
The CEIL() function returns the nearest positive or negative integer value greater than or equal to the provided decimal input number.


The syntax of the CEIL() function is as follows:


The CEIL() function requires one argument:

  • x: A positive or a negative decimal number (or an expression that evaluates to a decimal number).


Case #1: Rounding up a positive decimal value

The following example demonstrates how the CEIL() function rounds up a positive decimal value:

SELECT CEIL (300.55);

As shown below, it will return 301, as it is the nearest integer value greater than 300.55.

| f    |
| 301  |

Case #2: Rounding up a negative decimal value

The following example demonstrates how the CEIL() function rounds up a negative decimal value:

SELECT CEIL(-89.9) AS "Ceil";

The output of this statement will be -89, as -89 is the nearest integer value greater than or equal to -89.9, as shown below.

| Ceil  |
| -89   |

Case #3: Using the CEIL() function with a table

The following example demonstrates how the CEIL() function can be used with a table to round up the values in a specific column:

  1. First, create a table called CeilRecords with the following query:
CREATE TABLE CeilRecords (numbers float);
INSERT INTO CeilRecords(numbers) 

The above statement will create a table called “CeilRecords” with a column called “numbers” and insert 5 decimal values into it.

  1. The statement below can be used to retrieve and round up the value for all records in the column *numbers:
SELECT *, CEIL(numbers) AS CeilValue FROM CeilRecords;

The final result will contain the following:

  • A numbers column with initial decimal values.

  • A CeilValue column with rounded-up integer values.

| numbers  | CeilValue  |
| -28.85  | -28        |
| -9.4    | -9         |
| 0.87    | 1          |
| 78.16   | 79         |
| 42.16   | 43         |