger integer values. For example: ```sql CREATE TABLE LargeValues ( value LONG, ); -- Functionally the same as the previous table CREATE TABLE LargeValuesEquivalent ( value BIGINT, ); ``` Any usage of `LONG` is stored and treated as `BIGINT`. ### **FLOAT Alias** The `FLOAT` alias corresponds to the `REAL` data type. For example: ```sql CREATE TABLE FloatExample ( price FLOAT, ); -- Functionally the same as the previous table CREATE TABLE FloatEquivalent ( price REAL, ); ``` When you use `FLOAT`, it's stored and treated as `REAL`. ### **DOUBLE Alias** The `DOUBLE` alias is used to define `DOUBLE PRECISION` floating-point numbers. For example: ```sql CREATE TABLE DoubleExample ( measurement DOUBLE, ); -- Functionally the same as the previous table CREATE TABLE DoubleEquivalent ( measurement DOUBLE PRECISION, ); ``` When you use `DOUBLE`, it's stored and treated as `DOUBLE PRECISION`. # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview While creating a table, you need to specify a data type for each column to define what kind of data you want to store. This section will look into the various data types supported in Oxla. Now, let’s get an overview of each data type: | **Data Types** | **Definition** | **Format** | | ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | `BOOL` | Boolean value. | `True` or `False`. | | `TEXT` | UTF8 encoded string with Unicode support. | 'text' | | `DATE` | Date value. | `YYYY-MM-DD` | | `TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE` | Time and date values without a time zone. | `YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM:SS[.SSSSSS]]` | | `TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE` | Date and time values, including the time zone information. | `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS+TZ` | | `TIME` | Time values without any date information. | `HH:MM:SS[.SSSSSS]` | | `JSON` | A value in JSON standard format. | `variable_name JSON` | | `INTERVAL` | Encodes a span of time | `year-month (YYYY-MM); day-time (DD HH:MM:SS)` | | `INT` | 32-bit signed integer | one or more digits "0" to "9" | | `BIGINT` | 64-bit signed integer | large numeric/decimal value | | `REAL` | 32-bit floating point number | `float(n)` | | `DOUBLE PRECISION` | 64-bit floating point number | `decimal(p, s)` | # Text Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/text ## Overview The text data type is a UTF8-encoded text with Unicode support, which stores a sequence of characters (text). ## **Examples** Let's create an employee table with a text data type in each column: ```sql CREATE TABLE employee ( employeeName text, employeeDept text, employeeRole text ); INSERT INTO employee (employeeName, employeeDept, employeeRole) VALUES ('John','Finance','Staff'), ('Maya','Product','Staff'), ('Jane','Finance','Staff'), ('Phil','HR','Manager'); ``` Insert the text value between the single quotes **' '**. The created table is shown below: ```sql +---------------+---------------+---------------+ | employeename | employeedept | employeerole | +---------------+---------------+---------------+ | John | Finance | Staff | | Maya | Product | Staff | | Jane | Finance | Staff | | Phil | HR | Manager | +---------------+---------------+---------------+ ``` ## **Text With SUBSTR Function** The `substr()` function extracts a specific number of characters from a text. ### **Syntax** ```sql substr( text, start_position, length ) ``` Let's analyze the above syntax: * `text`is the specified text. * `start_position` is used as the starting position, specifying the part from which the substring will be returned. It is written as an int value. * `length` is used to determine the number of characters to be extracted. It can be one or more characters. The first position in the `text` is 1. ### **Example** Insert a value into the text column. ```sql SELECT substr('Watermelon',6,5) AS "Fruit"; ``` The updated table is shown below: ```sql +-------------+ | Fruit | +-------------+ | melon | +-------------+ ``` ## **Text With LENGTH Function** The `length()` function returns the number of characters in a text. The number of characters might be different from the byte length. ### **Syntax** The length function will take a text as a parameter. ```sql LENGTH (text); ``` ### **Example** Insert a value into the text column. ```sql SELECT LENGTH ('UNITED STATES'); ``` The updated table is shown below. ```sql +---------+ | f | +---------+ | 13 | +---------+ ``` The `length()` function will also count spaces. # Time Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/time-type/time ## Overview The `TIME` data type in Oxla stores time values without any date information. It represents a specific time of day, independent of any time zone or date. ## Format The format for the TIME data type is as follows: ```sql HH:MM:SS[.SSSSSS] ``` * `HH`: One or two-digit hour (valid values from 00 to 23). * `MM`: One or two-digit minutes (valid values from 00 to 59). * `SS`: One or two-digit seconds (valid values from 00 to 59). * `[.SSSSSS]` : Optional fractional seconds, with up to six decimal places (microsecond precision). ## Examples ### #Case 1: Create a Schedule Table Let's create a table to manage employee schedules, containing their names and the time they are scheduled to start work. The TIME data type will be used for the `start_time` column. ```sql CREATE TABLE employee_schedule ( employee_name TEXT, start_time TIME ); INSERT INTO employee_schedule (employee_name, start_time) VALUES ('John Doe', '08:30:00'), ('Jane Smith', '09:00:00'), ('Michael Johnson', '10:15:00'); ``` The table has been successfully created after executing the above query: ```sql COMPLETE INSERT 0 3 ``` ### #Case 2: View the Employee Schedule To view all employee schedules in the `employee_schedule` table, we can use the `SELECT` statement. ```sql SELECT * FROM employee_schedule; ``` The output will display the employee names and their corresponding scheduled start times: ```sql employee_name | start_time -----------------+----------------- John Doe | 08:30:00.000000 Jane Smith | 09:00:00.000000 Michael Johnson | 10:15:00.000000 (3 rows) ``` # Time Operators Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/time-type/time-operators Time operators in Oxla allow you to perform various operations on dates, times, and intervals. Here's a guide to using these operators: ## **1. DATE + INTEGER** Add a specific number of days to a date. **Example** ```sql select date '2022-03-15' + 14 as "result"; ``` The result will be 14 days after '2022-03-15'. ```sql result ------------ 2022-03-29 ``` ### 1.1. INTEGER + DATE Adding and multiplying time operators can also be done in reverse order. For example, we add a number of days to a date in the format of `Integer + Date`. ```sql select 14 + date '2022-03-15' AS "result"; ``` The result will be the same, which is 14 days after '2022-03-15' is '2022-03-29'. ```sql result ------------ 2022-03-29 ``` ## **2. DATE + INTERVAL** Add a specified interval to a date. **Example** ```sql select date '2022-03-15' + interval '3 months' as "result"; ``` The result will be the date three months after '2022-03-15'. ```sql result ---------------------------- 2022-06-15 00:00:00.000000 ``` ## **3. DATE - INTEGER** Subtract a certain number of days from a date. **Example** ```sql select date '2022-03-15' - 7 as "result"; ``` The result will be 7 days before '2022-03-15'. ```sql result ------------ 2022-03-08 ``` ## **4. DATE - INTERVAL** Subtract a specified interval from a date. **Example** ```sql select date '2022-03-15' - interval '2 hour' as "result"; ``` The result will be the timestamp with two hours before '2022-03-15'. ```sql result ---------------------------- 2022-03-14 22:00:00.000000 ``` ## **5. DATE - DATE** Subtract dates. **Example** ```sql select date '2023-03-15' - date '2023-01-10' as "result"; ``` The number of days elapsed between '2023-03-15' and '2023-01-10' is 64 days. ```sql result -------- 64 ``` ## **6. DATE + TIME** Add a time-of-day to a date. **Example** ```sql select date '2010-05-20' + time '02:00' as "result"; ``` The result will be a timestamp with the specified time added to the given date. ```sql result ---------------------------- 2010-05-20 02:00:00.000000 ``` ## **7. TIME + INTERVAL** Add a certain interval to a given time. **Example** ```sql select time '12:30' + interval '1 hour' as "result"; ``` The result will be the time 1 hour after '12:30'. ```sql result ----------------- 13:30:00.000000 ``` ## **8. TIME - INTERVAL** Subtract a specified interval from a given time. **Example** ```sql select time '18:45' - interval '45 minutes' as "result"; ``` The result will be the time 18:00. ```sql result ----------------- 18:00:00.000000 ``` ## **9. TIME - TIME** Get a time difference by subtracting one time from another. **Example** ```sql select time '10:00' - TIME '08:20' as "result"; ``` In this example, the time difference between the two provided times is 1 hour and 40 minutes. ```sql result ----------------- 01:40:00.000000 ``` ## **10. TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL** Add a timestamp and an interval. **Example** ```sql select timestamp '2021-01-05 12:00:00' + interval '5 days' as "result"; ``` The result will be a new timestamp, adding 5 days to '2021-01-05 12:00:00'. ```sql result ---------------------------- 2021-01-10 12:00:00.000000 ``` ## **11. TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL** Subtract an interval from a timestamp. **Example** ```sql select timestamp '2022-01-04 12:00:00' - interval '3 days' as "result"; ``` In this example, it subtracts 3 days from '2022-01-04 12:00:00'. ```sql result ---------------------------- 2022-01-01 12:00:00.000000 ``` ## **12. TIMESTAMP - TIMESTAMP** Get an interval by subtracting one timestamp from another. **Example** ```sql select timestamp '2022-01-05 18:30:00' - timestamp '2022-01-01 12:00:00' as "result"; ``` It gives the interval between the two timestamps, 102 hours and 30 minutes. ```sql result ------------------ 102:30:00.000000 ``` ## **13. INTERVAL + INTERVAL** Add intervals. **Example** ```sql select interval '2 months 2 days' + interval '6 days' as "result"; ``` It adds 6 days to 2 days, resulting in a total of 2 months and 8 days. ```sql result --------------- 2 mons 8 days ``` ## **14. INTERVAL - INTERVAL** Subtract intervals. **Example** ```sql select interval '2 months' - interval '20 days' as "result"; ``` It subtracts 20 days from 2 months. ```sql result ----------------- 2 mons -20 days ``` ## **15. INTERVAL \* INTEGER** Multiply an interval by an integer. **Example** ```sql select interval '2 hours' * 3 as "result"; ``` It multiplies '2 hours' by 3, the result is 6 hours. ```sql result ----------------- 06:00:00.000000 ``` ## 16. INTERVAL \* DOUBLE PRECISION Multiply an interval by a scalar. **Example** ```sql select interval '2 hours' * 1.5 as "result"; ``` It multiplies '2 hours' by 1.5, and returns 3 hours. ```sql result ----------------- 03:00:00.000000 ``` ## 17. INTERVAL / NUMBER Divide an interval by an integer or scalar. ### a) Divide by an integer ```sql select interval '1 hour' / 2 as "result"; ``` It divides '1 hour' by 2, and returns 30 minutes. ```sql result ----------------- 00:30:00.000000 ``` ### b) Divide by a scalar ```sql select interval '2 hours' / 1.5 as "result"; ``` It divides '2 hours' by 1.5, and returns 1 hour 20 minutes. ```sql result ----------------- 01:20:00.000000 ``` # Timestamp with Time Zone Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/timestamp-with-time-zone ## Overview Oxla provides you with two data types for handling timestamps: 1. [**Timestamp without Time Zone**](/sql-reference/sql-data-types/timestamp-without-time-zone): It allows you to store both date and time. 2. **Timestamp with Time Zone**: It stores date and time values but does not store time zone information within the database. Instead, it processes the time zone information during operations. 1. During **INSERT** operation, the time zone is ignored. The date and time are stored without considering the time zone. 2. During **the SELECT** operation, the time zone information from the user's session is also ignored. The data is returned exactly as it is stored without adjusting the time zone. **Important Note:**
Keep in mind that all user sessions have a local timezone associated with them, affecting how timestamps `with time zone` values are displayed.

The timezone information **is not stored in the database**. Consequently, every time a user requests a value of this type, Oxla converts from UTC to the user's local timezone before displaying it.
On this page, you will learn about the timestamp with the time zone. ## Format The `timestamp with time zone` data type has the following format: ```sql YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS+TZ ``` * `YYYY`: Four-digit year * `MM`: One / two-digit month * `DD`: One / two-digit day * `HH`: One / two-digit hour (valid values from 00 to 23) * `MM`: One / two-digit minutes (valid values from 00 to 59) * `SS`: One / two-digit seconds (valid values from 00 to 59) * `[.SSSSSS]`: Up to six fractional digits (microsecond precision) * `+TZ`: Time zone offset in the format +/-HH:MM (e.g., +05:30, -08:00) ## Examples ### Case #1: Create a table Let's create a table named `event_log` that consists of a timestamp without a time zone and a timestamp with time zone columns. The values in the `event_timestamp_tz` are in the “Europe/Moscow” timezone. ```sql CREATE TABLE events_log ( event_name TEXT, event_timestamp TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE, event_timestamp_tz TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE ); INSERT INTO events_log (event_name, event_timestamp, event_timestamp_tz) VALUES ('Event 1', '2023-07-27 12:30:00', '2023-07-27 12:30:00+03:00'), ('Event 2', '2023-07-27 08:45:00', '2023-07-27 08:45:00+03:00'), ('Event 3', '2023-07-27 20:15:00', '2023-07-27 20:15:00+03:00'); ``` The table has been successfully created after executing the above query: ```sql COMPLETE INSERT 0 3 ``` ### Case #2: Display the table Run the `SELECT` statement to get all records of the table: ```sql SELECT event_timestamp, event_timestamp_tz FROM events_log; ``` It will return the result as displayed below. We can see that the `event_timestamp_tz` is converted to UTC timezone. ```sql event_timestamp | event_timestamp_tz ----------------------------+--------------------------------- 2023-07-27 12:30:00.000000 | 2023-07-27 09:30:00.000000+0000 2023-07-27 08:45:00.000000 | 2023-07-27 05:45:00.000000+0000 2023-07-27 20:15:00.000000 | 2023-07-27 17:15:00.000000+0000 (3 rows) ``` ### Case #3: Ordering Table by Timestamp Let’s assume we want to sort the events based on the `event_timestamp` column and display the corresponding UTC in the `event_timestamp_tz` column. Run the following query: ```sql SELECT event_timestamp, event_timestamp_tz, event_timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AS utc_time FROM events_log ORDER BY event_timestamp; ``` We’ll retrieve the `event_timestamp` and `event_timestamp_tz` columns and calculate the corresponding UTC time using the `AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'` operator. We then order the results based on the `event_timestamp` column, giving us a sorted list of events with their corresponding local and UTC times. ```sql event_timestamp | event_timestamp_tz | utc_time ----------------------------+---------------------------------+--------------------------------- 2023-07-27 08:45:00.000000 | 2023-07-27 05:45:00.000000+0000 | 2023-07-27 08:45:00.000000+0000 2023-07-27 12:30:00.000000 | 2023-07-27 09:30:00.000000+0000 | 2023-07-27 12:30:00.000000+0000 2023-07-27 20:15:00.000000 | 2023-07-27 17:15:00.000000+0000 | 2023-07-27 20:15:00.000000+0000 (3 rows) ``` ## AT TIME ZONE Operator The `AT TIME ZONE` operator in timestamp with time zone converts the given timestamp with time zone to the new time zone, with no time zone designation. **Syntax:** ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'timestamp' AT TIME ZONE 'TIME_ZONE'; ``` * `timestamp`: The date and time value with the time zone. * `TIME_ZONE`: The target time zone to which the timestamp will be converted. The user's timezone is fixed to UTC. **Example:** In this example, we will convert a specified timestamp with time zone into the UTC timezone. ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2023-03-04 10:29:90-05' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'; ``` The result will be a timestamp without a time zone. ```sql f ---------------------------- 2023-03-04 15:30:30.000000 (1 row) ``` ### # Timestamp Without Time Zone Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/timestamp-without-time-zone ## **Overview** The timestamp data type stores **time** and **date** values without a time zone. It represents a fixed time, independent of any time zone or applied globally. ## **Format** ```sql YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM:SS[.SSSSSS]] ``` * `YYYY`: Four-digit year * `MM`: One / two-digit month * `DD`: One / two-digit day * `HH`: One / two-digit hour (valid values from 00 to 23) * `MM`: One / two-digit minutes (valid values from 00 to 59) * `SS`: One / two-digit seconds (valid values from 00 to 59) * `[.SSSSSS]`: Up to six fractional digits (microsecond precision) Fractional digits are the digits after the decimal point ( . ) ## **Examples** ### Case #1: Create a Table Here, we will create a **visitor** table to store visitor data in an office building. It consists of the visitor’s name, the purpose of the visit, company, time, and date, which uses the **Timestamp** data type. ```sql CREATE TABLE visitors ( visitorName TEXT, visitPurp TEXT, visitComp TEXT, visitDate TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE ); INSERT INTO visitors (visitorName, visitPurp, visitComp, visitDate) VALUES ('Peter', 'Interview', 'Apple', '2022-01-10 09:12:40'), ('Will', 'Meeting', 'McKesson', '2022-01-29 11:28:02'), ('Max', 'Meeting', 'McKesson', '2022-02-11 10:19:10'), ('Dustin', 'Meeting', 'CVS Health', '2022-03-18 14:24:08'), ('Lizzy', 'Meeting', 'CVS Health', '2022-04-23 13:10:09'), ('Evy', 'Interview', 'Apple', '2022-05-01 08:45:50'); ``` The **visitors** table has been successfully created after executing the above query: ```sql COMPLETE INSERT 0 6 ``` ### Case #2: Display the Table Run the `SELECT` statement to get all records of the **visitors** table: ```sql SELECT * FROM visitors; ``` It will return the result set as displayed below: ```sql +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | visitorName | visitPurp | visitComp | visitDate | +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Peter | Interview | Apple | 2022-01-10 09:12:40 | | Will | Meeting | McKesson | 2022-01-29 11:28:02 | | Max | Meeting | McKesson | 2022-02-11 10:19:10 | | Dustin | Meeting | CVS Health | 2022-03-18 14:24:08 | | Lizzy | Meeting | CVS Health | 2022-04-23 13:10:09 | | Evy | Interview | Apple | 2022-05-01 08:45:50 | +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ ``` ### Case #3: Look for a Specific Timestamp In the below example, the following statement is used to get records with a specified timestamp: ```sql SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE visitDate = '2022-04-23 13:10:09'; ``` We will get the following successful results: ```sql +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | visitorName | visitPurp | visitComp | visitDate | +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Lizzy | Meeting | CVS Health | 2022-04-23 13:10:09 | +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ ``` ### Case #4: Insert a Value That Exceeds the Standard Format The time in timestamp has a standard format, i.e., for **minutes** only valid for values from 00 to 59. The example below will insert a new record into the visitors table with a value of `60`, which exceeds the standard seconds format. ```sql INSERT INTO visitors (visitorName, visitPurp, visitComp, visitDate) VALUES ('Jolly', 'Survey', 'Apple', '2022-01-10 09:12:60'); ``` ```sql INSERT 0 1 Query returned successfully in 135 msec. ``` Verify the result by running the `select` statement below: ```sql SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE visitorName = 'Jolly'; ``` We learned that the seconds are displayed as `00` as `60`, which adds 1 minute to the minutes' value. ```sql +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | visitorName | visitPurp | visitComp | visitDate | +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ | Jolly | Survey | Apple | 2022-01-10 09:13:00 | +--------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------------+ ``` ## **AT TIME ZONE Operator** The `AT TIME ZONE` operator enables us to convert the input timestamp to the target time zone specified in the query. Additionally, the timestamp you inputted will always be presented in the user's local timezone (currently set as UTC). It's important to note that the result type of this operator is different. It produces a timestamp with a time zone. ### **Syntax** To use the `AT TIME ZONE` operator, you can follow this syntax: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP 'input_timestamp' AT TIME ZONE 'TIME_ZONE'; ``` Here's what each element means: * `input_timestamp`: This represents the date and time value you want to convert. The user's time zone is fixed to UTC. * `TIME_ZONE`: The target time zone to which the timestamp will be converted. ### **Example 1** Suppose we have a timestamp, and we want to convert it into the MST time zone: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 10:28:30' AT TIME ZONE 'MST'; ``` The result will be a timestamp with the time zone adjusted to MST: ```sql f --------------------------------- 2001-02-16 17:28:30.000000+0000 (1 row) ``` ### **Example 2** Let's consider from the [visitors](/sql-reference/sql-data-types/timestamp-without-time-zone#examples) table, we wish to retrieve a list of visit dates in the MST time zone. We can achieve this using the following query: ```sql SELECT visitDate, visitDate AT TIME ZONE 'MST' as "visitDateMST" FROM visitors; ``` With this query, we obtain a list of two columns: `visitDate` displays the timestamps without a time zone, and `visitDateMST` stores the timestamps converted to the MST time zone. ```sql visitdate | visitDateMST ----------------------------+--------------------------------- 2022-01-10 09:12:40.000000 | 2022-01-10 16:12:40.000000+0000 2022-01-29 11:28:02.000000 | 2022-01-29 18:28:02.000000+0000 2022-02-11 10:19:10.000000 | 2022-02-11 17:19:10.000000+0000 2022-03-18 14:24:08.000000 | 2022-03-18 21:24:08.000000+0000 2022-04-23 13:10:09.000000 | 2022-04-23 20:10:09.000000+0000 2022-05-01 08:45:50.000000 | 2022-05-01 15:45:50.000000+0000 (6 rows) ``` # AVG Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/avg ## Overview The `AVG()` function lets you calculate the average value of records. The input and return types we support can be seen in the table below: | Input type | Return type | | ------------------ | ------------------ | | `INTEGER` | `DOUBLE PRECISION` | | `BIGINT` | `DOUBLE PRECISION` | | `REAL` | `DOUBLE PRECISION` | | `DOUBLE PRECISION` | `DOUBLE PRECISION` | If the input type is 32-bit, then the result will be 64-bit 💡**Special cases:** Returns NaN if the input contains a NaN. ## Examples In this example, we will use an **orders** table that stores details of the purchase transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE orders ( orderid int, custname text, orderproduct text, ordertotal real ); INSERT INTO orders (orderid, custname, orderproduct, ordertotal) VALUES (9557411, 'Maya', 'Jeans', 10.5), (9557421, 'Aaron', 'T-Shirt', 9.2), (9557451, 'Alex', 'Hat', 10.8), (9557311, 'Will', 'Hat', 8.5), (9557321, 'Will', 'T-Shirt', 12.15), (9557351, 'Maya', 'T-Shirt', 9.5), (9557221, 'Maya', 'Jeans', 11.02), (9557251, 'Alex', 'Jeans', 11.09), (9557231, 'Aaron', 'Hat', 14.56), (9557281, 'Aaron', 'Hat', 12.15), (9557291, 'Will', 'T-Shirt', 13.1); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM orders; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ | orderid | custname | orderproduct | ordertotal | +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ | 9557411 | Maya | Jeans | 10.5 | | 9557421 | Aaron | T-Shirt | 9.2 | | 9557451 | Alex | Hat | 10.8 | | 9557311 | Will | Hat | 8.5 | | 9557321 | Will | T-Shirt | 12.15 | | 9557351 | Maya | T-Shirt | 9.5 | | 9557221 | Maya | Jeans | 11.02 | | 9557251 | Alex | Jeans | 11.09 | | 9557231 | Aaron | Hat | 14.56 | | 9557281 | Aaron | Hat | 12.15 | | 9557291 | Will | T-Shirt | 13.1 | +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ ``` ### AVG() with a single expression In the first example, we want to calculate the average amount of all orders that customers have paid: ```sql SELECT AVG(ordertotal) AS "Order Total Average" FROM orders; ``` It will return the following output: ```sql +---------------------+ | Order Total Average | +---------------------+ | 11.142727331681685 | +---------------------+ ``` ### AVG() with a GROUP BY clause The following example uses the `AVG()` function and `GROUP BY` clause to calculate the average amount paid by each customer: * First, the `GROUP BY` clause divides orders into groups based on customers * Then, the `AVG` function is applied to each group. ```sql SELECT custname AS "Customer", AVG (ordertotal) AS "Total Price Average" FROM orders GROUP BY custname; ``` It will display the output as shown below: ```sql +-----------+----------------------+ | Customer | Total Price Average | +-----------+----------------------+ | Aaron | 11.96999994913737 | | Alex | 10.945000171661377 | | Will | 11.25 | | Maya | 10.34000015258789 | +-----------+----------------------+ ``` 💡 You can use the cast operator like`::NUMERIC(10,2)` to add two decimal numbers after the comma: ```sql SELECT custname AS "Customer", AVG (ordertotal)::NUMERIC(10,2) AS "Total Price Average" FROM orders GROUP BY custname; ``` The result will trim and round two numbers after the comma: ```sql +-----------+----------------------+ | Customer | Total Price Average | +-----------+----------------------+ | Aaron | 11.97 | | Alex | 10.95 | | Will | 11.25 | | Maya | 10.34 | +-----------+----------------------+ `` ``` # BOOL_AND Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/bool-and ## Overview The `BOOL_AND()` function calculates all the boolean values in the aggregated group, which will have these results: * `true` if all the values are `true` for every row. * `false` if at least one row in the group is `false`. The input and the return type must be in `BOOL`. `NULL` values are not aggregated, so it will return `NULL` if there are zero input rows. ## Examples In this example, we will use a payment table that stores details of the orders, whether the order has been paid or unpaid by the customer: ```sql CREATE TABLE payment ( orderid int, custname text, orderproduct text, ordertotal real, paid boolean ); INSERT INTO payment (orderid, custname, orderproduct, ordertotal, paid) VALUES (9557411, 'Maya', 'Jeans', 10.5, true), (9557421, 'Aaron', 'T-Shirt', 9.2, true), (9557451, 'Alex', 'Hat', 10.8, true), (9557311, 'Will', 'Hat', 8.5, true), (9557321, 'Will', 'T-Shirt', 12.15, true), (9557351, 'Maya', 'T-Shirt', 9.5, true), (9557221, 'Maya', 'Jeans', 11.02, true), (9557251, 'Alex', 'Jeans', 11.09, true), (9557231, 'Aaron', 'Hat', 14.56, false), (9557281, 'Aaron', 'Hat', 12.15, true), (9557291, 'Will', 'T-Shirt', 13.1, true); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM payment; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+-------+ | orderid | custname | orderproduct | ordertotal | paid | +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+-------+ | 9557411 | Maya | Jeans | 10.5 | t | | 9557421 | Aaron | T-Shirt | 9.2 | t | | 9557451 | Alex | Hat | 10.8 | t | | 9557311 | Will | Hat | 8.5 | t | | 9557321 | Will | T-Shirt | 12.15 | t | | 9557351 | Maya | T-Shirt | 9.5 | t | | 9557221 | Maya | Jeans | 11.02 | t | | 9557251 | Alex | Jeans | 11.09 | t | | 9557231 | Aaron | Hat | 14.56 | f | | 9557281 | Aaron | Hat | 12.15 | t | | 9557291 | Will | T-Shirt | 13.1 | t | +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+-------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `BOOL_AND` with a false result We will find out if all customers have paid for their orders using the query below: ```sql SELECT BOOL_AND(paid) AS "final_result" FROM payment; ``` In the `BOOL_AND` function, if there is at least one `FALSE` value, the overall result will be `FALSE`. The final output shows that there is an order that hasn’t been paid. ```sql +--------------+ | final_result | +--------------+ | f | +--------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `BOOL_AND` with a true result We will find out if Maya has paid for her orders using the query below: ```sql SELECT BOOL_AND(paid) AS Maya_Paid FROM payment WHERE custname ='Maya'; ``` In the `BOOL_AND` function, if all values are `TRUE`, then the overall result will be `TRUE`. The final output shows that Maya has paid all her orders. ```sql +------------+ | maya_paid | +------------+ | t | +------------+ ``` # BOOL_OR Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/bool-or ## Overview The `BOOL_OR()` function calculates all the boolean values in the aggregated group, which will have these results: * `false` if all the values are `false` for every row. * `true` if at least one row in the group is true. The input and the return type must be in `BOOL`. `NULL` values are not aggregated, so it will return `NULL` if there are zero input rows. ## Examples In this example, we will use a payment\*\* \*\*table that stores details of the orders, whether the order has been paid or unpaid by the customer: ```sql CREATE TABLE payment ( orderid int, custname text, orderproduct text, ordertotal real, paid boolean ); INSERT INTO payment (orderid, custname, orderproduct, ordertotal, paid) VALUES (9557411, 'Maya', 'Jeans', 10.5, false), (9557421, 'Aaron', 'T-Shirt', 9.2, false), (9557451, 'Alex', 'Hat', 10.8, false), (9557311, 'Will', 'Hat', 8.5, true), (9557321, 'Will', 'T-Shirt', 12.15, false), (9557351, 'Maya', 'T-Shirt', 9.5, true), (9557221, 'Maya', 'Jeans', 11.02, false), (9557251, 'Alex', 'Jeans', 11.09, false), (9557231, 'Aaron', 'Hat', 14.56, false), (9557281, 'Aaron', 'Hat', 12.15, false), (9557291, 'Will', 'T-Shirt', 13.1, false); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM payment; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+--------+ | orderid | custname | orderproduct | ordertotal | paid | +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+--------+ | 9557411 | Maya | Jeans | 10.5 | f | | 9557421 | Aaron | T-Shirt | 9.2 | f | | 9557451 | Alex | Hat | 10.8 | f | | 9557311 | Will | Hat | 8.5 | t | | 9557321 | Will | T-Shirt | 12.15 | f | | 9557351 | Maya | T-Shirt | 9.5 | t | | 9557221 | Maya | Jeans | 11.02 | f | | 9557251 | Alex | Jeans | 11.09 | f | | 9557231 | Aaron | Hat | 14.56 | f | | 9557281 | Aaron | Hat | 12.15 | f | | 9557291 | Will | T-Shirt | 13.1 | f | +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+--------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `BOOL_OR` with a true result We will find out if all customers have paid for their orders using the query below: ```sql SELECT BOOL_OR(paid) AS "final_result" FROM payment; ``` If there is at least one `TRUE` value, the overall result will be `TRUE`. The final output shows that some order has been paid regardless of the other unpaid orders. ```sql +--------------+ | final_result | +--------------+ | t | +--------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `BOOL_OR` with a false result We will find out if Aaron has paid for his orders using the query below: ```sql SELECT BOOL_OR(paid) AS aaron_paid FROM payment WHERE custname ='Aaron'; ``` If all values are `FALSE`, then the overall result will be `FALSE`. The final output shows that Aaron hasn’t paid for all his orders. ```sql +-------------+ | aaron_paid | +-------------+ | f | +-------------+ ``` # COUNT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/count ## Overview The `COUNT()` function allows you to retrieve the number of records that match a specific condition. It can be used with any data type supported by Oxla, and the output will be returned as a `BIGINT`. The output will indicate the total number of rows in a table, regardless of the input types. ## Examples In this example, we will use an orders table that stores details of the purchase transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE orders ( orderid int, custname text, orderproduct text, ordertotal real ); INSERT INTO orders (orderid, custname, orderproduct, ordertotal) VALUES (9557411, 'Maya', 'Jeans', 10.5), (9557421, 'Aaron', 'T-Shirt', 9.2), (9557451, 'Alex', 'Hat', 10.8), (9557311, 'Will', 'Hat', 8.5), (9557321, 'Will', 'T-Shirt', 12.15), (9557351, 'Maya', 'T-Shirt', 9.5), (9557221, 'Maya', 'Jeans', 11.02), (9557251, 'Alex', 'Jeans', 11.09), (9557231, 'Aaron', 'Hat', 14.56), (9557281, 'Aaron', 'Hat', 12.15), (9557291, 'Will', 'T-Shirt', 13.1); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM orders; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ | orderid | custname | orderproduct | ordertotal | +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ | 9557411 | Maya | Jeans | 10.5 | | 9557421 | Aaron | T-Shirt | 9.2 | | 9557451 | Alex | Hat | 10.8 | | 9557311 | Will | Hat | 8.5 | | 9557321 | Will | T-Shirt | 12.15 | | 9557351 | Maya | T-Shirt | 9.5 | | 9557221 | Maya | Jeans | 11.02 | | 9557251 | Alex | Jeans | 11.09 | | 9557231 | Aaron | Hat | 14.56 | | 9557281 | Aaron | Hat | 12.15 | | 9557291 | Will | T-Shirt | 13.1 | +----------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `COUNT()` with a single expression The following example will return the number of all orders in the orders table: ```sql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders; ``` The final result will be as follows: ```sql +-------+ | count | +-------+ | 11 | +-------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `COUNT()` with a `GROUP BY` clause This example will combine the `COUNT()` function and the `GROUP BY` clause. * The `GROUP BY` clause groups the orders based on the customer’s name. * The `COUNT()` function counts the orders for each customer. ```sql SELECT custname, COUNT (orderid) FROM orders GROUP BY custname; ``` It will display the output as shown below: ```sql +-----------+--------+ | custname | count | +-----------+--------+ | Aaron | 3 | | Alex | 2 | | Will | 3 | | Maya | 3 | +-----------+--------+ ``` ### #Case 3: `COUNT()` with a `HAVING` clause In this example, we combine the `COUNT()` function and the `HAVING` clause to apply a specific condition to find customers who have made more than two orders: ```sql SELECT custname, COUNT (orderid) FROM orders GROUP BY custname HAVING COUNT (orderid) > 2; ``` * The `GROUP BY` clause groups the orders based on the customer’s name. * The `HAVING` clause will filter only customers with more than two order IDs. * The `COUNT()` function counts the orders for each customer. ```sql +-----------+--------+ | custname | count | +-----------+--------+ | Aaron | 3 | | Will | 3 | | Maya | 3 | +-----------+--------+ ``` # DISTINCT qualifier Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/distinct ## Overview When using aggregation functions, they can contain the `DISTINCT` keyword. It acts as a qualifier for them, to ensure that only unique values are being processed. Here's how a sample syntax looks like: ```sql aggregation function (DISTINCT expression [clause] ...) ... ``` `DISTINCT` keyword can be combined with the following aggregate functions: * `AVG()` * `COUNT()` * `MAX()` * `MIN()` * `SUM()` All functions listed above, operate on the same input and return types, that are supported by their counterparts without any qualifiers. They can be grouped without any limitations, provided that they utilise a **single** `DISTINCT` keyword. Any type of **multiple** `DISTINCT` qualifiers used in a query with `GROUP BY` statements are **not supported** at the moment, however if the query doesn't include such statements, it will get executed but the output's column order will be reversed at the moment ## Examples In this section we'll focus on a few examples, that showcase sample usage of the above mentioned concepts. They will be based on creation of the following tables: ```sql CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id int, cust_name text ); INSERT INTO customer (customer_id, cust_name) VALUES (11112, 'Alex'), (11113, 'Aaron'), (11114, 'Alice'), (11115, 'Nina'), (11116, 'Rosy'), (11117, 'Martha'), (11118, 'John'); CREATE TABLE rental ( rental_id int, rental_date timestamp, return_date timestamp, car text, customer_id int, total_price int ); INSERT INTO rental (rental_id, rental_date, return_date, car, customer_id, total_price) VALUES (8557411, '2022-04-02 09:10:19', '2022-04-10 10:15:05', 'Audi', 11112, 1400), (8557421, '2022-04-06 07:00:30', '2022-04-19 07:10:19', 'BMW', 11115, 2000), (8557451, '2022-04-19 08:00:20', '2022-04-24 08:05:00', 'Cadillac', 11112, 1000), (8557311, '2022-05-11 09:15:28', '2022-05-18 09:00:18', 'Audi', 11115, 1500), (8557321, '2022-05-20 10:12:22', '2022-05-28 10:08:48', 'Audi', 11113, 1500), (8557351, '2022-06-10 12:18:09', '2022-06-20 18:12:23', 'Cadillac', 11114, 1200), (8557221, '2022-06-17 14:02:02', '2022-06-20 14:17:02', 'Chevrolet', 11112, 1300), (8557251, '2022-07-12 05:19:49', '2022-07-19 07:15:28', 'Chevrolet', 11116, 1400), (8557231, '2022-08-09 09:29:08', '2022-08-24 09:30:58', 'Cadillac', 11114, 2000), (8557291, '2022-08-18 15:15:20', '2022-09-01 15:30:19', 'BMW', 11117, 3000); ``` Here's how the created tables will look like, respectively: ```sql SELECT * FROM customer; +-------------+-----------+ | customer_id | cust_name | +-------------+-----------+ | 11112 | Alex | | 11113 | Aaron | | 11114 | Alice | | 11115 | Nina | | 11116 | Rosy | | 11117 | Martha | | 11118 | John | +-------------+-----------+ SELECT * FROM rental; +------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ | rental_id | rental_date | return_date | car | customer_id | total_price | +------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ | 8557411 | 2022-04-02 09:10:19 | 2022-04-10 10:15:05 | Audi | 11112 | 1400 | | 8557421 | 2022-04-06 07:00:30 | 2022-04-19 07:10:19 | BMW | 11115 | 2000 | | 8557451 | 2022-04-19 08:00:20 | 2022-04-24 08:05:00 | Cadillac | 11112 | 1000 | | 8557311 | 2022-05-11 09:15:28 | 2022-05-18 09:00:18 | Audi | 11115 | 1500 | | 8557321 | 2022-05-20 10:12:22 | 2022-05-28 10:08:48 | Audi | 11113 | 1500 | | 8557351 | 2022-06-10 12:18:09 | 2022-06-20 18:12:23 | Cadillac | 11114 | 1200 | | 8557221 | 2022-06-17 14:02:02 | 2022-06-20 14:17:02 | Chevrolet | 11112 | 1300 | | 8557251 | 2022-07-12 05:19:49 | 2022-07-19 07:15:28 | Chevrolet | 11116 | 1400 | | 8557231 | 2022-08-09 09:29:08 | 2022-08-24 09:30:58 | Cadillac | 11114 | 2000 | | 8557291 | 2022-08-18 15:15:20 | 2022-09-01 15:30:19 | BMW | 11117 | 3000 | +------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ ``` ### `DISTINCT` combined with `COUNT` function The following example uses `DISTINCT` qualifier combined with `COUNT()` function to calculate the number of unique car brands in rentals: ```sql SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT car) AS number_of_car_brands FROM rental; ``` When executing the above code, it will return the following output: ```sql +----------------------+ | number_of_car_brands | +----------------------+ | 4 | +----------------------+ ``` Here's another example, that uses `DISTINCT` qualifier combined with `COUNT()` function to calculate the amount of rentals by each customer: ```sql SELECT c.cust_name AS customer_name, COUNT (DISTINCT r.rental_id) AS rental_count FROM rental r JOIN customer c ON r.customer_id = c.customer_id GROUP BY c.cust_name; ``` It will calculate the `rental_count` by each `customer_name` as shown below: ```sql +----------------+--------------+ | customer_name | rental_couunt| +----------------+--------------+ | Nina | 2 | | Aaron | 1 | | Alice | 2 | | Martha | 1 | | Alex | 3 | | Rosy | 1 | +----------------+--------------+ ``` ### `DISTINCT` combined with `MAX()` function The following example uses `DISTINCT` qualifier combined with `MAX()` function to find maximum single spending per each customer, dropping any repeated transactions: ```sql SELECT c.cust_name AS customer_name, MAX (DISTINCT r.total_price) AS max_spending FROM rental r JOIN customer c ON r.customer_id = c.customer_id GROUP BY c.cust_name; ``` The output for that code will be as follows: ```sql +---------------+--------------+ | customer_name | max_spending | +---------------+--------------+ | Martha | 3000 | | Rosy | 1400 | | Alex | 1400 | | Alice | 2000 | | Nina | 2000 | | Aaron | 1500 | +---------------+--------------+ ``` ### `DISTINCT` combined with `SUM()` function The following example compares the sum of unique revenues versus the sum of all revenues in rental data: ```sql SELECT SUM (DISTINCT r.total_price) AS unique_revenue, SUM (r.total_price) AS total_revenue FROM rental r; ``` Here's the ouput of the above query: ```sql +----------------+---------------+ | unique_revenue | total_revenue | +----------------+---------------+ | 11400 | 16300 | +----------------+---------------+ ``` The result may help to understand what is the impact of repeating transactions on total revenue. ## Limitations There are few use-cases that we are aware of but do not support currently: * Aggregation functions with `DISTINCT` keyword used as an argument of an expression, e.g. ```sql SELECT 1 + COUNT(DISTINCT col) FROM table ``` * Any type of **multiple** `DISTINCT` qualifiers used in a query with `GROUP BY` statements # FOR_MAX Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/for-max ## Overview `FOR_MAX()` function takes two arguments: metric and value. Returns a value corresponding to the maximum metric in the same row from a set of values. The value argument can be one of the following types: * `INT` * `LONG` * `FLOAT` * `DOUBLE` * `DATE` * `TIMESTAMP` The value argument can be of any type except `TEXT`. 