
The LENGTH() function is used to find the length of a string, i.e., the number of characters in a given string. It accepts a string as a parameter. Syntax of the length function is illustrated below:


The input type is a string, and the return type is int, as it returns the number of characters.

💡Special cases:

  • If a null value is passed in the function, i.e., LENGTH(NULL), it will return NULL.

  • If the parameter is an empty string LENGTH("), it will return 0.

  • If the parameter is a space character LENGTH(''), not empty or null, it will return 1 as it is not empty anymore.


#Case 1: Basic LENGTH() function

The below example uses the LENGTH() function to find out the length of a string text:

SELECT LENGTH ('Oxla PostgreSQL Tutorial');

The final output will be as follows:

| length     |
| 24         |

#Case 2: LENGTH() function using columns

Let’s see how the LENGTH() function works on the personal_details table containing the employee’s id, first_name, last_name, and gender of a retail store as columns.

CREATE TABLE personal_details (
  id int,
  first_name text,
  last_name text,
  gender text
INSERT INTO personal_details 
    (id, first_name, last_name, gender) 
SELECT * FROM personal_details;

The above query will show the following table:

| id  | first_name  | last_name   | gender   |
| 1   | Mark        | Wheeler     | M        |
| 2   | Tom         | Hanks       | M        |
| 3   | Jane        | Hopper      | F        |
| 4   | Emily       | Byers       | F        |
| 5   | Lucas       | Sinclair    | M        |

The following query returns the last name and the length of the last name from the personal_details table, where the length of the last_name is greater than 5.

SELECT last_name,length(last_name)
AS "Length of Last Name"
FROM personal_details
WHERE LENGTH(last_name) > 5;

The output displays all those items in the last_name column with a length of more than 5 characters.

| last_name     | Length of Last Name   |
| Wheeler       | 7                     |
| Hopper        | 6                     |
| Sinclair      | 8                     |