String functions are used to analyze and manipulate string values. Oxla supports the following String functions:

LENGTH()Returns the number of characters in a string.
LOWER()Makes string lowercase.
UPPER()Makes string upper case.
STARTS_WITH()It returns true if the first argument starts with the second argument.
ENDS_WITH()It returns true if the first argument ends with the second argument.
CONCAT()Concatenates all inputs into a single result.Concatenates all inputs into a single result.Concatenates all inputs into a single result.Concatenates all inputs into a single result.Concatenates all inputs into a single result.
SUBSTR()Retrieves substring.
STRPOS()Finds the position at which the substring (defined as a second argument) starts within the string (defined as a first argument).
REGEXP_REPLACE()Substitutes new text for substrings that match POSIX regular expression patterns.
REPLACE()Finds and replaces a substring with a new one in a string.
POSITION()Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.

String operators:

text ~ text -> booleanReturn true if the first argument matches the pattern of the second argument in case sensitive match.
text ~* text -> booleanReturn true if the first argument matches the pattern of the second argument in a case-insensitive match.
text !~ text -> booleanReturn true if the first argument does not match the pattern of the second argument in case sensitive match.
text !~* text -> booleanReturn true if the first argument does not match the pattern of the second argument in a case-insensitive match.