💡**Special cases:** * Returns `NULL` if: * there are no input rows * the metric column has only `NULL` values * the value corresponding to the maximum metric is `NULL`. * Returns `NaN` if the input contains a `NaN`. ## Examples We have a payments table that stores the records of payments by customers, along with discounts applied during the payment: ```sql CREATE TABLE payments ( paymentid int, customer_name text, price real, discount real ); INSERT INTO payments (paymentid, customer_name, price, discount) VALUES (1, 'Alex', 280.12, 0.1), (2, NULL, 35.75, NULL), (3, 'Alex', 45.1, 0.05), (4, 'Alex', NULL, 0.4), (5, 'John', NULL, 0.1), (6, 'Bob', 50.45, 0.07), (7, 'Bob', 120.5, 0.0); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM payments; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +-----------+---------------+--------+----------+ | paymentid | customer_name | price | discount | +-----------+---------------+--------+----------+ | 2 | | 35.75 | | | 4 | Alex | | 0.4 | | 3 | Alex | 45.1 | 0.05 | | 1 | Alex | 280.12 | 0.1 | | 6 | Bob | 50.45 | 0.07 | | 5 | John | | 0.1 | | 7 | Bob | 120.5 | 0 | +-----------+---------------+--------+----------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `FOR_MAX()` on the whole table For example, let's check the price for the highest discount applied to it: ```sql SELECT FOR_MAX(discount, price) AS for_lowest_discount FROM payments; ``` It will return the following output (`NULL` in this case): ```sql +---------------------+ | for_lowest_discount | +---------------------+ | | +---------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `FOR_MAX()` with `GROUP BY` clause For this example, we use a `GROUP BY` clause to group the customers, then use `FOR_MAX()` to get a discount for the highest price paid by each customer. ```sql SELECT customer_name, FOR_MAX(price, discount) AS discount FROM payments GROUP BY customer_name; ``` Which will give the following result: ```sql +---------------+----------+ | customer_name | discount | +---------------+----------+ | | | | Bob | 0 | | Alex | 0.1 | | John | | +---------------+----------+ ``` # FOR_MIN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/for-min ## Overview `FOR_MIN()` function takes two arguments: metric and value. Returns a value corresponding to the minimal metric in the same row from a set of values. The metric argument can be one of the following types: * `INT` * `LONG` * `FLOAT` * `DOUBLE` * `DATE` * `TIMESTAMP` The value argument can be of any type except `TEXT`. 💡**Special cases:** * Returns `NULL` if: * there are no input rows * the metric column has only `NULL` values * the value corresponding to the minimum metric is `NULL`. * Returns `NaN` if the input contains a `NaN`. ## Examples We have a payments table that stores the records of payments by customers, along with discounts applied during the payment: ```sql CREATE TABLE payments ( paymentid int, customer_name text, price real, discount real ); INSERT INTO payments (paymentid, customer_name, price, discount) VALUES (1, 'Alex', 280.12, 0.1), (2, NULL, 35.75, NULL), (3, 'Alex', 45.1, 0.05), (4, 'Alex', NULL, 0.4), (5, 'John', NULL, 0.1), (6, 'Bob', 50.45, 0.07), (7, 'Bob', 120.5, 0.0); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM payments; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +-----------+---------------+--------+----------+ | paymentid | customer_name | price | discount | +-----------+---------------+--------+----------+ | 2 | | 35.75 | | | 4 | Alex | | 0.4 | | 3 | Alex | 45.1 | 0.05 | | 1 | Alex | 280.12 | 0.1 | | 6 | Bob | 50.45 | 0.07 | | 5 | John | | 0.1 | | 7 | Bob | 120.5 | 0 | +-----------+---------------+--------+----------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `FOR_MIN()` on the whole table For example, let's check the price for the lowest discount applied to it: ```sql SELECT FOR_MIN(discount, price) AS for_lowest_discount FROM payments; ``` It will return the following output: ```sql +---------------------+ | for_lowest_discount | +---------------------+ | 120.5 | +---------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `FOR_MIN()` with `GROUP BY` clause For this example, we use a `GROUP BY` clause to group the customers, then use `FOR_MIN()` to get a discount for the lowest price paid by each customer. ```sql SELECT customer_name, FOR_MIN(price, discount) AS discount FROM payments GROUP BY customer_name; ``` Which will give the following result: ```sql +---------------+----------+ | customer_name | discount | +---------------+----------+ | | | | Bob | 0.07 | | Alex | 0.05 | | John | | +---------------+----------+ ``` # MAX Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/max ## Overview `MAX()` function returns the maximum value from a set of records. The input and return types we support can be seen in the table below. | Input Type | Return Type | | -------------------------- | -------------------------- | | INT | INT | | LONG | LONG | | FLOAT | FLOAT | | DOUBLE | DOUBLE | | TEXT | TEXT | | DATE | DATE | | TIME | TIME | | TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIMEZONE | TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIMEZONE | | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | The return will be the same as the data type used as the input values. 💡**Special cases:** * Returns `NULL` if there are no input rows or `NULL` values. * Returns `NaN` if the input contains a `NaN`. ## Examples For the `MAX()` examples, we will use the same sample table as in the MIN() section. We have a movies table that stores the movie details, such as the movie's title, category, and IMDb rating. ```sql CREATE TABLE movies ( movieid int, moviename text, moviecategory text, imdbrating real ); INSERT INTO movies (movieid, moviename, moviecategory, imdbrating) VALUES (8557411, 'The Shawshank Redemption', 'Drama', 9.4), (8557421, 'Life Is Beautiful', 'Romance', 8.4), (8557451, 'The Godfather', 'Crime', 9.3), (8557311, 'Prisoners', 'Thriller', 8.5), (8557321, 'Inception', 'Science Fiction', 9), (8557351, 'The Dark Knight', 'Action', 9.2), (8557221, 'Coco', 'Drama', 8.2), (8557251, 'The Sixth Sense', 'Horror', 8.1), (8557231, 'Kill Bill: Vol. 1', 'Action', 8.1), (8557281, 'The Notebook', 'Romance', 7.8), (8557291, 'Forrest Gump', 'Drama', 8); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM movies; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +---------+--------------------------+-----------------+-------------+ | movieid | moviename | moviecategory | imdbrating | +---------+--------------------------+-----------------+-------------+ | 8557411 | The Shawshank Redemption | Drama | 9.4 | | 8557421 | Life Is Beautiful | Romance | 8.4 | | 8557451 | The Godfather | Crime | 9.3 | | 8557311 | Prisoners | Thriller | 8.5 | | 8557321 | Inception | Science Fiction | 9 | | 8557351 | The Dark Knight | Action | 9.2 | | 8557221 | Coco | Drama | 8.2 | | 8557251 | The Sixth Sense | Horror | 8.1 | | 8557231 | Kill Bill: Vol. 1 | Action | 8.1 | | 8557281 | The Notebook | Romance | 7.8 | | 8557291 | Forrest Gump | Drama | 8 | +---------+--------------------------+-----------------+-------------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `MAX()` with a single expression For example, you might want to know what is the highest rating among all stored movies: ```sql SELECT MAX(imdbRating) AS "Highest Rating" FROM movies; ``` It will return the following output: ```sql +-----------------+ | Highest Rating | +-----------------+ | 9.4 | +-----------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `MAX()` with GROUP BY clause We use a `MAX()` for this example to get the highest rating in each movie category. ```sql SELECT movieCategory AS "Movie Category", MAX(imdbRating) AS "Highest Rating" FROM movies GROUP BY movieCategory; ``` It will display the highest rating from a group of `movieCategory` as shown below: ```sql +------------------+-----------------+ | Movie Category | Highest Rating | +------------------+-----------------+ | Thriller | 8.5 | | Romance | 8.4 | | Crime | 9.3 | | Horror | 8.1 | | Drama | 9.4 | | Action | 9.2 | | Science Fiction | 9 | +------------------+-----------------+ ``` ### #Case 3: `MAX()` in a subquery In this example, we want to get a movie that has the highest rating by using a subquery: ```sql SELECT movieName, IMDbRating FROM movies WHERE IMDbRating = ( SELECT MAX(IMDbRating) FROM movies ); ``` It will return the following result: ```sql +---------------------------+-------------+ | moviename | imdbrating | +---------------------------+-------------+ | The Shawshank Redemption | 9.4 | +---------------------------+-------------+ ``` # MIN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/min ## Overview `MIN()` function returns the minimum value from a set of records. The input and return types we support can be seen in the table below. | Input Type | Return Type | | -------------------------- | -------------------------- | | INT | INT | | LONG | LONG | | FLOAT | FLOAT | | DOUBLE | DOUBLE | | TEXT | TEXT | | DATE | DATE | | TIME | TIME | | TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIMEZONE | TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIMEZONE | | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE | The return will be the same as the data type used as the input values. 💡**Special cases:** * Returns `NULL` if there are no input rows or `NULL` values. * Returns `NaN` if the input contains a `NaN`. ## Examples We have a movies table that stores the movie details, such as the movie’s title, category, and IMDb rating: ```sql CREATE TABLE movies ( movieid int, moviename text, moviecategory text, imdbrating real ); INSERT INTO movies (movieid, moviename, moviecategory, imdbrating) VALUES (8557411, 'The Shawshank Redemption', 'Drama', 9.4), (8557421, 'Life Is Beautiful', 'Romance', 8.4), (8557451, 'The Godfather', 'Crime', 9.3), (8557311, 'Prisoners', 'Thriller', 8.5), (8557321, 'Inception', 'Science Fiction', 9), (8557351, 'The Dark Knight', 'Action', 9.2), (8557221, 'Coco', 'Drama', 8.2), (8557251, 'The Sixth Sense', 'Horror', 8.1), (8557231, 'Kill Bill: Vol. 1', 'Action', 8.1), (8557281, 'The Notebook', 'Romance', 7.8), (8557291, 'Forrest Gump', 'Drama', 8); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM movies; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +---------+--------------------------+-----------------+-------------+ | movieid | moviename | moviecategory | imdbrating | +---------+--------------------------+-----------------+-------------+ | 8557411 | The Shawshank Redemption | Drama | 9.4 | | 8557421 | Life Is Beautiful | Romance | 8.4 | | 8557451 | The Godfather | Crime | 9.3 | | 8557311 | Prisoners | Thriller | 8.5 | | 8557321 | Inception | Science Fiction | 9 | | 8557351 | The Dark Knight | Action | 9.2 | | 8557221 | Coco | Drama | 8.2 | | 8557251 | The Sixth Sense | Horror | 8.1 | | 8557231 | Kill Bill: Vol. 1 | Action | 8.1 | | 8557281 | The Notebook | Romance | 7.8 | | 8557291 | Forrest Gump | Drama | 8 | +---------+--------------------------+-----------------+-------------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `MIN()` with a single expression For example, you might want to know what is the lowest rating of all stored movies: ```sql SELECT MIN(imdbRating) AS "Lowest Rating" FROM movies; ``` It will return the following output: ```sql +----------------+ | Lowest Rating | +----------------+ | 7.8 | +----------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `MIN()` with `GROUP BY` clause For this example, we use a `GROUP BY` clause to group the movie categories, then use `MIN()` to get the lowest rating in each movie category. ```sql SELECT movieCategory AS "Movie Category", MIN(imdbRating) AS "Lowest Rating" FROM movies GROUP BY movieCategory; ``` It will display the lowest rating from a group of `movieCategory` as shown below: ```sql +------------------+----------------+ | Movie Category | Lowest Rating | +------------------+----------------+ | Thriller | 8.5 | | Romance | 7.8 | | Crime | 9.3 | | Horror | 8.1 | | Drama | 8 | | Action | 8.1 | | Science Fiction | 9 | +------------------+----------------+ ``` ### #Case 3: `MIN()` in a subquery In this example, we can get a movie that has the lowest rating by using a subquery: * First, the subquery will select the lowest rating using a `MIN()` function and store it as the `IMDbRating`. * Then, the outer query selects the movie with a rating equal to the lowest rating stored in the `IMDbRating`. ```sql SELECT movieName, IMDbRating FROM movies WHERE IMDbRating = ( SELECT MIN(IMDbRating) FROM movies ); ``` It will return the following result: ```sql +---------------+-------------+ | moviename | imdbrating | +---------------+-------------+ | The Notebook | 7.8 | +---------------+-------------+ ``` # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/overview Aggregate functions compute a single result from a set of input values. Oxla supports the following functions: | **Functions** | **Description** | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [SUM](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/sum) | Calculates and returns the sum of all values. | | [MIN](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/min) | Calculates and returns the minimum value. | | [FOR\_MIN](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/for-min) | Calculates and returns a value corresponding to the minimal metric in the same row from a set of values. | | [MAX](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/max) | Calculates and returns the maximum value. | | [FOR\_MAX](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/for-max) | Calculates and Returns a value corresponding to the maximum metric in the same row from a set of values. | | [AVG](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/avg) | Calculates and returns the average value. | | [COUNT](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/count) | Counts the number of rows. | | [BOOL\_AND](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/bool-and) | Calculates the boolean of all the boolean values in the aggregated group. `FALSE` if at least one of aggregated rows is `FALSE` | | [BOOL\_OR](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/bool-or) | Calculates the boolean of all the boolean values in the aggregated group. `TRUE` if at least one of aggregated rows is `TRUE`. | | **Function qualifiers** | **Description** | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | [DISTINCT](/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/distinct) | Allows aggregation functions to operate on a distinct set of values within a column. | You can utilize the aggregate functions with the `GROUP BY` and `HAVING` clauses in the `SELECT` statement. # SUM Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/sum ## Overview `SUM()` calculates the sum of values from stored records. `SUM()` doesn’t consider `NULL` in the calculation, and it returns `NULL` instead of zero if the executed statement returns no rows. The input and return types we support can be seen in the table below. | Input type | Return type | | ---------- | ----------- | | INT | LONG | | LONG | LONG | | FLOAT | DOUBLE | | DOUBLE | DOUBLE | | INTERVAL | INTERVAL | If the input type is 32-bit, then the result will be 64-bit. ## Examples We have two sample tables here: **customer table** ```sql CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id int, cust_name text ); INSERT INTO customer (customer_id, cust_name) VALUES (11112, 'Alex'), (11113, 'Aaron'), (11114, 'Alice'), (11115, 'Nina'), (11116, 'Rosy'), (11117, 'Martha'), (11118, 'John'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM customer; ``` It will create a table as shown below: ```sql +-------------+-----------+ | customer_id | cust_name | +-------------+-----------+ | 11112 | Alex | | 11113 | Aaron | | 11114 | Alice | | 11115 | Nina | | 11116 | Rosy | | 11117 | Martha | | 11118 | John | +-------------+-----------+ ``` **rental table** ```sql CREATE TABLE rental ( rental_id int, rental_date timestamp, return_date timestamp, car text, customer_id int, total_price int ); INSERT INTO rental (rental_id, rental_date, return_date, car, customer_id, total_price) VALUES (8557411, '2022-04-02 09:10:19', '2022-04-10 10:15:05', 'Audi', 11112, 1400), (8557421, '2022-04-06 07:00:30', '2022-04-19 07:10:19', 'BMW', 11115, 2000), (8557451, '2022-04-19 08:00:20', '2022-04-24 08:05:00', 'Cadillac', 11112, 1000), (8557311, '2022-05-11 09:15:28', '2022-05-18 09:00:18', 'Audi', 11115, 1500), (8557321, '2022-05-20 10:12:22', '2022-05-28 10:08:48', 'Audi', 11113, 1500), (8557351, '2022-06-10 12:18:09', '2022-06-20 18:12:23', 'Cadillac', 11114, 1200), (8557221, '2022-06-17 14:02:02', '2022-06-20 14:17:02', 'Chevrolet', 11112, 1300), (8557251, '2022-07-12 05:19:49', '2022-07-19 07:15:28', 'Chevrolet', 11116, 1400), (8557231, '2022-08-09 09:29:08', '2022-08-24 09:30:58', 'Cadillac', 11114, 2000), (8557291, '2022-08-18 15:15:20', '2022-09-01 15:30:19', 'BMW', 11117, 3000); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM rental; ``` Here, we have a rental table which stores the details for car rental: ```sql +------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ | rental_id | rental_date | return_date | car | customer_id | total_price | +------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ | 8557411 | 2022-04-02 09:10:19 | 2022-04-10 10:15:05 | Audi | 11112 | 1400 | | 8557421 | 2022-04-06 07:00:30 | 2022-04-19 07:10:19 | BMW | 11115 | 2000 | | 8557451 | 2022-04-19 08:00:20 | 2022-04-24 08:05:00 | Cadillac | 11112 | 1000 | | 8557311 | 2022-05-11 09:15:28 | 2022-05-18 09:00:18 | Audi | 11115 | 1500 | | 8557321 | 2022-05-20 10:12:22 | 2022-05-28 10:08:48 | Audi | 11113 | 1500 | | 8557351 | 2022-06-10 12:18:09 | 2022-06-20 18:12:23 | Cadillac | 11114 | 1200 | | 8557221 | 2022-06-17 14:02:02 | 2022-06-20 14:17:02 | Chevrolet | 11112 | 1300 | | 8557251 | 2022-07-12 05:19:49 | 2022-07-19 07:15:28 | Chevrolet | 11116 | 1400 | | 8557231 | 2022-08-09 09:29:08 | 2022-08-24 09:30:58 | Cadillac | 11114 | 2000 | | 8557291 | 2022-08-18 15:15:20 | 2022-09-01 15:30:19 | BMW | 11117 | 3000 | +------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+ ``` ### #Case 1: `SUM()` in `SELECT` statement The following example uses the `SUM()` function to calculate the total rent price of all `rental_id`: ```sql SELECT SUM (total_price) AS total FROM rental ``` It will return a sum value of the `total_price`: ```sql +--------+ | total | +--------+ | 16300 | +--------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `SUM()` with a `NULL` result The following example uses the `SUM()` function to calculate the total rent price of the `customer_id = 11118.` ```sql SELECT SUM (total_price) AS total FROM rental WHERE customer_id = 11118; ``` Since no records in the **rental** table have the `customer_id = 11118`, the `SUM()` function returns a `NULL`. ```sql +--------+ | total | +--------+ | null | +--------+ ``` ### #Case 3: `SUM()` with `GROUP BY` clause You can use the `GROUP BY` clause to group the records in the table and apply the `SUM()` function to each group afterward. The following example uses the `SUM()` function and the `GROUP BY` clause to calculate the total price paid by each customer: ```sql SELECT customer_id, SUM (total_price) AS total_spend FROM rental GROUP BY customer_id; ``` It will calculate the `total_price` from a group of `customer_id` as shown below: ```sql +--------------+--------------+ | customer_id | total_spend | +--------------+--------------+ | 11115 | 3500 | | 11117 | 3000 | | 11116 | 1400 | | 11113 | 1500 | | 11112 | 3700 | | 11114 | 3200 | +--------------+--------------+ ``` ### #Case 4: `SUM()` with `HAVING` clause You can use the `SUM()` function with the `HAVING` clause to filter out the sum of groups based on a specific condition: ```sql SELECT customer_id, SUM (total_price) AS total_spend FROM rental GROUP BY customer_id HAVING SUM(total_price) >= 3000; ``` It will return the customers who spent greater than or equal to 3000: ```sql +--------------+--------------+ | customer_id | total_spend | +--------------+--------------+ | 11115 | 3500 | | 11117 | 3000 | | 11112 | 3700 | | 11114 | 3200 | +--------------+--------------+ ``` ### #Case 5: `SUM()` with multiple expression The example uses the following: * `SUM()` function to calculate total rental days. * `JOIN` clause to combine the rental table with the customer table. * `GROUP BY` group a result-set based on the customers' names. ```sql SELECT s.cust_name, SUM(return_date - rental_date ) AS rental_period FROM rental AS r JOIN customer AS s ON r.customer_id = s.customer_id GROUP BY cust_name; ``` The final result will display the customers' names with their total rental period. ```sql +------------+-------------------+ | cust_name | rental_period | +------------+-------------------+ | Aaron | 7 days 23:56:26 | | Martha | 14 days 00:14:59 | | Rosy | 7 days 01:55:39 | | Nina | 19 days 23:54:39 | | Alex | 16 days 01:24:26 | | Alice | 25 days 05:56:04 | +------------+-------------------+ ``` # IF Function Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/boolean-functions/if-function ### Overview This function returns the specified value if the condition is `TRUE` and another value if the condition is `FALSE`. The syntax of the `IF()`function is shown below: ```sql IF(expression, true_result, else_result) ``` The `expression` must be a Boolean expression. ### Examples ### Case #1: `IF()` with a table In this example, we have the **test\_result** table. We want to know which participants passed and which failed from the table below: ```sql CREATE TABLE test_result ( applicant_id int, name text, score int ); INSERT INTO test_result VALUES (78765,'Mike Aoki',677), (78786,'Julie Grahams',650), (78986,'Alexandra Jones',450), (79742,'Lucas Moore',487), (79769,'Augustine Harkness',572); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM test_result; ``` The above query will display the following table: ```sql +---------------+--------------------+--------+ | applicant_id | name | score | +---------------+--------------------+--------+ | 78765 | Mike Aoki | 677 | | 78786 | Julie Grahams | 650 | | 78986 | Alexandra Jones | 450 | | 79742 | Lucas Moore | 487 | | 79769 | Augustine Harkness | 572 | +---------------+--------------------+--------+ ``` 1. IF function in the query below states that *IF the score is equal to or greater than 500, then return “PASSED“. Otherwise, if the score is smaller than 500, return “NOT PASSED”*. ```sql SELECT name, IF(score>=500, 'PASSED', 'NOT PASSED') FROM test_result; ``` 2. It will return the following result: ```sql +--------------------+-------------+ | name | case | +--------------------+-------------+ | Mike Aoki | PASSED | | Julie Grahams | PASSED | | Alexandra Jones | NOT PASSED | | Lucas Moore | NOT PASSED | | Augustine Harkness | PASSED | +--------------------+-------------+ ``` ### Case #2: IF() with expressions as return value In the second example, we have another table named “**deptcost**. We want to know which department exceeded the budget and which one did not from the following table. ```sql CREATE TABLE deptcost ( dept text, budget int, actual int, status text ); INSERT INTO deptcost VALUES ('Finance', 800,677,'within budget'), ('HR', 700,930,'over budget'), ('Marketing', 500,677,'over budget'), ('Project', 720,700,'within budget'), ('Sales', 910,860,'within budget'); ``` Run the following query to display the table: ```sql SELECT * FROM deptcost; ``` We have **deptcost** table as seen below: ```sql +-----------+--------+--------+---------------+ | dept | budget | actual | status | +-----------+--------+--------+---------------+ | Finance | 800 | 677 | within budget | | HR | 700 | 930 | over budget | | Marketing | 500 | 677 | over budget | | Project | 720 | 700 | within budget | | Sales | 910 | 860 | within budget | +-----------+--------+--------+---------------+ ``` 1. The following IF function states that *IF the actual is less than the budget, then return the budget difference, otherwise return 0*. ```sql SELECT dept, IF(actual < budget, budget - actual, 0) FROM deptcost; ``` 2. We get the following result using the `IF()` function: ```sql +-----------+-----+ | dept | f | +-----------+-----+ | Finance | 123 | | HR | 0 | | Marketing | 0 | | Project | 20 | | Sales | 50 | +-----------+-----+ ``` # IS DISTINCT FROM Operator Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/boolean-functions/is-distinct-from-operator ## **Overview** The `IS DISTINCT FROM` operator compares two values, considering them distinct even when both are `NULL`. It returns `TRUE` if the two values are different and `FALSE` if they are the same, including the case where both values are `NULL`. ## **Syntax** The syntax for the operator is as follows: ```sql value1 IS DISTINCT FROM value2 ``` Where: * `value1` is the first value for comparison. * `value2` is the second value for comparison. ## **Examples** ### Case #1: Basic Usage Consider the following example where we compare two values: **Example 1** ```sql SELECT NULL IS DISTINCT FROM NULL AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- f ``` **Example 2** ```sql SELECT 10 IS DISTINCT FROM 20 AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- t ``` **Example 3** ```sql SELECT 10 IS DISTINCT FROM 10 AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- f ``` ### Case #2: Comparing NULL Values In this example, we'll compare `NULL` values using the `IS DISTINCT FROM` operator: **Example 1** ```sql SELECT NULL IS DISTINCT FROM 10 AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- t ``` **Example 2** ```sql SELECT 10 IS DISTINCT FROM NULL AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- t ``` ### Case #3: Tracking Inventory Variations Suppose we have a table named `inventory_changes` that tracks changes in the quantities of products in a warehouse. The table has the following structure: ```sql CREATE TABLE inventory_changes ( product_id INT, change_date DATE, change_quantity INT ); INSERT INTO inventory_changes VALUES (101, '2023-08-01', 50), (102, '2023-08-01', 0), (101, '2023-08-02', -15), (103, '2023-08-03', 30), (102, '2023-08-04', 0); ``` We want to retrieve records where the change quantity is distinct from zero. In this scenario, the `IS DISTINCT FROM` operator can be used. ```sql SELECT * FROM inventory_changes WHERE change_quantity IS DISTINCT FROM 0; ``` The result of the query will not include the 0 values as shown below: ```sql product_id | change_date | change_quantity ------------+-------------+----------------- 101 | 2023-08-01 | 50 101 | 2023-08-02 | -15 103 | 2023-08-03 | 30 ``` # IS NOT DISTINCT FROM Operator Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/boolean-functions/is-not-distinct-from-operator ## **Overview** The `IS NOT DISTINCT FROM` operator is a counterpart to `IS DISTINCT FROM`. It compares two values, treating them as equal even when they are both `NULL`. This operator returns `TRUE` if the two values are the same, including the case where both values are `NULL` and `FALSE` if they are different. ## **Syntax** The syntax for the operator is as follows: ```sql value1 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM value2 ``` Where: * `value1` is the first value for comparison. * `value2` is the second value for comparison. ## **Examples** ### Case #1: Basic Usage Consider the following example where we compare two values: **Example 1** ```sql SELECT 45 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM 45 AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- t ``` **Example 2** ```sql SELECT 60 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM 30 AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- f ``` **Example 3** ```sql SELECT NULL IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NULL AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- t ``` ### Case #2: Comparing NULL Values In this example, we'll compare NULL values using the IS NOT DISTINCT FROM operator: **Example 1** ```sql SELECT NULL IS NOT DISTINCT FROM 80 AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- f ``` **Example 2** ```sql SELECT 5 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NULL AS "Result"; ``` The above query will return the following output: ```sql Result -------- f ``` ### Case #3: Analyzing Data Completeness Suppose we have a table named customer\_contacts that stores customer contact information. ```sql CREATE TABLE customer_contacts ( customer_id INT, email TEXT, phone TEXT ); INSERT INTO customer_contacts VALUES (101, 'john@example.com', NULL), (102, NULL, '+1234567890'), (103, 'jane@example.com', '+9876543210'), (104, NULL, NULL), (105, 'alex@example.com', '+5555555555'); ``` Our objective is to retrieve records from this table where an email address or a phone number is available for contacting the customers. ```sql SELECT * FROM customer_contacts WHERE email IS NOT DISTINCT FROM phone; ``` In this query, we retrieve all rows from the `customer_contacts table` where the email and phone are NULL. We can conclude that the customer with `customer_id 104` has no phone number or email address. ```sql customer_id | email | phone -------------+-------+------- 104 | | ``` # JSON_ARRAY_EXTRACT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/json-array-extract ## **Overview** The `JSON_ARRAY_EXTRACT()` function returns the JSON array as a set of JSON values.  ## **Syntax** The `JSON_ARRAY_EXTRACT()` has the basic syntax as seen below. ```sql JSON_ARRAY_EXTRACT('json_array'::JSON,id); ``` `JSON_ARRAY_EXTRACT()` requires the following parameters: * `json_array`: the array to be extracted. * `::JSON`: argument indicating that the query is of type JSON. * `id`: ID of the element that we want to extract. It is read in an array format that starts with 0. ### **Another Option** `JSON_ARRAY_EXTRACT` can also be achieved with the `->` operator, as shown in the syntax below: ```sql SELECT 'from_json'::JSON -> path; ``` * `from_json`: the JSON value from which to extract. * `::JSON`: a symbol that casts the string literal to a JSON type. * `path`: key of the field that we want to extract. ## **Examples** ### **Case #1: Basic JSON\_ARRAY\_EXTRACT() function** 1. In the below example, we will extract a JSON array as a JSON set. ```sql SELECT JSON_ARRAY_EXTRACT('["Bougenvile", 2, 12, "Lily"]'::JSON,3); ``` **or** ```sql SELECT ('["Bougenvile", 2, 12, "Lily"]'::JSON -> 3); ``` 2. The extracted array will look like the following. ```sql +------------+ | f | +------------+ | "Lily" | +------------+ ``` ### Case #2: Extract element of JSON array as text 1. In this case, we will extract the element of the JSON array as text with the `->>` operator. ```sql SELECT ('["Bougenvile", 2, 12, "Lily"]'::JSON ->> 1); ``` 2. You will get the final output as follows: ```sql +------------+ | f | +------------+ | 2.000000 | +------------+ ``` # JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/json-array-length ## **Overview** The `JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH()` function returns the length of a specified JSON array. ## **Syntax** This function has the following basic syntax. ```sql JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH(arrayval JSON) ``` The required argument for this function is `arrayval`. It represents the JSON array which we will count the length. ## **Examples** ### Case #1: Get a JSON array length with a JSON value The following example returns the number of elements in the array: ```sql SELECT JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH('[4, 7, 10, 11, 14, {"vegetables":"spinach","fruits":"melon"}, {"a":"b"}]'); ``` The function above will return the following result: ```sql +-------+ | f | +-------+ | 7 | +-------+ ``` ### Case #2: Get a JSON array length with a number The following example returns the number of elements in the array. ```sql SELECT JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH('[1, 2, [3, 4]]'); ``` You will get the final result as follows: ```sql +-------+ | f | +-------+ | 3 | +-------+ ``` ### Case #3: JSON array length where the array is NULL or empty This example shows that an empty JSON array will return 0. ```sql SELECT JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH('[]'); ``` An empty array will return 0 in the final output: ```sql +-------+ | f | +-------+ | 0 | +-------+ ``` # JSON_EXTRACT_PATH Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/json-extract-path ## **Overview** `JSON_EXTRACT_PATH()` function extracts JSON nested value from a specified path. ## **Syntax** The syntax of the `JSON_EXTRACT_PATH()` function can be seen below. ```sql JSON_EXTRACT_PATH(from_json JSON, path TEXT[]) ``` * `from_json`: the JSON value from which to extract. * `path`: the path to extract. ### **Another Option** Besides the syntax above, Oxla provides and supports the use of operators in queries. See the syntax below: ```sql SELECT 'from_json'::JSON -> 'path'; ``` * `from_json`: the JSON value from which to extract. * `::JSON`: a symbol that casts the text literal to a JSON type. * `path`: key of the field that we want to extract. ## **Examples** These examples display how `JSON_EXTRACT_PATH()` extracts the "oxla" JSON sub-object from the specified path. 1. Use the below query: ```sql SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_PATH('{"f2":{"f3":1},"f4":{"f5":99,"f6":"oxla"}}', 'f4', 'f6'); ``` **or** ```sql SELECT '{"f2":{"f3":1},"f4":{"f5":99,"f6":"oxla"}}'::JSON -> 'f4' -> 'f6'; ``` The query above will return the following result. ```sql +---------+ | f | +---------+ | "oxla" | +---------+ ``` 2. Run the query below: ```sql SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_PATH('{"a": 1, "b": {"x": "subtract", "y": "plus"}}', 'b', 'x') AS "bx", JSON_EXTRACT_PATH('{"a": 1, "b": {"x": "multiply", "y": "divide"}}', 'b', 'y') AS "by"; ``` You will get the following output: ```sql +---------------+-------------+ | bx | by | +---------------+-------------+ | "subtract" | "divide" | +---------------+-------------+ ``` # JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/json-extract-path-text ## **Overview** The `JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT()` function extracts JSON nested value from a specified JSON value according to the defined path. This function may be similar to the `JSON_EXTRACT_PATH()`. This function returns a value of type text instead of type JSON. ## **Syntax** The `JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT()` syntax is shown below: ```sql JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(from_json JSON, path TEXT[]) ``` The required arguments are explained below. * `from_json`: the JSON value to extract. * `path`: the path to extract. ### **Another Option** Besides the syntax above, Oxla provides and supports the use of operators in queries. See the syntax below: ```sql SELECT 'from_json'::JSON ->> 'path'; ``` * `from_json`: the JSON value from which to extract. * `::JSON`: a symbol that casts the text literal to a JSON type. * `path`: key of the field that we want to extract. ## **Example** 1. This example shows how to use the `JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT()` function to extract values ​​from a JSON object at a specified index. Run the following query: ```sql SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT('{"a": "Oxla", "b": {"x": 1.234, "y": 4.321}}', 'a') AS "result a"; ``` **or** ```sql SELECT '{"a": "Oxla", "b": {"x": 1.234, "y": 4.321}}'::JSON ->> 'a' AS "result a"; ``` 2. The `JSON\_EXTRACT\_PATH\_TEXT()` function extracts the values and returns the output below: ```sql +------------+ | result a | +------------+ | "Oxla" | +------------+ ``` # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/overview To help you query JSON data, Oxla provides some functions that will be used to operate and manipulate the JSON data. The functions are as follows: | **Functions** | **Description** | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [JSON\_EXTRACT\_PATH()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/json-extract-path) | It extracts JSON sub-object at the specified path. | | [JSON\_EXTRACT\_PATH\_TEXT()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/json-extract-path-text) | It returns text referenced by a series of path elements in a JSON string or JSON body. | | [JSON\_ARRAY\_LENGTH()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/json-array-length) | It returns the number of elements in the outer array of a JSON string or JSON body. | | [JSON\_ARRAY\_EXTRACT()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/json-array-extract) | It returns the JSON array as a set of JSON values.  | Operators are used to specify conditions when using JSON functions. Oxla also supports JSON operators as listed below: | **Operators** | **Description** | **Example** | | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | -> | It gets & returns the element of the JSON array. | `'[{"a":"cab"},{"b":"bac"},{"c":"abc"}]'::json -> 2` | | -> | It gets & returns the JSON object field. | `'{"a": {"b":"abc"}}'::json -> 'a'` | | ->> | It gets & returns the element of the JSON array as text. | `'[11,22,33]'::json ->> 2` | | ->> | It gets & returns the JSON object field as text. | `'{"a":13,"b":33}'::json ->> 'b'` | # ABS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/abs ## Overview The `ABS()` function returns an absolute number, i.e., the positive value of a number. The data type of the returned value will depend on the data type of the value passed to the `ABS()` function. ## Syntax The syntax for the `ABS() `function is as follows: ```sql ABS(x) ``` The `ABS()` function requires one argument: * `x`: An expression that evaluates to a number. The **ABS()** function will return the negation of the negative numbers. ## Examples ### Case #1: Absolute value of a negative number The following example demonstrates how the `ABS()` function can be used to obtain the absolute value of a negative number: ```sql SELECT ABS(-10.25); ``` It will return an absolute value of the passed argument: ```sql +--------+ | f | +--------+ | 10.25 | +--------+ ``` ### Case #2: ABS() function with an expression The following example demonstrates how the `ABS()` function can be used with an expression to obtain the absolute value of the result: ```sql SELECT ABS( 100 - 250); ``` The result of the above statement is **-150**. However, you will get the output **150**, as 150 is the positive version of -150. ```sql +------+ | f | +------+ | 150 | +------+ ``` ### Case #3: Using the ABS() function with a table The following example demonstrates how the `ABS()` function can be used with a table to obtain the absolute values of all numbers in a specific column: 1. First, create a table named absTable containing an ***initialValue*** column with some positive and negative values: ```sql CREATE TABLE absTable(initialValue float); INSERT INTO absTable(initialValue) VALUES (550), (-210), (72.12), (-87.93), (-0.0); ``` 2. Next, use the following query to find the absolute value of all numbers: ```sql SELECT initialValue, ABS(initialValue) AS absoluteValue FROM absTable; ``` 3. The above query will retrieve all values in the **"initialValue"** column and their absolute values in the **"absoluteValue"** column. The output will look something like this: ```sql +---------------+----------------+ | initialValue | absoluteValue | +---------------+----------------+ | 550 | 550 | | -210 | 210 | | 72.12 | 72.12 | | 87.93 | 87.93 | | -0 | 0 | +---------------+----------------+ ``` # CBRT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/cbrt ## Overview The `CBRT()` function calculates and returns the cube root of a given number. In mathematical terms, for a number *x*, its cube root *y* is determined by the equation *y³ = x*. ## Syntax The syntax for the `CBRT()` function is as follows: ```sql CBRT(number) ``` Where: * `number`: This is a required value representing the number for which you want to calculate the cube root. It can be a positive or negative whole number, a decimal, or even an expression that evaluates to a number. For example, you can use expressions like `SELECT CBRT(some_column) from test_table`, assuming `some_column` contains a numeric value. **Return Value:**
- It will return `NULL` if the argument is `NULL`.
