Aggregate functions compute a single result from a set of input values. Oxla supports the following functions:

SUMCalculates and returns the sum of all values.
MINCalculates and returns the minimum value.
FOR_MINCalculates and returns a value corresponding to the minimal metric in the same row from a set of values.
MAXCalculates and returns the maximum value.
FOR_MAXCalculates and Returns a value corresponding to the maximum metric in the same row from a set of values.
AVGCalculates and returns the average value.
COUNTCounts the number of rows.
BOOL_ANDCalculates the boolean of all the boolean values in the aggregated group. FALSE if at least one of aggregated rows is FALSE
BOOL_ORCalculates the boolean of all the boolean values in the aggregated group. TRUE if at least one of aggregated rows is TRUE.
Function qualifierDescription
DISTINCTAllows aggregation functions to operate on a distinct set of values within a column.
You can utilize the aggregate functions with the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses in the SELECT statement.