
The REPLACE() function looks for and replaces a substring with a new one in a string. This function is often used to update the outdated or spelling mistakes in data that require an amendment.

Oxla also has the REGEXP_REPLACE() function. It enables you to search and replace a substring(s) that matches with a POSIX regular expression. See here for more info.


The REPLACE() function syntax is described as follows.

REPLACE(string, old_substring, new_substring)

The syntax requires three arguments, explained below:

  • string: the string that you want to replace.

  • old_substring: the substring that you want to replace. All parts will be replaced if it appears multiple times in the string.

  • new_substring: the new substring that will replace the old one**.**

The REPLACE() function performs a case-sensitive replacement.


Case #1: Basic REPLACE() function

We will replace the substring of the “OxlaDatabase” string from “**New” **to “Oxla”, as shown below:

SELECT REPLACE ('NewDatabase', 'New', 'Oxla');

The REPLACE() function will find and replace all occurrences in the string and return the following:

| f                   |
| OxlaDatabase        |

Case #2: Replacing the specified values in a table

This example shows how to replace the values of a specific column in a table.

  1. Create a new table named extracurriculars with club and category columns and insert the values into the respective columns.
  club text,
  category text
    (club, category) 
  1. Retrieve all values from the table using the following query.
SELECT * FROM hobby;
| club       | category      |
| Bridge     | group         |
| Painting   | individual    |
| Basketball | group         |
| Volleyball | group         |
  1. Replace the “group” value in the category column with** “sports”.**
SELECT REPLACE(category, 'group', 'sports') from hobby;
  1. The final result will look like the following. 
| f            |
| sports       |
| individual   |
| sports       |
| sports       |

Case #3: Remove a word with REPLACE() function

In the following example, we will remove **“Friends” **in a string with a REPLACE() function.

SELECT REPLACE('Hello Friends','Friends','');

The final output will leave the remaining word, “Hello”.

| f         |
| Hello     |

Case #4: Replace multiple patterns with REPLACE() function

The following example uses the REPLACE() function to replace multiple patterns of the given string.

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE('2*[9-5]/{4+8}', '[', '('), ']', ')'), '{', '('), '}', ')');

We can see that the REPLACE function is called multiple times to replace the corresponding string as specified:

  • the [] into ()

  • the {} into ()

| f                |
| 2*(9-5)/(4-8)    |