- It will give an error if you input a parameter that is not a numeric type.
## Examples Below are several usage examples of the `CBRT()` function: ### Case #1: **Basic Cube Root Calculation** Consider the following example: ```sql SELECT CBRT(125); ``` The result of this query will be: ```sql cbrt ------ 5 ``` ### Case #2: **Cube Root of a Negative Value** To calculate the cube root of a negative number, use the `CBRT()` function as shown: ```sql SELECT CBRT(-125); ``` The final result is as follows. ```sql cbrt ------ -5 ``` ### Case #3: **Cube Root of Decimal Result** For calculations with decimal numbers, use the `CBRT()` function as demonstrated below: ```sql SELECT CBRT(32); ``` The result will be a decimal value, as shown below: ```sql cbrt ------------------- 3.174802103936399 ``` ### Case #4: **Cube Root of Decimal Input** In this scenario, fractional seconds are incorporated into the argument: ```sql SELECT CBRT(0.12815); ``` The result will be the cube root of the provided decimal value. ```sql cbrt ------------ 0.50416523 ``` ### Case #5: Handling Incorrect Argument When a non-numeric argument is provided, the `CBRT()` function works as follows: ```sql SELECT CBRT('abc'); ``` An error will be generated, and the result will not be valid. ```sql invalid input syntax for type double precision: "abc" ``` ### Case #6: CBRT Operator (`||/(x)`) Here's an example using the CBRT operator (`||/(x)`) to calculate the cube root of a given number: ```sql SELECT ||/(1728) AS cbrt_operator; ``` In this example, we calculate the cube root of 1728 using the CBRT operator. The result of this query will be: ```sql cbrt_operator -------------------- 12.000000000000002 ``` # CEIL Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/ceil ## Overview The `CEIL()` function returns the nearest positive or negative integer value greater than or equal to the provided decimal input number. ## Syntax The syntax of the `CEIL()` function is as follows: ```sql CEIL(x) ``` The `CEIL()` function requires one argument: * `x`: A positive or a negative decimal number (or an expression that evaluates to a decimal number). ## Examples ### Case #1: Rounding up a positive decimal value The following example demonstrates how the `CEIL() `function rounds up a positive decimal value: ```sql SELECT CEIL (300.55); ``` As shown below, it will return 301, as it is the nearest integer value greater than 300.55. ```sql +------+ | f | +------+ | 301 | +------+ ``` ### Case #2: Rounding up a negative decimal value The following example demonstrates how the `CEIL() `function rounds up a negative decimal value: ```sql SELECT CEIL(-89.9) AS "Ceil"; ``` The output of this statement will be -89, as -89 is the nearest integer value greater than or equal to -89.9, as shown below. ```sql +-------+ | Ceil | +-------+ | -89 | +-------+ ``` ### Case #3: Using the `CEIL()` function with a table The following example demonstrates how the `CEIL()` function can be used with a table to round up the values in a specific column: 1. First, create a table called ***CeilRecords*** with the following query: ```sql CREATE TABLE CeilRecords (numbers float); INSERT INTO CeilRecords(numbers) VALUES (-28.85), (-9.4), (0.87), (78.16), (42.16); ``` The above statement will create a table called **"CeilRecords"** with a column called **"numbers"** and insert 5 decimal values into it. 2. The statement below can be used to retrieve and round up the value for all records in the column \***numbers**: ```sql SELECT *, CEIL(numbers) AS CeilValue FROM CeilRecords; ``` The final result will contain the following: * A **numbers** column with initial decimal values. * A **CeilValue** column with rounded-up integer values. ```sql +---------+------------+ | numbers | CeilValue | +---------+------------+ | -28.85 | -28 | | -9.4 | -9 | | 0.87 | 1 | | 78.16 | 79 | | 42.16 | 43 | +---------+------------+ ``` \`\` # EXP Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/exp ## **Overview** The `EXP()` function returns the exponential value of a number specified in the argument. ## **Syntax** The syntax for the `EXP()` is: ```sql EXP(number); ``` Where: * `number`: The number for which you want to calculate the exponential value. Equivalent to the formula `e^number`. ## **Examples** Let's explore examples to see how the `EXP()` function works. ### Case #1: **Basic Usage** In this case, we use the `EXP()` function with positive and negative values. ```sql SELECT EXP(0) AS "EXP of 0", EXP(1) AS "EXP of 1", EXP(2) AS "EXP of 2", EXP(-1) AS "EXP of -1", EXP(-2) AS "EXP of -2"; ``` You will get the following result: ```sql EXP of 0 | EXP of 1 | EXP of 2 | EXP of -1 | EXP of -2 ----------+-------------------+------------------+---------------------+-------------------- 1 | 2.718281828459045 | 7.38905609893065 | 0.36787944117144233 | 0.1353352832366127 ``` ### Case #2: Using `EXP()` with Fractions This case uses the `EXP()` function with a fractional argument. ```sql SELECT EXP(3.2); ``` Here is the result: ```sql exp -------------------- 24.532531366911574 ``` ### Case #3: Using `EXP()` with Expressions Here, we use the `EXP()` function with expressions. ```sql SELECT EXP(5 * 5); ``` See the result below: ```sql exp ------------------- 72004899337.38588 ``` # FLOOR Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/floor ## **Overview** The `FLOOR()` returns a number rounded down that is less than or equal to the specified argument. ## **Syntax** The syntax for the `FLOOR()` function in Oxla is: ```sql FLOOR(x) ``` The `FLOOR()` function requires one argument: `x`: A positive or a negative decimal number (or an expression that evaluates to a decimal number). ## **Examples** ### Case #1: Rounding Down a Positive Decimal Value The following example demonstrates how the `FLOORL()` function rounds down a positive decimal value: ```sql SELECT FLOOR(345.6765467); ``` It will return 345 as it is the closest value smaller than the argument. ```sql +------+ | f    | +------+ | 345  | +------+ ``` ### Case #2: Rounding Down a Negative Decimal Value The following example demonstrates how the `FLOORL()` function rounds down a negative decimal value: ```sql SELECT FLOOR(-0.987657); ``` You will get the following result as it is the nearest integer smaller than or equal to the specified argument. ```sql +-------+ | f | +-------+ | -1    | +-------+ ``` ### Case #3: Using the FLOOR() Function With a Table The following example demonstrates how the `FLOOR()` function can be used with a table to round down the values in a specific column: 1. Create a new table called **FloorRecords** with double-precision values using the query below: ```sql CREATE TABLE FloorRecords (numbers float); INSERT INTO FloorRecords VALUES (3.987), (4.325), (-0.76), (-22.57); ``` 2. Retrieve the table with its value by running the following query: ```sql SELECT * ,FLOOR(numbers) AS Floorvalue FROM FloorRecords; ``` 3. The return table will contain the following: * **numbers,** the column with the initial double-precision values. * **FloorValue**, the column with the rounded-down values.  ```sql +------------+---------------+ | numbers | Floorvalue | +------------+---------------+ | 3.987 | 3 | | 4.325 | 4 | | -0.76 | -1 | | -22.57 | -23 | +------------+---------------+ ``` # GREATEST Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/greatest ## **Overview** The `GREATEST()` function extracts the greatest or largest value from a set of values. It needs at least one argument to work with, and if you mix different types, like a text and a number, it will return an error. For example, comparing the greatest value among 4, "two", and 9 would result in an error. ## **Syntax** The syntax for the `GREATEST()` function is as follows: ```sql GREATEST(value_1, [value_n]) ``` Where: * `value_1`: Represents the first value. * `value_n`: Represents one or more additional values, separated by commas. **Info:**
-`NULL` values within the expressions are ignored.
- The result will be `NULL` if all expressions evaluate to `NULL`.
## **Examples** Here are examples that illustrate the usage of the `GREATEST()` function: ### Case #1: **Basic Usage** Consider the following example: ```sql SELECT GREATEST(3,5,8,9,10); ``` The query will return `3`, the smallest value among the provided values. ```sql greatest --------- 10 ``` ### Case #2: **String Comparison** String comparison is also supported, as shown below: ```sql SELECT GREATEST('apple', 'banana', 'cherry'); ``` In this case, the result will be `'cherry'`, the greatest string according to the order. ```sql greatest ---------- cherry ``` ### Case #3: **Handling NULL Values** `NULL` values are ignored when determining the greatest value: ```sql SELECT GREATEST (5,null,9); ``` The result will be the greatest non-NULL value, which is `9`. ```sql least ------- 9 ``` ### Case #4: **Positive and Negative Numbers** Negative numbers can also be compared: ```sql SELECT GREATEST (4,-4,-8,8); ``` This query will return `8`, the greatest value among the provided numbers. ```sql least ------- 8 ``` ### Case #5: **Using Table Data** The `GREATEST` function can also be used to find the Greatest value between column data. For example, let’s create a table named **Student** that stores students' names and scores. ```sql CREATE TABLE Student( Student_name TEXT, Student_Class TEXT, Subject1 INT, Subject2 INT, Subject3 INT, Subject4 INT ); INSERT INTO Student(Student_name, Student_Class, Subject1, Subject2, Subject3, Subject4) VALUES ('Sayan', 'Junior', 81, 90, 86, 92 ), ('Nitin', 'Junior', 90, 84, 88, 91 ), ('Aniket', 'Senior', 81, 80, 87, 95 ), ('Abdur', 'Junior', 85, 90, 80, 90 ), ('Sanjoy', 'Senio', 88, 82, 84, 90 ); ``` Use the `SELECT` statement to view all the records: ```sql SELECT * FROM Student; ``` ```sql student_name | student_class | subject1 | subject2 | subject3 | subject4 --------------+---------------+----------+----------+----------+---------- Sayan | Junior | 81 | 90 | 86 | 92 Nitin | Junior | 90 | 84 | 88 | 91 Aniket | Senior | 81 | 80 | 87 | 95 Abdur | Junior | 85 | 90 | 80 | 90 Sanjoy | Senio | 88 | 82 | 84 | 90 ``` Now, we will find the greatest marks for every student in all subjects. ```sql Select Student_name, GREATEST(Subject1, Subject2, Subject3, Subject4) AS Greatest_Mark FROM Student; ``` ```sql student_name | greatest_mark --------------+--------------- Sayan | 92 Nitin | 91 Aniket | 95 Abdur | 90 Sanjoy | 90 ``` # LEAST Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/least ## **Overview** The `LEAST()` function returns the least or smallest value in a list of values. It needs at least one argument to work with, and if you mix different types, like a text and a number, it will return an error. For example, comparing the greatest value among 4, "two", and 9 would result in an error. ## **Syntax** The syntax for the `LEAST()` function is as follows: ```sql LEAST(value_1, [value_n]) ``` Where: * `value_1`: Represents the first value. * `value_n`: Represents one or more additional values, separated by commas. **Info:**
-`NULL` values in the list will be ignored.
- The result will be `NULL` if all the expressions evaluate to `NULL`.
## **Examples** Below are several examples of the `LEAST()` function: ### Case #1: **Basic Usage** Consider the following example: ```sql SELECT LEAST(3,5,8,9,10); ``` The query will return `3`, the smallest value among the provided values. ```sql least ------- 3 ``` ### Case #2: **String Comparison** String comparison is also supported, as shown below: ```sql SELECT LEAST('a','b','c','aa'); ``` In this case, the result will be `'a'`, as it is the smallest string. ```sql least ------- a ``` ### Case #3: **Handling NULL Values** `NULL` values are ignored when determining the smallest value: ```sql SELECT LEAST (5,null,9); ``` The result will be the smallest non-NULL value, which is `5`. ```sql least ------- 5 ``` ### Case #4: **Negative Numbers** Negative numbers can also be compared: ```sql SELECT LEAST (4,-4,-8,8); ``` This query will return `-8`, the smallest value among the provided numbers. ```sql least ------- -8 ``` ### Case #5: **Using Table Data** Suppose we have a table named `grades` containing columns `x`, `y`, and `z`. ```sql CREATE TABLE grades ( name TEXT, x INT, y INT, z INT ); INSERT INTO grades (name, x, y, z) VALUES ('Jane', 50, 0, 70), ('Rio', 60, 30, 80), ('John', 60, 60, 86), ('Rose', 80, 90, 88), ('Gary', 100, 80, 90); ``` To find the smallest value among these columns, you can use the following query: ```sql SELECT *, LEAST(x, y, z) AS least_grade FROM grades; ``` This query will add a new column named `least_grade` to the result, displaying the smallest value among columns `x`, `y`, and `z`. ```sql name | x | y | z | least_grade ------+-----+----+----+------------- Jane | 50 | 0 | 70 | 0 Rio | 60 | 30 | 80 | 30 John | 60 | 60 | 86 | 60 Rose | 80 | 90 | 88 | 80 Gary | 100 | 80 | 90 | 80 ``` # LN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/ln ## **Overview** `LN()` will return the exponential value of its argument, which is recognized as the input parameter's natural logarithm. **Info:**
The logarithm doesn’t take negative numbers or 0.
## **Syntax** The syntax of the `LN()` function is described as follows. ```sql LN (x) ``` `x`:  A positive or a negative number (or an expression that evaluates to a number). ## **Examples** ### **Case #1: Basic LN() function** The example below shows that `LN()` function will return the natural logarithm of the number **7,87653**. ```sql SELECT LN(7.87653); ``` The final result is as follows. ```sql +-------------+ | f | +-------------+ | 2.0638874 | +-------------+ ``` ### **Case #2: Using LN() Function With a Table** In the following example, we will combine `LN()` function with `CREATE TABLE` statement. Therefore we can obtain natural logarithmic values of a specific column. 1. Create a new table named **LNTable** containing the **initValue** column with an integer value. ```sql CREATE TABLE LNtable(initValue int); INSERT INTO LNtable(initValue) VALUES (75), (18), (28); ``` 2. Run the following query to get the logarithm output of the column: ```sql SELECT * ,LN(initValue) AS lnValue FROM LNtable; ``` 3. It will return the initial value with its natural logarithm value. * **initValue** column with the initial integer values. * **lnValue** column with the natural logarithm values. ```sql +------------+---------------------------+ | initValue | lnValue | +------------+---------------------------+ | 75 | 4.31748811353631 | | 18 | 2.8903717578961645 | | 28 | 3.332204510175204 | +------------+---------------------------+ ``` # LOG Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/log # **Overview** The `LOG()` function returns the base-10 logarithm or logarithm of the specified base of a given number. # **Syntax** The following illustrates the syntax of the `LOG()` function: ```sql -- base-10 logarithm LOG(number) -- logarithm of number LOG(base, number) ``` Where: * `base`: The base number. It must be greater than 0 and not equal to 1. * `number`: The number whose logarithm you want to obtain. It must be a positive number and greater than 0. # **Examples** Let's explore some examples of the `LOG()` function. ## **Case #1: Get base-10 logarithm** ### 1. Basic Usage In this case, the `LOG()` function calculates the base-10 logarithm of a specified number. ```sql SELECT LOG(2), LOG(2.5); ``` You will get the output below: ```sql log | log --------------------+--------- 0.3010299956639812 | 0.39794 ``` ### 2. Using Negative Value In this example, the `LOG()` function is applied to negative numbers. ```sql SELECT LOG(-1); ``` Any input of negative values will give you a `NaN` result. ```sql log ----- NaN ``` ### 3. Using Null Value The `LOG()` function will return `NULL` if the argument is `NULL`. ```sql SELECT LOG(null); ``` You will get a null result when an argument passed is null. ```sql log ----- ``` ### 4. Using Zero Value In this example, the `LOG()` takes zero as an argument. ```sql SELECT LOG(0); ``` You will get the output below: ```sql log ----------- -Infinity ``` ## **Case #2: Get Logarithm** ### 1. Basic Usage In this case, the `LOG()` function calculates the logarithm of a specified number. ```sql SELECT LOG(4, 16), LOG(0.7, 0.8), LOG(0.5, 10), LOG(1, null); ``` You will get the output below: ```sql log | log | log | log -----+------------+-----------+----- 2 | 0.62562156 | -3.321928 | ``` ### 2. Using Table Consider a database table called ***data*** with the following records: ```sql CREATE TABLE data ( data_column TEXT, x REAL, y REAL ); INSERT INTO data (data_column, x, y) VALUES ('Data 1', 0.5, 2), ('Data 2', 1, 2), ('Data 3', 5, 2), ('Data 4', 10, 10), ('Data 5', 50, 10); SELECT * FROM data; ``` ```sql data_column | x | y -------------+-----+---- Data 1 | 0.5 | 2 Data 2 | 1 | 2 Data 3 | 5 | 2 Data 4 | 10 | 10 Data 5 | 50 | 10 ``` Use the `LOG()` function to calculate the logarithm of column ***x*** (as a base) and column \*y \*(as a number): ```sql SELECT *, LOG(y, x) AS LOG_Value FROM data; ``` You will get the result as shown below: ```sql data_column | x | y | log_value -------------+-----+----+----------- Data 1 | 0.5 | 2 | -1 Data 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 Data 3 | 5 | 2 | 2.321928 Data 4 | 10 | 10 | 1 Data 5 | 50 | 10 | 1.69897 ``` # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/overview Numeric functions in Oxla are designed to perform mathematical calculations and manipulate integer or floating-point numbers. Oxla supports the following numeric functions: | **Functions** | **Description** | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [CEIL()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/ceil) | This function rounds up to the nearest positive or negative integer value greater than or equal to the argument. | | [ABS()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/abs) | This function returns the absolute value of an argument, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. | | [SQRT()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/sqrt) | This function returns the square root of its argument. | | [CBRT()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/cbrt) | This function returns the cube root of a given number. | | [RANDOM()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/random) | This function returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). | | [FLOOR()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/floor) | This function returns a number rounded down that is less than or equal to the specified argument. | | [LN()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/ln) | This function returns the exponential value of its argument. | | [SIN()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/sin) | This function returns the trigonometric sine value of a specified angle in radians. | | [**LEAST()**](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/least) | This function returns the least or smallest value in a list of values. | | [**GREATEST()**](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/greatest) | This function extracts the greatest or largest value from a set of values. | | [**ROUND()**](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/round) | This function rounds numbers to the nearest integer or to a specified number of decimal places. | | [**EXP()**](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/exp) | This function returns the exponential value of a number specified in the argument. | | [**LOG()**](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/log) | This function returns the base-10 logarithm or logarithm of the specified base of a given number. | | [**POWER()**](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/power) | This function returns the value of a number raised to the power of another number specified in the arguments. | | [TO\_CHAR() from Number](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/to-char-from-number) | Formats a number into a string using a given format. | | [**SIGN()**](/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/sign) | This function returns -1 for negative arguments, 1 for positive arguments or 0 if the argument is 0. | # POWER Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/power # **Overview** The `POWER()` function calculates the value of a number raised to the power of another number specified in the arguments. # **Syntax** The following illustrates the syntax of the `POWER()` function: ```sql POWER(a,b) ``` Where: * `a`: The base number. * `b`: The exponent to which the base number is raised. # **Examples** Let's explore some examples of the `POWER()` function. ## Case #1: **Basic Usage** In this case, the `POWER()` function calculates the result of raising one number to the power of another. ```sql SELECT POWER(3, 4) AS "Example 1", POWER(7, 3) AS "Example 2"; ``` You will get the output below: ```sql Example 1 | Example 2 -----------+----------- 81 | 343 ``` ## Case #2: Using `POWER()` with Negative Values In this case, the `POWER()` function is applied to negative numbers. ```sql SELECT POWER(-4, -5), POWER(-1, -2), POWER(-6, -7); ``` You will get the output below: ```sql power | power | power -------+-------+------- -1024 | 1 | 0 ``` ## Case #3 Using `POWER()` with Floating-Point Numbers In this example, the `POWER()` function is used to calculate 2.5 raised to the power of 3.0. ```sql SELECT POWER(2.5, 3.0) AS power_result; ``` The result, 15.625, is the value obtained by raising 2.5 to the third power. ```sql power_result -------------- 15.625 ``` ## Case #4 Zero To the Power of Zero This case shows that 0 expression raised to the power of 0 returns 1. ```sql SELECT POWER(0, 0); ``` You will get the output below: ```sql power ------- 1 ``` # RANDOM Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/random ## Overview The `RANDOM()` function in Oxla generates a random number within a defined range. By default, the range is between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive), resulting in a value greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. ## Syntax The syntax for generating a random integer or floating-point number using the `RANDOM()` function is as follows: ```sql RANDOM() ``` There are no parameters or arguments for the `RANDOM()` function. ## Examples ### Case #1: Generating a random number The RANDOM() function generates a random number greater than or equal to zero but less than one by default. The following statement can be used to retrieve a random number: ```sql SELECT RANDOM(); ``` As a result, you will get a random number greater than 0 and less than 1. However, it will never return the maximum value of 1. ```sql +-----------------------+ | f | +-----------------------+ | 0.9122627193276355 | +-----------------------+ ``` ### Case #2: Generating a random decimal number within a range To generate a random decimal number between two values, you can use the following statement: ```sql SELECT RANDOM()*(b-a)+a; ``` Where: * **"a"** represents the lower bound of the range. * **"b"** represents the upper bound of the range. The return value will be a random floating-point number greater than or equal to a and less than b. ****Example**** To generate a random decimal number greater than or equal to 10 and less than 25, the following statement can be used: ```sql SELECT RANDOM()*(25 - 10)+10; ``` Below is an example of a random number that you may retrieve: ```sql +-----------------------+ | f | +-----------------------+ | 18.156098711616043 | +-----------------------+ ``` It is important to note that the function will never return the maximum value of b. # ROUND Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/round ## **Overview** The `ROUND()` function rounds numbers using round half to even method (bankers rounding). ## **Syntax** The following illustrates the syntax of the `ROUND()` function: ```sql ROUND(number); ``` Where: * `number`: The number to round, it can be positive, negative, or zero, and it can be an [Integer](/sql-reference/sql-data-types/numeric-type/numeric) or a [Double Precision](/sql-reference/sql-data-types/numeric-type/numeric#double-precision-type). ## **Examples** Let's explore some examples to see how the `ROUND()` function works. ### Case #1: **Basic Usage** In this example, we round decimal numbers to integers: ```sql SELECT round(28.11) AS "round(28.11)", round(12.51) AS "round(12.51)", round(-9.11) AS "round(-9.11)", round(102.5) AS "round(102.5)", round(101.5) AS "round(101.5)", round(-40.51) AS "round(-40.51)"; ``` The query will return the nearest integer for all provided values. ```sql round(28.11) | round(12.51) | round(-9.11) | round(102.5) | round(101.5) | round(-40.51) --------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+--------------- 28 | 13 | -9 | 102 | 102 | -41 ``` ### Case #2: Using `ROUND` with Table Suppose you have a table named **Product** that stores product prices with multiple decimal places. You want to round the prices. ```sql CREATE TABLE Product ( ProductID INT, ProductName TEXT, Price DOUBLE PRECISION ); INSERT INTO Product (ProductID, ProductName, Price) VALUES (1, 'Widget A', 12.345), (2, 'Widget B', 34.678), (3, 'Widget C', 9.99), (4, 'Widget D', 45.00), (5, 'Widget E', 7.12345), (6, 'Widget F', 19.876), (7, 'Widget G', 3.5), (8, 'Widget H', 29.999); ``` We use the `ROUND()` function to round the Price column when retrieving the data. ```sql SELECT ProductName, ROUND(Price) AS RoundedPrice FROM Product; ``` The result will display the product names along with their prices rounded. ```sql productname | roundedprice -------------+-------------- Widget A | 12 Widget B | 35 Widget C | 10 Widget D | 45 Widget E | 7 Widget F | 20 Widget G | 4 Widget H | 30 ``` # SIGN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/sign ## Overview The `SIGN()` function returns a sign of an argument. The returned values are -1 if the argument is less than zero, 1 if the argument is greater than zero, 0 if the argument is equal to zero. ## Syntax The syntax for the `SIGN() `function is as follows: ```sql SIGN(x) ``` The `SIGN()` function requires one argument: * `x`: an expression that evaluates to a number. ## Examples ### Case #1: Sign of a number The following example demonstrates how the `SIGN()` function can be used to obtain the sign of a number: ```sql SELECT SIGN(0.1) AS "SIGN(0.1)", SIGN(999) AS "SIGN(999)", SIGN(0) AS "SIGN(0)", SIGN(-0) AS "SIGN(-0)"; ``` The query will return the signs of the passed arguments: ```sql SIGN(0.1) | SIGN(999) | SIGN(0) | SIGN(-0) -----------+-----------+---------+---------- 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 ``` Note: `-0` is accepted as an argument and is equal to zero ### Case #2: SIGN() function with an expression The following example demonstrates how the `SIGN()` function can be used with an expression: ```sql SELECT SIGN(100 - 200); ``` will return the sign of the expression evaluation: ```sql sign ------ -1 ------ ``` ### Case #3: Using the SIGN() function with a table The following example demonstrates how the `SIGN()` function can be used with a table to obtain the absolute values of all numbers in a specific column: 1. Create a table signTable containing an ***value*** column with some positive, negative and equal to zero values: ```sql CREATE TABLE signTable(value float); INSERT INTO signTable(value) VALUES (1000), (-200), (0), (0.22), (-12.3), (-0.0); ``` 2. Use the following query to find the sign of all inserted values: ```sql SELECT value, SIGN(value) AS sign FROM signTable; ``` 3. The result will be as follows:: ```sql value | sign -------+------ 1000 | 1 -200 | -1 0 | 0 0.22 | 1 -12.3 | -1 -0 | 0 ``` # SIN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/sin ## **Overview** `SIN()` is a numeric function that returns the trigonometric sine value of a specified angle in radians. ## **Syntax** The syntax of the `SIN()` function is as follows. ```sql SIN (x) ``` The `SIN()` function requires one argument: `x`:  A positive or a negative angle (or an expression that evaluates to an angle). ## **Examples** ### Case #1: Sine a Positive Value The example below will use the `SIN()` function with a positive angle as the argument. ```sql SELECT SIN(5); ``` It will return the sine value of 5. ```sql +-----------------------+ | f    | +-----------------------+ | -0.9589242746631385  | +-----------------------+ ``` ### Case #2: Sine a Negative Value The following example shows the `SIN(`) function with a negative angle as the argument. ```sql SELECT SIN(-3); ``` The output will be as follows. ```sql +----------------------+ | f                 | +----------------------+ | -0.1411200080598672 | +----------------------+ ``` ### Case #3: Sine a Fraction Value The following example shows the `SIN()` function with a fractional value as the argument. ```sql SELECT SIN(5.8732); ``` The output will be as follows. ```sql +----------------------+ | f                 | +----------------------+ | -0.3985959081271079 | +----------------------+ ``` ### Case #4: Sine With an Expression The `SIN()` function can also include an expression, as shown in the example below: ```sql SELECT sin(8.5 * 2.3); ``` You will get the following output: ```sql +-----------------------+ | f                 | +-----------------------+ | 0.6445566903363104 | +-----------------------+ ``` ### Case #5: Using the `SIN()` Function With a Table In the following example, we will combine `SIN()` function with `CREATE TABLE` statement to obtain the sine values of a specific column. 1. Create a new table named **sineTable** containing the **initialValue** column. Input some values with the negative and positive angles into the column. ```sql CREATE TABLE sineTable(initialValue int); INSERT INTO sineTable(initialValue) VALUES (-5),(18), (0),(-27); ``` 2. Run the query below to get the output of a sine value: ```sql SELECT * ,SIN(initialValue) AS sinValue FROM sineTable; ``` 3. The final result will have the **initialValue** column with the source value and the **sinValue** column with their calculated sine values.   ```sql +---------------+-------------------------------+ | initialvalue  | sinValue                      | +---------------+-------------------------------+ | -75           | 0.38778163540943045           | | 180           | -0.8011526357338304           | | 0           | 0                             | | -270     | 0.1760459464712114            | +---------------+-------------------------------+ ``` # SQRT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/sqrt ## Overview The `SQRT()` function returns the square root of a given positive number. ## Syntax The syntax for the `SQRT()` function in Oxla is: ```sql SQRT(x) ``` The `SQRT()` function requires one argument: * `x`: A positive number or an expression that evaluates to a positive number. ## Examples ### Case #1: SQRT() a Positive Value The following example demonstrates how the `SQRT()` function can be used to find the square root of a positive integer: ```sql SELECT SQRT(81); ``` You will get the following result: ```sql +-----+ | f | +-----+ | 9 | +-----+ ``` ### Case #2: SQRT() With an Expression Let’s look at an example of using the `SQRT()` function to find the square root of the result of an expression. ```sql SELECT SQRT(60 + 4); ``` The result of the above statement is the square root of 64: ```sql +-----+ | f | +-----+ | 8 | +-----+ ``` ### Case #3: SQRT() With Double Precision Result In addition to integers, Oxla also supports calculating square roots with floating-point numbers as the outcome. For further details, please refer to the statement below: ```sql SELECT SQRT(70); ``` The output of the statement above is 8.3666, which is the square root of 70 with double precision, as demonstrated below: ```sql +----------+ | f | +----------+ | 8.3666 | +----------+ ``` ### Case #4: SQRT() a Negative Number The following example demonstrates how attempting to use the `SQRT()` function with a negative value will return an error: ```sql SELECT SQRT(-25); ``` As the `SQRT()` function only accepts positive numbers, you will get a ***NaN (Not a Number)*** result for the square root of -25, as shown below: ```sql +-------+ | f | +-------+ | NaN | +-------+ ``` ### Case #5: SQRT Operator (`|/(x)`) Here's an example using the SQRT operator (`|/(x)`) to calculate the square root of a given number: ```sql SELECT |/(169) AS sqrt_operator; ``` In this example, we calculate the square root of 169 using the SQRT operator. The result of this query will be: ```sql sqrt_operator --------------- 13 ``` # TO_CHAR from Number Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/to-char-from-number ## **Overview** The `TO_CHAR` function formats a number into a string using a given format. ## **Syntax** The syntax for using the `TO_CHAR` function is as follows: ```sql TO_CHAR(value, format_string) ``` Parameters in the syntax include: * `value`: A number that will be formatted to a string. * `format`: The format of the input string. ## **Format** Format string supports following template patterns (can be lowercase): | **Pattern** | **Description** | | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | `9 ` | Digit position (may be dropped if insignificant) | | `0` | Digit position (never dropped) | | `.` | Decimal point | | `,` | Group (thousands) separator | | `D` | Decimal point | | `G` | Group separator | | `S` | Plus/minus sign directly before or after a number | | `PL` | Plus sign in the specified position (for negative numbers) | | `MI` | Minus sign in specified position (for positive numbers) | | `SG` | Plus/minus sign in the specified position. | ### ❌ Limitations * All text inside double quote `"{text}"` will not be considered a pattern. * The quote character `""` will not appear in the result string. * Any text that does not match any pattern will be preserved in the result string. ## **Examples** ### Case 1: **Formatting with Leading Zeros** The query formats 123.456 with leading zeros using the pattern '00000.00000'. ```sql SELECT TO_CHAR(123.456, '00000.00000'); ``` The output displays the formatted number as shown below. ```sql to_char -------------- 00123.45600 ``` ### Case 2: **Formatting with Variable Length** The query formats the number 123.456 with a variable-length pattern '99999.99999'. ```sql SELECT TO_CHAR(123.456, '99999.99999'); ``` The output displays the formatted number as shown below. ```sql to_char -------------- 123.45600 ``` ### Case 3: **Formatting with Group** The query formats the number 123456 with grouping separators using the pattern '9,999,999,999'. ```sql SELECT TO_CHAR(123456, '9,999,999,999'); ``` It will return the output below. ```sql to_char ---------------- 123,456 ``` ### Case 4: **Formatting with Negative Number** The query formats the number -123 with a custom pattern including the sign. ```sql SELECT TO_CHAR(-123, '"Number formatted with pattern:000S":{000S}'); ``` The output shows the custom-formatted number. ```sql to_char ------------------------------------------- Number formatted with pattern:000S:{123-} ``` ### Case 5: **Formatting with Sign** The query formats the number -123.456 with a custom pattern including the sign and separated integer. ```sql SELECT TO_CHAR(-123.456, '"Sing is: "SG" integer part is: "999", mantissa part is: ".999'); ``` The output shows the customized format as shown below. ```sql to_char --------------------------------------------------------- Sing is: - integer part is: 123, mantissa part is: .456 ``` # coalesce() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/coalesce ## Overview Tables can hold null and non-null values. Yet, often we prefer to overlook those null values and this is where `COALESCE()` steps in. It helps when we want to ignore null values while processing the data, by returning the first argument that is not null, while the remaining arguments from the first non-null argument are not evaluated. If all arguments are null, the COALESCE function will return null. ## Syntax The syntax for the `COALESCE()` function is as follows: ```sql COALESCE (argument_1, argument_2, …); ``` Key points from the syntax: * `COALESCE()` requires a minimum of two inputs. * It can take an unlimited number of arguments. * Evaluation occurs sequentially from left to right, stopping at the first non-null value. ## Examples Here are some examples to illustrate the application of `COALESCE()`: ### Case #1: Returning the First Non-Null Value In this example, we have a set of values. By using the `COALESCE()` function, we're going to get the first non-null value from this set. ```sql SELECT COALESCE(9, 3, 8, 7, 1); ``` The result will be `9`, the first value without null among the provided options. ```sql coalesce ---------- 9 ``` ### Case #2: Handling NULL Value as the Last Argument Let's include NULL as the final argument and check the query output. ```sql Select COALESCE(3,4,5,9,10,NULL); ``` The function output is `3` because it returns the first non-null value. ```sql coalesce ---------- 3 ``` ### Case #3: Handling NULL Value as the First Argument Consider NULL as the first argument in the following example. ```sql Select COALESCE(NULL,1,5,7,9,2); ``` The output is `1`, as it is the first non-null value of the argument. ```sql coalesce ---------- 1 ``` ### Case #4: Handling Multiple NULL Values In the following query, NULL appears in the first, second, fourth, and last positions. ```sql Select COALESCE(NULL, NULL ,3, NULL, 7,9,4,5, NULL); ``` The `COALESCE()` function ignores the first two NULLs and returns the first non-null value, `3`. It does not process the subsequent NULL values. ```sql coalesce ---------- 3 ``` ### Case #5: Handling All NULL Values Assume that the given values are entirely composed of nulls. ```sql Select COALESCE(NULL, NULL ,NULL, NULL); ``` In this case, the `COALESCE()` function returns an empty value (null). ```sql coalesce ---------- ``` ### Case #6: `COALESCE()` with Table Data Imagine we have the `employee_absent` table, which comprises a mix of NULL and non-null values: ```sql CREATE TABLE employee_absent ( emp_name TEXT, emp_dept TEXT, absent TEXT ); INSERT INTO employee_absent (emp_name, emp_dept, absent) VALUES ('Alice', 'Finance', 'absent'), ('Bob', 'Operations', 'absent'), ('Carol', 'Finance', 'absent'), ('David', 'HR', NULL), ('Emily', 'HR', NULL); ``` Use the `SELECT` statement to display all the records: ```sql SELECT * FROM employee_absent; ``` ```sql emp_name | emp_dept | absent ----------+------------+-------- Alice | Finance | absent Bob | Operations | absent Carol | Finance | absent David | HR | Emily | HR | ``` The query below uses the `COALESCE()` function on the `absent` column. It retrieves names and absences (with `out of office` for NULL values) for each employee. ```sql SELECT emp_name, COALESCE(absent, 'out of office') AS DisplayAbsent FROM employee_absent; ``` ```sql emp_name | displayabsent ----------+--------------- Alice | absent Bob | absent Carol | absent David | out of office Emily | out of office ``` ### Case #7: Error Output in `COALESCE()` When specifying arguments with different datatypes, they should be convertible. ```sql Select Coalesce ('x',NULL,1); ``` If the datatypes cannot be converted, the `COALESCE()` function will generate an error, as shown below. ```sql ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "x" ``` # col_description() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/col-description ## Overview The col\_description() is a comment information function that retrieves the comment associated with a specified table column. ## Syntax The syntax for the `col_description()` function is as follows:
col\_description (table\_oid, column\_number) → NULL
## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * table\_oid: specifies the object identifier (OID) of the table containing the column for which you want to retrieve the comment * column\_number: indicates the ordinal position of the column within the table (starting from 1 for the first column) It is important to note that the column number must be provided as an object identifier (OID), which can be achieved by casting the table name to `regclass` ## Restrictions * This function always returns `NULL` if there are no parameters specified # current_database() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/current-database ## Overview The current\_database() is a session information function that returns the current database's name. ## Syntax The syntax for`current_database()` function is as follows: ```sql SELECT current_database(); ``` ## Example In the following example, we will obtain the database name to which we are currently connected: ```sql SELECT current_database(); ``` By executing the query above, we will get the following output: ```sql +------------+ | f       | +------------+ | Oxla   | +------------+ ``` # current_schema() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/current-schema ## Overview The current\_schema() is a session information function that returns the name of the first existing schema. ## Syntax There are two available syntax versions of `current_schema()` function: ```sql Version 1 SELECT current_schema(); ``` ```sql Version 2 SELECT current_schema; ``` It will return `NULL` if none of the schemas from `search_path` exist ## Example The following example shows how to get the current schema name using this function ```sql SELECT current_schema(); ``` The output from the above query can be as follows: ```sql +------------+ | f | +------------+ | public | +------------+ ``` # has_schema_privilege() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/has-schema-privillege ## Overview The has\_schema\_privilege()`has_schema_privilege` is an access privilege inquiry function that checks whether the current user has specific privileges on a schema. ## Syntax There are two available syntax versions of the `has_schema_privilege` function: ```sql Version 1 SELECT has_schema_privilege('user', 'schema', 'privilege'); ``` ```sql Version 2 SELECT has_schema_privilege('schema', 'privilege'); ``` No matter what syntax version you choose, the `has_schema_privilege()` function will always return `TRUE (t)`. ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `schema`: name of the schema for which you want to check privileges (can be any string value or string columns from other tables) * `user`: name of the user who has the privileges (can be any string value) * `privilege`: specifies the specific privilege you want to check for in the schema (currently, the function supports `create` and `usage`) The comparison for the `privilege` is case-insensitive, so you can use lowercase or uppercase notation for the privilege name ## Examples ### Check for `CREATE` Privilege In this example, we will use the `has_schema_privilege()` function to determine if the current user has the `create` privilege on a schema named "**public**": ```sql SELECT has_schema_privilege('public', 'create'); ``` By executing the query above, we will get `TRUE`, which means that the current user has a `create` privilege on the "public" schema. ```sql has_schema_privilege ---------------------- t ``` ### Check for `USAGE` Privilege You can also use the `has_schema_privilege()` function to check for the `usage` privilege on a schema. For example, in order to check if the current user can create objects in the "**public**" schema, you can execute the following code: ```sql SELECT has_schema_privilege('cahyo', 'public', 'USAGE'); ``` The query above will return `TRUE`, which means the current user has `usage` privilege on the "**public**" schema. ```sql has_schema_privilege ---------------------- t ``` # nullif() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/nullif ## Overview The `NULLIF()` function allows us to replace a given value with null if it matches a specific criterion. ## Syntax The following illustrates the syntax of the `NULLIF` function: ```sql NULLIF(argument_1,argument_2); ``` From the syntax above, we learn that the `NULLIF` function takes two arguments: * The first argument is the value we want to evaluate * The second argument is the value we want to treat as null if the first argument matches it **The Output**:
If the first argument matches the second argument, the `NULLIF()` function returns **NULL**. Otherwise, it returns the first argument as-is.
## Examples ### Case #1: Handling Equal Values In this case, the `NULLIF` function is used to compare the values 4 and 4. ```sql SELECT NULLIF (4, 4); ``` The result will be `NULL` since the two values being compared are equal (4 = 4). ```sql if ---- ``` ### Case #2: Handing Different Values In this example, we want to use the `NULLIF` function to manage different values. ```sql SELECT NULLIF (9, 0); ``` The result will be `9` because the second value in the `NULLIF` function is 0 (The two values are not equal). ```sql if ---- 9 ``` ### Case #3: String Comparison In this case, the `NULLIF` function compares the strings 'L' and 'O'. ```sql SELECT NULLIF ('L', 'O'); ``` The result will be `L` because the two strings being compared ('L' and 'O') are not equal. Therefore, the function returns the first string. ```sql if ---- L ``` ### Case #4: Handling Default Values Suppose we have an `employees` table with columns for `name` and `salary`. This query retrieves employee names and their adjusted salaries, where a salary of 0 is replaced with NULL: ```sql CREATE TABLE employees ( name TEXT, salary INT ); INSERT INTO employees (name, salary) VALUES ('John', 50000), ('Jane', 0), ('Roy', 0), ('NEil', 0), ('Michael', 75000); ``` Display the records of the table: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees; ``` ```sql name | salary ---------+-------- John | 50000 Jane | 0 Roy | 0 NEil | 0 Michael | 75000 ``` This query retrieves employee names and their adjusted salaries, where a salary of 0 is replaced with NULL: ```sql SELECT name, NULLIF(salary, 0) AS adjusted_salary FROM employees; ``` The `NULLIF` function checks if the `salary` value is 0. If it is, the function returns NULL - otherwise, it returns the original `salary` value. ```sql name | adjusted_salary ---------+----------------- John | 50000 Jane | Roy | NEil | Michael | 75000 ``` ### Case #5: Avoiding Division by Zero Suppose we have a `fractions` table with columns, a `numerator` and a `denominator`. ```sql CREATE TABLE fractions ( numerator INT, denominator INT ); INSERT INTO fractions (numerator, denominator) VALUES (10, 2), (20, 0), (15, 3), (75, 0), (15, 3); ``` Display the table using the `SELECT` statement: ```sql SELECT * FROM fractions; ``` ```sql numerator | denominator -----------+------------- 10 | 2 20 | 0 15 | 3 75 | 0 15 | 3 ``` Here, the `NULLIF` function is applied to the `denominator` column. If the `denominator` is 0, the function returns NULL, avoiding division by zero. ```sql SELECT numerator, denominator, numerator / NULLIF(denominator, 0) AS "result" FROM fractions; ``` The result is shown in the result column. ```sql numerator | denominator | result -----------+-------------+-------- 10 | 2 | 5 20 | 0 | 15 | 3 | 5 75 | 0 | 15 | 3 | 5 ``` # obj_description() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/obj-description ## Overview The obj\_description() is a comment information function that returns the comment associated with a specific database object. ## Syntax The syntax for the `obj_description()` function is as follows:
obj\_description (object\_oid, catalog\_name) → NULL
## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * object\_oid: specifies the object identifier (OID) of the database object for which you want to retrieve the comment * catalog\_name: specifies the name of the system catalog that contains the object ## Restrictions * This function always returns `NULL` if there are no parameters specified # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/overview Besides [numeric](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/numeric-functions/overview), [aggregation](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/aggregation-functions/overview), [window](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/overview), [string](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/overview), [timestamp](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/overview), [boolean](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/boolean-functions/if-function), [JSON](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/json-functions/overview) and [trigonometric](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/trigonometric) functions we also provide support for other functions. The list of them can be found below: | **Function** | **Description** | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [coalesce()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/coalesce) | Returns the first argument that is not null, while the remaining arguments from the first non-null argument are not evaluated | | [current\_database()](/sql-functions/other-functions/current-database) | Returns the current database's name | | [current\_schema()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/current-schema) | Returns the schema's name (first in the search path) | | [has\_schema\_privilege()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/has-schema-privillege) | Checks whether the current user has specific privileges on a schema | | [nullif()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/nullif) | Replaces a given value with null if it matches a specific criterion | | [pg\_get\_expr()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-expr) | Retrieves the internal form of an individual expression (such as the default value for a column) | | [pg\_total\_relation\_size()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-total-relation-size) | Retrieves the size of a table | | [pg\_typeof()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-typeof) | Retrieves the data type of any given value | | [pg\_encoding\_to\_char()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-encoding-to-char) | Converts an encoding internal identifier to a human-readable name | | [pg\_get\_indexdef()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-indexdef) | Reconstructs the PostgreSQL command used to retrieve the definition of a specified index | | [pg\_get\_userbyid()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-userbyid) | Retrieves that name of a user (role) given its unique identifier (OID) | | [pg\_relation\_is\_publishable()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-relation-is-publishable) | Determines whether a specified relation (table) can be published in a publication | | [pg\_size\_pretty()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-size-pretty) | Converts sizes in bytes into a human-readable format | | [pg\_table\_size()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-table-size) | Retrieves that size of a specific table, including its associated storage components but excluding indexes | | [pg\_table\_is\_visible()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-table-is-visible) | Checks whether a specified table (or other database object) is visible in the current schema search path | | [pg\_get\_constraintdef()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-constraintdef) | Retrieves the definition of a specific constraint in a human-readable format | | [pg\_get\_statisticsobjdef\_columns()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-statisticsobjdef-columns) | Retrieves the definitions of columns associated with a specified statistics object | | [obj\_description()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/obj-description) | Returns the comment associated with a specific database object | | [col\_description()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/col-description) | Retrieves the comment associated with a specified table column based on its name | | [shobj\_description()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/shobj-description) | Retrieves the comment associated with a shared database object | | [pg\_backend\_pid()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-backend-pid) | Returns the process ID (PID) of Oxla’s node handling the current session | # pg_backend_pid() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-backend-pid ## Overview The pg\_backend\_pid() is a session information function that returns the process ID (PID) of the server process handling the current session. It is useful for identifying the backend process associated with a specific database connection, allowing for monitoring and tasks management. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_backend_pid()` function is as follows: ```sql pg_backend_pid() ``` # pg_encoding_to_char() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-encoding-to-char ## Overview The pg\_encoding\_to\_char() is a system catalog information function that converts an encoding internal identifier to a human-readable name. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_encoding_to_char()` function is as follows: ```sql pg_encoding_to_char(number) ``` ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute function: * `number`: specifies the integer value representing the encoding identifier ## Examples ```sql SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(1); pg_encoding_to_char --------------------- EUC_JP (1 row) ``` ```sql SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(0); pg_encoding_to_char --------------------- SQL_ASCII (1 row) ``` ```sql SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(-1); pg_encoding_to_char --------------------- (1 row) ``` # pg_get_constraintdef() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-constraintdef ## Overview The pg\_get\_constraintdef() is a system catalog information function that retrieves the definition of a specific constraint in a human-readable format. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_get_constraintdef()` function is as follows:
pg\_get\_constraintdef (constraint\_oid \[, pretty\_bool]) → NULL
## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * constraint\_oid: specifies the object identifier (OID) of the constraint for which you want to retrieve the definition * pretty\_bool: controls whether to format the output in a human-readable way ## Restrictions * This function always returns `NULL` if there are no parameters specified # pg_get_expr() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-expr ## Overview The pg\_get\_expr() is a system catalog information function that retrieves the internal form of an individual expression, such as the default value for a column. ## Syntax There are two available syntax versions of the `pg_get_expr()` function: ```sql Version 1 SELECT pg_get_expr('expr_text', relation_oid); ``` ```sql Version 2 SELECT pg_get_expr('expr_text', relation_oid, pretty_bool); ``` Both versions of the `pg_get_expr()` function return an empty string `""`. ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `expr_text`: expression for which you want to obtain the internal representation (can be any string value) * `relation_oid`: OID (Object Identifier) of the table the expression belongs to (integer type) * `pretty_bool`: boolean value determining whether to format the expression in a more human-readable format (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`) ## Example For the needs of this section, first we will create a sample table named **employees** ```sql CREATE TABLE employees ( id INT, name TEXT, salary TEXT ); ``` Then we will get the OID of the table ```sql SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'employees'; ``` ```sql oid ------ 1018 ``` As the last step, we will retrieve the internal form for the `salary` column using `pg_get_expr()` function ```sql -- Version 1 SELECT pg_get_expr('salary', 1018); -- Version 2 SELECT pg_get_expr('salary', 1018, TRUE); ``` By executing any of the queries above, we will get the following output: ```sql pg_get_expr ------------- ``` # pg_get_indexdef() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-indexdef ## Overview The pg\_get\_indexdef() is a system catalog information function that reconstructs the PostgreSQL command used to retrieve the definition of a specified index. ## Syntax Here are the two available syntax versions of the `pg_get_indexdef()` function: ```sql Version 1 pg_get_indexdef(index_oid, column_oid) ``` ```sql Version 2 pg_get_indexdef(index_oid, column_oid, pretty_bool) ``` ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `index_oid`: specifies the object identifier (OID) of the index * `column_oid`: indicates the column number within the index (starting from 1) * `pretty_bool`: controls whether to format the output in a human-readable way ## Example In this example we'll start from creating a sample table and an index for it ```sql CREATE TABLE sample_table(col int); CREATE INDEX sample_index ON sample_table(col); ``` Once that is done, we can get the OID of the index in a following way ```sql SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'sample_index'; ``` ```sql oid ------ 16387 ``` As the last step we're going to retrieve the index definition ```sql SELECT pg_get_indexdef(16387); ``` Here is the reconstructed definition: ```sql pg_get_indexdef ------------------------------------------------------- CREATE INDEX sample_index ON public.sample_table(col) (1 row) ``` # pg_get_statisticsobjdef_columns() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-statisticsobjdef-columns ## Overview The pg\_get\_statisticsobjdef\_columns() is a system catalog information function that retrieves information about the columns associated with an extended statistics object. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_get_statisticsobjdef_columns()` function is as follows:
pg\_get\_statisticsobjdef\_columns() → NULL
## Restrictions * This function always returns `NULL` if there are no parameters specified # pg_get_userbyid() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-get-userbyid ## Overview The pg\_get\_userbyid() is a system catalog information function that retrieves that name of a user (role) given its unique identifier (OID). ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_get_userbyid()` function is as follows: ```sql pg_get_userbyid(role_oid) ``` ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `role_oid`: specifies the object identifier (OIDs) of the users ## Example In this example, what we will do first is to get the OIDs of all the users ```sql SELECT id,name FROM oxla_internal.oxla_role; ``` Then, return the list of users with their ids (OIDs): ```sql id | name ----+--------- 1 | oxla 2 | other_user (2 rows) ``` As the next step we will translate the OID to a role name in a following way: ```sql SELECT pg_get_userbyid(2); ``` By executing the code above, we will get the following result: ```sql pg_get_userbyid ----------------- other_user (1 row) ``` # pg_relation_is_publishable() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-relation-is-publishable ## Overview The`pg_relation_is_publishable()` function is used to determine whether a specified relation (table) can be published in a publication. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_relation_is_publishable()` function is as follows:
The function returns `false` for every existing table and `NULL` for any non-existing table. ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `table_name_or_oid`: specifies the object identifier (OID) of a table or it's name ## Examples ```sql SELECT pg_relation_is_publishable('existing_table'); pg_relation_is_publishable ---------------------------- f ``` ```sql SELECT pg_relation_is_publishable(16386); pg_relation_is_publishable ---------------------------- f ``` # pg_size_pretty() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-size-pretty ## Overview The pg\_size\_pretty() is a database object management function that converts sizes in bytes into a human-readable format. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_size_pretty()` function is as follows: ```sql pg_size_pretty(size) ``` ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `size`: specifies the size in bytes that you want to convert ## Examples ```sql SELECT pg_size_pretty(100); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 100 bytes (1 row) ``` ```sql SELECT pg_size_pretty(1000000); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 977 kB (1 row) ``` # pg_table_is_visible() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-table-is-visible ## Overview The pg\_table\_is\_visible() is a schema visibility inquiry function that checks whether a specified table or other database object is visible in the current schema search path. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_table_is_visible()` function is as follows:
## Parameters The following parameters are required to run this function: * `table_or_index_oid`: specifies the object identifier (OID) of a table or it's name ## Examples ```sql SELECT pg_table_is_visible(-1); pg_table_is_visible ---------------------------- ``` ```sql SELECT pg_table_is_visible(16386); pg_table_is_visible ---------------------------- t ``` ```sql SELECT pg_table_is_visible(16381); pg_table_is_visible ---------------------------- f ``` # pg_table_size() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-table-size ## Overview The pg\_table\_size() is a system administration function that retrieves the size of a specific table, including its associated storage components but excluding indexes. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_table_size()` function is as follows: ```sql pg_table_size(regclass) ``` ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `regclass`: name or object identifier (OID) of the table whose size is to be retrieved # pg_total_relation_size() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-total-relation-size ## Overview The pg\_total\_relation\_size() is a database object size function that retrieves the size of a table and is useful for monitoring the storage requirements. ## Syntax The syntax for the `pg_total_relation_size()` function is as follows: ```sql pg_total_relation_size('relation_name'); ``` It returns the size of the specified table in bytes. ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `relation_name`: name of the table for which you want to determine the size ## Example For the needs of this section, we will create a **users** table ```sql CREATE TABLE users ( username TEXT, email TEXT ); INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES ('john_doe', 'john.doe@example.com'), ('jane_smith', 'jane.smith@example.com'), ('alice_smith', 'alice.smith@example.com'), ('bob_jones', 'bob.jones@example.com'), ('susan_wilson', 'susan.wilson@example.com'), ('michael_jackson', 'michael.jackson@example.com'), ('lisa_johnson', 'lisa.johnson@example.com'), ('david_smith', 'david.smith@example.com'); ``` Now we would like to use the `pg_total_relation_size()` function to determine the size of the **users** table (in bytes) ```sql SELECT pg_total_relation_size('users'); ``` By executing the query above, we will get the following output: ```sql pg_total_relation_size ------------------------ 556 ``` # pg_typeof() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/pg-typeof ## Overview The pg\_typeof() is a system catalog information function that retrieves the data type of any given value. It returns a string literal corresponding to the expression type. ## Syntax The syntax of the `pg_typeof()` function is as follows: ```sql SELECT pg_typeof(`any`); ``` ## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * `any`: represents any value you want to determine the data type of ## Examples ### Numeric This example shows the function usage with a numeric value: ```sql SELECT pg_typeof(100) as "data type"; ``` ```sql data type ----------- integer ``` ### String In this example, we will use a string value as an input: ```sql SELECT pg_typeof('event'::TEXT) as "data type"; ``` ```sql data type ----------- text ``` ### Interval Here we will focus on using an interval input: ```sql SELECT pg_typeof(INTERVAL '1 day') as "data type"; ``` ```sql data type ----------- interval ``` ### Table For the needs of this section we will create a sample table and then use `pg_typeof()` to retrieve the data types of information stored in the table ```sql CREATE TABLE timestamp_example ( id int, event_time timestamp, description text ); INSERT INTO timestamp_example (event_time, description) VALUES ('2023-10-20 12:30:00', 'Event 1'), (NULL, 'Event 2'); ``` Now that we created the table, let's use `pg_typeof()` function to determine the data types of the **event\_time** and description columns for each row ```sql SELECT pg_typeof(event_time) AS event_time_type, pg_typeof(description) AS description_type FROM timestamp_example; ``` By executing the query above we will get the following output ```sql event_time_type | description_type -----------------------------+------------------ timestamp without time zone | text timestamp without time zone | text ``` # shobj_description() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/other-functions/shobj-description ## Overview The shobj\_description() is a comment information function that retrieves the comment associated with a shared database object. ## Syntax The syntax for the `shobj_description()` function is as follows:
shobj\_description (object\_oid, catalog\_name) → NULL
## Parameters The following parameters are required to execute this function: * object\_oid: specifies the object identifier (OID) of the shared object for which you want to retrieve the comment * catalog\_name: specifies the name of the system catalog that contains the shared object ## Restrictions * This function always returns `NULL` if there are no parameters specified # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/overview ## What is a Function? A function *(also known as stored procedures)* is a set of procedural operations stored in the database to carry out processes that usually take several queries; now, it only uses one single function. In this section, we will understand how functions work in Oxla, how to create a function command and its input/return types and see examples of calling the function. These are the functions that Oxla supports: Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more # CONCAT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/concat ## Overview The `CONCAT()` function is used to concatenate one or more input values into a single result. It supports all data types in Oxla, except `TIMESTAMPTZ`, and the output will be returned as a concatenation of the input values. 💡**Special cases:** Returns `NULL` if there are no input rows or `NULL` values. ## Examples ### Case 1: Basic `CONCAT()` function The below example uses the `CONCAT()` function to concatenate three values = into a single result: ```sql SELECT CONCAT ('Oxla', '.', 'com') AS "Website"; ``` The final result will be as follows: ```sql +------------+ | Website | +------------+ | Oxla.com | +------------+ ``` ### Case 2: `CONCAT()` function using column We have an example of a **payment** table that stores customer payment data. ```sql CREATE TABLE payment ( paymentid int, custFirstName text, custLastName text, product text, ordertotal int ); INSERT INTO payment (paymentid, custFirstName, custLastName, product, ordertotal) VALUES (9557451,'Alex','Drue','Latte',2.10), (9557421,'Lana','Rey','Latte',2.10), (9557411,'Tom','Hanks','Americano',1.85), (9557351,'Maya','Taylor','Cappuccino',2.45), (9557321,'Smith','Jay','Cappuccino',2.45), (9557311,'Will','Ritchie','Americano',1.85); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM payment; ``` The above query will display the following table: ```sql +------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+---------------+ | paymentid | custFirstName | custLastName | product | ordertotal | +------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+---------------+ | 9557451 | Alex | Drue | Latte | 2.10 | | 9557421 | Lana | Rey | Latte | 2.10 | | 9557411 | Tom | Hanks | Americano | 1.85 | | 9557351 | Maya | Taylor | Cappuccino | 2.45 | | 9557321 | Smith | Jay | Cappuccino | 2.45 | | 9557311 | Will | Ritchie | Americano | 1.85 | +------------+----------------+----------------+--------------+---------------+ ``` The following query will concatenate values in the `custFirstName` and `custLastName` columns of the **payment** table: ```sql SELECT CONCAT (custFirstName, ' ', custLastName) AS "Customer Name" FROM payment; ``` It will display an output where spaces separate the first and last names. ```sql +-----------------+ | Customer Name | +-----------------+ | Tom Hanks | | Lana Rey | | Alex Drue | | Will Ritchie | | Smith Jay | | Maya Taylor | +-----------------+ ``` ### Case 3: CONCAT() function with NULL We use the `CONCAT()` function in the following example to concatenate a string with a `NULL` value: ```sql SELECT CONCAT('Talent Source ',NULL) AS "concat"; ``` The result shows that the `CONCAT` function will skip the `NULL` value: ```sql +------------------+ | concat | +------------------+ | Talent Source | +------------------+ ``` # ENDS_WITH Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/ends-with ## Overview The `ENDS_WITH()` function determines whether the first argument ends with a specified string in the second argument or not. ```sql ENDS_WITH(first_argument, 'second_argument') ``` * `first_argument`: the specified argument, which will be the search reference. It can be a string or a column name. * `second_argument`: the specified argument, which will have the search keywords. The input type will be `STRING`, and the return type is `BOOL`, shown as `true` or `false`. 💡**Special case:** * It will return `NULL` for the `NULL` record. * It will return `true` (including the `NULL` record) if the `second_argument` is not specified. ## Examples ### #Case 1: `ENDS_WITH()` function using column Let’s say we have a table named **courses**: ```sql CREATE TABLE courses ( course_id int, course_name text, credits text ); INSERT INTO courses (course_id, course_name, credits) VALUES (2111,'Basics of Plant Biotechnology',2), (2102,'Biochemistry',3), (1241,'Statistics',3), (4142,'Microbial Biodiversity',2), (3262,'Introduction to Plant Pathology',3), (3233,'Enzyme Technology',2), (1201,'Rural Sociology',2); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM courses; ``` The above query will display the following table: ```sql +------------+----------------------------------+-----------+ | course_id | course_name | credits | +------------+----------------------------------+-----------+ | 2111 | Basics of Plant Biotechnology | 2 | | 2102 | Biochemistry | 3 | | 1241 | Statistics | 3 | | 4142 | Microbial Biodiversity | 2 | | 3262 | Introduction to Plant Pathology | 3 | | 3233 | Enzyme Technology | 2 | | 1201 | Rural Sociology | 2 | +------------+----------------------------------+-----------+ ``` Using the following query, we want to confirm the values of the **course\_name** column that end with "ology" in the table above: ```sql SELECT course_name, ENDS_WITH(course_name, 'ology') FROM courses; ``` It will return true to all the courses with the name ending with **ology. **Otherwise**,** `false`. ```sql +----------------------------------+-------------+ | course_name | ends_with | +----------------------------------+-------------+ | Basics of Plant Biotechnology | true | | Biochemistry | false | | Statistics | false | | Microbial Biodiversity | false | | Introduction to Plant Pathology | true | | Enzyme Technology | true | | Rural Sociology | true | +----------------------------------+-------------+ ``` ### Case 2: `ENDS_WITH()` function with no specified argument Here we have the \*\*patients\_data \*\*table with a `NULL` value in the **allergies** column. ```sql CREATE TABLE patients_data ( record_number int, patient_name text, height_in_cm int, weight_in_kg int, allergies text ); INSERT INTO patients_data (record_number, patient_name, height_in_cm, weight_in_kg, allergies) VALUES (2009000908,'Vivienne Desjardin',168,49,''), (2012000876,'Elizabeth Reinhard',163,55,''), (2015000965,'James McCarthy',188,70,'penicillin'), (2020000109,'Jose Ramirez',170,70,'sulfonamide'), (2020000222,'Stefani Ricci',170,70,'peniccilin'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM patients_data; ``` ```sql +----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+-------------+ | record_number | patient_name | height_in_cm | weight_in_kg | allergies | +----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+-------------+ | 2009000908 | Vivienne Desjardin | 168 | 49 | null | | 2012000876 | Elizabeth Reinhard | 163 | 55 | null | | 2015000965 | James McCarthy | 188 | 70 | penicillin | | 2020000109 | Jose Ramirez | 170 | 70 | sulfonamide | | 2020000222 | Stefani Ricci | 170 | 70 | peniccilin | +----------------+---------------------+---------------+--------------+-------------+ ``` For example, we run the `ENDS_WITH` function but with no specified `second_argument`. ```sql SELECT allergies, ENDS_WITH(allergies, '') FROM patients_data; ``` We will have the result where the `ENDS_WITH` will return true to all records (even the `null` one). ```sql +--------------+--------------+ | allergies | starts_with | +--------------+--------------+ | null | true | | null | true | | penicillin | true | | sulfonamide | true | | peniccilin | true | +--------------+--------------+ ``` # LENGTH Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/length ## Overview The `LENGTH()` function is used to find the length of a string, i.e., the number of characters in a given string. It accepts a string as a parameter. Syntax of the length function is illustrated below: ```sql LENGTH(string) ``` The input type is a string, and the return type is int, as it returns the number of characters. **💡Special cases:** * If a null value is passed in the function, i.e., `LENGTH(NULL)`, it will return `NULL`. * If the parameter is an empty string `LENGTH(")`, it will return 0. * If the parameter is a space character `LENGTH('')`, not empty or null, it will return 1 as it is not empty anymore. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `LENGTH()` function The below example uses the `LENGTH()` function to find out the length of a string text: ```sql SELECT LENGTH ('Oxla PostgreSQL Tutorial'); ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +------------+ | length | +------------+ | 24 | +------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `LENGTH()` function using columns Let's see how the `LENGTH()` function works on the **personal\_details** table containing the employee's **id**, **first\_name**, **last\_name**, and **gender** of a retail store as columns. ```sql CREATE TABLE personal_details ( id int, first_name text, last_name text, gender text ); INSERT INTO personal_details (id, first_name, last_name, gender) VALUES (1,'Mark','Wheeler','M'), (2,'Tom','Hanks','M'), (3,'Jane','Hopper','F'), (4,'Emily','Byers','F'), (5,'Lucas','Sinclair','M'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM personal_details; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ | id | first_name | last_name | gender | +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ | 1 | Mark | Wheeler | M | | 2 | Tom | Hanks | M | | 3 | Jane | Hopper | F | | 4 | Emily | Byers | F | | 5 | Lucas | Sinclair | M | +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ ``` The following query returns the last name and the length of the last name from the personal\_details table, where the length of the last\_name is greater than 5. ```sql SELECT last_name,length(last_name) AS "Length of Last Name" FROM personal_details WHERE LENGTH(last_name) > 5; ``` The output displays all those items in the last\_name column with a length of more than 5 characters. ```sql +---------------+-----------------------+ | last_name | Length of Last Name | +---------------+-----------------------+ | Wheeler | 7 | | Hopper | 6 | | Sinclair | 8 | +---------------+-----------------------+ ``` # LOWER Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/lower ## Overview The LOWER() function returns a given string, an expression, or values in a column in all lowercase letters. The syntax of the function is illustrated below: ```sql LOWER(string) ``` It accepts input as a string and returns the text in the lowercase alphabet. 💡**Special Cases:** If there are characters in the input which are not of type string, they remain unaffected by the LOWER()function. We support Unicode so that the ß is equivalent to the string ss. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `LOWER()` function The following basic query converts the given string in all lowercase alphabets: ```sql SELECT LOWER('PostGreSQL'); ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +------------+ | lower | +------------+ | postgresql | +------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `LOWER()` function using columns Let’s see how the `LOWER()` function works using an example with columns. We have a **personal\_details** table containing columns **id**, **first\_name**, **last\_name**, and **gender** of retail store employees. ```sql CREATE TABLE personal_details ( id int, first_name text, last_name text, gender text ); INSERT INTO personal_details (id, first_name, last_name, gender) VALUES (1,'Mark','Wheeler','M'), (2,'Tom','Hanks','M'), (3,'Jane','Hopper','F'), (4,'Emily','Byers','F'), (5,'Lucas','Sinclair','M'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM personal_details; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ | id | first_name | last_name | gender | +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ | 1 | Mark | Wheeler | M | | 2 | Tom | Hanks | M | | 3 | Jane | Hopper | F | | 4 | Emily | Byers | F | | 5 | Lucas | Sinclair | M | +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ ``` Let’s assume that we want to convert the first and last names of employees with **id** numbers 2, 4, and 5 to all lowercase letters, which can be done using the following query: ```sql SELECT first_name,last_name,LOWER(first_name),LOWER(last_name) FROM personal_details where id in (2, 4, 5); ``` The output displays the first and last names of employees with the specified ids in lowercase letters: ```sql +------------+-------------+----------+----------+ | first_name | last_name | lower | lower | +------------+-------------+----------+----------+ | Tom | Hanks | tom | hanks | | Emily | Byers | emily | byers | | Lucas | Sinclair | lucas | lucas | +------------+-------------+----------+----------+ ``` # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/overview String functions are used to analyze and manipulate string values. Oxla supports the following string related functions and operators: ### String Functions | **Function** | **Description** | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [LENGTH()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/length) | Returns the number of characters in a string | | [LOWER()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/lower) | Makes string lowercase | | [UPPER()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/upper) | Makes string upper case | | [STARTS\_WITH()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/starts-with) | Checks if a string starts with a specified substring | | [ENDS\_WITH()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/ends-with) | Checks if a string ends with a specified substring | | [CONCAT()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/concat) | Adds two or more strings together | | [SUBSTR()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/substr) | Extracts a substring from a string | | [STRPOS()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/strpos) | Finds the position at which the substring starts within the string | | [REGEXP\_MATCH()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/regexp/regexp-match) | Matches a POSIX regular expression pattern to a string | | [REGEXP\_REPLACE()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/regexp/regexp-replace) | Substitutes new text for substrings that match POSIX regular expression patterns | | [REPLACE()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/replace) | Finds and replace occurences of a substring in a string | | [POSITION()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/position) | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string | ### String Operators | **Operator** | **Description** | | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | text \~ text -> boolean | Returns `true` if the first argument matches the pattern of the second argument in case sensitive match | | text \~\* text -> boolean | Returns `true` if the first argument matches the pattern of the second argument in a case-insensitive match | | text !\~ text -> boolean | Returns `true` if the first argument does not match the pattern of the second argument in case sensitive match. | | text !\~\* text -> boolean | Returns `true` if the first argument does not match the pattern of the second argument in a case-insensitive match | # POSITION Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/position ## **Overview** The POSITION function returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. It works the same as [STRPOS](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/strpos), but it has slightly different syntax. ## **Syntax** The `REPLACE()` function syntax is as follows. ```sql POSITION(substring IN string) ``` The position of the substring within the string starts from 1. If the substring is not found, it returns 0. ## **Examples** ### Example 1 This query looks for the position of the substring `world` within the string `Hello, world!`. ```sql SELECT POSITION('world' IN 'Hello, world!'); ``` The result would be the starting position of the substring `world`, which is 7. ```sql position ---------- 7 ``` ### Example 2 The query looks for the position of the substring `123` within the string `1a2b3c`. ```sql SELECT POSITION('123' IN '1a2b3c'); ``` `123` is found starting at position 1, the result would be 1. ```sql position ---------- 7 ``` ### Example 3 The query tries to find the position of the substring `abc` within the string `xyz`. ```sql SELECT POSITION('abc' IN 'xyz'); ``` `abc` is not found in `xyz`, the result would be 0. ```sql position ---------- 0 ``` ### Example 4 This query searches for the position of the substring `cde` within the string `cde`. ```sql SELECT POSITION('cde' IN 'cde'); ``` `cde` is the entire string, the result would be 1. ```sql position ---------- 1 ``` # POSIX Regular Expressions Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/regex/posix-regular-expressions **POSIX** (Portable Operating System Interface) defines a set of standard operating system interfaces based on the UNIX OS. In POSIX Basic Regex Expression (BRE) syntax, most characters are treated as literals (e.g. they match only themselves). However, some characters called **metacharacters** have special meaning. The following table describes common POSIX BRE metacharacters: | **Metacharacter** | **Description** | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `.` | Matches any single character. For example, `a.c` matches "**abc**", but `[a.c]` matches only "**a**", "**.**", or "**c**" | | `-` | Used to define a range. For example, `[a-c]` will match characters **a** to **c** (both inclusive) | | \[] | Calculates and returns a value corresponding to the minimal metric in the same row from a set of values | | `^` | Calculates and returns the maximum value | | `$` | Calculates and returns a value corresponding to the maximum metric in the same row from a set of values | | `*` | Calculates and returns the average value | | `{n}` | Counts the number of rows | | `{n,m}` | Calculates the boolean of all the boolean values in the aggregated group (returns `FALSE` if at least one of aggregated rows is `FALSE` ) | # REGEXP_MATCH() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/regex/regexp-match ## Overview The `REGEXP_MATCH()` function matches a POSIX regular expression pattern to a string. It returns an array of `TEXT[]` type with substring(s) of matched groups within the first match. ## Syntax The syntax for `REGEXP_MATCH()` function is as follows: ```sql REGEXP_MATCH(source_string, pattern, [flags]) ``` ## Parameters * `source_string`: string on which you want to perform the matching * `pattern`: POSIX regular expression pattern to match * `flags`: (optional) string with flags that change the matching behavior of `REGEXP_MATCH()` function The `flags` parameter is an optional string that controls how the function operates. Here is a list of flags that are supported by Oxla: * `i`: use this flag for case-insensitive matching * `c`: `REGEXP_MATCH()` function is case sensitive by default, using the `c` flag has the same effect as having no flags at all If you use multiple flags, the last one takes precedence. If you use the `ci` flags, the regex will be case-insensitive, while using the `ic` flags it will be case-sensitive ## Examples ### Basic ssage The following example demonstrates how to find the first occurrence of an email address in the input string: ```sql SELECT REGEXP_MATCH('Contact us at hello@oxla.com', '[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}'); ``` ```sql regexp_match ------------------ {hello@oxla.com} (1 row) ``` ### Matching multiple groups The `REGEXP_MATCH()` function can capture multiple groups within a match, which allow you to extract key parts from a string in a structured way. The example below extracts the protocol, domain and path from a given URL: ```sql SELECT REGEXP_MATCH('https://www.example.com/products/item123', '(https?)://([\w.-]+)/(.+)'); ``` ```sql regexp_match ------------------------------------------ {https,www.example.com,products/item123} (1 row) ``` ### Case-insensitive matching This example shows how to match a pattern regardless of case-sensitivity: ```sql SELECT REGEXP_MATCH('User.Name@Example.COM', '@([a-z0-9.-]+)$', 'i'); ``` ```sql regexp_match --------------- {Example.COM} (1 row) ``` ### Matching with patterns stored in a table In this example we will show you how to take the source string and regex pattern directly from the table. For the needs of this section, let's create two sample tables: ```sql CREATE TABLE users ( email TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE patterns ( id INT, regex_pattern TEXT NOT NULL ); ``` Once that is done, let's insert values into those tables: ```sql INSERT INTO users (email) VALUES ('user@example.com'), ('admin@test.org'), ('invalid-email@wrong'); INSERT INTO patterns (id, regex_pattern) VALUES (0, '^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,}$'); ``` Now, we can validate if user emails in `users` table are valid. If the regex doesn't match, a `NULL` value is returned. ```sql SELECT users.email, patterns.regex_pattern, REGEXP_MATCH(users.email, patterns.regex_pattern, 'i') AS is_valid FROM users JOIN patterns ON patterns.id = 0; ``` ```sql email | regex_pattern | is_valid ---------------------+-----------------------------------------+-------------------- user@example.com | ^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,}$ | {user@example.com} admin@test.org | ^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,}$ | {admin@test.org} invalid-email@wrong | ^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,}$ | (3 rows) ``` ### Restrictions * The function returns `NULL` if it cannot match the regular expression pattern * `i` and `c` flags shouldn't be used with each other # REGEXP_REPLACE() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/regex/regexp-replace ## Overview The `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function replaces all occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string with a specified replacement string. ## Syntax The syntax for `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function is as follows: ```sql REGEXP_REPLACE(source_string, pattern, replacement, [flags]) ``` ## Parameters * `source_string`: string that we want to perform the replacement on * `pattern`: POSIX regular expression pattern to match * `replacement`: replacement string * `flags`: (optional) string that changes the matching behavior of `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function The `flags` parameter is an optional string that controls how the function operates. Here is a list of flags supported in Oxla: * `g`: global replacement. This flag ensures that all occurrences of the pattern are replaced * `i`: use this flag for case-insensitive matching * `c`: `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function is case sensitive by default, using the `c` flag has the same effect as using no flags ## Examples ### Basic function usage In this example, we will focus on using `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function with a basic POSIX regular expression pattern: ```sql SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('The OXLA supports various data types', 'T[^ ]*', 'We') AS "Replaced_String"; ``` By executing the query above, we will get the following output: ```sql Replaced_String ----------------------------------------- We OXLA supports various data types ``` The pattern used was **"T\[^ ]\*"**, which matches any substring that starts with a 'T' character, followed by any number of non-space characters. The function replaces the matched substring with the specified replacement string **"We"**. ### Replacing special characters This example demonstrates how to replace a non-alphanumeric character in a string with a tilde (\~): ```sql SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('Hello World!', '[^A-Za-z0-9 ]', '~') AS "Replaced_String"; ``` In the above query, the second parameter is a regular expression **“\[^A-Za-z0-9 ]”** that matches any characters that are not uppercase / lowercase letters, digits or spaces. The output for executing the query above will be as follows: ```sql Replaced String ------------------- Hello World~ ``` ### Flags usage #### Replacing certain substrings with a single flag defined This example will focus on using the `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function with a defined flag and replacing certain substrings in a string. For the needs of this section, we will create a sample `quotes` table: ```sql CREATE TABLE quotes (quotes_text text); INSERT INTO quotes (quotes_text) VALUES ('Work hard and stay hungry. Lazy people get nowhere in life.'), ('An excuse is a way for a LAZY person to feel better.'), ('The word LUCKY is how a lazy person describes someone who works hard.'); SELECT quotes_text FROM quotes; ``` By executing the code above, we will get the following output: ```bash quotes_text ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Work hard and stay hungry. Lazy people get nowhere in life. An excuse is a way for a LAZY person to feel better. The word LUCKY is how a lazy person describes someone who works hard. (3 rows) ``` Now, we will use the `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function with the `i` flag specifiec to replace all occurrences of the word `lazy` with `active` regardless of the case sensitivity: ```sql SELECT quotes_text, REGEXP_REPLACE(quotes_text, 'lazy', 'active', 'i') AS "New quotes" FROM quotes; ``` In this case, all occurrences of the word `lazy` have been replaced with `active`: ```bash quotes_text | New quotes -----------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work hard and stay hungry. Lazy people get nowhere in life. | Work hard and stay hungry. active people get nowhere in life. An excuse is a way for a LAZY person to feel better. | An excuse is a way for a active person to feel better. The word LUCKY is how a lazy person describes someone who works hard. | The word LUCKY is how a active person describes someone who works hard. (3 rows) ``` ### Specifying one or more flags Without specifying the `g` flag, `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function replaces only the first occurrence of a substring: ```sql SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('ab12c', '[0-9]', 'X'); ``` ```sql regexp_replace ---------------- abX2c ``` In this case, as you can see only the first digit (`1`) was replaced with `X`. By adding the `g` flag, all occurrences are replaced with `X`: ```sql SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('ab12c', '[0-9]', 'X', 'g'); ``` ```sql regexp_replace ---------------- abXXc ``` If you use multiple flags, the last one takes precedence. If you use the `ci` flags, the regex will be case-insensitive, while using the `ic` flags it will be case-sensitive ## Restrictions * The function returns `NULL` if there are no input rows or `NULL` values * If the regular expression pattern isn't found in the string, the `REGEXP_REPLACE()` function returns the original string * `i` and `c` flags shouldn't be used with each other # REPLACE() Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/replace ## Overview The `REPLACE()` function looks for and replaces a substring with a new one in a string. This function is often used to update the outdated or spelling mistakes in data that require an amendment. Oxla also supports the [`REGEXP_REPLACE()`](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/regex/regexp-replace) function. It enables you to search and replace a substring that matches with a POSIX regular expression ## Syntax The syntax for `REPLACE()` function is as follows: ```sql REPLACE(string, old_substring, new_substring) ``` The `REPLACE()` function performs a case-sensitive replacement ### Parameters The syntax requires three parameters, explained below: * `string`: string that you want to replace * `old_substring`: substring that you want to replace (all parts will be replaced if it appears multiple times in the string) * `new_substring`: new substring that will replace the old one ## Examples ### Basic usage In this example we will focus on a basic usage of the `REPLACE()` function, so we can understand on real example how it works. ```sql SELECT REPLACE ('NewDatabase', 'New', 'Oxla'); ``` The `REPLACE()` function will find all occurrences of the 'New' substring in the 'NewDatabase' string and replace it with the 'Oxla' substring, producing the following output: ```sql +---------------------+ | f | +---------------------+ | OxlaDatabase | +---------------------+ ``` ### Replacing specified values in a table This example shows how to replace the values of a specific column in a table. For the needs of this example, we will create a new table named **extracurriculars** with **club** and **category** columns and insert the values into the respective columns. ```sql CREATE TABLE hobby ( club text, category text ); INSERT INTO hobby (club, category) VALUES ('Bridge','group'), ('Painting','individual'), ('Basketball','group'), ('Volleyball','group'); ``` Once that is done, we can retrieve all values from the table using the following query: ```sql SELECT * FROM hobby; ``` ```sql +------------+---------------+ | club | category | +------------+---------------+ | Bridge | group | | Painting | individual | | Basketball | group | | Volleyball | group | +--------------+-------------+ ``` What we would do here is to replace the **'group'** values in the **category** column with **'sports'**: ````sql SELECT REPLACE(category, 'group', 'sports') from hobby; ```  ```sql +--------------+ | f | +--------------+ | sports | | individual | | sports | | sports | +--------------+ ```` ### Removing a substring from a stirng In the following example, we will show how to remove a substring from a string using the `REPLACE()` function. In this case we want to find all occurences of 'Friends' substring in 'Hello Friends' string and get rid of it: ```sql SELECT REPLACE('Hello Friends', 'Friends', ''); ``` ```sql +-----------+ | f | +-----------+ | Hello | +-----------+ ``` ### Replacing multiple patterns The following example uses the `REPLACE()` function to replace multiple patterns of the given string: ```sql SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE('2*[9-5]/{4+8}', '[', '('), ']', ')'), '{', '('), '}', ')'); ``` We can see that the `REPLACE()` function is called multiple times to replace the corresponding string as specified: * **`[]`** into **`()`** * **`{}`** into **`()`** ```sql +------------------+ | f | +------------------+ | 2*(9-5)/(4-8) | +------------------+ ``` # STARTS_WITH Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/starts-with ## Overview The `STARTS_WITH()` function determines whether the first argument starts with a specified string in the second argument or not. ```sql STARTS_WITH(first_argument, 'second_argument') ``` * `first_argument`: the specified argument, which will be the search reference. It can be a string or a column name. * `second_argument`: the specified argument, which will have the search keywords. The input type will be `STRING`, and the return type is `BOOL`, shown as `true` or `false`. 💡**Special case:** * It will return `NULL` for the `NULL` record. * It will return `true` (including the `NULL` record) if the `second_argument` is not specified. ## Examples ### #Case 1: `STARTS_WITH()` function using column Let’s say we have a table with the title **petsData**, as shown below. ```sql CREATE TABLE petsData ( petid int, petname text, species text, breed text, sex text, age int ); INSERT INTO petsData (petid, petname, species, breed, sex, age) VALUES (2021001,'Bartholomeow','cat','persian','m',2), (2021004,'Jack','dog','boston terrier','m',1), (2022001,'Jesse','hamster','dzungarian','m',1), (2022010,'Bella','dog','dobberman','f',3), (2022011,'June','cat','american shorthair','f',2); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM petsData; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +----------+--------------+----------+---------------------+------+-----+ | petid | petname | species | breed | sex | age | +----------+--------------+----------+---------------------+------+-----+ | 2021001 | Bartholomeow | cat | persian | m | 2 | | 2021004 | Jack | dog | boston terrier | m | 1 | | 2022001 | Jesse | hamster | dzungarian | m | 1 | | 2022010 | Bella | dog | dobberman | f | 3 | | 2022011 | June | cat | american shorthair | f | 2 | +----------+--------------+----------+---------------------+------+-----+ ``` From the table above, we want to retrieve the values of **petname** column that start with “J” by using the following query: ```sql SELECT petname, STARTS_WITH(petname, 'J') FROM petsData; ``` It will return `true` to the pet with a pet starting with the letter J. Otherwise, `false`. ```sql +--------------+---------------+ | petname | starts_with | +---------------+--------------+ | Bartholomeow | false | | Jack | true | | Jesse | true | | Bella | false | | June | true | +---------------+--------------+ ``` ### Case 2: `STARTS_WITH()` function with no specified argument Here we have the **petsData** table with a `NULL` value in the breed column. ```sql CREATE TABLE petsData ( petid int, petname text, species text, breed text, sex text, age int ); INSERT INTO petsData (petid, petname, species, breed, sex, age) VALUES (2021001,'Bartholomeow','cat','persian','m',2), (2021004,'Jack','dog','boston terrier','m',1), (2022001,'Jesse','hamster','dzungarian','m',1), (2022010,'Bella','dog','dobberman','f',3), (2022011,'June','cat','american shorthair','f',2), (2022012,'Phoebe','gold fish','','f',1); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM petsData; ``` ```sql +----------+--------------+------------+---------------------+------+------+ | petid | petname | species | breed | sex | age | +----------+--------------+------------+---------------------+------+------+ | 2021001 | Bartholomeow | cat | persian | m | 2 | | 2021004 | Jack | dog | boston terrier | m | 1 | | 2022001 | Jesse | hamster | dzungarian | m | 1 | | 2022010 | Bella | dog | dobberman | f | 3 | | 2022011 | June | cat | american shorthair | f | 2 | | 2022012 | Phoebe | gold fish | | f | 1 | +----------+--------------+------------+---------------------+------+------+ ``` For example, we run the `STARTS_WITH` function but with no specified `second_argument:` ```sql SELECT breed, STARTS_WITH(breed, '') FROM petsData; ``` We will have the following result where the `STARTS_WITH` will return true to all records (even the `null` one): ```sql +---------------------+--------------+ | breed | starts_with | +---------------------+--------------+ | persian | true | | boston terrier | true | | dzungarian | true | | dobberman | true | | american shorthair | true | | null | true | +---------------------+--------------+ ``` # STRPOS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/strpos ## Overview The `STRPOS()` is used to return the position from where the substring (the second argument) is matched with the string (the first argument). ```sql STRPOS(string, substring) ``` The input and return must be of type `string`. 💡**Special cases:** * Returns `NULL` if there are no input rows or `NULL` values. * If the `substring` is not found in the string, then the `STRPOS()` function will return 0. ## Examples ### Case 1: Basic `STRPOS()` function In the example below, we will find the **ut** (substring) position in the **computer** (string): ```sql SELECT STRPOS('computer', 'ut') AS "Position of ut"; ``` We can see that **ut** is located at the fifth character of the **computer**: ```sql +-----------------+ | Position of ut | +-----------------+ | 5 | +-----------------+ ``` ### Case 2: STRPOS() function using column We have a **listofwords** table where it stores the word data. ```sql CREATE TABLE listofwords ( words text ); INSERT INTO listofwords (words) VALUES ('corral'), ('traditionally'), ('real'), ('communal'), ('challenge'), ('fall'), ('wall'), ('gallop'), ('albatross'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM listofwords; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +----------------+ | words | +----------------+ | corral | | traditionally | | real | | communal | | challenge | | fall | | wall | | gallop | | albatross | +----------------+ ``` The following query will display the words and a position of a specific substring = ‘**al**’ using the `STRPOS()` function: ```sql SELECT words, STRPOS(words, 'al') AS "Position of al" FROM listofwords; ``` The result will display the **al** position of different words: ```sql +----------------+------------------+ | words | Position of al | +----------------+------------------+ | corral | 5 | | traditionally | 10 | | real | 3 | | communal | 7 | | challenge | 3 | | fall | 2 | | wall | 2 | | gallop | 2 | | albatross | 1 | +----------------+------------------+ ``` # SUBSTR Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/substr ## Overview The `SUBSTR()` function extracts a specific number of characters from a string. ## Syntax The syntax of the function is illustrated below: **2 Arguments** ```sql substr( string, start_position) ``` **3 Arguments** ```sql substr( string, start_position, length ) ``` Both syntaxes will have input and return of type `string`. ### Start Position The `start_position` is used as the starting position, specifying the part from where the substring is to be returned. It is written as an integer value. | **Input** | **Return** | | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `start_position < 0 ``start_position < string` | The `start_position` is a given character in the string. The count starts from the first character. | | `start_position > string` | Returns an empty substring. | | `start_position` = negative value | The count starts from the provided negative value, with subsequent characters yielded as it approaches 0.

If the index is less than or equal to 0, no characters are returned.

Once it exceeds 0, characters from the string are yielded, starting from the first one. | ### **Length** The `length` is used to determine the number of characters to be extracted\*. \*It can be one or more characters. | **Input** | **Return** | | ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `length` = 0 | Returns an empty substring. | | `length` is not set | The function will start from the specified `start_position` and end at the last character of the `string`. | | `length` = negative value | Returns an error. | ## Examples ### Case 1: `SUBSTR()` function with specified `start_position` & `length` In this example, we will set the `start_position` with the first six characters and have five characters extracted: ```sql SELECT substr('Watermelon',6,5) AS "Fruit"; ``` The updated table is shown below: ```sql Fruit ------- melon ``` ### Case 2: `SUBSTR()` function with `length` = 0 The following query will extract a string with `length` = 0: ```sql SELECT substr('Watermelon',6,0) AS "Fruit"; ``` It will display an empty output as there is no `length` specified: ```sql Fruit ------- ``` ### Case 3: `SUBSTR()` function with `length` = negative value Here we will check if the `length` is specified with a negative value: ```sql SELECT substr('Watermelon',6,-2) AS "Fruit"; ``` Instead of extracting the string from the last characters, it will return an error as seen below: ```sql ERROR: Length of substring cannot be negative ``` ### Case 4: `SUBSTR()` function with `start_position` > `string` We know that **Watermelon** only has ten characters, but this time, we will figure out if the specified `start_position` is larger than the string’s characters: ```sql SELECT substr('Watermelon',20,2) AS "Fruit"; ``` It will display an empty output as shown below: ```sql Fruit ------- ``` ### Case 5: `SUBSTR()` Function with 2 Arguments In this example, we will set the `start_position` with the first six characters and have five characters extracted. ```sql SELECT substr('database', 6) AS "Result"; ``` It will display the substring from position 6 output as shown below: ```sql Result -------- ase ``` # SUBSTRING Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/substring SUBSTR is an alias for SUBSTRING. Learn more at [SUBSTR](/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/substr) documentation. ## Overview The SUBSTRING() function lets you extract a part of a string and return that substring. ## Syntax Here are the 2 basic syntaxes of the SUBSTRING() function in Oxla: **2 Arguments** ```sql SUBSTRING( string, start_position ) ``` **3 Arguments** ```sql SUBSTRING(string, start_position, length) ``` Both syntaxes will have input and return of type `string`. ## Example The following example uses the `SUBSTRING()` function to extract the first 7 characters from the string. ```sql SELECT SUBSTRING('OxlaDocumentation', 1, 7); ``` It will display the substring from position 6 output as shown below: ```sql substring ----------- OxlaDoc ``` # UPPER Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/string-functions/upper ## Overview The `UPPER()` function returns a given string, an expression, or values in a column in all uppercase letters. The syntax of the function is illustrated below: ```sql UPPER(string) ``` It accepts input as a string and returns text in uppercase letters. 💡 **Special Case:** * If characters in the input are not of type string, they remain unaffected by the `UPPER()` function. * We support Unicode for the `UPPER()` function. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `UPPER()` function The following basic query converts the given string in all uppercase alphabets: ```sql SELECT UPPER('PostGreSQL'); ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +-------------+ | upper | +-------------+ | POSTGRESQL | +-------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: UPPER() function using columns and CONCAT() function Let’s see how the `UPPER()` function works using an example with columns. We have a table named **personal\_details** containing employee's **id**, **first\_name**, **last\_name**, and **gender** of a retail store: ```sql CREATE TABLE personal_details ( id int, first_name text, last_name text, gender text ); INSERT INTO personal_details (id, first_name, last_name, gender) VALUES (1,'Mark','Wheeler','M'), (2,'Tom','Hanks','M'), (3,'Jane','Hopper','F'), (4,'Emily','Byers','F'), (5,'Lucas','Sinclair','M'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM personal_details; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ | id | first_name | last_name | gender | +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ | 1 | Mark | Wheeler | M | | 2 | Tom | Hanks | M | | 3 | Jane | Hopper | F | | 4 | Emily | Byers | F | | 5 | Lucas | Sinclair | M | +-----+-------------+-------------+----------+ ``` Let’s assume that: 1. We want to convert employees' first and last names with **id** numbers 1, 3, and 5 to all uppercase letters. 2. Then, combine them using the `CONCAT()` function into one **full\_name** column in uppercase. It can be done using the following query: ```sql SELECT CONCAT (UPPER(first_name),' ', UPPER(last_name)) as full_name FROM personal_details where id in (1, 3, 5); ``` The output displays the first and last names of employees with the specified ids in uppercase letters: ```sql +---------------------+ | full_name | +---------------------+ | MARK WHEELER | | JANE HOPPER | | LUCAS SINCLAIR | +---------------------+ ``` # CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/current-timestamp ## Overview The `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()` returns the current timestamp value representing the date and time the query was executed. Note that the time returned by this function is the time when the query was executed. ### Syntax ```sql CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(precision) ``` The `precision` is used to set the number of digits in the fractional seconds precision in the **second** field. If you omit the `precision`, the `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()` function will return a current timestamp that includes the complete fractional seconds precision. The maximum precision value that you can input is 6. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Current timestamp The following example shows how to get the current date and time with a `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()`function: ```sql SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS "Current Time"; ``` The final result will display the current date and time in your timezone: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | Current Time | +-----------------------------+ | 2022-08-31 16:56:06.464016 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: Current timestamp with precision Let's assume we want to get the current timestamp but with a 2-fractional seconds precision: ```sql SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(2); ``` The function will return the current date and time with 2 digits after seconds: ```sql +-------------------------+ | current_timestamp | +-------------------------+ | 2022-08-31 17:15:22.16 | +-------------------------+ ``` # DATE_TRUNC Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/date-trunc ## **Overview** The `DATE_TRUNC()` function truncates intervals or timestamps/time zones to a specified field. The return type is the same as the source type. ## **Syntax** The syntax for using the `DATE_TRUNC()` function is as follows: ```sql DATE_TRUNC(field, source); ``` or ```sql DATE_TRUNC(field, source, time_zone); ``` Let's analyze the above syntax: * `field`: The unit of time used to truncate the `source` value. It accepts `text` inputs and is case-insensitive. * `source`: The value you want to truncate. It can be `INTERVAL`, `TIMESTAMP`, or `TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE`. * `time_zone` *(applicable for the second syntax option)*: The time zone for the operation. It accepts `text` input. ## **Fields** Below is a list of supported values to specify the fields param in `DATE_TRUNC()` syntax. * `microseconds ` * `milliseconds` * `second` * `minute` * `hour` * `day` * `week` * `month` * `quarter` * `year` * `decade` * `century` * `millennium` ## Examples ### Case #1: **Truncating to Year** This example truncates the timestamp to the year level. ```sql select DATE_TRUNC('year', '1911-12-02 19:40:00'::timestamp); ``` The timestamp \*\*“1911-12-02 19:40:00” \*\*has been truncated to 1911, with the month and day set to January 1st. ```sql date_trunc ---------------------------- 1911-01-01 00:00:00.000000 ``` ### Case #2: **Truncating to Day** This query truncates the timestamp **"1911-12-02 19:40:00"** to the day level. ```sql select DATE_TRUNC('day', '1911-12-02 19:40:00'::timestamp); ``` The timestamp has been truncated to the same day, year, month, and day components. ```sql date_trunc ---------------------------- 1911-12-02 00:00:00.000000 ``` ### Case #3: **Truncating to Week** This query truncates the timestamp **"1911-12-02 19:40:00"** to the week level. ```sql select DATE_TRUNC('week', '1911-12-02 19:40:00'::timestamp); ``` The timestamp has been truncated to the week starting on November 27, 1911. ```sql date_trunc ---------------------------- 1911-11-27 00:00:00.000000 ``` ### Case #4: **Truncating to Quarter** This query truncates the timestamp **"1911-12-02 19:40:00"** to the quarter level. ```sql select DATE_TRUNC('quarter', '1911-12-02 19:40:00'::timestamp); ``` The year component of the timestamp is truncated, but the month and day components are set to the beginning of the quarter. ```sql date_trunc ---------------------------- 1911-10-01 00:00:00.000000 ``` ### Case #5: **Truncating to Hour** This query truncates the interval of **"15 hours 10 minutes"** to the hour level. ```sql select DATE_TRUNC('hour', '15 hour 10 minutes'::interval); ``` The interval\*\* \*\*has been truncated to 15 hours, with the minutes and seconds set to zero. ```sql date_trunc ----------------- 15:00:00.000000 ``` ### Case #6: **Truncating to Quarter (Interval)** This query truncates the interval **"16 years 4 months"** to the quarter level. ```sql select DATE_TRUNC('quarter', '16 years 4 months'::interval); ``` The interval has been truncated to the nearest quarter. ```sql date_trunc ----------------- 16 years 3 mons ``` # EXTRACT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/extract ## Overview The `EXTRACT()` function takes out a given part (field) from a specified source. ### Syntax ```sql EXTRACT (field FROM source); ``` ### Parameters * `field`: string or identifier specifying the part of the date / time to extract * `source`: date / time value to extract from The table below shows the supported input and return types for the `EXTRACT()` function: | Input Type: `source` | `field` | Return Type | | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | `TIMESTAMP` | `YEAR`, `MONTH`, `DAY`, `HOUR`, `MINUTE`, `SECOND` | `BIGINT` | | `TIMESTAMPTZ` | `YEAR`, `MONTH`, `DAY`, `HOUR`, `MINUTE`, `SECOND` | `BIGINT` | | `DATE` | `YEAR`, `MONTH`, `DAY` | `INTEGER` | ## Examples ### EXTRACT() with Timestamp - Year The below example uses the `EXTRACT()` function to extract a given timestamp’s **YEAR**: ```sql SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TIMESTAMP '2020-12-31 13:30:15'); ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +----------+ | extract | +----------+ | 2020 | +----------+ ``` ### EXTRACT() with Timestamp - Month Here we will use the `EXTRACT()` function to extract a given timestamp’s **MONTH:** ```sql SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TIMESTAMP '2016-10-31 13:30:15'); ``` The final output will take the month’s part of a given timestamp: ```sql +----------+ | extract | +----------+ | 10 | +----------+ ``` # FORMAT_TIMESTAMP Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/format-timestamp ## Overview The `FORMAT_TIMESTAMP()` function returns a given timestamp value in a specified format. Its syntax is illustrated below: ```sql FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(timestamp, format_string) ``` This function requires two arguments, i.e., a **timestamp** string that represents the timestamp value that needs to be converted to a specified format and a **format\_string** that specifies the format to be converted into. Its return type is a timestamp value with a timezone. ### #Case 1: Basic `FORMAT_TIMESTAMP()` function The below example uses the `FORMAT_TIMESTAMP()` function to convert a given timestamp into a timestamp format as specified in the function arguments. ```sql SELECT FORMAT_TIMESTAMP( 2 '2022-05-30 5:30:04', 3 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS' 4); ``` Details of the format specified are as follows: * `YYYY` is the four-digit year 2022 * `MM` is the month: 05 * `DD` is the day: 30 * `HH` is the hour: 5 * `MI` is the minute: 30 * `SS` is the second: 04 The format specified in the string can be used in any combination. The final output will be as follows: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | format_timestamp | +-----------------------------+ | 2022-05-30 05:30:04+05 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `FORMAT_TIMESTAMP()` function using multiple spaces The `FORMAT_TIMESTAMP()` when given multiple spaces in the input string, omits the spaces and only returns the correct timestamp value. Let's see how it works using the following example: ```sql SELECT 2 FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('2008 Dec','YYYY MON'); ``` It will return the following output: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | format_timestamp | +-----------------------------+ | 2008-12-01 00:00:00+05 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 3: `FORMAT_TIMESTAMP()` function if the input value of the year is less than 4 digits `FORMAT_TIMESTAMP()` will adjust the year to the nearest year value if the input argument has less than the required number of digits i.e., less than 4. To see how it works, look at the example below: ```sql SELECT 2 FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('07 25 09 10:40', 'MM DD YY HH:MI'); ``` It will return the following output: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | format_timestamp | +-----------------------------+ | 2009-07-25 10:40:00+06 | +-----------------------------+ ``` In this example, the two-digit year `09` has been changed to the nearest four-digit year i.e., `2009`. Similarly, `70` will become `1970`, and `10` will become `2010,` etc. # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/overview Timestamp functions return a date-time value based on a specified timestamp/interval. Oxla supports the following Timestamp functions: | **Functions** | **Description** | | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | [CURRENT\_TIMESTAMP()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/current-timestamp) | Returns the current date and time as a timestamp data type. | | [FORMAT\_TIMESTAMP()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/format-timestamp) | Modifies the current timestamp into a different format. | | [UNIX\_SECONDS()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/unix-seconds) | Converts a given timestamp to a UNIX timestamp in seconds. | | [UNIX\_MILLIS()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/unix-millis) | Converts a given timestamp to a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. | | [UNIX\_MICROS()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/unix-macros) | Converts a given timestamp to a UNIX timestamp in microseconds. | | [TIMESTAMP\_SECONDS()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/timestamp-seconds) | Converts a UNIX timestamp in seconds to a timestamp. | | [TIMESTAMP\_MILLIS()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/timestamp-millis) | Converts a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds to a timestamp. | | [TIMESTAMP\_MICROS()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/timestamp-micros) | Converts a UNIX timestamp in microseconds to a timestamp. | | [TIMESTAMP\_TRUNC()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/timestamp-trunc) | Truncates a given timestamp to the nearest time part. Supported time parts are YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND | | [EXTRACT()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/extract) | Extracts some part of a specified timestamp or interval. | | [TO\_TIMESTAMP()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/to-timestamp) | Converts a string into a timestamp based on the provided format. | | [DATE\_TRUNC()](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/date-trunc) | Truncates intervals or timestamps/time zones to a specified field. | | [TO\_CHAR() from Timestamp](/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/to-char-from-timestamp) | Formats a timestamp into a string using a given format. | # TIMESTAMP_MICROS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/timestamp-micros ## Overview The `TIMESTAMP_MICROS()` function converts a given UNIX timestamp value in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC into a timestamp. Its syntax can be seen below: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_MICROS(BIGINT) ``` Its input type is a `BIGINT` expression representing a UNIX timestamp in microseconds and the return data type is a timestamp. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `TIMESTAMP_MICROS()` function The below example uses the `TIMESTAMP_MICROS()` function to convert a given UNIX timestamp in microseconds into a timestamp without a timezone: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_MICROS(2280419000000000) AS timestamp_microsvalues; ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | timestamp_microsvalues | +-----------------------------+ | 2042-04-06 17:43:20 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `TIMESTAMP_MICROS()` function using columns Let’s suppose we have a table named \*\*timemirco\_example \*\*with the following UNIX time values in microseconds in the **unix\_timestamp** column: ```sql CREATE TABLE timemirco_example ( unix_timestamp long ); INSERT INTO timemirco_example VALUES ('1350417000000000'), ('2130215000000000'), ('1110115000000000'), ('2310112000000000'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM timemirco_example; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +--------------------+ | unix_timestamp | +--------------------+ | 1350417000000000 | | 2130215000000000 | | 1110115000000000 | | 2310112000000000 | +--------------------+ ``` We want to convert all UNIX timestamp values in microseconds to timestamp values. To do that, we have to run the following query: ```sql SELECT unix_timestamp, TIMESTAMP_MICROS(unix_timestamp) AS timestamp_value FROM timemicro_example; ``` The output displays all the entries in the table in UNIX timestamp format (in microseconds) in the \*\*unix\_timestamp \*\* column and in the timestamp format in the column **timestamp\_value** without timezone: ```sql +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | unix_timestamp | timestamp_value | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ |1350417000000000 | 2012-10-16 19:50:00 | |2130215000000000 | 2037-07-03 06:23:20 | |1110115000000000 | 2005-03-06 13:16:40 | |2310112000000000 | 2043-03-16 09:46:40 | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ ``` # TIMESTAMP_MILLIS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/timestamp-millis ## Overview The `TIMESTAMP_MILLIS()` function converts a given UNIX timestamp value in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC into a timestamp. Its syntax can be seen below: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(BIGINT) ``` Its input type is a `BIGINT` expression which represents a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds and the return data type is a timestamp. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `TIMESTAMP_MILLIS()` function The below example uses the `TIMESTAMP_MILLIS()` function to convert a given UNIX timestamp in milliseconds into a timestamp without a timezone. ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(1671975000000) AS timestamp_millisvalues; ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | timestamp_millisvalues | +-----------------------------+ | 2022-12-25 13:30:00 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `TIMESTAMP_MILLIS()` function using columns Let's suppose we have a table named \*\*unix\_example \*\*with the following UNIX time values in milliseconds in the **unix\_timestamp** column: ```sql CREATE TABLE unix_example ( unix_timestamp long ); INSERT INTO unix_timestamp VALUES ('171472000000'), ('1671975000000'), ('153276000000'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM unix_example; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +----------------+ | unix_timestamp | +----------------+ | 171472000000 | | 1671975000000 | | 153276000000 | +----------------+ ``` We want to convert all UNIX timestamp values in milliseconds to timestamp values. To do that, we have to run the following query: ```sql SELECT unix_timestamp, TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(unix_timestamp) AS timestamp_value FROM unix_example; ``` The output displays all the entries in the table in UNIX timestamp format (in milliseconds) in the **unix\_timestamp **column and in the timestamp format in the column** timestamp\_value** without timezone. ```sql +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | unix_timestamp | timestamp_value | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ |171472000000 | 1975-06-08 15:06:40 | |1671975000000 | 2022-12-25 13:30:00 | |153276000000 | 1974-11-10 00:40:00 | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ ``` # TIMESTAMP_SECONDS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/timestamp-seconds ## Overview The `TIMESTAMP_SECONDS()` function converts a given UNIX timestamp value in seconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC into a timestamp. Its syntax can be seen below: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(Int64) ``` Its input type is an `int64` expression representing a UNIX timestamp in seconds, and the return data type is a timestamp. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `TIMESTAMP_SECONDS()` function The below example uses the `TIMESTAMP_SECONDS()` function to convert a given UNIX timestamp in seconds into a timestamp: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(1671975000) AS timestamp_secondsvalue; ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | timestamp_secondsvalue | +-----------------------------+ | 2022-12-25 13:30:00 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `TIMESTAMP_SECONDS()` function using columns Let's suppose we have a table named \*\*unix\_time \*\*with the following UNIX time values in seconds: ```sql CREATE TABLE unix_time ( unix_time int ); INSERT INTO unix_time VALUES ('982384720'), ('1671975000'), ('171472000'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM unix_time; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +-------------+ | unix_time | +-------------+ | 982384720 | | 1671975000 | | 171472000 | +-------------+ ``` We want to convert all UNIX timestamp values in seconds to timestamp values. To do that, we have to run the following query: ```sql SELECT unix_time, TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(unix_time) AS timestamp_value FROM unix_time ; ``` The output displays all the entries in the table in UNIX timestamp format (in seconds) in the **unix\_time **column** **and in the timestamp format without timezone in the column** timestamp\_value**. ```sql +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | unix_time | timestamp_value | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | 982384720 | 2001-02-17 04:38:40 | | 1671975000 | 2022-12-25 13:30:00 | | 171472000 | 1975-06-08 15:06:40 | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ ``` # TIMESTAMP_TRUNC Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/timestamp-trunc ## Overview The `TIMESTAMP_TRUNC()` function rounds a timestamp to a specific `day_time` granularity, resulting in a truncated timestamp. ### Syntax ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(TIMESTAMP 'YYYY-MM-DD hour:min:sec', day_time); ``` `day_time` can be replaced with various time values as follows: * `SECOND` * `MINUTE` * `HOUR` * `DAY` * `MONTH` * `YEAR` ## Examples ### #Case 1: `TIMESTAMP_TRUNC()` - Hour The following example shows how to round the hour to the closest value: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(TIMESTAMP '2017-09-18 14:43:39.02322', HOUR) ; ``` The final result will display the current date and time in your timezone: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | f | +-----------------------------+ | 2017-09-18 14:00:00.00000 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `TIMESTAMP_TRUNC()` - Minute Here we will truncate the specified timestamp into the nearest value: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(TIMESTAMP '2005-03-18 14:13:13', MINUTE) ; ``` The result will return the truncated timestamp as shown below: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | f | +-----------------------------+ | 2005-03-18 14:13:00.00000 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 3: Basic `TIMESTAMP_TRUNC()` function - Year Run the following query to round the date to the closest value: ```sql SELECT TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(TIMESTAMP '2023-03-04', YEAR); ``` The function will truncate the year and return the following result: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | f | +-----------------------------+ | 2023-01-01 00:00:00.00000 | +-----------------------------+ ``` # TO_CHAR Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/to-char ## Overview The `TO_CHAR` function formats various data types, including `date/time`, `integer`, `float point` and `numeric` into a formatted string. ## Syntax The syntax for using the `TO_CHAR` function is as follows: ```sql Timestamp TO_CHAR(timestamp, format_string) ``` ```sql Interval TO_CHAR(interval, format_string) ``` ## Arguments * `timestamp`: `TIMESTAMP` or `TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE` value to be formatted * `format`: format of the output string ## Supported Formats The string format supports the following template patterns (case insensitive): | **Pattern** | **Description** | | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | | `YYYY` | Year (1-9999) | | `MM` | Month number (01–12) | | `DD` | Day of month (01–31) | | `HH` | Hour of day (1–12) | | `HH12` | Hour of day (1–12) | | `HH24` | Hour of day (0–23) | | `MI` | Minute (0–59) | | `SS` | Second (0–59) | | `MS` | Millisecond (0–999) | | `US` | Microsecond (0–999999) | | `AM`, `am`, `PM` or `pm` | Meridiem indicator without periods | | `A.M.`, `a.m.`, `P.M.` or `p.m.` | Meridiem indicator with periods | ### General Restrictions * All text inside double quote `"{text}"` will not be considered a pattern * The quote character (`"`) will not appear in the result string * Any text that is not a template pattern is simply copied verbatim i.e. preserved in the result string ### Interval Overflow Restrictions Interval overflow occurs when an operation involving interval values exceeds the maximum limits of the interval data type, resulting in an error or unexpected behavior. This can happen when adding, subtracting or multiplying interval values that lead to a representation that goes beyond the allowable range for any of its components i.e. years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. When executing the `TO_CHAR` function for intervals, it is important to be aware of the following overflow restrictions: | Conversion | Source Component | Target Component | | :-------------- | :--------------: | :--------------: | | Days to Months | Days | Months | | Hours to Days | Hours | Days | | Seconds to Days | Seconds | Days | All in all, for intervals the date overflow doesn't apply (units smaller than an hour can only overflow into hours, but not into days and so on), any excess units will not carry over to the next larger unit. ## Examples ### Intervals This query converts an interval and displays it in a specified string format: ```sql Month_to_Year SELECT TO_CHAR('25 months'::INTERVAL,'"YEAR:" YYYY "MONTH:" MM') AS FORMATTED_INTERVAL; ``` ```sql Hour_to_Day SELECT TO_CHAR('13 days' + '49 hours'::INTERVAL, '"Day:" DD "Hour:" HH') AS FORMATTED_INTERVAL; ``` ```sql Second_to_Minute SELECT TO_CHAR('65 seconds'::INTERVAL, '"MINUTE": MI "SECOND": SS') AS FORMATTED_INTERVAL; ``` Here are the outputs for the queries presented above: ```sql Month_to_Year FORMATTED_INTERVAL --------------------------------------- YEAR: 0002 MONTH: 01 ``` ```sql Hour_to_Day FORMATTED_INTERVAL --------------------------------------- Day: 13 Hour: 01 ``` ```sql Second_to_Minute FORMATTED_INTERVAL --------------------------------------- MINUTE: 01 SECOND: 05 ``` ### Timestamps This query retrieves the current timestamp and displays it in a specified string format: ```sql Timestamp SELECT TO_CHAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), '"YEAR:" YYYY "MONTH:" MM "DAY:" DD') AS FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP; ``` ```sql Timestamp_with_Microseconds SELECT TO_CHAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US') AS FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP; ``` ```sql Timestamp_with_Meridiem SELECT TO_CHAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH12:MI:SS a.m.') AS FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP; ``` Here are the outputs for the queries presented above: ```sql Timestamp FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP --------------------------------------- YEAR:2025 MONTH:01 DAY:01 ``` ```sql Timestamp_with_Microseconds FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP --------------------------------------- 2025-01-01 08:08:03.001200 ``` ```sql Timestamp_with_Meridiem FORMATTED_TIMESTAMP --------------------------------------- 2025-01-01 08:08:03 p.m. ``` # TO_TIMESTAMP Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/to-timestamp ## **Overview** The `TO_TIMESTAMP()` function converts a string into a timestamp based on the provided format. It returns a `TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE` type. ## **Syntax** The syntax for using the `TO_TIMESTAMP()` function is as follows: ```sql SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP('source', 'format''); ``` Let's analyze the above syntax: * `source`: The date/time value to be converted. The value type is `TIMESTAMP` (`YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS`). * `format`: The format of the input string. ## **Format** Format string supports following template patterns (can be lowercase): | **Pattern** | **Description** | **Detail** | | -------------------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `YYYY` | Year (1-9999) | - The lowest possible value is 1 AD
- 0001 is 1
- 1 is 1 | | `MM` | Month number (1–12) | - Up to 2 digits
- 01 is 1
- 1 is 1 | | `DD` | Day of month (1–31) | - Up to 2 digits
- 01 is 1
- 1 is 1 | | `HH` | Hour of day (1–12) | - Up to 2 digits
- 01 is 1
- 1 is 1 | | `HH12` | Hour of day (1–12) | - Up to 2 digits
- 01 is 1
- 1 is 1 | | `HH24` | Hour of day (0–23) | - Up to 2 digits
- 01 is 1
- 1 is 1 | | `MI` | Minute (0–59) | - Up to 2 digits
- 01 is 1
- 1 is 1 | | `SS` | Second (0–59) | - Up to 2 digits
- 01 is 1
- 1 is 1 | | `MS` | Millisecond (0–999) | - Up to 3 digits
- 001 is 1 millisecond
- 1 is 100 milliseconds | | `US` | Microsecond (0–999999) | - Up to 6 digits
- 000001 is 1 microsecond
- 1 is 100000 milliseconds | | `AM`, `am`, `PM` or `pm` | Meridiem indicator | Without periods | | `A.M.`, `a.m.`, `P.M.` or `p.m.` | Meridiem indicator | With periods | ## Examples ### Case #1: Timestamp into YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI The `TO_TIMESTAMP()` function converts the provided string into a timestamp with the format `YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI`. ```sql select TO_TIMESTAMP('2020-03-04 14:30', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'); ``` The final output will be a timestamp with a timezone. ```sql to_timestamp ------------------------------- 2020-03-04 14:30:00.000000+00 ``` ### Case #2: Timestamp into MM-DD HH12:MI The `TO_TIMESTAMP()` function converts the provided string into a timestamp with the format `MM-DD HH12:MI`. ```sql select TO_TIMESTAMP('3-04 02:30', 'MM-DD HH12:MI'); ``` The final output will be a timestamp with a timezone. ```sql to_timestamp ---------------------------- 1-03-04 02:30:00.000000+00 ``` ### Case #3: Timestamp into YYYY-MM HH12:MI(AM/PM) The `TO_TIMESTAMP()`\` function converts the provided string into a timestamp with the format `YYYY-MM HH12:MI` with meridiem indicator (AM/PM). **Request 1** ```sql select TO_TIMESTAMP('2020-02 12:30AM', 'YYYY-MM HH12:MIPM'); ``` **Request 2** ```sql select TO_TIMESTAMP('2020-02 12:30AM', 'YYYY-MM HH:MIAM'); ``` The final output of both requests will have the same result. It changes the time into a 12-hour format, resulting in **12:30** being adjusted to **00:30**. ```sql to_timestamp ------------------------------- 2020-02-01 00:30:00.000000+00 ``` ### Case #4: Timestamp into YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS.US The `TO_TIMESTAMP()` function converts the provided string into a timestamp with `YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS.US` format. ```sql select TO_TIMESTAMP('1960-01-31 15:12:02.020.001230', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS.US'); ``` The final output will be a timestamp with milliseconds and microseconds. ```sql to_timestamp ------------------------------- 1960-01-31 15:12:02.021230+00 ``` ### Case #5: Timestamp into YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS The `TO_TIMESTAMP()` function converts the provided string into a timestamp with `YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS` format. ```sql select TO_TIMESTAMP('1960-01-31 15:12:02.02', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS'); ``` The final output will be a timestamp with milliseconds. ```sql to_timestamp ------------------------------- 1960-01-31 15:12:02.020000+00 ``` # UNIX_MICROS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/unix-macros ## Overview The `UNIX_MICROS()` function returns a given timestamp into a UNIX timestamp in microseconds, from 1970-01-01 00:00:00-00 (can be negative). Its syntax is illustrated below: ```sql SELECT UNIX_MICRO(TIMESTAMP) ``` Its input type is a TIMESTAMP expression, and the return data type is `BIGINT` representing time in microseconds. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `UNIX_MICROS()` function The below example uses the `UNIX_MICROS()` function to convert a given timestamp into a UNIX timestamp in microseconds: ```sql SELECT UNIX_MICRO(TIMESTAMP "2022-12-25 13:30:00+00") AS unix_microsvalues; ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | unix_microsvalues | +-----------------------------+ | 1671975000000000.000000 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `UNIX_MICROS()` function using columns Let’s suppose we have a table named **time\_example** with the following timestamp values: ```sql CREATE TABLE time_example ( time_stamp timestamp ); INSERT INTO time_example VALUES ('2022-12-25 13:30:00'), ('2021-10-02 06:30:00'), ('2020-09-25 07:25:00'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM time_example; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +-------------------------+ | time_example | +-------------------------+ | 2022-12-25 13:30:00 | | 2021-10-02 06:30:00 | | 2020-09-25 07:25:00 | +-------------------------+ ``` We want to convert all timestamp values into UNIX timestamp values in microseconds. To do that, we have to run the following query: ```sql SELECT time_stamp, UNIX_MICROS(time_stamp) AS time_micros FROM time_example; ``` The output displays all the timestamp entries in the **time\_stamp** column and the converted UNIX timestamps in microseconds in the column **time\_micros**. ```sql +-------------------------+--------------------------+ | time_stamp | time_micros | +-------------------------+--------------------------+ | 2022-12-25 13:30:00 | 1671975000000000.000000 | | 2021-10-02 06:30:00 | 1633156200000000.000000 | | 2020-09-25 07:25:00 | 1601018700000000.000000 | +-------------------------+--------------------------+ ``` # UNIX_MILLIS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/unix-millis ## Overview The `UNIX_MILLIS()` function returns a given timestamp to a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00-00 (can be negative). Its syntax is illustrated below: ```sql SELECT UNIX_MILLIS(TIMESTAMP) ``` Its input type is a TIMESTAMP expression, and the return data type is `BIGINT` representing time in milliseconds. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `UNIX_MILLIS()` function The below example uses the `UNIX_MILLIS()` function to convert a given timestamp into a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds: ```sql SELECT UNIX_MILLIS(TIMESTAMP "1996-5-02 7:15:00+00") AS unix_millisvalues; ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | unix_millisvalues | +-----------------------------+ | 831021300000.000000 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `UNIX_MILLIS()` function using columns Let’s suppose we have a table named **time\_example **with the following timestamp values in the** time\_stamp** column: ```sql CREATE TABLE time_example ( time_stamp timestamp ); INSERT INTO time_example VALUES ('2004-07-23 11:30:00+00'), ('2011-02-12 04:45:00+00'), ('1975-08-03 07:50:00+00'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM time_example; ``` The above query will show the following table: ```sql +-------------------------+ | time_example | +-------------------------+ | 2004-07-23 11:30:00 | | 2011-02-12 04:45:00 | | 1975-08-03 07:50:00 | +-------------------------+ ``` We want to convert all timestamp values into UNIX timestamp values in milliseconds. To do that, we have to run the following query: ```sql SELECT time_stamp, UNIX_MILLIS(time_stamp) AS time_millis FROM time_example; ``` The output displays all the timestamp entries of the table in the \*\*time\_stamp \*\*column and the converted UNIX milliseconds timestamp entries in the column **time\_millis**. ```sql +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | time_stamp | time_millis | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | 2004-07-23 11:30:00 | 1090582200000.000000 | | 2011-02-12 04:45:00 | 1297485900000.000000 | | 1975-08-03 07:50:00 | 176284200000.000000 | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ ``` # UNIX_SECONDS Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/timestamp-functions/unix-seconds ## Overview The `UNIX_SECONDS()` function returns a given timestamp to a UNIX timestamp in seconds, from 1970-01-01 00:00:00-00. Its syntax is illustrated below: ```sql SELECT UNIX_SECONDS(TIMESTAMP) ``` Its input type is a TIMESTAMP expression, and the return data type is `BIGINT` representing time in seconds. ## Examples ### #Case 1: Basic `UNIX_SECONDS()` function The below example uses the `UNIX_SECONDS()` function to convert a given timestamp into a UNIX timestamp in seconds: ```sql SELECT UNIX_SECONDS(TIMESTAMP "2008-12-25 15:30:00+00") AS unix_secondsvalues; ``` The final output will be as follows: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | unix_secondsvalues | +-----------------------------+ | 1230219000.000000 | +-----------------------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: `UNIX_SECONDS()` function using columns Let’s suppose we have a table named \*\*time\_example \*\*with the following timestamp values in the **time\_stampvalues** column: ```sql CREATE TABLE time_example ( time_stampvalues timestamp ); INSERT INTO time_example VALUES ('2022-12-25 13:30:00'), ('2020-09-25 07:25:00'), ('2008-12-25 15:30:00'), ('2021-10-02 06:30:00'); ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM time_example; ``` The above query will return the following table: ```sql +-------------------------+ | time_stampvalues | +-------------------------+ | 2022-12-25 13:30:00 | | 2020-09-25 07:25:00 | | 2008-12-25 15:30:00 | | 2021-10-02 06:30:00 | +-------------------------+ ``` 1. We want to convert all timestamp values into UNIX timestamp values in seconds. To do that, we have to run the following query: ```sql SELECT time_stampvalues, UNIX_SECONDS(time_stampvalues) AS time_secondsvalues FROM time_example; ``` 2. The output displays all the timestamp entries of the table in the **time\_stampvalues** column and the converted UNIX seconds timestamp entries in the column **time\_secondsvalues**. ```sql +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | time_stampvalues | time_secondsvalues | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ | 2022-12-25 13:30:00 | 1671975000.000000 | | 2020-09-25 07:25:00 | 1601018700.000000 | | 2008-12-25 15:30:00 | 1230219000.000000 | | 2021-10-02 06:30:00 | 1633156200.000000 | +-------------------------+-----------------------+ ``` # Trigonometric Functions Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/trigonometric These trigonometric functions in Oxla take arguments and return values of type `double precision` and `real`. | **Functions** | **Description** | **Syntax** | **Example** | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | `acos` | It calculates the inverse cosine of a given argument, where the output is expressed in radians. | `acos(argument)` | `select acos(1);` It will return: `0` | | `acosd` | It calculates the inverse cosine of a given argument, where the output is expressed in degrees. | `acosd(argument)` | `select acosd(0.5);` It will return: `60` | | `asin` | It calculates the inverse sine of a given argument, where the output is expressed in radians. | `asin(argument)` | `select asin(1);` It will return: `1.5707963267948966` | | `asind` | It calculates the inverse sine of a given argument, where the output is expressed in degrees. | `asind(argument)` | `select asind(0.5);` It will return: `30` | | `atan` | It calculates the inverse tangent of a given argument, where the output is expressed in radians. | `atan(argument)` | `select atan(1);` It will return: `0.7853965` | | `atand` | It calculates the inverse tangent of a given argument, where the output is expressed in degrees. | `atand(argument)` | `select atand(1);` It will return: `44.99990469434657` | | `atan2` | It calculates the inverse tangent of y/x, where the output is expressed in radians. | `atan2(y_value, x_value)``y_value` & `x_value` are in double precision type. | `select atan2(1, 0);` It will return: `1.5707963267948966` | | `atan2d` | It calculates the inverse tangent of y/x, where the output is expressed in degrees. | `atan2d(y_value, x_value)``y_value` & `x_value` are in double precision type. | `select atan2d(1, 0);` It will return: `90` | | `cos` | It calculates the cosine of a given argument, where the argument is in radians. | `cos(argument)` | `select cos(0);` It will return: `1` | | `cosd` | It calculates the cosine of a given argument, where the argument is in degrees. | `cosd(argument)` | `select cosd(60);` It will return: `0.5000000000000001` | | `cot` | It calculates the cotangent of a given argument, where the argument is in radians. | `cot(argument)` | `select cot(0.5);` It will return: `1.8304877` | | `cotd` | It calculates the cotangent of a given argument, where the argument is in degrees. | `cotd(argument)` | `select cotd(45);` It will return: `1.0000000000000002` | | `sin` | It calculates the sine of a given argument, where the argument is in radians. | `sin(argument)` | `select sin(1);` It will return: `0.8414709848078965` | | `sind` | It calculates the sine of a given argument, where the argument is in degrees. | `sind(argument)` | `select sind(30);` It will return: `0.49999999999999994` | | `tan` | It calculates the tangent of a given argument, where the argument is in radians. | `tan(argument)` | `select tan(1);` It will return: `1.5574077246549023` | | `tand` | It calculates the tangent of a given argument, where the argument is in degrees. | `tand(argument)` | `select tand(45);` It will return: `0.9999999999999999` | # COUNT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/count ## Overview The `COUNT()` window function allows you to retrieve the number of records that meet a specific criteria. It can be used with all [data types supported by Oxla](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview). ## Syntax There are two available variants of that function: * `COUNT(*)`: counts all rows in the target table, regardless of whether they contain NULL values or not * `COUNT(expression)`: counts the number of non-NULL values in a specific column or expression The syntax for this function is as follows: ```sql COUNT(expression) OVER (ORDER BY order_list) ``` The `COUNT()` window function always return `BIGINT` as an output, which represents the total number of rows in a table irrespective of the input types. ## Parameters * `expression`: the column or expression that the function operates on ## Examples For the needs of this section, we will create a `winsales` table that stores the details of some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### COUNT(\*) In this example, we will focus on executing the variant of this function that counts all rows in the target table: ```sql SELECT salesid, qty COUNT(*) OVER (ORDER BY salesid rows unbounded preceding) AS count FROM winsales ORDER BY salesid; ``` The output of the code abote displays the sales ID, quantity and the count of all rows from the start of the data window: ```sql salesid | qty | count ---------+-----+------- 10001 | 10 | 1 10005 | 30 | 2 10006 | 10 | 3 20001 | 20 | 4 20002 | 20 | 5 30001 | 10 | 6 30003 | 15 | 7 30004 | 20 | 8 30007 | 30 | 9 40001 | 40 | 10 40005 | 10 | 11 (11 rows) ``` ### COUNT(expression) In this example, we will focus on executing the variant of this function that counts the number of non-NULL values in a specific expression: ```sql SELECT salesid, qty, qty_shipped, COUNT(qty_shipped) OVER (ORDER BY salesid rows unbounded preceding) AS count FROM winsales ORDER BY salesid; ``` Here is the output for the query presented above: ```sql salesid | qty | qty_shipped | count ---------+-----+-------------+------- 10001 | 10 | 10 | 1 10005 | 30 | | 1 10006 | 10 | | 1 20001 | 20 | 20 | 2 20002 | 20 | 20 | 3 30001 | 10 | 10 | 4 30003 | 15 | | 4 30004 | 20 | | 4 30007 | 30 | | 4 40001 | 40 | | 4 40005 | 10 | 10 | 5 (11 rows) ``` # DENSE_RANK Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/dense-rank ## Overview The `DENSE_RANK()` window function assigns a rank for each value within a specified group, based on the `ORDER BY` expression in the `OVER` clause. It can be used with all [data types supported by Oxla](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview). ## Syntax The syntax for this function is as follows: ```sql DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY order_list) ``` The output type for this function is a `BIGINT` and it indicates the rank of values in a table, regardless of the input types. If the `ORDER BY` expression is omitted, all ranks will default to 1. In case an optional `PARTITION BY` expression is included, the rankings are reset for each group of rows. The rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank. Unlike `RANK()` function, there is no gap in the sequence of ranked values (if two rows are ranked 1, the next rank will be 2) ## Parameters * `()`: the function takes no parameters, but empty parentheses is required ## Examples For the needs of this section, we will create a `winsales` table that stores information about some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### DENSE\_RANK() with ORDER BY In this example we will focus on executing the `DENSE_RANK()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword and calculate the descending dense rank of all rows based on the quantity sold: ```sql SELECT salesid, qty Dense_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY qty DESC) AS d_rnk RANK() OVER (ORDER BY qty DESC) AS rnk FROM winsales ORDER BY 2,1; ``` Here is the output for the query presented above that includes the sales ID along with the quantity sold and both dense and regular ranks: ```sql salesid | qty | d_rnk | rnk ---------+-----+-------+----- 10001 | 10 | 5 | 8 10006 | 10 | 5 | 8 30001 | 10 | 5 | 8 40005 | 10 | 5 | 8 30003 | 15 | 4 | 7 20001 | 20 | 3 | 4 20002 | 20 | 3 | 4 30004 | 20 | 3 | 4 10005 | 30 | 2 | 2 30007 | 30 | 2 | 2 40001 | 40 | 1 | 1 (11 rows) ``` ### DENSE\_RANK() with ORDER BY and PARTITION\_BY In this example we will focus on executing the `DENSE_RANK()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword and `PARTITION BY` clause and partition the table by seller ID, then order each partition by the quantity and assign a dense rank to each row: ```sql SELECT salesid, sellerid, qty DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY sellerid ORDER BY qty DESC) AS d_rnk FROM winsales ORDER BY 2,3,1; ``` Here is the output for the query presented above: ```sql salesid | sellerid | qty | d_rnk ---------+----------+-----+------- 10001 | 1 | 10 | 2 10006 | 1 | 10 | 2 10005 | 1 | 30 | 1 20001 | 2 | 20 | 1 20002 | 2 | 20 | 1 30001 | 3 | 10 | 4 30003 | 3 | 15 | 3 30004 | 3 | 20 | 2 30007 | 3 | 30 | 1 40005 | 4 | 10 | 2 40001 | 4 | 40 | 1 (11 rows) ``` # LAG Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/lag ## Overview The `LAG()` window function returns the values from specific rows based on the offset argument (previous to the current row in the partition). It can be used with all [data types supported by Oxla](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview) ## Syntax The syntax for this function is as follows: ```sql LAG (expression, offset, default) OVER (ORDER BY order_list) ``` The output's data type for this function is the same as the input's one. If there is no row that meets the offset criteria, it returns a default value (that must be of a type compatible with the expression value) ### Parameters * `expression`: column, which will be referenced * `offset`: numeric indicator of the previous row to access, that is relative to the current row (optional, if not specified 1 will be returned) * `default`: value that wil be returned if the `offset` is out of range (optional, if not specified `NULL` will be returned) ## Examples For the needs of this section, we will create the `winsales` table that stores details about some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### LAG(expression, offset) In this example, we will focus on executing the `LAG()` function with expression and offset parameters' values specified: ```sql SELECT buyerid, dateid, qty LAG(qty,1) OVER (ORDER BY buyerid, dateid) AS prev_qty FROM winsales WHERE buyerid = 'c' ORDER BY buyerid, dateid; ``` When executing the query above, it returns the buyer ID, date ID, quantity and previous quantity for all rows with buyer ID equal to `c`: ```sql buyerid | dateid | qty | prev_qty ---------+------------+-----+---------- c | 2003-12-24 | 10 | c | 2004-01-18 | 10 | 10 c | 2004-02-16 | 20 | 10 c | 2004-09-07 | 30 | 20 (4 rows) ``` ### LAG(expression, offset, default) In this example, we will focus on executing the `LAG()` function with expression, offset and default parameters' values specified: ```sql SELECT buyerid, dateid, qty LAG(buyerid,1,'unknown') OVER (ORDER BY dateid) AS prev_buyerid FROM winsales ORDER BY dateid; ``` The query above returns the buyer ID, date ID, quantity and previous buyer ID for all rows: ```sql buyerid | dateid | qty | prev_buyerid ---------+------------+-----+-------------- b | 2003-08-02 | 10 | unknown c | 2003-12-24 | 10 | b a | 2003-12-24 | 30 | c a | 2004-01-09 | 40 | a c | 2004-01-18 | 10 | a b | 2004-02-12 | 20 | c a | 2004-02-12 | 10 | b c | 2004-02-16 | 20 | a b | 2004-04-18 | 15 | c b | 2004-04-18 | 20 | b c | 2004-09-07 | 30 | b (11 rows) ``` # LEAD Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/lead ## Overview The `LEAD()` window function takes a column and an integer offset as arguments and returns the value of the cell in that column that is located at the specified number of rows after the current row. It can be used with all [data types supported by Oxla](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview.) ### Syntax The syntax for this function is as follows: ```sql LEAD (expression, offset, default) OVER (ORDER BY order_list) ``` The output's type for this function is the same as the input's one. If there is no row and value that meets the offset criteria, it returns the specified default value, which must be of a type compatible with the input value. ### Parameters * `expression`: column, which will be referenced * `offset`: numeric indicator of the row that is relative to the current one (optional, if not specified 1 will be returned) * `default`: value that wil be returned if the `offset` is out of range (optional, if not specified `NULL` will be returned) ## Examples In this example, we will use the `winsales` table that stores details about some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### LEAD(expression, offset) In this example, we will focus on executing the `LEAD()` function with expression and offset parameters' values specified: ```sql SELECT buyerid, dateid, qty LEAD(qty,1) OVER (ORDER BY buyerid, dateid) AS next_qty FROM winsales WHERE buyerid = 'c' ORDER BY buyerid, dateid; ``` The following query returns the buyer ID, date ID, quantity and previous quantity for all rows with buyer ID equal to `c`: ```sql buyerid | dateid | qty | next_qty ---------+------------+-----+---------- c | 2003-12-24 | 10 | 10 c | 2004-01-18 | 10 | 20 c | 2004-02-16 | 20 | 30 c | 2004-09-07 | 30 | (4 rows) ``` ### Expression, Offset And Default Specified In this example, we will focus on executing the `LEAD()` function with expression, offset and default parameters' values specified: ```sql SELECT buyerid, dateid, qty LEAD(buyerid,1,'unknown') OVER (ORDER BY dateid) AS next_buyerid FROM winsales ORDER BY dateid; ``` The above query returns the buyer ID, date ID, quantity and following buyer ID for all rows: ```sql buyerid | dateid | qty | next_buyerid ---------+------------+-----+-------------- b | 2003-08-02 | 10 | c c | 2003-12-24 | 10 | a a | 2003-12-24 | 30 | a a | 2004-01-09 | 40 | c c | 2004-01-18 | 10 | b b | 2004-02-12 | 20 | a a | 2004-02-12 | 10 | c c | 2004-02-16 | 20 | b b | 2004-04-18 | 15 | b b | 2004-04-18 | 20 | c c | 2004-09-07 | 30 | unknown (11 rows) ``` # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/overview Window functions is a group of SQL functions, that operate on a partition or "window" of a result set, returning values for every row within that window. The following window functions and clauses are currently supported by Oxla: | **Window Functions** | **Description** | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [COUNT](/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/count) | Counts all the rows or those specified by the given expression. | | [DENSE\_RANK](/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/dense-rank) | Calculates the percent rank of a value within a group and returns the result | | [LAG](/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/lag) | Returns the values for a row located at a defined offset, either above or below the current row within the partition | | [LEAD](/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/lead) | Returns the values for a row located at a defined offset, either above or below the current row within the partition | | [PERCENT\_RANK](/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/percent-rank) | Calculates and returns the percent rank of a value within a specified group of values | | [RANK](/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/rank) | Calculates and returns the rank of a value within a specified group of values | | [ROW\_NUMBER](/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/row-number) | Returns the current row index within its partition (beginning with 1) | | [SUM](/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/sum) | Calculates and returns the sum of values from the input column or expression values | *** | **Window Clauses** | **Description** | | ------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [OVER](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/over-window) | Defines the window specification and is mandatory for window functions | | [WINDOW](/sql-reference/sql-clauses/over-window) | Optional clause that defines one or more named window specifications | ## Important Notes There are a few essential things to remember when using window functions in Oxla: * Verify that you can effectively use window functions alongside the `PARTITION BY`, `ORDER BY` and `FRAME` clauses as part of your window specification * Ensure the window specification chaining is supported by executing the following command: `SELECT SUM(i0) OVER w2 FROM tb1 WINDOW w1 AS (PARTITION BY i1), w2 AS (w1 ROWS CURRENT ROW)` * The `FRAME` clause of the window specification is restricted to the `ROWS` clause and does not include frame exclusion # PERCENT_RANK Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/percent-rank ## Overview The `PERCENT_RANK()` window function determines the relative rank of a value in a group of values, based on the `ORDER BY` expression in the `OVER` clause. It can be used with all [data types supported by Oxla](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview). ## Syntax The syntax for this function is as follows: ```sql PERCENT_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY order_list) ``` Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same relative rank. The output data type for this function is `DOUBLE PRECISION`. The output will indicate the rank of values in a table, regardless of the input types. * If the optional `PARTITION BY` expression is present, the rankings are reset for each group of rows * If the `ORDER BY` expression is omitted then all relative ranks are equal to 0 ## Parameters * `()`: this function takes no arguments but parentheses is required ## Examples For the needs of this section, we will create the `winsales` table that stores details about some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### PERCENT\_RANK() with ORDER BY In this example, we will focus on executing the `PERCENT_RANK()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword and calculate the descending percent rank of all rows based on the quantity sold: ```sql SELECT salesid, qty PERCENT_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY qty DESC) AS p_rnk RANK() OVER (ORDER BY qty DESC) AS rnk FROM winsales ORDER BY 2,1; ``` Here is the output for the query presented above that includes the sales ID along with the quantity sold and both percent and regular ranks: ```sql salesid | qty | p_rnk | rnk ---------+-----+-------+----- 10001 | 10 | 0.7 | 8 10006 | 10 | 0.7 | 8 30001 | 10 | 0.7 | 8 40005 | 10 | 0.7 | 8 30003 | 15 | 0.6 | 7 20001 | 20 | 0.3 | 4 20002 | 20 | 0.3 | 4 30004 | 20 | 0.3 | 4 10005 | 30 | 0.1 | 2 30007 | 30 | 0.1 | 2 40001 | 40 | 0 | 1 ``` ### PERCENT\_RANK() with ORDER BY and PARTITION BY In this example, we will focus on executing the `PERCENT_RANK()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword and `PARTITION BY` clause, partition the table by seller ID, order each partition by the quantity and assign a percent rank to each row: ```sql SELECT salesid, sellerid, qty PERCENT_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY sellerid ORDER BY qty DESC) AS p_rnk FROM winsales ORDER BY 2,3,1; ``` Here is the output for the query presented above: ```sql salesid | sellerid | qty | p_rnk ---------+----------+-----+-------------------- 10001 | 1 | 10 | 0.5 10006 | 1 | 10 | 0.5 10005 | 1 | 30 | 0 20001 | 2 | 20 | 0 20002 | 2 | 20 | 0 30001 | 3 | 10 | 1 30003 | 3 | 15 | 0.6666666666666666 30004 | 3 | 20 | 0.3333333333333333 30007 | 3 | 30 | 0 40005 | 4 | 10 | 1 40001 | 4 | 40 | 0 (11 rows) ``` # RANK Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/rank ## Overview The `RANK()` window function determines the rank of a value in a group of values, based on the `ORDER BY` expression in the `OVER` clause. It can be used with all [data types supported by Oxla](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview). ## Syntax The syntax for this function is as follows: ```sql RANK() OVER (ORDER BY order_list) ``` Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank. The output type for this function is `BIGINT` and it indicates the rank of values in a table, regardles of the input types. * If the optional `PARTITION BY` expression is present, the rankings are reset for each group of rows * If the `ORDER BY` expression is omitted then all ranks are equal to 1 ## Parameters * `()`: this function takes no arguments but parentheses is required ## Examples For the needs of this section, we will create the `winsales` table that stores details about some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### RANK() with ORDER BY In this example, we will focus on executing the `RANK()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword and calculate the rank of all rows based on the quantity sold: ```sql SELECT salesid, qty RANK() OVER (ORDER BY qty) FROM winsales ORDER BY 2,1; ``` Here is the output for the query presented above that includes the sales ID along with the quantity sold and regular ranks: ```sql salesid | qty | rank ---------+-----+------ 10001 | 10 | 1 10006 | 10 | 1 30001 | 10 | 1 40005 | 10 | 1 30003 | 15 | 5 20001 | 20 | 6 20002 | 20 | 6 30004 | 20 | 6 10005 | 30 | 9 30007 | 30 | 9 40001 | 40 | 11 (11 rows) ``` ### RANK() with ORDER BY and PARTITION BY In this example, we will focus on executing the `RANK()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword and `PARTITION BY` clause, partition the table by seller ID, order each partition by the quantity and assign a rank to each row: ```sql SELECT salesid, sellerid, qty RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY sellerid ORDER BY qty) FROM winsales ORDER BY 2,3,1; ``` Here is the output for the query presented above: ```sql salesid | sellerid | qty | rank ---------+----------+-----+------ 10001 | 1 | 10 | 1 10006 | 1 | 10 | 1 10005 | 1 | 30 | 3 20001 | 2 | 20 | 1 20002 | 2 | 20 | 1 30001 | 3 | 10 | 1 30003 | 3 | 15 | 2 30004 | 3 | 20 | 3 30007 | 3 | 30 | 4 40005 | 4 | 10 | 1 40001 | 4 | 40 | 2 (11 rows) ``` # ROW_NUMBER Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/row-number ## Overview The `ROW_NUMBER()` window function returns the number of the current row within its partition (counting from 1), based on the `ORDER BY` expression in the `OVER` clause. It can be used with all [data types supported by Oxla](https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-data-types/overview). ## Syntax The syntax for this function is as follows: ```sql ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY order_list) ``` The output's type for this function is `BIGINT`. Rows with equal values for the `ORDER BY` expression receive different row numbers nondeterministically. ## Parameters * `()`: this function takes no arguments but parentheses is required ## Examples For the needs of this section, we will create the `winsales` table that stores details about some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### ROW\_NUMBER() with ORDER BY In this example, we will focus on executing the `ROW_NUMBER()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword, assign a row number to each row and order the table by the row number (the results will be sorted after the window function results are applied): ```sql SELECT salesid, qty ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY salesid) FROM winsales ORDER BY 3; ``` Here is the output for the code above: ```sql salesid | qty | row_number ---------+-----+------------ 10001 | 10 | 1 10005 | 30 | 2 10006 | 10 | 3 20001 | 20 | 4 20002 | 20 | 5 30001 | 10 | 6 30003 | 15 | 7 30004 | 20 | 8 30007 | 30 | 9 40001 | 40 | 10 40005 | 10 | 11 (11 rows) ``` ### ROW\_NUMBER() with ORDER BY and PARTITION BY In this example, we will focus on executing the `ROW_NUMBER()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword and `PARTITION BY` clause, partition the table by seller ID, assign a row number to each row and order the table by the sales ID and row number (the results will be sorted after the window function results are applied): ```sql SELECT salesid, sellerid, qty ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY sellerid ORDER BY salesid) FROM winsales ORDER BY 1; ``` The output of the code above will be as follows: ```sql salesid | sellerid | qty | row_number ---------+----------+-----+------------ 10001 | 1 | 10 | 1 10005 | 1 | 30 | 2 10006 | 1 | 10 | 3 20001 | 2 | 20 | 1 20002 | 2 | 20 | 2 30001 | 3 | 10 | 1 30003 | 3 | 15 | 2 30004 | 3 | 20 | 3 30007 | 3 | 30 | 4 40001 | 4 | 40 | 1 40005 | 4 | 10 | 2 (11 rows) ``` # SUM Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-functions/window-functions/sum ## Overview The `SUM()` window function returns the sum of the input column or expression values. ## Syntax The syntax for this function is as follows: ```sql SUM(expression) OVER (ORDER BY order_list) ``` The expression's argument types supported by the `SUM` window function are `INTEGER`, `BIGINT`, `REAL` and `DOUBLE PRECISION`. The return types of the `SUM` function are: `BIGINT` for integer and `DOUBLE PRECISION` for floating-point arguments. The `SUM()` window function works with numeric values and ignores NULL ones ## Parameters * `expression`: input's column or expression values to be summed ## Examples For the needs of this section, we will create the `winsales` table that stores details of some sales transactions: ```sql CREATE TABLE winsales( salesid int, dateid date, sellerid int, buyerid text, qty int, qty_shipped int); INSERT INTO winsales VALUES (30001, '8/2/2003', 3, 'b', 10, 10), (10001, '12/24/2003', 1, 'c', 10, 10), (10005, '12/24/2003', 1, 'a', 30, null), (40001, '1/9/2004', 4, 'a', 40, null), (10006, '1/18/2004', 1, 'c', 10, null), (20001, '2/12/2004', 2, 'b', 20, 20), (40005, '2/12/2004', 4, 'a', 10, 10), (20002, '2/16/2004', 2, 'c', 20, 20), (30003, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 15, null), (30004, '4/18/2004', 3, 'b', 20, null), (30007, '9/7/2004', 3, 'c', 30, null); ``` ### SUM() with ORDER BY In this example, we will focus on executing the `SUM()` window function with `ORDER BY` keyword: ```sql SELECT salesid, dateid, sellerid, qty SUM(qty) OVER (ORDER BY dateid, salesid ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) FROM winsales ORDER BY 2,1; ``` The output from the above query includes the sales ID, date ID, seller ID, quantity and quantity sum: ```sql salesid | dateid | sellerid | qty | sum ---------+------------+----------+-----+----- 30001 | 2003-08-02 | 3 | 10 | 10 10001 | 2003-12-24 | 1 | 10 | 20 10005 | 2003-12-24 | 1 | 30 | 50 40001 | 2004-01-09 | 4 | 40 | 90 10006 | 2004-01-18 | 1 | 10 | 100 20001 | 2004-02-12 | 2 | 20 | 120 40005 | 2004-02-12 | 4 | 10 | 130 20002 | 2004-02-16 | 2 | 20 | 150 30003 | 2004-04-18 | 3 | 15 | 165 30004 | 2004-04-18 | 3 | 20 | 185 30007 | 2004-09-07 | 3 | 30 | 215 (11 rows) ``` ### SUM() with ORDER BY and PARTITION BY In this example we will focus on executing the `SUM()` function with `ORDER BY` keyword and `PARTITION BY` clause: ```sql SELECT salesid, dateid, sellerid, qty SUM(qty) OVER (PARTITION BY sellerid ORDER BY dateid, sellerid ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) FROM winsales ORDER BY 3,2,1; ``` After executing the query above, we get the following output: ```sql salesid | dateid | sellerid | qty | sum ---------+------------+----------+-----+----- 10001 | 2003-12-24 | 1 | 10 | 10 10005 | 2003-12-24 | 1 | 30 | 40 10006 | 2004-01-18 | 1 | 10 | 50 20001 | 2004-02-12 | 2 | 20 | 20 20002 | 2004-02-16 | 2 | 20 | 40 30001 | 2003-08-02 | 3 | 10 | 10 30003 | 2004-04-18 | 3 | 15 | 25 30004 | 2004-04-18 | 3 | 20 | 45 30007 | 2004-09-07 | 3 | 30 | 75 40001 | 2004-01-09 | 4 | 40 | 40 40005 | 2004-02-12 | 4 | 10 | 50 (11 rows) ``` # COPY FROM Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from ## Overview `COPY FROM` statement is used to import data from a file into a table by reading from the file's content directly. When using the `COPY FROM`, each field in the file is inserted sequentially into the specified column. The file must be accessible and able to be read and written to ## Syntax The syntax for THE `COPY FROM` is as follows: ```sql COPY table_name FROM 'file_path'; ``` where: * `table_name`: the table that will receive the data from the file * `file_path`: the link to the file location accessible from the server ## Example ### Creating CSV Files Firstly, you should create a CSV file and store it on your local computer. Here, we make a file called **“feature2.csv”** that stores information about features with their versions: > create a table, 1.0 > modify a table, 1.2 > drop a table, 2.2 > rename a table, 2.0 ### Importing Files from Local to Server You can use the syntax and the example presented below for importing the file to the server: ```typescript aws s3 cp ~/[file location on your local computer] s3://[server location]/[file name] ``` ```typescript aws s3 cp ~/Documents/feature2.csv s3://oxla-testdata/test/feature2.csv ``` After a successful import, you will get the following result: ```typescript upload: Documents/feature2.csv to s3://oxla-testdata/test/feature2.csv ``` ### Connecting to Oxla Server Now that the file has been successfully uploaded to the server, you need to connect to Oxla using the command below: ```sql psql -h buildfarm.oxla.com -p 6000 ``` Once you successfully connected to an Oxla server, you should get a similar output: ```sql psql (15.1 (Ubuntu 15.1-1.pgdg22.10+1), server Oxla 1.0) WARNING: psql major version 15, server major version 0.0. Some psql features might not work. Type "help" for help. ``` ### Creating a Table Once you proceed to table creation stage, firstly it's worth checking for duplicate tables, by executing the statement below: ```sql DESCRIBE DATABASE ``` In return, you will retrieve a list of all existing tables in Oxla: ```sql +----------------------------+ | name | +----------------------------+ | supplier_scale_1_no_index | | features | | orders | | features2 | | featurestable | | featurestable1 | | featurestable10 | +----------------------------+ ``` After that, you need to create a table to retrieve the data from the CSV file. Here, we will create a `featurelist` table: ```sql CREATE TABLE featurelist(featurename text, version float); ``` ### Copying the CSV File Into the Table Now, you can copy the **“feature2.csv”** by executing the `COPY FROM` query, as shown below: ```sql COPY featurelisttable FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/feature2.csv'; ``` ### Retrieving the Table To verify that the data was imported correctly from the server, you can retrieve all the data using the `SELECT` statement: ```sql SELECT * FROM featurelisttable; ``` Now you should have the same data in the table as in the CSV file. ```sql +-----------------+----------+ | featurename | version | +-----------------+----------+ | create a table | 1 | | modify a table | 1.2 | | drop a table | 2.2 | | rename a table | 2 | +-----------------+----------+ ``` # COPY FROM STDIN Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from-stdin ## Overview The `COPY FROM STDIN` command imports data directly from the client into a table. It simplifies the copy process by eliminating the need to transfer files to the server. ## Syntax The basic syntax for using `COPY FROM STDIN` is: ```sql COPY table_name FROM stdin; ``` Parameters: * `table_name`: The table where the data will be imported * `stdin`: Indicates that the data comes from the standard input (client application) - **Format**: Only .csv is supported
- **Delimiter**: For CSV format, the default delimiter is a comma (,)
### Additional Options 1. **Listing Column Names** You can specify the columns into which the data should be imported. ```sql COPY table_name (column1, column2) FROM stdin; ``` 2. **Options** You can include additional options following `FROM stdin` to customize the import process. ```sql COPY table_name FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER ','); ``` ## Examples ### Importing Data Manually 1. Ensure the table exists in your database. If it doesn’t, create one using the following command: ```sql CREATE TABLE country ( code TEXT, name TEXT ); ``` 2. You should see the output: ```sql CREATE ``` 3. Initiate the import operation by running the following command: ```sql COPY country FROM stdin; ``` 4. You will be prompted to enter your data. There will be a message as shown below: ```sql Enter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself, or an EOF signal. >> ``` 5. Paste the data directly from your CSV file into the prompt: ```sql Enter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself, or an EOF signal. >> FR,FRANCE DE,GERMANY IT,ITALY ES,SPAIN GB,UNITED KINGDOM NL,NETHERLANDS BE,BELGIUM CH,SWITZERLAND AT,AUSTRIA SE,SWEDEN ``` 6. To end the import process, enter `\.` or an EOF signal. ```sql Enter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself, or an EOF signal. >> FR,FRANCE DE,GERMANY IT,ITALY ES,SPAIN GB,UNITED KINGDOM NL,NETHERLANDS BE,BELGIUM CH,SWITZERLAND AT,AUSTRIA SE,SWEDEN >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> \. ``` An EOF (End of File) signal is used to indicate the end of input data and to terminate the input process. On Unix-like systems, press `Ctrl + D`. 7. If the import is successful, you will see `IMPORT 0` at the end of the line. ```sql Enter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself, or an EOF signal. >> FR,FRANCE DE,GERMANY IT,ITALY ES,SPAIN GB,UNITED KINGDOM NL,NETHERLANDS BE,BELGIUM CH,SWITZERLAND AT,AUSTRIA SE,SWEDEN >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> IMPORT 0 ``` The `IMPORT 0` message doesn't reflect the number of rows imported. This feature is planned for future development. 8. Verify the imported data by querying the table: ```sql SELECT * FROM country; ``` 9. The output should show that the data has been successfully imported into the table: ```sql code | name ------+---------------- FR | FRANCE DE | GERMANY IT | ITALY ES | SPAIN GB | UNITED KINGDOM NL | NETHERLANDS BE | BELGIUM CH | SWITZERLAND AT | AUSTRIA SE | SWEDEN (10 rows) ``` ### Importing a CSV File Directly To import a CSV file directly into Oxla, use the following steps. This method bypasses the need to manually enter data by reading the file and importing it directly into Oxla. 1. Create the Table (if not already created): ```sql CREATE TABLE country ( code TEXT, name TEXT ); ``` 2. Exit `psql`: ```bash \q ``` 3. Import the CSV File: ```bash cat myfile.csv | psql -c "COPY country FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER ',');" ``` This command reads the contents of **myfile.csv** and passes it directly to the `COPY` command. 4. Re-enter `psql` and verify the table contents: ```bash SELECT * FROM country; ``` # COPY FROM with Delimiter Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from-with-delimiter ## **Overview** A delimiter is a character that separates text strings. Common delimiters are: * Commas (,) * Semicolon (;) * Quotes ( ", ' ) * Dash (-) * Pipes (|) * Slashes ( / \ ). **By default, the COPY FROM function accepts commas (,).** ## **Syntax** The syntax for **COPY FROM** is as follows: ```sql COPY table_name FROM 'file_path' (DELIMITER 'delimiter'); ``` Two parameters need to be specified in the syntax: * `table_name`: the table that will receive data from the file. * `file_path`: a link to the file location in the server. * `DELIMITER 'delimiter'`: the delimiter used in the CSV file. ## **Example** Let’s have a look at the step-by-step below: ### Step #1: Create a CSV File First, you should create a CSV file and store it on your local computer. In this case, we use Dash ( - ) character to separate the text. > create a table - 1.0 > modify a table - 1.2 > drop a table - 2.2 > rename a table - 2.0 ### Step #2: Import FIle from Local to Server You can use the syntax below for importing the file to the server: ```typescript aws s3 cp ~/[file location on your local computer] s3://[server location]/[file name] ``` Next, import the file to the server using the above syntax: ```typescript aws s3 cp ~/Documents/feature2.csv s3://oxla-testdata/cayo/feature2.csv ``` If it’s successfully imported, you will get the following result: ```typescript upload: Documents/feature2.csv to s3://oxla-testdata/cayo/feature2.csv ``` ### Step #3: Connect to Oxla Server Connect to the Oxla server using the command below: ```sql psql -h buildfarm.oxla.com -p 6000 ``` You are now in the Oxla environment if you get the output below. ```sql psql (15.1 (Ubuntu 15.1-1.pgdg22.10+1), server Oxla 1.0) WARNING: psql major version 15, server major version 0.0. Some psql features might not work. Type "help" for help. ``` ### Step #4: Create a Table Before creating a table, check for duplicate tables with the statement below: ```sql DESCRIBE DATABASE ``` In return, you will retrieve a list of existing tables in Oxla. ```sql +----------------------------+ | name | +----------------------------+ | supplier_scale_1_no_index | | features | | orders | | features2 | | featurestable | | featurestable1 | | featurestable10 | +----------------------------+ ``` Ensure you are not creating duplicate tables. Create a “**featurelisttable**” table using the command below: ```sql CREATE TABLE featurelisttable (featurename text, version float); ``` ### Step #5: Copy the CSV File Into Table Because we are using Dash ( - ), we need to add a DELIMITER param with a specified character, as shown below: ```sql COPY featurelisttable FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/feature2.csv' (DELIMITER '-'); ``` You will get the following successful result: ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` Otherwise, you will get the error message below: ```sql ERROR: unexpected data at line: 1 col: 0 position: 108, expected , but got: ``` ### Step #6: Retrieve the Table To verify that the data was imported correctly from the server, retrieve all the data using the SELECT statement: ```sql SELECT * FROM featurelisttable; ``` You will have the same data in the table as in the CSV file. ```sql +-----------------+----------+ | featurename | version | +-----------------+----------+ | create a table | 1 | | modify a table | 1.2 | | drop a table | 2.2 | | rename a table | 2 | +-----------------+----------+ ``` # COPY FROM with Endpoint Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from-with-endpoint ## Overview When running [COPY FROM](/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from) queries, you should have the option to include the **endpoint URL**. This feature is especially useful for scenarios where you need to provide credentials and specific endpoints. ## Syntax The syntax is as follows: ```sql COPY table_name FROM 'file_path' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'aws_region', AWS_KEY_ID " "'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 'endpoint_url')); ``` Replace `AWS_CRED` with `AZURE_CRED` or `GCS_CRED` when copying from the Azure Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage. Here's the breakdown of syntax parameters: * **Shared parameters**: * `table_name`: table that will receive data from the file * `file_path`: link to the file location accessible from the server * **Parameters in `AWS_CRED`**: * `aws_region`: AWS region associated with the storage service (e.g. 'region1') * `key_id`: key identifier for authentication * `access_key`: access key for authentication * `endpoint_url`: URL endpoint for the storage service * **Parameters in `GCS_CRED`**: * ``: path to JSON credentials file * ``: contents of the GCS's credentials file * **Parameters in `AZURE_CRED`**: * `tenant_id`: tenant identifier representing your organization's identity in Azure * `client_id`: client identifier used for authentication * `client_secret`: secret identifier acting as a password for authentication. ## Examples ### COPY FROM with AWS S3 Bucket In this example, we are using the COPY FROM statement to import data from a file named `students_file` and the endpoint is `s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com`. ```sql COPY students FROM 'students_file' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'region1', AWS_KEY_ID " "'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 's3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com')); ``` **Expected Output**: Data from `students_file` is copied into the `students` table ### COPY FROM with Google Cloud Storage This example shows how to use the `COPY FROM` statement to import data, but this time, the data is stored on Google Cloud Storage; ```sql COPY project FROM 'gs://your-bucket/project_file' (GCS_CRED('/path/to/credentials.json')); ``` If for any reason you cannot use a path to the `credentials.json` file, you can also pass its contents as a string in the following way: ```sql COPY project FROM 'gs://your-bucket/project_file' (GCS_CRED('')); ``` Make sure that it is in JSON format You can also copy the data using the `AWS_CRED` like below, with the following endpoint `https://storage.googleapis.com`. ```sql COPY project FROM 'project_file' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'region1', AWS_KEY_ID " "'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 'https://storage.googleapis.com')); ``` **Expected Output**: Data from `project_file` is copied into the `project` table. For Google Cloud Storage, it's recommended to use HMAC keys for authentication. You can find more details about that on the [HMAC keys - Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/authentication/hmackeys) page. ### COPY FROM with Azure Blob Storage It's a similar story for getting the data from Azure Blob Storage. ```sql COPY taxi_data FROM 'wasbs://container-name/your_blob' (AZURE_CRED(TENANT_ID 'your_tenant_id' CLIENT_ID 'your_client_id', CLIENT_SECRET 'your_client_secret')); ``` **Expected Output**: Data from the `your_blob` is copied into the `taxi_data`. # COPY FROM with FORMAT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from-with-format ## Overview This version of a [`COPY FROM`](/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from) statement, allows you to specify the imported file format and currently three types are supported. With each file type there will be differences in performance and behavior Here's a list of supported formats: * **CSV** (comma-separated values): simple columnar text format * **ORC** (optimized row columnar): columnar storage format developed by Apache * **Parquet** (Apache Parquet): columnar data storage used in Apache Hadoop ecosystem Each query **without** a specified file format assumes to be importing a CSV file (**There is no** format detection in place) ## Syntax In order to sepcify the file format using the `COPY FROM` statement you can use the following syntax: ```sql COPY tablename FROM 'file_path' (FORMAT format_name); ``` Format name is case insensitive ## Examples When copying from the CSV, ORC or Parquet formats, as the first step you need to create a destination table: ```sql CREATE TABLE cab_types (id bigint, cab_type text); ``` Once that is done, you can copy the file content into the table by following one of the examples below. ### ORC ```sql copy cab_types from 's3://oxla-testdata/cab_types.orc' (format orc); ``` ### Parquet ```sql copy cab_types from 's3://oxla-testdata/cab_types.parquet' (format parquet); ``` Copying from Parquet files is memory consuming. Files bigger than a few gigabytes might result in **out of memory** error ### CSV When it comes to CSV files, we have a few cases here: * **CSV** ```sql copy cab_types from 's3://oxla-testdata/cab_types.csv' (format csv); ``` * **CSV with Specified Delimiter** ```sql copy cab_types from 's3://oxla-testdata/cab_types.csv' (format csv, delimiter ':'); ``` * **CSV skipping invalid rows** ```sql copy cab_types from 's3://oxla-testdata/cab_types.csv' (format csv, on_error stop|ignore); ``` By default invalid rows stops data ingestion and Oxla returns an error. Setting `on_error` action to `ignore` enforce further processing after skipping invalid rows. ## Differences in Behavior * **Ignored Options** * `HEADER`, `DELIMITER`, `NULL`, `ON_ERROR` options are ignored not affecting the execution of the queries for formats different than CSV * **Null Values Handling** * All ORC files have nullable columns. In order to import a nullable column to an Oxla column, which are described as `NOT NULL`, the column in the ORC file cannot contain a null value, otherwise the request will be terminated. * For Parquet files, inserting a nullable column to a non nullable column is allowed as long as there are no null values in the source column. * When using `ON_ERROR` option for CSV files, null constraint violation causes row skipping * **Column Matching** * ORC and Parquet files are only being matched based on **column index**, while CSVs can be matched both with names or indexes. For more information regarding that, please refer to our [COPY FROM with HEADER doc](/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from-with-header) # COPY FROM with HEADER Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from-with-header ## **Overview** When it comes to a table, we deal with its components like rows, columns, and headers. In Oxla, we provide 3 possible options for the header as follows: * **HEADER OFF** This option will not skip the header of the CSV file. Below are the available syntaxes besides HEADER OFF: ```sql HEADER OFF HEADER FALSE HEADER 0 ``` This is a default behavior that will be applied if you do not provide the HEADER option in your query. * **HEADER ON** This option will skip the header of the CSV file and only follow the columns that have been specified before. Below are the available syntaxes besides HEADER ON: ```sql HEADER ON HEADER TRUE HEADER 1 ``` * **HEADER MATCH** This option will read the header and verify that the name matches the column names. ## **Syntax** The syntax for **COPY FROM with HEADER** is as follows: ```sql COPY table_name FROM 'file_path' (Header_Syntax); ``` Two parameters need to be specified in the syntax: * `table_name`: the table that will receive data from the file. * `file_path`: a link to the file location in the server. * `Header_Syntax`: the specified header options. ## **Examples** Say you have created a CSV file called **idvals.csv,** and the file has been uploaded to the server: > id,quantity > 1,5 > 2,2 > 3,1 > 4,8 > 5,4 > 6,3 Then, you create a table by specifying the column with an integer data type: ```sql CREATE TABLE idqty (id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER); ``` Now, let’s see an example case by case: ### Case #1: HEADER OFF 1. With reference to the table above, run the following query: ```sql COPY idqty FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/idvals.csv'; ``` 2. An error output will appear. This happens because we specified the table with an INTEGER column. While in the CSV file, we have STRING value which is **“id”** and **“quantity”**, which are not considered headers. ```sql Error while parsing f32 from csv at line:0 col:6 position:26, parsing error ``` To include the headers, use the **HEADER ON** option. Another Option 1. If you don’t want to include the headers (**“id”** and **“quantity”**), you can modify your CSV file by deleting the headers: > 1,5 > 2,2 > 3,1 > 4,8 > 5,4 > 6,3 2. Run the COPY FROM statement: ```sql COPY idqty FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/idvals.csv'; ``` 3. You will get the following output which indicates that the file has successfully imported to the table: ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` 4. Display the table by using the SELECT statement to retrieve the table records: ```sql SELECT * FROM idqty; ``` ```sql +----+----------+ | id | quantity | +---------------+ | 1 | 5 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 1 | | 4 | 8 | | 5 | 4 | | 6 | 3 | +----+----------+ ``` ### Case #2: HEADER ON 1. With reference to the **idqty** table above, run the following query: ```sql COPY idqty FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/idvals.csv'(HEADER ON); ``` 2. You will get the following output which indicates that the file has successfully imported to the table: ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` 3. To verify, use the SELECT statement to retrieve the table records: ```sql SELECT * FROM idqty; ``` We will get the below result, which displays the **idqty** table: ```sql +----+----------+ | id | quantity | +---------------+ | 1 | 5 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 1 | | 4 | 8 | | 5 | 4 | | 6 | 3 | +----+----------+ ``` In this case, the header may be anything that has been specified before. It does not need to have column names. ### Case #3: HEADER MATCH 1. Based on the **idqty** table above, if we run the following query: ```sql COPY idqty FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/idvals.csv' (HEADER MATCH); ``` 2. It will produce a successful output because the specified columns in the **idqty** table are matched with the header of the **idvals.csv** file: ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` 3. But, you will get a mismatched output when the header isn’t matched. Say that the **idvals.csv** file has **“id”** and “**qty”** header, as shown below: > id,qty > 1,5 > 2,2 > 3,1 > 4,8 > 5,4 > 6,3 Then, you will get a mismatched output because it reads **“qty”** from the CSV file when the expected value is **“quantity”** as specified in the table. ```sql column name mismatch in header line field 1: got "qty", expected "quantity" ``` **Another Option** 1. Furthermore, you can also define the columns that you want to match as shown below: ```sql COPY idqty(id, quantity) FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/idvals.csv' (HEADER MATCH); ``` The following output shows a successful result: ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` 2. But, if you change the ordering by switching the order of the columns: ```sql COPY idqty(quantity, id) FROM 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/idvals.csv' (HEADER MATCH); ``` 3. You will get a mismatch error message. ```sql column name mismatch in header line field 1: got "id", expected "quantity" ``` # COPY FROM with NULL Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-from/copy-from-with-null ## **Overview** NULL means **no value**. In other words, it does not have any value, not equal to 0, empty string, or spaces. In Oxla, we can specify a different string as the null value in the COPY FROM statement. ## **Syntax** You can define a string with any strings that will replace the null value, as shown in the syntax below: ```sql COPY table_name FROM 'file_path' (NULL 'string') ``` ## **Examples** ### **Case #1: Show Blank for NULL Value** 1. To begin with, create a CSV file called **idvals.csv** with a null value: > null,5 > 2,2 > 3,2 2. In addition, create a table called **idqty** by specifying the column with an integer data type: ```sql CREATE TABLE idqty (id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER); ``` 3. Execute the COPY FROM statement with a NULL option: ```sql COPY idqty FROM idvals (NULL, 'null'); ``` 4. A null value from the CSV file will be displayed in a table with an empty row that has no value, as shown below: ```sql +------+----------+ | id | quantity | +------+----------+ | | 5 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 2 | +------+----------+ ``` ### **Case #2: Show String for NULL Value** 1. A string is represented with a double quote. In this case, we create a CSV file called **idvals.csv** with a null value as a string. > "null",5 > 2,2 > 3,"null" 2. Create a table called **idqty** by specifying the column with an integer data type: ```sql CREATE TABLE idqty (id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER); ``` 3. Execute the COPY FROM statement with a NULL option: ```sql COPY idqty FROM idvals (NULL, 'null'); ``` 4. You can see that a null value from the CSV file will be displayed in a table with **“null”:** ```sql +------+----------+ | id | quantity | +------+----------+ | null | 5 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | null | +------+----------+ ``` You can specify another string to replace the null value. Such as blank, empty, invalid, etc. # COPY TO Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-to/copy-to ## **Overview** The `COPY TO` statement is used to export tables, specific columns, or results of select queries into .csv files. It allows you to copy data from a table or query result and save it to a specified file. ## **Syntax** The syntax for `COPY TO` is as follows: ```sql COPY { table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] | ( query ) } TO 'filename' [( option [, ...] ) ]; ``` Parameters in the syntax include: * `table_name`: Table with the data to export. * `column_name`: Optional. Specify columns for export. * `query`: A `SELECT` statement for exporting specific results. * `filename`: File name for saving the exported data. * `option`: Optional parameters for customization. ## **Example** ### **Step #1: Create a Table** 1. Before creating The table, check for duplicate tables using the following statement: ```sql DESCRIBE DATABASE ``` 2. You will receive a list of existing tables in Oxla: ```sql namespace_name | name ----------------+---------------- public | client public | distance_table public | weight public | product ``` Ensure you are not creating duplicate tables. 3. Now, let's create a table for exporting data to a CSV file. Here, we'll create a "**salary**" table: ```sql CREATE TABLE salary ( empid int, empname text, empdept text, empaddress text, empsalary int ); INSERT INTO salary (empid, empname, empdept, empaddress, empsalary) VALUES (2001,'Paul','HR', 'California', null ), (2002,'Brandon','Product', 'Norway', 15000), (2003,'Bradley','Marketing', 'Texas', null), (2004,'Lisa','Marketing', 'Houston', 10000), (2005,'Emily','Marketing', 'Texas', 20000), (2006,'Bobby','Finance', 'Seattle', 20000), (2007,'Parker','Project', 'Texas', 45000); ``` 4. The table and data were created successfully. ```sql COMPLETE INSERT 0 7 ``` ### **Step #2: Copy the Table into the CSV File** **Important Notes:**
- By default, the `COPY TO` command overwrites the CSV file if it already exists.
- Please ensure that the directory where you save the file has the necessary write permissions.
**Option 1: Exporting all columns from a table** Copy all columns in the table to the specified CSV file: ```sql COPY salary TO '/path/to/exportsalary.csv'; ``` You will get the following successful result: ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` The data from the table will be exported to the CSV file. **Option 2: Exporting specific columns from a table** Copy only specific columns by specifying the column names in the query: ```sql COPY salary (empid, empname, empsalary) TO 'exportsalary.csv'; ``` You will get the following successful result: ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` The data from the specified columns will be exported to the CSV file. **Option 3: Exporting results of a SELECT statement** In the example below, copy data only from the **Marketing department** using the `SELECT` statement and `WHERE` clause: ```sql COPY (SELECT * FROM salary WHERE empdept = 'Marketing') TO 'exportsalary.csv'; ``` You will get the following successful result: ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` Data exported to CSV file is only from the Marketing department. # COPY TO STDOUT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-to/copy-to-stdout ## Overview The `COPY TO STDOUT` command is used to export data directly from a table to the client. This approach allows for data transfer by sending the data directly to the client, eliminating the need for server-side file operations. ## Syntax The basic syntax for using `COPY TO STDOUT` is: ```sql COPY table_name TO STDOUT; ``` Parameters: * `table_name`: The table from which the data will be exported. * `stdout`: Indicates that the data will be sent to the standard output (client application). - **Format**: Only .csv is supported
- **Delimiter**: For CSV format, the default delimiter is a comma (,)
## Example ### Step 1. Create the Table 1. Create the table and insert some data into it. ```sql CREATE TABLE book_inventory ( title TEXT, copies_available INT ); INSERT INTO book_inventory (title, copies_available) VALUES ('To Kill a Mockingbird', 5), ('1984', 8), ('The Great Gatsby', 3), ('Moby Dick', 2), ('War and Peace', 4); ``` 2. Upon successful creation, you should see the output below: ```sql CREATE INSERT 0 5 ``` ### Step 2. Start the Export Operation 1. Run the `COPY TO STDOUT` command to export the data from the `book_inventory` table: ```sql COPY book_inventory TO STDOUT; ``` 2. You will get the output with the table values, which you can use to create or copy into a CSV file: ```sql "To Kill a Mockingbird",5 1984,8 "The Great Gatsby",3 "Moby Dick",2 "War and Peace",4 ``` # COPY TO with Delimiter Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-to/copy-to-with-delimiter ## **Overview** A delimiter is a character that separates text strings. Common delimiters include: * Commas (,) * Semicolon (;) * Quotes ( ", ' ) * Dash (-) * Pipes (|) * Slashes ( / \ ). ## **Syntax** The syntax for `COPY TO` with a delimiter is as follows: ```sql COPY table_name TO 'file_path' (DELIMITER 'delimiter'); ``` Parameters in the syntax include: * `table_name`: The table containing the data to be exported. * `file_path`: The CSV file location where the data will be saved. * `DELIMITER ‘delimiter'`: The Delimiter used in the exported CSV file. **Default delimiter is a comma (**`,`**).** ## **Example** ### **Step #1: Create a Table** 1. Before creating a table, check for duplicate tables using the following statement: ```sql DESCRIBE DATABASE ``` 2. You will receive a list of existing tables in Oxla: ```sql namespace_name | name ----------------+---------------- public | client public | distance_table public | weight public | product public | salary ``` Ensure you are not creating duplicate tables. 3. Create a "**customer**" table. ```sql CREATE TABLE customer ( cust_id int, cust_name text ); INSERT INTO customer (cust_id, cust_name) VALUES (11001, 'Maya'), (11003, 'Ricky'), (11009, 'Sean'), (11008, 'Chris'), (11002, 'Emily'), (11005, 'Rue'), (11007, 'Tom'), (11006, 'Casey'); ``` 4. The table and data were created successfully. ```sql COMPLETE INSERT 0 8 ``` ### **Step #2: Export Data to a CSV File using Delimiter** **Important Notes:**
- By default, the `COPY TO` command overwrites the CSV file if it already exists.
- Please ensure that the directory where you save the file has a write permissions.
In the example below, we are using a Comma ( `,` ). ```sql COPY salary TO '/home/acer/Documents/customerexport.csv' (DELIMITER ','); ``` You will get the successful output below. ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` Using the comma ( `,` ) as the delimiter for the `customer` table, the expected output would be: ```sql cust_id,cust_name 11001,Maya 11003,Ricky 11009,Sean 11008,Chris 11002,Emily 11005,Rue 11007,Tom 11006,Casey ``` # COPY TO with Endpoint Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-to/copy-to-with-endpoint ## Overview When running [COPY TO](/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-to/copy-to) queries, you should have the option to include the **endpoint URL**. This feature is especially useful for scenarios where you need to provide credentials and specific endpoints. ## Syntax The syntax for using `COPY TO` statement is as follows: ```sql COPY table_name TO 'file_path' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'aws_region', AWS_KEY_ID 'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 'endpoint_url')); ``` Replace `AWS_CRED` with `AZURE_CRED` or `GCS_CRED` when copying to the Azure Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage. Here's the breakdown of parameters syntax: * **Shared parameters**: * `table_name`: table containing the data to be exported * `file_path`: CSV file location accessible from the server * **Parameters in `AWS_CRED`**: * `aws_region`: AWS region associated with the storage service (e.g. 'region1') * `key_id`: key identifier used for authentication * `access_key`: access key used for authentication * `endpoint_url`: URL endpoint for the storage service * **Parameters in `GCS_CRED`**: * ``: path to JSON credentials file. * ``: contents of the GCS's credentials file * **Parameters in `AZURE_CRED`**: * `tenant_id`: tenant identifier representing your organization's identity in Azure * `client_id`: client identifier used for authentication. * `client_secret`: secret identifier acting as a password when authenticating ## Examples ### COPY TO with AWS S3 Bucket In this example, we use the `COPY TO` statement to export data from the `students` table to a CSV file named `students_file`. ```sql COPY students TO 's3://oxla-testdata/cayo/students_file' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'region1', AWS_KEY_ID 'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 's3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com')); ``` **Expected Output**: `student` table data is copied to the `students_file` on AWS S3 ### COPY TO with Google Cloud Storage This example shows how to use the `COPY TO` statement to export data, but this time, the data is stored on Google Cloud Storage. ```sql COPY project TO 'gs://your-bucket/project_file' (GCS_CRED('/path/to/credentials.json')); ``` If for any reason you cannot use a path to the `credentials.json` file, you can also pass its contents as a string in the following way: ```sql COPY project FROM 'gs://your-bucket/project_file' (GCS_CRED('')); ``` Make sure that it is in JSON format You can also copy the data using the `AWS_CRED` like below: ```sql COPY project TO 'gs://your-bucket/project_file' (AWS_CRED(AWS_REGION 'region1', AWS_KEY_ID 'key_id', AWS_PRIVATE_KEY 'access_key', ENDPOINT 'https://storage.googleapis.com')); ``` **Expected Output**: Data from the `project` table is copied to the `project_file` on Google Cloud Storage ### COPY TO with Azure Blob Storage It's a similar story for storing data in Azure Blob Storage. ```sql COPY taxi_data TO 'wasbs://container-name/your_blob' (AZURE_CRED(TENANT_ID 'your_tenant_id' CLIENT_ID 'your_client_id', CLIENT_SECRET 'your_client_secret')); ``` **Expected Output**: Data from the `taxi_data` table is copied to `your_blob` on Azure Blob Storage # COPY TO with HEADER Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-to/copy-to-with-header ## **Overview** When you export data from a table to a CSV file using the `COPY TO` command, you can include or skip the header. Oxla provides three options for handling headers: `HEADER OFF`, `HEADER ON`, and `HEADER MATCH`. ## **Syntax** The syntax for `COPY TO` with `HEADER` is as follows: ```sql COPY table_name TO 'file_path' (Header_Syntax); ``` Parameters in the syntax include: * `table_name`: The table containing the data to be exported. * `file_path`: The CSV file location where the data will be saved. * `Header_Syntax`: The specified header options. ## **Header Options** * **HEADER OFF** This option will not skip the header of the CSV file. The available syntax is: ```none HEADER OFF HEADER FALSE HEADER 0 ``` This option is a default behaviour if `HEADER` is not provided. * **HEADER ON** This option skips the header of the CSV file and follows only the previously specified columns. The available syntax is: ```none HEADER ON HEADER TRUE HEADER 1 ``` ## **Examples** First, create a **"personal\_details"** table. ```sql CREATE TABLE personal_details ( id int, first_name text, last_name text, gender text ); INSERT INTO personal_details (id, first_name, last_name, gender) VALUES (1,'Mark','Wheeler','M'), (2,'Tom','Hanks','M'), (3,'Jane','Hopper','F'), (4,'Emily','Byers','F'), (5,'Lucas','Sinclair','M'); ``` The table and data were created successfully. ```sql COMPLETE INSERT 0 5 ``` Now, let’s explore some cases of `COPY TO` with different header options: ### **Case 1: HEADER OFF** Please ensure that the directory where you save the file has a write permissions. 1. Run the query below to export the table. ```sql COPY personal_details TO '/home/acer/Documents/personalinfo.csv'; ``` 2. You will get the following output, indicating that the table has successfully exported to the CSV file. ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` 3. The data in the table is copied directly to the `personalinfo` file without considering the first row as a header. ```sql 1,'Mark','Wheeler','M' 2,'Tom','Hanks','M' 3,'Jane','Hopper','F' 4,'Emily','Byers','F' 5,'Lucas','Sinclair','M' ``` To include headers, use the `HEADER ON` option. ### **Case 2: HEADER ON** 1. Run the query below to export the table. ```sql COPY personal_details TO '/home/acer/Documents/personalinfo.csv' (HEADER ON); ``` 2. You will get a successful output below. ```sql -- (0 rows) ``` 3. In this case, the header from the table will be included in the CSV file. ```none id,first_name,last_name,gender 1,'Mark','Wheeler','M' 2,'Tom','Hanks','M' 3,'Jane','Hopper','F' 4,'Emily','Byers','F' 5,'Lucas','Sinclair','M' ``` # COPY TO with NULL Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/copy-to/copy-to-with-null ## **Overview** A `NULL` value indicates that the value does not exist in the database. In Oxla, you can use the `NULL` option in the `COPY TO` state to specify a string that will replace `NULL` values ​​when copying data from the table to a CSV file. ## **Syntax** The syntax for using the `NULL` option in the `COPY TO` is as follows: ```sql COPY table_name TO 'file_path' (NULL 'replacement_string'); ``` Parameters in the syntax include: * `table_name`: The table containing the data to be exported. * `file_path`: A CSV file location where the data will be saved. * `NULL ‘replacement_string'`: The specified string that will replace NULL values in the exported CSV file. The default value is `' '`. ## **Example** 1. Create a table with a `NULL` value. ```sql CREATE TABLE example_table ( id serial, name varchar(50), age int, city varchar(50) ); INSERT INTO example_table (name, age, city) VALUES ('John', 25, 'New York'), ('Alice', NULL, 'Chicago'), ('Bob', 30, NULL); ``` 2. Now, let's use `COPY TO` with an empty string: ```sql COPY example_table TO '/path/to/exampleexport.csv' (NULL ''); ``` 3. The `NULL` values in the table are replaced with the empty string in the CSV file. ```none 1,John,25,"New York" 2,Alice,null,"Chicago" 3,Bob,30,"" ``` You can specify another string to replace the null value, such as blank, empty, invalid, etc. # CREATE INDEX Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/create-index ## Overview Oxla allows creating a single index on an empty table (before any row is added to the table). This index is used to sort data on storage, ordering it using indexed columns. This greatly speeds up the scanning table, reducing the scan just to the relevant portion of data. ## Syntax While creating an index one should define the index name, the table for which the index is created, list of columns for which the index was created. ```sql CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name(column_name_1, ...); ``` ## Using index The index is used when a query uses a range of values from a given index. To do that user must compare the index column with the literal. ## Performance impact ### Single column index Let's consider the given table: ```sql CREATE TABLE lineorder ( customer_id INTEGER NOT NULL, part_key_id INTEGER NOT NULL, quantity INTEGER NOT NULL, unit_price FLOAT NOT NULL, commit_date DATE NOT NULL ); ``` Let's say we want to calculate the value of orders for 5th November 2019: ```sql SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity) AS revenue FROM lineorder WHERE commit_date = '2019-11-05'; ``` This query will scan all data for columns unit\_price, quantity, and commit\_date for table lineorder. To speed this query up we can use the index: ```sql CREATE INDEX lineorder_index ON lineorder(commit_date); ``` If the table was created with this index then the query mentioned above will scan just over rows for which `commit_date` is equal to 2019-11-05. Unfortunately, expressions like the one shown below will not take advantage of the index. ```sql SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity) AS revenue FROM lineorder WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM commit_date) = 2019; ``` ### Multi-column index The index might contain multiple columns. Let's consider a different index for the table line order mentioned above: ```sql CREATE INDEX lineorder_index ON lineorder(part_key_id, commit_date); ``` Thanks to this index, extracting orders related to a given part or orders for a given part and given time range will be very fast. Example of queries taking advantage of index: ```sql SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity) AS revenue FROM lineorder WHERE part_key_id = 5; SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity) AS revenue FROM lineorder WHERE part_key_id = 5 OR part_key_id = 7; SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity) AS revenue FROM lineorder WHERE part_key_id >= 5 AND part_key_id <= 7; SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity) AS revenue FROM lineorder WHERE part_key_id = 5 AND commit_date BETWEEN '2019-11-01' AND '2019-11-15'; SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity) AS revenue FROM lineorder WHERE part_key_id >= 5 AND part_key_id <= 7 AND commit_date BETWEEN '2019-11-01' AND '2019-11-15'; ``` A query that will not take advantage of the index: ```sql SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity) AS revenue FROM lineorder WHERE commit_date BETWEEN '2019-11-01' AND '2019-11-15'; ``` # Create Table Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/create-table/create-table ## Overview The `CREATE TABLE` statement creates a new table in a database. Each table has columns with specific data types like numbers, strings, or dates. ## Syntax To create a table, you should name and define the columns with their data types. ```sql CREATE TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] table_name( column_1 datatype, column_2 datatype, column_3 datatype, ..... ); ``` From the syntax above: * `table_name`: Name of the table * `column_1, column_2, column_n`: Names of the columns * `datatype`: Data type for each column * `IF NOT EXISTS` (Optional): Use this to avoid errors if the table already exists SQL keywords cannot be used for table and column names unless they are quoted. Keep in mind that unquoted names are case-sensitive. For the full list of keywords, please refer to our [doc](https://docs.oxla.com/3-sql-reference/3-1-sql-statements/3-1-2-create-table-statement/keywords). ## Constraints When creating a table, we can add the **NOT NULL** constraint to ensure that values in a column cannot be NULL and will always contain a value. In other words, if you don't define **NOT NULL**, the column can be empty. ```sql CREATE TABLE table_name( column1 datatype NOT NULL, column2 datatype NOT NULL, column3 datatype NOT NULL, ..... ); ``` ## Table index You can add indexes to the table. See [here](https://docs.oxla.com/3-sql-reference/3-1-sql-statements/3-1-3-create-index-statement/create-index) for more details. By default, tables are created in the `public` schema, but you can specify a different schema. For more information, click [here](https://docs.oxla.com/3-sql-reference/schema). ## Examples ### Creating a Table Create a sample table with the query below: ```sql CREATE TABLE employees ( employeeID INT, lastName TEXT, firstName TEXT NOT NULL, address TEXT ); ``` Once the table is created successfully, you will get the following output ```sql CREATE ``` ### Creating a Table with Values Below is an example of creating a **client** table with values: ```sql CREATE TABLE products ( product_id INT, product_name TEXT NOT NULL, product_description TEXT ); INSERT INTO products (product_id, product_name, product_description) VALUES (101, 'Laptop', 'A high-performance laptop for professionals.'), (102, 'Smartphone', 'A latest model smartphone with excellent features.'), (103, 'Headphones', 'Noise-cancelling headphones for immersive audio experience.'); ``` You can run the following command to verify the completed request: ```sql SELECT * FROM products; ``` As a result, we''ll receive a table show below: ```sql product_id | product_name | product_description ------------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------------- 101 | Laptop | A high-performance laptop for professionals. 102 | Smartphone | A latest model smartphone with excellent features. 103 | Headphones | Noise-cancelling headphones for immersive audio experience. (3 rows) ``` ### Using Quoted names 1. Creating a table using the query below: ```sql CREATE TABLE preferences (module TEXT); ``` 2. This will fail with an error message: ```sql ERROR: syntax error, unexpected MODULE ERROR: syntax error at or near "module" LINE 1: CREATE TABLE preferences (module TEXT); ^ ``` 3. It happens because "module" is a keyword. To use a keyword as a column name, you need to enclose it in double quotes. ```sql CREATE TABLE preferences ("module" TEXT); ``` 4. When querying the table, remember to use quotes around the column name: ```sql SELECT "module" FROM preferences; ``` Note that names enclosed in quotes are case-sensitive. Therefore, this query will fail: ```sql SELECT "Module" FROM preferences; ``` ### Creating a Table with IF NOT EXISTS To prevent errors when a table already exists, use the `IF NOT EXISTS` clause. See the following examples: #### Example without IF NOT EXISTS 1. First, create the table without using the `IF NOT EXISTS` option: ```sql CREATE TABLE products ( productID INT, productName TEXT, category TEXT NOT NULL, price REAL ); ``` Output: ```sql CREATE ``` 2. Then, create the same table: ```sql CREATE TABLE products ( productID INT, productName TEXT, category TEXT NOT NULL, price REAL ); ``` Because you attempt to create the table without using `IF NOT EXISTS`, you will get the following error: ```sql ERROR: relation "products" already exists ``` #### Example with IF NOT EXISTS Now, create the table using the `IF NOT EXISTS` option to avoid the error: ```sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products ( productID int, productName text, category text NOT NULL, price real ); ``` Using `IF NOT EXISTS` allows the query to succeed even if the table already exists. ```sql CREATE ``` # Keywords Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/create-table/keywords Below is the list of keywords that you can use in the statement: * ABSOLUTE * ACTION * ADD * AFTER * ALL * ALLOCATE * ALTER * ANALYSE * ANALYZE * AND * ANY * ARE * ARRAY * ARRAY\_MAX\_CARDINALITY * AS * ASC * ASENSITIVE * ASSERTION * ASYMMETRIC * AT * ATOMIC * AUTHORIZATION * BEFORE * BEGIN * BEGIN * BEGIN\_FRAME * BEGIN\_PARTITION * BETWEEN * BIGINT * BIT * BIT\_LENGTH * BLOB * BOOL * BOOLEAN * BOTH * BY * CACHE * CALL * CALLED * CARDINALITY * CASCADE * CASCADED * CASE * CAST * CATALOG * CEILING * CHAR * CHAR\_LENGTH * CHARACTER * CHARACTER\_LENGTH * CHECK * CLASSIFIER * CLOB * CLOSE * COALESCE * COLLATE * COLLATION * COLLECT * COLUMN * COLUMN * COLUMNS * COMMIT * CONDITION * CONNECT * CONNECTION * CONSTRAINT * CONSTRAINTS * CONTAINS * CONTINUE * CONTROL * CONVERT * COPY * CORR * CORRESPONDING * COVAR\_POP * COVAR\_SAMP * CREATE * CROSS * CUBE * CUME\_DIST * CURRENT * CURRENT\_USER * CURSOR * CYCLE * DATABASE * DATABASES * DATALINK * DATE * DATETIME * DAY * DEALLOCATE * DEC * DECFLOAT * DECIMAL * DECLARE * DEFAULT * DEFERRABLE * DEFERRED * DEFINE * DELETE * DELETE * DELTA * DENSE\_RANK * DEREF * DESC * DESCRIBE * DESCRIPTOR * DETERMINISTIC * DIAGNOSTICS * DIRECT * DISCONNECT * DISTINCT * DLNEWCOPY * DLPREVIOUSCOPY * DLURLCOMPLETE * DLURLCOMPLETEONLY * DLURLCOMPLETEWRITE * DLURLPATH * DLURLPATHONLY * DLURLPATHWRITE * DLURLSCHEME * DLURLSERVER * DLVALUE * DO * DOMAIN * DOUBLE * DROP * DYNAMIC * EACH * ELEMENT * ELSE * EMPTY * END * END\_FRAME * END\_PARTITION * EQUALS * ESCAPE * EVERY * EXCEPT * EXCEPTION * EXEC * EXECUTE * EXISTS * EXP * EXPLAIN * EXTERNAL * EXTRACT * FALSE * FETCH * FILE * FILTER * FIRST * FIRST\_VALUE * FLOAT * FLOOR * FOR * FOREIGN * FORMAT * FOUND * FRAME\_ROW * FREE * FROM * FULL * FUNCTION * FUSION * GET * GLOBAL * GO * GOTO * GRANT * GROUP * GROUPING * GROUPS * HASH * HAVING * HINT * HOLD * HOUR * IDENTITY * IF * ILIKE * IMMEDIATE * IMPORT * IN * INDEX * INDEX * INDICATOR * INITIAL * INITIALLY * INNER * INOUT * INPUT * INSENSITIVE * INSERT * INT * INTEGER * INTERSECT * INTERSECTION * INTERVAL * INTO * IS * ISNULL * ISOLATION * JOIN * JSON * JSON\_ARRAY * JSON\_ARRAYAGG * JSON\_EXISTS * JSON\_OBJECT * JSON\_OBJECTAGG * JSON\_QUERY * JSON\_TABLE * JSON\_TABLE\_PRIMITIVE * JSON\_VALUE * JSONB * KEY * LAG * LANGUAGE * LARGE * LAST * LAST\_VALUE * LATERAL * LEAD * LEADING * LEFT * LEVEL * LIKE * LIKE\_REGEX * LIMIT * LISTAGG * LN * LOAD * LOCAL * LOCALTIME * LOCALTIMESTAMP * LONG * MEASURES * MEMBER * MERGE * METHOD * MINUS * MINUTE * MODIFIES * MODULE * MONTH * MULTISET * NAMES * NATIONAL * NATURAL * NCHAR * NCLOB * NEW * NEXT * NO * NONE * NOT * NOT * NTILE * NULL * NULLIF * NULLS * NVARCHAR * OCCURRENCES\_REGEX * OCTET\_LENGTH * OF * OFF * OFFSET * OLD * OMIT * ON * ON * ON * ONE * ONLY * OPEN * OPTION * OR * ORDER * OUT * OUTER * OUTPUT * OVER * OVERLAPS * OVERLAY * PAD * PARAMETER * PARAMETERS * PARTIAL * PARTITION * PATTERN * PER * PERCENT * PERCENT\_RANK * PERCENTILE\_CONT * PERCENTILE\_DISC * PERIOD * PERMUTE * PLACING * PLAN * PORTION * PRECEDES * PRECISION * PREPARE * PRESERVE * PRIMARY * PRIOR * PRIVILEGES * PROCEDURE * PTF * PUBLIC * RANGE * READ * READS * REAL * RECURSIVE * REF * REFERENCES * REFERENCING * REGR\_AVGX * REGR\_AVGY * REGR\_COUNT * REGR\_INTERCEPT * REGR\_R2 * REGR\_SLOPE * REGR\_SXX * REGR\_SXY * REGR\_SYY * RELATIVE * RELEASE * RENAME * RESTRICT * RESULT * RETURN * RETURNS * REVOKE * RIGHT * ROLLBACK * ROLLUP * ROW * ROW\_NUMBER * ROWS * RUNNING * SAVEPOINT * SCHEMA * SCHEMA * SCHEMAS * SCOPE * SCROLL * SEARCH * SECOND * SECTION * SEEK * SELECT * SENSITIVE * SESSION * SESSION\_USER * SET * SET * SHOW * SIMILAR * SIZE * SKIP * SMALLINT * SOME * SORTED * SPACE * SPATIAL * SPECIFIC * SPECIFICTYPE * SQL * SQLCODE * SQLERROR * SQLEXCEPTION * SQLSTATE * SQLWARNING * START * STATIC * STDDEV\_POP * STDDEV\_SAMP * STRING * SUBMULTISET * SUBSET * SUCCEEDS * SYMMETRIC * SYSTEM * SYSTEM\_TIME * SYSTEM\_USER * TABLE * TABLE * TABLES * TABLESAMPLE * TEMPORARY * TEXT * THEN * TIME * TIMESTAMP * TIMESTAMP\_TRUNC * TO * TOP * TRAILING * TRANSACTION * TRANSLATE * TRANSLATE\_REGEX * TRANSLATION * TREAT * TRIGGER * TRUE * TRUNCATE * UESCAPE * UNION * UNIQUE * UNIQUE * UNKNOWN * UNLOAD * UNMATCHED * UNNEST * UPDATE * UPPER * USAGE * USER * USING * VALUES * VAR\_POP * VAR\_SAMP * VARBINARY * VARCHAR * VARIADIC * VARYING * VERSIONING * VIEW * VIRTUAL * WHEN * WHENEVER * WHERE * WIDTH\_BUCKET * WINDOW * WITH * WITHIN * WITHOUT * WORK * WRITE * XML * XMLAGG * XMLATTRIBUTES * XMLBINARY * XMLCAST * XMLCOMMENT * XMLCONCAT * XMLDOCUMENT * XMLELEMENT * XMLEXISTS * XMLFOREST * XMLITERATE * XMLNAMESPACES * XMLPARSE * XMLPI * XMLQUERY * XMLSERIALIZE * XMLTABLE * XMLTEXT * XMLVALIDATE * YEAR * ZONE # DESCRIBE Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/describe ## Overview The `DESCRIBE` statement is used to show columns within a table as well as tables within a database. It is recommended to be used before creating a new table to avoid tables duplication ## Syntax Below you can find the basic syntax for describing tables within a database as well as columns within tables: ```sql DESCRIBE DATABASE; ``` ```sql DESCRIBE TABLE table_name; ``` where: `table_name`: name of the table that you want to show This statement is available to all users with the `USAGE` privilege on the schema, where the table is located ## Examples To get a better understanding of the `DESCRIBE` statement, take a look at some examples below: ### DESCRIBE Table In this example, we will figure out the columns of the **part** table. In order to do so, you need to run the query below: ```sql DESCRIBE TABLE part; ``` As a result, you will get a list of column names, column types, and nullable options from the **part** table: ```sql +----------------+------------+-------------+-------+----------+ | database_name | table_name | name | type | nullable | +----------------+------------+-------------+-------+----------+ | public | part | p_partkey | INT | f | | public | part | p_name | TEXT | f | | public | part | p_mfgr | TEXT | f | | public | part | p_category | TEXT | f | | public | part | p_brand | TEXT | f | | public | part | p_color | TEXT | f | | public | part | p_type | TEXT | f | | public | part | p_size | INT | f | | public | part | p_container | TEXT | f | +----------------+------------+-------------+-------+----------+ ``` The example above shows that the tables reside in the `public` schema (the default schema in Oxla). You can also display tables from other schemas, by following the doc [here](/sql-reference/schema) ### DESCRIBE Database In order to describe the database, you need to execute the following query: ```sql DESCRIBE DATABASE; ``` The output for the above code consists of all existing tables from the specified database, as presented below: ```sql +-----------------------------+ | name | +-----------------------------+ | supplier_scale_1_no_index | | features | | orders | | features2 | | featurestable | | featurestable1 | | featurestable10 | +-----------------------------+ ``` # DROP Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/drop # Overview In this section, we will learn how to delete the data from a table using the `DROP` statement. Running a `DROP` statement will also delete all existing records from the table. # Syntax The basic syntax for the `DROP` statement is as follows: ```sql DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] table_name; ``` In this syntax: * `table_name` defines which table you want to remove. * `IF EXISTS` is an optional parameter used to ensure no error occurs if the table does not exist. The `DROP` example below is executed in the `public` schema. You can also drop a table from another specific schema. Click [here](/sql-reference/schema) for more info. # Examples ## Case #1: Dropping the Table 1. Use the following query to create the table. ```sql CREATE TABLE warehouse ( id int, product text, qty int ); INSERT INTO warehouse (id, product, qty) VALUES (889771,'Shirt',22), (777821,'Hat',99), (103829,'Bed Cover',12); ``` 2. We can then use the SELECT statement to view the data in the table: ```sql SELECT * FROM warehouse; ``` It will generate the following result: ```sql +---------+------------+---------+ | id | product | qty | +---------+------------+---------+ | 889771 | Shirt | 22 | | 777821 | Hat | 99 | | 103829 | Bed Cover | 12 | +---------+------------+---------+ ``` 3. To delete the **warehouse** table and all its data, we can use the following query: ```sql DROP TABLE warehouse; ``` 4. If the query is executed successfully, we will get the following output: ```sql DROP TABLE Query returned successfully in 284 msec. ``` If you attempt to use the table for any operation, you will find that the table no longer exists. ## Case #2: Dropping the Table using IF EXISTS IF EXISTS can be used to prevent errors when dropping the table if the table does not exist. ### Example without IF EXISTS 1. First, drop the table without using the `IF EXISTS` option. ```sql DROP TABLE warehouse; ``` Output: ```sql DROP ``` 2. If you attempt to drop the table again without using IF EXISTS, it will result in an error. ```sql DROP TABLE warehouse; ``` Output: ```sql ERROR: relation "warehouse" does not exist ``` ### Example with IF EXISTS Now, drop the table using the IF EXISTS. ```sql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS warehouse; ``` The drop operation proceeds without errors even if the table doesn't exist. ```sql DROP ``` # INSERT INTO Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/insert-into ## **Overview** The `INSERT INTO` statement adds new rows to an existing table using a `SELECT` statement or explicitly stating input values. ## **Syntax** The basic syntax for `INSERT INTO` is as follows: ```sql INSERT INTO table_name[(columns_order)] VALUES (value 1), (value 2), ... (value n); ``` or ```sql INSERT INTO table_name[(columns_order)] select_statement; ``` Where: * `table_name`: The table name. * `(columns_order)`: Optional column order in the table. * `select_statement`: A `SELECT` statement that provides the data to insert. For example, `SELECT (value 1), (value 2), ... (value n);`. ## **Examples** ### **Case #1: Basic Usage** Let's create a distance table. ```sql CREATE TABLE distance_table (distance INT, unit TEXT); ``` We'll then insert values representing different distance measurements. ```sql INSERT INTO distance_table (distance, unit) VALUES (2000, 'kilometers'), (1000, 'meters'), (5, 'miles'); ``` Display the table using the query below. ```sql SELECT * FROM distance_table; ``` You’ll get the following output. ```sql distance | unit ----------+------------ 2000 | kilometers 1000 | meters 5 | miles ``` ### **Case #2: Switching Column Orders** In this example, we create a `weight` table with columns `kilo` and `gram`. Then, we add data using the default column order (`kilo`, `gram`). ```sql CREATE TABLE weight(kilo INT, gram INT); INSERT INTO weight SELECT 45, 52; ``` Next, we insert data with a switched column order (`gram`, `kilo`). ```sql INSERT INTO weight(gram, kilo) SELECT 45, 52; ``` Let’s see what’s on the table. ```sql SELECT * FROM weight; ``` The output displays the first row with data from the default column order and the second row with reversed data from the switched column order. ```sql kilo | gram ------+------ 45 | 52 52 | 45 ``` ### **Case #3: Inserting with a NULL Column** In this case, we only insert data into a `gram` column while leaving the `kilo` column as NULL. ```sql CREATE TABLE weight(kilo INT, gram INT); INSERT INTO weight(gram) SELECT 45; ``` Display the table. ```sql SELECT * FROM weight; ``` The output shows the first column (`kilo`) as NULL. ```sql kilo | gram ------+------ | 45 ``` ### **Case #4: Error Handling - Too Many Values** In this case, an error occurs when attempting to insert more values than the specified columns in the table. ```sql CREATE TABLE weight(kilo INT, gram INT); INSERT INTO weight SELECT 45, 52, 30; ``` The error result indicates that the table `weight` has only 2 columns. ```sql ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns ``` ### **Case #5: Error Handling - Inserting NULL into a Not-Nullable Column** In this example, you insert data into a `gram` column and a NULL value into a `kilo` column. ```sql CREATE TABLE weight(kilo INT, gram INT); INSERT INTO weight(gram) SELECT 30; ``` You will get an error result as you try to input data only in the `gram` column, leaving the `kilo` column empty, where there is a NOT NULL constraint. ```sql ERROR: null value in column "kilo" of relation "weight" violates not-null constraint ``` # Overview Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/overview ## What is a Statement? 🤨 A statement refers to a single SQL operation or a set of operations that are performed together. Statements include queries, but also a broader set of operations, such as: Retrieve, Add, Update, or Delete Data. ## How does a Statement work? 🧐 A statement is like a command or request you give someone, such as "Find all the details about my favorite book." In Oxla, this would be a `SELECT` statement. When you run a statement in Oxla, the command is processed and the requested operation is performed. This statement can affect the data stored in the table or change the database structure. *** The following articles will explain the statements that we support, with examples: Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more # SELECT Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/select ## Overview The `SELECT` statement helps you obtain the data you need from one or more tables. The application of this statement will be helpful in several cases listed below: * Evaluating data from only particular fields in a table. * Reviewing data from several tables at the same time. * Retrieving the data based on specific criteria. ## Syntax To request data from a table using the `SELECT` statement, you can use the following syntax: ```sql SELECT * FROM table_name; ``` You are allowed to filter the table by column. Refer to the syntax below. ```sql SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name; ``` We will define each syntax as follows. * `SELECT` determines the data we need from the database or a table. * `*` referred to as ***select star*** or ***asterisk*** or represents ***all***. It defines that the query should return all columns of the queried tables. * `FROM` clause indicates the table(s) to retrieve data from. * `table_name` represents the table(s) name. * `column1, column2, ...` these are used to specify the columns from where we want to retrieve the data. The `SELECT` statement is case insensitive, which means `select` **or** `SELECT` has the same result. ## Examples We have a table named **student\_data** that stores the id, name, and where the student lives. ```sql CREATE TABLE student_data ( id int, name text, domicile text ); INSERT INTO student_data (id, name, domicile) VALUES (119291,'Jordan','Los Angeles'), (119292,'Mike','Melbourne'), (119293,'Will','Sydney'); ``` All the examples below are executed in the `public` schema. You can also display table from another specific schema. Click [here](/sql-reference/schema) for more info. ### #Case 1: Query data from all columns 1. In the first case, we want to display all the data from the **student\_data** table. Please refer to the syntax below: ```sql SELECT * FROM table_name; ``` 2. Use the `SELECT` statement within the table name to get all the data: ```sql SELECT * FROM student_data; ``` 3. If you have successfully run the query, you will get all the data from the **student\_data** table. ```sql +--------+----------+----------------+ | id | name | domicile | +--------+----------+----------------+ | 119291 | Jordan | Los Angeles | | 119292 | Mike | Melbourne | | 119293 | Will | Sydney | +--------+----------+----------------+ ``` ### #Case 2: Query data from specific columns 1. We want to get the list of students' names with their IDs. Please refer to the syntax below: ```sql SELECT column_1, column_2 FROM table_name; ``` 2. Run the following query: ```sql SELECT id, name FROM student_data; ``` 3. If you have successfully run the query, you will get a list of students' IDs & names from the **student\_data** table. ```sql +--------+----------+ | id | name | +--------+----------+ | 119291 | Jordan | | 119292 | Mike | | 119293 | Will | +--------+----------+ ``` ### #Case 3: Query data from a specific column with the condition 1. If we have a large number of data, skimming for the desired data will require a long time. We can apply some conditions to the `SELECT` statement. Please refer to the syntax below: ```sql SELECT column_1 FROM table_name WHERE condition; ``` 2. Let's say we want to know the student's name who lives in Sydney, have a look and run the query below: ```sql SELECT name FROM student_data WHERE domicile='Sydney'; ``` 3. If you have successfully run the query, we now know that Will lives in Sydney. ```sql +----------+ | name | +----------+ | Will | +----------+ ``` # SET/SHOW Source: https://docs.oxla.com/sql-reference/sql-statements/set-show ## **Overview** The `SET` statement lets you set specific options, and the `SHOW` statement helps you see the current values in Oxla. ## **Syntax** **SET Syntax** ```sql SET